Help! I need a fast weight loss plan



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    You know what? I changed my mind. The "loose weight quick" mindset has no impact on me

    I'm going to go google "safe effective weight loss" and read all the well-written articles offering practical advice based on peer reviewed literature.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I want help. But not sane, reasonable advice. Lord, I get so tired of seeing this carp on the boards.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    I chose to respond and will not pretend not to care while still responding. There is a quite a bit of information in this thread that could be useful to people, despite the fact that the OP started off looking for a solution that is not optimal.

    At no point did I say that anyone should or should not respond. What I said was that there seemed to be a lot of investment in perception that is not necessarily based on the OP's thoughts or intentions. She did not speak about anyone else's experience. She put herself and her reasoning right out there. She did not imply that anyone else's experience was invalid. That line of thinking was projected into the thread.

    And again people who are looking for solid information, can find it in this thread. People who are not ready to look honestly at what they need to do individually to make changes will have a variety of outcomes.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Our whole culture is based on instant results and fast, faster, fastest and hundreds of millions of dollars are spent annually to convince us that we can lose weight quickly (and spot reduce too) so I guess I wonder why wouldn't a lot of people think that? It's the message they've heard their whole life and it takes time and, in my case at least, a good deal of effort to unlearn that. And it's something people really want to believe too - I sure wish there was a quicker fix.

    So I understand what you're saying but it doesn't make me angry. I just don't take it personally because I know people don't really mean it that way and they're not thinking about me but they're thinking about themselves.

    Just my 2cents.

    exactly. ... LOL

    AND if I feel irritated by a numerous redundant topics I do not have to get sarcastic because I can easily not reply. Lmao...
    No one is obligated or getting paid to post. Lol
  • dermatome
    dermatome Posts: 16 Member
    The head weighs about 10lbs. Get rid of that for a great start.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    You're a personal/fitness trainer and that is your best answer?

    I think many people on mfp forget that they were once new here, that they all had different motivations for joining, or starting their weight loss journey. The OP joined in March and has lost 4lbs. She may not realize that slow and steady is the best way. Giving her sarcastic answers isn't really helping. She may not realize that a 2lb per week weight loss is already a great thing. How about some actual good advice for someone who is asking for help.

    OP, my advice is, Log all your food. Stay below your calorie goals, and work out for 30 minutes, 5 times a week. No, it's not going to get you shredded, but I guarantee after 5 weeks you will be feeling a lot better about yourself, whether you've lost 5 or 10 pounds. That was my plan when I first started. 5 weeks later, I just felt plain good. The working out is a must though! And 30 minutes a day is totally doable! Baby steps. You can do this!!

    well said!!!
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    You know what? I changed my mind. The "loose weight quick" mindset has no impact on me

    I'm going to go google "safe effective weight loss" and read all the well-written articles offering practical advice based on peer reviewed literature.

    NO. WAY. Get off of here with your logic, common sense, and grown up behavior!
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    I chose to respond and will not pretend not to care while still responding. There is a quite a bit of information in this thread that could be useful to people, despite the fact that the OP started off looking for a solution that is not optimal.

    At no point did I say that anyone should or should not respond. What I said was that there seemed to be a lot of investment in perception that is not necessarily based on the OP's thoughts or intentions. She did not speak about anyone else's experience. She put herself and her reasoning right out there. She did not imply that anyone else's experience was invalid. That line of thinking was projected into the thread.

    And again people who are looking for solid information, can find it in this thread. People who are not ready to look honestly at what they need to do individually to make changes will have a variety of outcomes.

    Actually, yes, yes you did. You flat out said if he was going to be negative then he shouldn't respond. However, HE said in his original post that his irritation wasn't aimed at OP, but rather the implication from others on this very thread that you CAN drop weight super fast and others just choose to ignore it. The problem with these threads is multi-fold with just a few right off the top of my head that they imply that you should do something that isn't healthy (she said she didn't want to hear that), that people here will help and encourage it (some folks sure did), and that the rules of MFP don't apply. So, while I get your point to some degree, your perception in this case is skewed quite wonky, too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    You know what? I changed my mind. The "loose weight quick" mindset has no impact on me

    I'm going to go google "safe effective weight loss" and read all the well-written articles offering practical advice based on peer reviewed literature.

    NO. WAY. Get off of here with your logic, common sense, and grown up behavior!

    Unfortunately, all I could find is 28-day-fixes and 8 foods to demonize.

    So...I'm back.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    You know what? I changed my mind. The "loose weight quick" mindset has no impact on me

    I'm going to go google "safe effective weight loss" and read all the well-written articles offering practical advice based on peer reviewed literature.

    NO. WAY. Get off of here with your logic, common sense, and grown up behavior!

    Unfortunately, all I could find is 28-day-fixes and 8 foods to demonize.

    So...I'm back.

  • I lose 4kg in 5 days in a row ....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I lose 4kg in 5 days in a row ....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    That's called glycogen and it's not fat
  • Because telling someone to eat 1000 (and I'm assuming you are not including eating back exercise cals either) is not only wrong, but also against the CG as it is promoting "Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques". If you are going to do a VLCD, it should be under doctor supervision.

    I cant believe the negativity on this board, I would never tell someone to do something that I thought was harmful, I have no idea what is deemed healthy & unhealthy. Im here to lose weight & learn better habits just like everyone else. Maybe Im uninformed but to me what I said seemed like a reasonable amount for short tern weight loss & its what IM currently doing so I suggested it.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    This thread has zero impact on my own personal situation. And I don't really care what OP does. She's just one person. However, I *do* care about the message it sends to the millions of other MFPers who aren't OP, some of whom are on my FL...enough that I decided to address it.

    Similarly, I don't really care what *you* think about my post either. *shrug*

    Then why respond at all except for an investment in the negative? Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices. People new to the site and people who have been around for a while all have personal choices to make. If it has zero impact on your situation, then there is very little to be angry about. The OP asked a question, to which she knew the answer. If someone who is new to the site comes along and reads the thread, they have access to all of the reasonable advice given to the OP and they can see for themselves that the OP was willing to make an unhealthy choice.

    Everyone is going to make his or her own choices based on their perceptions. People who are ready to face reality and make changes will take the useful information on board, do their investigations and have positive results. No one is required to take good advice. People who want to move on will take good advice. And like clockwork someone will start a similar thread tomorrow or the day after.

    He's responding for the same reason you are responding -- it touches a nerve. You could do the same you're saying Jof should do -- you could just ignore what he is saying and move on. The difference is his is constructive criticism of a real problem with people who REALLY do think that 'fast and easy' is the way to go instead of moderate to slow. Your criticism of his take on it is just that -- criticism.

    I chose to respond and will not pretend not to care while still responding. There is a quite a bit of information in this thread that could be useful to people, despite the fact that the OP started off looking for a solution that is not optimal.

    At no point did I say that anyone should or should not respond. What I said was that there seemed to be a lot of investment in perception that is not necessarily based on the OP's thoughts or intentions. She did not speak about anyone else's experience. She put herself and her reasoning right out there. She did not imply that anyone else's experience was invalid. That line of thinking was projected into the thread.

    And again people who are looking for solid information, can find it in this thread. People who are not ready to look honestly at what they need to do individually to make changes will have a variety of outcomes.

    Actually, yes, yes you did. You flat out said if he was going to be negative then he shouldn't respond. However, HE said in his original post that his irritation wasn't aimed at OP, but rather the implication from others on this very thread that you CAN drop weight super fast and others just choose to ignore it. The problem with these threads is multi-fold with just a few right off the top of my head that they imply that you should do something that isn't healthy (she said she didn't want to hear that), that people here will help and encourage it (some folks sure did), and that the rules of MFP don't apply. So, while I get your point to some degree, your perception in this case is skewed quite wonky, too.

    No I did not say what anyone should or should not do. I pointed out that going out of the way to say one does not care at length is inconsistent with not caring. The post is right there. There is nothing skewed about my perception.

    The OP is responsible for herself, her journey and her feelings. Not taking advice is not a necessarily a reflection of the quality of the advice. The OP's post is about the OP. Implying that her intentions, or the intentions of people who make similar post, are inherently about other people's journeys just is a large leap at best. And in this case that leap is not based on anything the OP said. That is projection, and in this case anger base on an unfounded projection.

    There is questionable advice in this thread, and many others. There is good advice in this thread and in many others. At no time are we as individuals not responsible for investigating what we see as good information further.

    If quick fixes worked for sustained weight loss, gain or recomposition no one would need this tool. It's up to the individual to accept that and be honest in their commitment to their health. Not everyone is ready to make that change. Not everyone is successful in their first or fifth attempt. Not getting to that at place at any point is in no way inherently disrespectful to anyone else or a comment on any one else's experience.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Because telling someone to eat 1000 (and I'm assuming you are not including eating back exercise cals either) is not only wrong, but also against the CG as it is promoting "Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques". If you are going to do a VLCD, it should be under doctor supervision.
    I cant believe the negativity on this board, I would never tell someone to do something that I thought was harmful, I have no idea what is deemed healthy & unhealthy. Im here to lose weight & learn better habits just like everyone else. Maybe Im uninformed but to me what I said seemed like a reasonable amount for short tern weight loss & its what IM currently doing so I suggested it.
    So it's ok to say something that could hurt someone's health, as long as you don't say something that might hurt someone's feelings.
  • As I previously said I didnt realize it was unhealthy, its what Im doing & its only 200 less calories then what mfp recommends so I thought it was fine.. simply saying ya know I think your doing things all wrong & are uninformed would have been sufficient.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    You -want- a fast weight loss plan. This is not a realistic want.

    Your needs can be found on the back of the box, or at least some of them can be. Your best bet? Find stuff to wear that makes you look good and start on slowly losing weight.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    As I previously said I didnt realize it was unhealthy, its what Im doing & its only 200 less calories then what mfp recommends so I thought it was fine.. simply saying ya know I think your doing things all wrong & are uninformed would have been sufficient.

    I call BS. MFP tells you that you are undereating if you close out your diary with fewer than 1200 calories.
  • laxi445
    laxi445 Posts: 1
    Just goto below link.. it definitely help you out
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Just goto below link.. it definitely help you out

    You just made baby Jesus cry.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    As I previously said I didnt realize it was unhealthy, its what Im doing & its only 200 less calories then what mfp recommends so I thought it was fine.. simply saying ya know I think your doing things all wrong & are uninformed would have been sufficient.

    I call BS. MFP tells you that you are undereating if you close out your diary with fewer than 1200 calories.

    I didn't know that so tried it and you're right.

    However, in huge writing it says a pretty attractive "If every day were like today you would weigh..... IN LARGE BOLDED RED TEXT! Pretty appealing

    Then tucked away in small print is the warning of which you spoke


    I'm pretty sure I would have missed that if I hadn't been looking - really wouldn't have taken much notice