


  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    ok- here are my thoughts on Paleo. It's a really strict plan that is wonderful for people with health issues. It has helped many friends of mine when medicine wasn't. I think it can also help someone who is having trouble controling their diet thru moderation. I have used it for that and on day 2 of a Whole30 right now. I know my ticker only says 1 pound lost but I have lost 75. I have done Paleo ( i just hate labels so i cringe as I type out Paleo) for a few weeks to get my mind back in the game. I still struggle with moderation. So being really strict for a few weeks helps me.

    I just want to say that I have trained with a competitive crossfitter for over a year and have trained in crossfit gym for a few months. It has never been mentioned to me to follow Paleo. Yes I know most of the people there do, I have not been given the kool-aid i guess. I guess I am a lucky one.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member

    I would add though that I don't claim to follow a strict paleo diet because I don't like to follow labels. I have naturally gravitated towards a paleo style diet because I find it the best for my body and I allow myself to go off track occasionally if I really just want something "bad".

    Define "bad."
  • lablamires
    lablamires Posts: 83 Member
    I have been mainly paleo for a few years, but I have always had an aversion to many grains anyway. I knew I had difficulty digesting them but I ate them because I thought they were ever so good for me, but when I found out that they actually offer very little in the way of nutrients compared with other foods and contain substances that block the absorption of certain minerals and contain things that irritate the gut I didn't hesitate to cut them out completely. I am also quite carb sensitive and I stopped believing that I somehow needed refined carbohydrates and realised they are not very good for you. I also had major issues with sugar and cutting it out has helped me lose weight and feel better.

    There is absolutely nothing bad about paleo. It's simply about eating whole nutrient dense real foods and minimising stressing out the digestive system with hard to digest foods and toxins. Some people might find it difficult or restrictive, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with having some flexibility and having not so good for you foods on occasion. It's great for people who are suffering with their health and have sensitive stomachs or digestive problems. It's also very freeing to accept that saturated fat is not bad for you and low fat foods are not the amazingly wonderful healthy foods many people think they are. I feel very satisfied with my meals and they keep me going for long periods. When you don't have to make space in your diet for refined grains you have more space for healthy proteins and fats.

    I would add though that I don't claim to follow a strict paleo diet because I don't like to follow labels. I have naturally gravitated towards a paleo style diet because I find it the best for my body and I allow myself to go off track occasionally if I really just want something "bad".

    You sound like me. I struggle really bad with sugar as well.
    Thanks for your post. It helped a lot. I would probably be a lot like you in the fact that I would allow myself to go off track occasionally for a party or what not, and not be strictly "Paleo" but apply a lot of it's eating principles to my lifestyle.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265

    I would add though that I don't claim to follow a strict paleo diet because I don't like to follow labels. I have naturally gravitated towards a paleo style diet because I find it the best for my body and I allow myself to go off track occasionally if I really just want something "bad".

    Define "bad."

    I would define "bad" as foods that have low nutrient value and high in calories and anti nutrients and that cause stress to the body. E.g. refined and processed foods.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    I have been mainly paleo for a few years, but I have always had an aversion to many grains anyway. I knew I had difficulty digesting them but I ate them because I thought they were ever so good for me, but when I found out that they actually offer very little in the way of nutrients compared with other foods and contain substances that block the absorption of certain minerals and contain things that irritate the gut I didn't hesitate to cut them out completely. I am also quite carb sensitive and I stopped believing that I somehow needed refined carbohydrates and realised they are not very good for you. I also had major issues with sugar and cutting it out has helped me lose weight and feel better.

    There is absolutely nothing bad about paleo. It's simply about eating whole nutrient dense real foods and minimising stressing out the digestive system with hard to digest foods and toxins. Some people might find it difficult or restrictive, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with having some flexibility and having not so good for you foods on occasion. It's great for people who are suffering with their health and have sensitive stomachs or digestive problems. It's also very freeing to accept that saturated fat is not bad for you and low fat foods are not the amazingly wonderful healthy foods many people think they are. I feel very satisfied with my meals and they keep me going for long periods. When you don't have to make space in your diet for refined grains you have more space for healthy proteins and fats.

    I would add though that I don't claim to follow a strict paleo diet because I don't like to follow labels. I have naturally gravitated towards a paleo style diet because I find it the best for my body and I allow myself to go off track occasionally if I really just want something "bad".

    You sound like me. I struggle really bad with sugar as well.
    Thanks for your post. It helped a lot. I would probably be a lot like you in the fact that I would allow myself to go off track occasionally for a party or what not, and not be strictly "Paleo" but apply a lot of it's eating principles to my lifestyle.

    A lot of people struggle with sugar. I get heart palpitations and uncontrollable urges to binge and I just cannot stop. I can't have a small piece of chocolate, I have to have the whole bar. It's actually awful. I do occasionally have sugar because I have a real sweet tooth and it's so hard to get anything indulgent and sweet that doesn't contain sugar. I'd much rather use raw honey but it is very expensive. I would say that eating "junk" foods occasionally is much better for your body than eating some every day as long as it's within your calorie goal. Your body never gets a break, you know? I'm sure I'd have diabetes by now if I hadn't majorly cut down on my sugar. I can handle it better if I do plenty of exercise after eating it, but that can be a hassle.

    Glad I could be of help :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I think different diets work differently for different people.

    I personally find Paleo to be perfect for me, but I do primal like Marks Daily Apple, and I have dairy.

    I recently went off of my Primal style eating to try a TDEE style diet and rapidly gained weight.

    I know TDEE has plenty of scientific research supporting it, and others have had success with it, so I'm not saying it's terrible and doesn't work. I'm saying it's terrible and doesn't work FOR ME.

    On TDEE I felt my life was wrapped in numbers, and it felt very unnatural to me.

    I don't truly believe I was designed to eat 1,600 exactly every single day.

    Some days I was force feeding myself, some starving. I like Paleo.

    With Paleo I eat when I want. No one cares if I have 1,200, 1,400 or 1,600 kcal in a day.

    With Paleo, it's way easier for me to stay within my calorie goal, so it's really working TDEE and Paleo ideas!

    A lot of people hate the word "Paleo" because it is true that with enough number crunching and calorie restriction, you are bound to lose weight. For me personally that was HARD.

    If I went over my calories I had to skip dinner or gain a couple of pounds, and my family was NOT happy about that.

    It's true that the Paleo diet isn't Paleolithic, that's marketing.

    That doesn't change the fact that for ME choosing Paleo foods, recipes, and lifestyle is tremendously rewarding for weight loss, energy levels, and quality of life.

    Some of the smartest folks on here are hard core IIFM, TDEE and Paleo.

    I'm sure their way works like a charm for them.

    I'm not negating their success or their research.

    I am sharing my own story. It works for me.

    I'm relatively simple. I'm not calculating macros and calories all day because I am a single mom with a full time job.

    It's so simple.

    I just pick a recipe, cook it, eat it, log it, and 9 times out of 10 I'm below the calorie goal, low-carb, and losing weight.

    Good luck.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It is worth noting I am VERY allergic to gluten and came to Paleo from an already gluten free diet.

    So, I am allergic to wheat, I live without legumes and other grains (easily!) and have dairy.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I completely agree with SonicZ90X.

    This is the friendliest Paleo thread in the history of MFP, BTW.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member

    If it helps with health conditions you have, then go for it I guess. But don't assume it's inherently "healthier" than a regular sensible diet.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I researched it, I have family who are partners in a cross fit gym and is hard core...and he tried to convert me...he really did...

    but the thought of no grains/dairy totally turned me off...

    I don't like being restricted in any sense...

    And to top it all off he fell off the paleo brother who has gluten issues...eats pretty much primal...which is fine for him as he has medical conditions.

    I personally cannot see people doing this type of eating for life...they may do it for a while but they all eventually fall off the wagon. Even my brother does and it causes "actual pain" because he craves certian foods so much he is just willing to put up with it...(mind you he has meds for those occassions which help calm things down...*cough medicinal cough*...

    I researched it, talked to those doing it, chose not to. I definately prefer to eat whatever I want as long as it fits...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Alright, I've been a little afraid to post this because I heard it will start "forum flame wars," but I've just heard different things about it and I was wondering exactly what it is and why it may be good/bad for you. What are the pros/cons? Have any of you tried it?

    Sorry in advance for any arguments this thread may cause....

    Pros - Get to join the cult of paleo, may also be accepted to the cult of crossfit

    Cons- Unnecessary for weightloss and health (medical reasons not withstanding), wheat, legumes and dairy are pretty tasty

    Pros - get to make a choice as an adult about a life style of eating ( your life, your rules)

    Cons - get derped at on MFP by the A&I.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I completely agree with SonicZ90X.

    This is the friendliest Paleo thread in the history of MFP, BTW.

    People have yet to dig through your food diary. Just wait. The storm is coming.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member

    If it helps with health conditions you have, then go for it I guess. But don't assume it's inherently "healthier" than a regular sensible diet.

    I agree. I dont think Paleo is healthier than a sensible diet, unless it's a medical reason. For me...its a mental thing. Like today, if I was following IIFIYM, I would have room for a snickers or something really good. My protein and fats will have been hit and still under in calories and carbs. But I know at the point I am at right now, it would not stop at a snickers.

    When i go a few weeks eating Paleo, I still log my calories. because I could easily eat 1000cal of bacon a day! And in the end it is calories in vs calories out. Sometimes I just need to be really stict to reset my brain.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    There's really no science based evidence of what our H-g'er brothers ate, let alone what paleo is trying to pass off as those foods. It's a fad diet with a catchy name that is marketed at a demographic that would find this theory romantic and exotic.........good food though, just not all the ones I like.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I think different diets work differently for different people.

    I personally find Paleo to be perfect for me, but I do primal like Marks Daily Apple, and I have dairy.

    I recently went off of my Primal style eating to try a TDEE style diet and rapidly gained weight.

    I know TDEE has plenty of scientific research supporting it, and others have had success with it, so I'm not saying it's terrible and doesn't work. I'm saying it's terrible and doesn't work FOR ME.

    On TDEE I felt my life was wrapped in numbers, and it felt very unnatural to me.

    I don't truly believe I was designed to eat 1,600 exactly every single day.

    Some days I was force feeding myself, some starving. I like Paleo.

    With Paleo I eat when I want. No one cares if I have 1,200, 1,400 or 1,600 kcal in a day.

    With Paleo, it's way easier for me to stay within my calorie goal, so it's really working TDEE and Paleo ideas!

    A lot of people hate the word "Paleo" because it is true that with enough number crunching and calorie restriction, you are bound to lose weight. For me personally that was HARD.

    If I went over my calories I had to skip dinner or gain a couple of pounds, and my family was NOT happy about that.

    It's true that the Paleo diet isn't Paleolithic, that's marketing.

    That doesn't change the fact that for ME choosing Paleo foods, recipes, and lifestyle is tremendously rewarding for weight loss, energy levels, and quality of life.

    Some of the smartest folks on here are hard core IIFM, TDEE and Paleo.

    I'm sure their way works like a charm for them.

    I'm not negating their success or their research.

    I am sharing my own story. It works for me.

    I'm relatively simple. I'm not calculating macros and calories all day because I am a single mom with a full time job.

    It's so simple.

    I just pick a recipe, cook it, eat it, log it, and 9 times out of 10 I'm below the calorie goal, low-carb, and losing weight.

    Good luck.

  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I think different diets work differently for different people.

    I personally find Paleo to be perfect for me, but I do primal like Marks Daily Apple, and I have dairy.

    I recently went off of my Primal style eating to try a TDEE style diet and rapidly gained weight.

    I know TDEE has plenty of scientific research supporting it, and others have had success with it, so I'm not saying it's terrible and doesn't work. I'm saying it's terrible and doesn't work FOR ME.

    On TDEE I felt my life was wrapped in numbers, and it felt very unnatural to me.

    I don't truly believe I was designed to eat 1,600 exactly every single day.

    Some days I was force feeding myself, some starving. I like Paleo.

    With Paleo I eat when I want. No one cares if I have 1,200, 1,400 or 1,600 kcal in a day.

    With Paleo, it's way easier for me to stay within my calorie goal, so it's really working TDEE and Paleo ideas!

    A lot of people hate the word "Paleo" because it is true that with enough number crunching and calorie restriction, you are bound to lose weight. For me personally that was HARD.

    If I went over my calories I had to skip dinner or gain a couple of pounds, and my family was NOT happy about that.

    It's true that the Paleo diet isn't Paleolithic, that's marketing.

    That doesn't change the fact that for ME choosing Paleo foods, recipes, and lifestyle is tremendously rewarding for weight loss, energy levels, and quality of life.

    Some of the smartest folks on here are hard core IIFM, TDEE and Paleo.

    I'm sure their way works like a charm for them.

    I'm not negating their success or their research.

    I am sharing my own story. It works for me.

    I'm relatively simple. I'm not calculating macros and calories all day because I am a single mom with a full time job.

    It's so simple.

    I just pick a recipe, cook it, eat it, log it, and 9 times out of 10 I'm below the calorie goal, low-carb, and losing weight.

    Good luck.

    ^^^^^^this makes little to no sense

  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Well, I had heard about it (mostly good things, honestly) but I didn't really know any details about what "eating paleo" entails. I knew they didn't do wheat or dairy, but I didn't know about the legumes (which I've learned on this thread) I'm also just looking for people's personal experiences/opinions on the Paleo diet. Honestly, I was only thinking about trying it for about a month, just to see if I could do it and If I really felt any different/better, and if I did then I would consider continuing it.

    Try it and see. Some people have great results, some don't. It's personal to you.
    Personally I didn't get on with it at all (and considering I don't eat gluten anyway...). It gave me digestive issues, stomach pains, massive constant food cravings and I never felt satisfied, so I overate and put on weight. It also affected my mood and sleep. And not in a good way. And it's so expensive! But like I said, different things suit different people, that was just my experience.
    P.s. I have yet to meet anyone that eats 100% Paleo. Everyone says 'mostly'.

    ETA: and yeah the reasoning behind cutting out or including some of the foods is pretty dodgy. For example all the nasty things legumes are meant to have in them nuts have too, but with the legumes they're removed by soaking and boiling anyway... If you go into it all there's loads of contradictions and it doesn't really make sense.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I don't buy into all that "ancestral diet" whoo-ha.

    But I really like eating a Primal diet.

    I feel healthier
    Never feel like my blood sugar is dropping (that faint, weak, NEED TO EAT feeling) but instead just a slow hunger before meals
    The foods aren't addictive for me - limited desire to binge eat
    I wake up more smoothly & easily
    Fuels my fasted morning runs better
    GI system functions much more smoothly - minimal reflux, normal BM, less growly/gassy
    "Recipes" are easy - tend to cook more homemade meals (cheaper & healthier)
    Slim down a few pounds while eating more calories. Apparently I bloat from non-primal foods.

    Can feel very restricting if you're super strict. I'm not. I eat primal the majority of the time, but I'll eat some gluten-free pasta or splurge on meals with friends. I try to never eat any gluten or legumes and very minimal fructose - all of which I seem to be intolerant to.

    Sample Day from last week:
    Breakfast: Panfry a few pieces of bacon, drain the fat, scramble in a few eggs
    Lunch: cottage cheese, leftover chicken drumsticks, dates
    Dinner: hamburger with cheese & mustard (no bun), baked potato, sauteed spinach
    Snack: Homemade popcorn with butter

    (popcorn isn't really primal - I just never cut out corn)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I think different diets work differently for different people.

    I personally find Paleo to be perfect for me, but I do primal like Marks Daily Apple, and I have dairy.

    I recently went off of my Primal style eating to try a TDEE style diet and rapidly gained weight.

    I know TDEE has plenty of scientific research supporting it, and others have had success with it, so I'm not saying it's terrible and doesn't work. I'm saying it's terrible and doesn't work FOR ME.

    On TDEE I felt my life was wrapped in numbers, and it felt very unnatural to me.

    I don't truly believe I was designed to eat 1,600 exactly every single day.

    Some days I was force feeding myself, some starving. I like Paleo.

    With Paleo I eat when I want. No one cares if I have 1,200, 1,400 or 1,600 kcal in a day.

    With Paleo, it's way easier for me to stay within my calorie goal, so it's really working TDEE and Paleo ideas!

    A lot of people hate the word "Paleo" because it is true that with enough number crunching and calorie restriction, you are bound to lose weight. For me personally that was HARD.

    If I went over my calories I had to skip dinner or gain a couple of pounds, and my family was NOT happy about that.

    It's true that the Paleo diet isn't Paleolithic, that's marketing.

    That doesn't change the fact that for ME choosing Paleo foods, recipes, and lifestyle is tremendously rewarding for weight loss, energy levels, and quality of life.

    Some of the smartest folks on here are hard core IIFM, TDEE and Paleo.

    I'm sure their way works like a charm for them.

    I'm not negating their success or their research.

    I am sharing my own story. It works for me.

    I'm relatively simple. I'm not calculating macros and calories all day because I am a single mom with a full time job.

    It's so simple.

    I just pick a recipe, cook it, eat it, log it, and 9 times out of 10 I'm below the calorie goal, low-carb, and losing weight.

    Good luck.

    ^^^^^^this makes little to no sense to people who do not know anything about LCHF diets



  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I probably know more than you do. Enough to know that there is a macronutrient distribution associated with paleo and orimal eating so therefore macros are important and worth tracking and also enough to know that paleo doesn't operate outside the laws of thermodynamics.

    I've read a little on the topic, but don't mind me.