Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36

OK well I am stressing just a bit because one I have gained 5 pounds in one week and I thought it was my period but NO there has been nothing.Unless I calculated my period wrong I am at least 4 days late so I was originally supposed to start on the 28th of Sept and I didn't so I thought maybe I miscalculated and it will come in a few days.2 days later nothing so I took a pregnancy test.Comes back negative!!! 2 more days pass nothing and at this point I am thinking could I be pregnant :noway: :noway: So I take another pregnancy test (thank God for the Dollar store tests) comes back with faint positive.So I am thinking I am seeing things so I ask my oldest daughter to look at it she says mom I see that.So I wait again another day and take 2 more.Now the test all say positive but they are really faint and that has me worried because with my first pregnancy that I lost the test were faint but my hubby says not to worry that it still just may be to early in the pregnancy.So 4 test positive and 2 that weren't.I am guessing I miscalculated my period but I still am getting a positive reading and now that I think about it I am freaking out inside and out.I am going to continue to be here with you girls if I am because I am still going to eat right and exercise I just kind of was hoping to be smaller before this happened again but if this is in Gods plan for me than I am happy and very blessed.Sorry to rant I just don't know what to think right now.My hubby said to wait another week and see if the test lines show a darker positive and then we will call the doc.No bleeding going on just mild cramps and lower back pain and having to pee like crazy.


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    ANN!!! Congratulations!! Fingers and toes crossed for you! :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - With abby i had several real faints they then gradually got darker...i would even take pictures of it and try to zoom in and then post it on the ttc board i was on. Congrats on those pos+++ ...So weird i had a dream last night i was pregant , like 5 months and didn't know until the baby was moving ...maybe it was a sign for you :smile:

    Take it easy , if you eat good i bet when you deliver you will be smaller...i lost 20 lbs after i had abby (of course i gained it + another 50 ) the years to follow.

    keeps us posted.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good mornings ladies!! Saw 210 on the scale again this morning! Wooo!! And that's with Hooters for dinner..and NO BEER!! And it's only Tuesday. Could I see another loss this week!? EEKK!! So excited!!! I did Insanity this morning and I'm supposed to go to Zumba tonight with work fitness class thingy. Pushed myself hard during Insanity...it felt great!!

    Ann-Crossing my fingers for you! I can imagine you are a little scared but were all here for you and we will get you through it! Take care of yourself in the meantime till you know for sure!

    mstahl-ahhhh I've missed you!! Glad to hear you are doing well!!

    blue-Glad to see you around! Miss all your witty posts. Sounds like you are crazy busy. Hope things slow down soon. Counting down to witner break? HAHA

    lauren-Hope your feeling better today!

    Julie-You rest up and get better! You can start Insanity when you are feeling better!

    Deb-Don't sweat that 3 pound gain. Stupid buffalo wild wings! Time to drink lots of water!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Congrats Ann! if it makes you feel any better, when I take th preggo test early ( if my period is late a week or 2) I get the same light pick (Faint) preggo mark. And that happened with alll 3 of my kids. I hope that can ease your stress a little. Also, I think, but I might be mistaken, that it all has to do wiht the amount of hcg in the system. Good luck girl:heart:

    Purple/allison, good luck on you presentation today..and thanks for th birthday wishes:smile:

    Julie, Glad you are doing better today then yesterday:bigsmile:

    Litdeb, I ate way too much yesterday. Hubby took the family out to my favorite restaurant ( Carrabba's), and, well, I didn't hold back. I figured I was good all week(end) and no lost I can have a great meal/treat...I don't want to mention what I had...but I can say it's not alcohol..good thing I don't drink... So all I can tell you is don't stress...move on..we can still get through the week and stil see a loss...crossing my fingers:wink:

    Jess, Glad you restarted Inanity...you can do it!

    Blue, don't feel bad for not signing up for a 5k...I have not done so either. I guess, my problem is, I am scared I will not make it to the finish line. and thanks for the birthday wishes...so sweet of you:heart:

    Melinda, so glad to see you around...we missed you :)

    I am up 2 pounds...but I will work so darn hard to see a loss...celebration is over...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - WTG on seeing that 210 !!!!

    Yeah i should be stopping drinking diet cokes this morning and starting in on the water...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ann take a deep breath and know that whatever the results God is with you! Keep us posted.
    I am sneaking a post in before my 4th grade get here. Got a droid x and i think i am all that! Lol
    Have a good day sisters!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ann, Congrats sister!!!! You are in my prayers for a healthy wonderful pregnancy!!!!!

    Blue, glad you are all that with your droid. It made me smile to see you here this morning.

    Well, today is my weigh in day and it says I gained the 4.7 pounds I lost last week. I know that I have not eaten 16,450 calories over my maintenance in the last week. So I am assuming it is water weight. I have been hit and miss on my meds again. This is frustrating. I feel like I am at a stand still for a month now. I am sure it is partly due to stress over Ryan. I am relaxed now and I am doing what I know as a mother to do. I took charge on Thursday. He actually looked so relieved. Like "Okay, now I can relax I know this lady!!!" and every since he has been doing fantastic in school. I let my mean momma out last week. :laugh: He recognized her verses the insecure, hyper, mother I had become. It was like a light bulb went off with him last week. I prayed for wisdom and all of a sudden I thought you are not being yourself here. Be momma!!! Thank God for little miracles.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Check In
    Calories: Gonna guess around 1500
    Water: 8 cups or more
    Veggies: I had more then 5 servings I believe!
    Exercise: None! I'm doubling up today. Insanity AND Zumba!!
    Proud: I didn't have beer at hooters last night! I wasn't even really wanting one.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess...:heart::flowerforyou: Thanks for thinking of me. One more crazy day and then I can breathe. I was here at work until 9:30 last night....just a 11.5 hour day. They don't happen that often (thank goodness), but when they do they are HARD!

    Ann - Thinking of you and all your tests. Hope it turns out how you want it!

    Blue, Momma, and Melidna - GREAT to see you!

    Laila - hope you had a great birthday!

    Allison - Good luck w/your presentation (remind us what you are studying again please!) today. And I'm thrilled you're joining the 5K team!

    Check-in from yesterday and back to work!
    Cals - Over = 1553 (lunch date w/a friend = 600 cal lunch. NOT usual!)
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Cut my lunch in half yesterday so I have it for today as well. Frugal with money and calories! :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    looks like i am going to the killer spin class tonight...this is the teacher we go to uslaly on sunday, but have only been like 2x for the past 5 sundays...she is super nice, but she tough, but she pushes us..she always comes looks at my hrm and tells me i need to get moving faster and get it up.

    She is subbing tonight...so we are getting our buts up there so skipping my workout at lunch , going to run errands...i know if i work out at lunch and the spin class i may not make it through...

    hopefully this will get my but in gear this week!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-That's great news that Ryan is having a good week! Glad you found the "momma" you remember! I'm sure that gain is water retention. No way did you gain that in a week!

    Deb-That spin instructor sounds awesome. I don't blame ya for skipping your lunch workout. Give it your all tonight! I know you can do it!

    Lauren-Glad things are better and should be lightening up for you work wise. 11.5 hours sounds like one heck of a day! The end is in sight!

    So it looks like I'm going to have a good 800 calories burned for the day so I'm trying to eat 2000 calories today. Geeze! Going to be over on the sodium though. I'm trying to use up protein shakes I have one this morning and I'll have one after Zumba tonight. Going to make my own in the mornings when I workout. Lot less sodium! Still on my salad kick. Want a big old salad for lunch. Must not go out to lunch. The sodium and money isn't worth it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    So last night went badly eating wise. Im feeling overwhelmed here. I have my first weigh in at the gym today and I was going to skip it because I know it will show a gain, but I am forcing myself to go and feel the embarassement. Hopefully it will get me back on track! I did so well last week its frustrating to be here batalling getting back on trach again!

    Julie- I hope you feel better! I know how much you love gogo bordell (sp?) so I hope you dont miss it!

    Blue- I am not running the whole 5k, will prob alternate between walking and jogging..way to go on your new droid!

    Melinda- HI!!!! I miss you!!!

    Momma- you always make me smile...Im glad you brought out the bad momma! Sometimes its needed!

    Jess- whoop whoop on your 210!

    Ann- OMG How exciting! Im a little jealous I wont lie. Im praying for you that everything turns out like it should...

    Ok I have tonz of work to do so Ill be back later!

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hello Gals! I missed a few weeks of posts! I'm still struggling to find and keep some motivation. I'm still doing well with exercise but haven't been watching or tracking my calories for awhile - and it shows on the scale because I am not losing any of the weight that I gained over the summer. I'm not ready to start tracking yet today, but did want to log back in and say hi. Maybe tomorrow I'll be ready to try again.
    Home is crazy right now ... we have a German exchange student staying with us for the next 10 days through my daughter's school, unfortunately my daughter is crazy busy with sports, 2 jobs, fall play, jazz band and homework. She is trying to find subs for some of her work hours, and is skipping some swim team/diving practices (which I'm sure isn't making her coaches happy) ... but the poor German girl is going to be stuck with my 9-yr old, my husband and myself a lot of the time. I'm going to try to arrange for her to get together with some of her German friends that are also here some of the time ... but it isn't going to be easy. Like tonight she wants to go to a soccer game but my daughter has a swim meet ... so she arranged to stay with another host student and their German student after school and 'hang out' until the soccer game. But now that I'm thinking about how long they are 'hanging out' at school (4:30-7:00) ... that seems like a long time. I'll probably try to go to school and find her and make sure they don't want to come to our house for awhile instead. It will be an interesting couple of weeks!
  • purpleprose
    I am having a bad emotional day today - had little sleep, a not-so-great workout this morning, and then my suit didn't fit. It's HUGE and I am irrationally more self-conscious in it now than I was when I was even heavier. It's so baggy and makes me look like a pinhead!

    We're on the bus there now...trying not to think about how ridiculous I look and focus on delivering a great presentation. Thanks for all the good wishes!

    My skirt is safety pinned to my shirt. That's how ridiculous it is.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Best of luck juggling your daughter's schedule with your German exchange student's! I'm glad you checked in and I know you'll be back as soon as your schedule allows.

    Allison: Best of luck on your presentation. Just think, you now have an excuse to go shopping and it shows how far you've come. You'll be great! I'm glad you're joining the 5k group!

    Laila: Sounds like your hubby and children have a plan for your birthday. I can't wait to hear what it is! Your family sounds so awesome. Oh, and I encourage you to do the 5k with us, even if you walk it! The more the merrier!!

    Melinda: Glad to see you! I'm happy everyone seems to be doing well in your family!

    Nancy: I encourage you to walk a 5k! We don't care whether anyone walks, runs or does some combo of the two. We'd just be thrilled if you joined the fun! The course I'm doing sounds a little hilly, so I wouldn't be surprised if I ended walking a portion of mine.

    Ann: I hope all turns out the way you want it to! How nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time!

    Jess: Great job on avoiding the beer at Hooters and for doing Insanity last night. You're a force to be reckoned with!

    Momma (Sherry?): I'm glad you've found your old self again and that it seems to have positively affected Ryan. He was probably a bit anxious trying to figure out why you were anxious. Hopefully things continue to go well for the little, awesome guy!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 234...boo!
    Sodium: Over by 1789...boo! Had soup for dinner, so that's where that came from!
    Water: 33.8...boo!
    Exercise: None. It was the rest day for the program.
    Proud: Went to bed early.

    Okay, so I did a crummy job yesterday and feel justified in booing myself. Today should be better, especially in regards to water and exercise. I get to spend time training my horse to go in the horse trailer tonight to prepare for our overnight trail ride this weekend. I have a plan of attack, but we'll see if she goes with it or not. She can be so stubborn! She hates being trailered, but I don't want her to take forever and embarrass us on Saturday morning!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, I think I'm starting to feel better. I don't feel so feverish and my neck/shoulders are hardly sore at all anymore. What a strange bug. :huh:
    I guess that means I have no excuse to not go to my part-time job tonight. :frown: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Just went and registered serena for basketball...She has been soo wanting to play, of course i am a little nervous since she has never done anything team related before.. She is in the 8 and under, basically 7 and 8 year olds, of course she is probably as big or bigger than the 8 yr olds , since she is barely 7 and 4'5". HOpe she is able to adapt and follow the rules and not get discourged (upset) if they don't win.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Aww, no one's chatty today. :frown:

    Deb -- I think it's great Serena wanted to sign up for basketball! 4'5"! She's almost as tall as I am already!! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-That's great that you got her signed up for basketball. She is tall!!! Wow!! Team sports is a great way for kids to learn rules and those kinda things...so I hear!

    Julie-Yay for feeling better!!

    Heather-Hope you plan of attack for getting your horse in the trailer tonight go well!!

    I didn't cave into the chinese food my co workers were ordering at work. Thank you Cris! LOL I had my Healthy Choice meal instead! And some yummy strawberries. Went and picked up veggies to take home for tonight. Does anybody mix chocolate milk and protein powder? Was just something I was thinking of trying...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Of course I've mixed chocolate milk and protein powder! When I did it, I used chocolate milk AND chocolate protein powder. I liked it!

    Julie: I think you should skip your part-time job tonight just to make sure you're completely over your bug! Yep, that's what I would do.

    Deb: Serena should have fun playing basketball. I think she'll do fine, especially if the other kids are okay when (if) they don't win. I've helped coach Special Olympics basketball and everyone had such a blast even when they didn't win. The teamwork skills were wonderful!