Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls...with all her past problems i just worry about playing with others...and really hoping we can get the accidents under control before we start..

    also just the learning the rules, i no "0" about basketball , luckily hubby knows some...they asked for skill level on the form, so hopefully they won't put her on a team where everyone has played for years.

    Yes 4'5" at 7 ...she is going to be soo tall...she is soo anxious to be 4'9 , and 4'9 she doesn't have to be in a booster seat any more.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've got a chocolate milk and a vanillia protein powder I'm trying to use up. Then I think I'm gonna get chocolate! Do you just stir or shake it together? I hate to get a blender out for something like that!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - i would think you could mix them together...

    i am ready for this day to be done with...and starting my tortue tonight :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I will not be able to read up like I used to but well... that's not going to keep me from posting!

    Julie - baby? OMG?!?:flowerforyou:

    I'll check in for today - boy am I rusty at this!

    Calories - over (several trip-ups today)
    Water - over 8 and not done yet!
    Exercise - none yet but I'm hoping for a trip to the rec center later tonight!

    Proud - that I'm back on here and I'm not going to let the fact that I can't give you all the time each of you very much desserves, keep me from checking in and doing my best to keep track :):bigsmile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Girls, the meeting was today at school for Ryan. Yay they say he is meeting our behavioral goals at this time. BUT she said now that we have the behaviors all better she saw some red flags. So she has asked me to take him to a place that specializes in diagnosing Autism. :cry: :cry: I have a hard time with this but I am going to do it. I have already called and e-mailed the place with my info. They should get back to me in the next 5 days. I guess I have not really felt like this was autism because he makes eye contact and I guess I have not seen the "stereotypical" behaviors that are associated with Autism. I know the speech and language delay is one but that does not automatically make you autistic. She said that when he comes out of the bathroom that he is putting paper towels in the sink. Any how she says that by doing this he is performing "self stimulating" behavior. She also says the fact that he does not actually play with the other children but plays beside them. I agree with this he does not play with the other children. On occasion he will but for the most part he chooses to play alone. He is very affectionate and likes to be touched and is constantly touching everyone else and kissing them. I was always under the impression Autistic children did not like touch. So confused!!!!!! I HATE labels. Any how I am trying NOT to turn to food. I over ate at lunch but I know I can do better for dinner. Exercise!?!?!?!? I can't eve think about exercise right now. I think I am depressed I feel like I can barely get up and move. There is no reason to be this tired.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Proud - that I'm back on here and I'm not going to let the fact that I can't give you all the time each of you very much desserves, keep me from checking in and doing my best to keep track :)

    Mstahl - If I let not showering love on my fabu sisters of the weight loss pants keep me from logging on, I would never log in! Seriously though, sometimes all I can do is come on here and post my own stuff. Other times I can give everyone a check-in. I think that's what makes this board great - we can be as involved as we need to...and that's OK with everyone.

    Glad you're back!!

    Momma = :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Thinking of you and your little guy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma - I am proud of you for being open to further testing. The bottom line is, he is your son and you want to get him the BEST education you can, so take a deep breath and give it all to God right now.
    mstahl - I also have no time to respond daily, but our sisters are very understanding and are just so happy that we are keepin' on! Stay accountable and come here daily, girl. Don't sweat the rest.

    check in:
    cals: very close to the top
    water: 100
    exercise: one hour of brutal PT
    proud: I had a huge migraine this morning, so I canceled my PT appt. for 6am. But then I felt better so I called and rescheduled for after school. I am so proud of myself for not just throwing the exercise day away because of my morning migraine.
  • purpleprose
    Well, the presentation is done and my team ROCKED it! So all the stress was (sort-of) worth it in the end, I suppose. We were definitely one of the higher-scoring teams. :smokin: I seem to have gotten over my emotional meltdown from earlier as well...I really don't know what provoked it, but I was just having a bad morning and seeing the suit so large on me just set me off. I was convinced I had a pinhead far too small for my overly large body. My mom helped talk me down and said we'd go shopping for some new clothes next weekend when I go home for fall break and that I could start thinking about what I'll need clothes-wise at Christmas as well.

    I'VE SIGNED UP FOR THE 5K!!! It's on Thanksgiving and benefits a local shelter. Couldn't ask for a better cause for a "Drumstick Dash".

    Lauren - I'm in a masters of business program, and today's presentation was to the ad agency that does all the Geico, ESPN, Tylenol, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Discover Card, Pizza Hut, etc....they're HUGE. We were given a live case and asked to come back with a comprehensive campaign to present in front of their executives, so it was really stressful!

    Deb - that spin class sounds intense! Hope it goes well.

    Amy - did you catch Julie's baby fever?!?! :laugh:

    Jess - congrats on (a) losing, (b) not having beer at Hooters, and (c) eating relatively healthfully at Hooters! I'm so with you on the money and sodium just not being worth it. And WTG on not eating the Chinese food that your coworkers brought in!! Don't you feel great for not having it?!

    Cris - I hope the first weigh-in went well for you.

    Heather - your weekend plans sound awesome. It's okay to boo yourself once in awhile, but mistakes happen and it's important to pick yourself up and remind yourself of all the good things you have going on!

    Julie - glad you're feeling better!

    Momma - :flowerforyou: Keep your chin up. I worked and volunteered for years with a special needs center and the autism spectrum these days is incredibly large - even if Ryan is diagnosed with being on the "autism spectrum" it does NOT mean that he can't live a happy, fulfilling life. In fact, one of my MBA classmates is on the autism spectrum! It just means that he might have a hard time interacting "well" with others. *Lots of virtual hugs* Don't let such a label get you down - Ryan is perfect just as he is and as God made him.

    blue - congrats for rescheduling your appointment for later in the day. :)

    Check in for yesterday:

    Cals: about 600 under
    Water: 72 oz
    Sodium: 359 under
    Exercise: 10 minute warm up, weights, and an hour of yoga
    Challenge: about 5 servings as my fruit salad was enormous. CHALLENGE MET!
    Proud: I really enjoyed my yoga class and was able to stay calm in my team meeting.

    Check in for today:

    Cals: 250 under
    Water: 72 oz ++
    Sodium: 74 under
    Exercise: 10 minute warm up, weights (meh)
    Challenge: 5 servings CHALLENGE MET!
    Proud: That our team kicked *kitten* in the presentation today AND that I kept calm about our catered lunch and just did the best I could with what was available.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie - baby? OMG?!?:flowerforyou:

    Well, not yet. Work in progress. :wink:

    Cals: 1583 I think (goal 1500)
    Exercise: nope. worked 8.30am-9.30pm
    Water. 8 cups so far
    Proud: I logged my pizza and I'm done. I was trying to sneak an oreo from the pack when one of my dogs decided he was sick (from both ends) so I was forced to stop going for the cookie & take him out & clean up the mess. I don't enjoy cleaning puke and poop, but he probably saved me from ingesting another 210 calories today (3 oreos = 210 calories!!! So not worth it).
    Challenge: major fail on the veggie/fruit front (3 servings), but I got in my 5 minutes!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Girls I took a digital test and in less than a minute a pregnant sign appeared!! So I guess I am going to be having a baby!! Due date should be June 9th 2011 if I calculated correctly.Just goes to show you one time can do the trick lol!! I am going to continue to be on here and I am going to eat right and continue to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday.I may be obese but I don't want to eat junk and splurge on food just because I am pregnant!So with your alls help I will have a happy healthy pregnancy and I will focus on losing the weight after the baby is born!! I am 5 weeks today!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wed 10/06/10 01:37 AMGirls I took a digital test and in less than a minute" pregnant " appeared!! So I guess I am going to be having a baby!! Due date should be June 9th 2011 if I calculated correctly.Just goes to show you one time can do the trick lol!! I am going to continue to be on here and I am going to eat right and continue to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday.I may be obese but I don't want to eat junk and splurge on food just because I am pregnant!So with your alls help I will have a happy healthy pregnancy and I will focus on losing the weight after the baby is born!! I am 5 weeks today!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann that's so exciting!! Congrats!!! You know we will all be here for you along the way! :flowerforyou:

    I haven't read the other posts so I will comment on them when I get to work but I had to share! I saw 209.8 this morning!!! FINALLY!!!! I can hardly contain myself!! Yay for no chinese food yesterday! And that's with me eating all my exercise calories yesterday and a late dinner. This eating more seems to be paying off, FINALLY!! K be back later ladies!
  • purpleprose
    Congrats Ann!!!!

    Jess - way to go!!!! I'm so glad you finally made it to the 20#s.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess congrats on 209!! That is awesome I can't wait to be there but I will have to wait until the baby is born to do that.
    Thanks for all the congrats girls!! I am a little freaked but I know I will be fine!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - THat is awesome , I am sooo excited for you...I enjoyed being pregant (til the end part), i never was really sick, just tired...I think you are right in your due date...I got pregant towards the end of october with serena and she was due July 15th. YOu will have that baby just before it starts getting hot so that will be good :smile: I am soo excited for you and we all will help you eating healthy for that baby.!!!!

    Well i went to spin class last night , didn't do great, burned like 466 cals, usally her class i am more up to 550-600 ..hubby didn't do much either...just was hard to get moving...but at least we did something...Scale was a little nicer this morning down to 246.1 this morning, about 1.1 lbs up from my lowest...hoping i can get back down to 245 by friday.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jESS - WTG on that 209 !!!! I am soo freaking happy for you !!!

    Momma - Way to go on staying strong and getting the evaluation for autism...I know it is a scarry thing...I do not know alot about autism so i wish i could help you more !!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple - Congrats on the presentation! It always feels great to knock something out of the park!
    Jess - WOOOHOOO for 209!!!
    Ann - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting for you. I tihnk it's so important that you're going to stay eating healthy and moving throughout your pregnancy. It will be good for you and your baby.
    Julie - Glad you were "saved" those calories....hehehe.
    Deb - Glad you got into spin last night. That's still a great burn.
    Blue - Hooray for a great PT session. Also, hooray for you fancy phone while lets you check in during the day!

    The craziness at work should die down a bit today, which is greatly appreciated. I was at work yesterday for 10 hours and I have to leave after 8.5 today so that's a huge relief to know that I have to leave! The bummer of this week is that I'm having a really hard time finding the time to exercise. After my very full days Monday and Tuesday, today I'm meeting friends after work, and tomorrow I'm going to try and see American Idiot on Broadway. An acquaintance of mine is playing one of the leads this week, so I feel like I HAVE to see it this week. Friday should be fairly calm, so I'm hoping for some exercise then. Just crazy to be so busy. And since I'm so busy during the days, I'm trying to get as much sleep as possible so I'm not waking up early to exercise. Sigh....being busy is hard.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over by 264. I did some major nervous snacking yesterday. The snacking was not too awful - roasted almonds and three Hersey's Hugs - but that's the amount that I'm over. Ah well.
    Water - 104 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Challenge - Not met - 2 servings only
    Proud - I picked up a muffin for breakfast yesterday, ate half, and threw the other half away. I knew that if I kept it on my desk I would keep eating it, so I decided I was done and tossed it. I could have gone majorly overboard, but I didn't . I also found time to portion out my breakfast cereals and make lunch for the next two days - also portioned. It's good to feel like I have a plan for food!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Girls...I am proud to announce!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am Severly OBese!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes there are different stages of obese, i found this one chart on the gastric bypass, that has 4 levels of obese,( obese, severely obese, morbidly obese, and super obese) ...you would think morbidly obese would be the highest just cause the word "morbidly"..but anyway...

    I now have hit the "severly obese" catagory...never thought i would be that happy to be severly obese...but to be better than morbidly obese i will take it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Girls I took a digital test and in less than a minute a pregnant sign appeared!! So I guess I am going to be having a baby!! Due date should be June 9th 2011 if I calculated correctly.Just goes to show you one time can do the trick lol!! I am going to continue to be on here and I am going to eat right and continue to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday.I may be obese but I don't want to eat junk and splurge on food just because I am pregnant!So with your alls help I will have a happy healthy pregnancy and I will focus on losing the weight after the baby is born!! I am 5 weeks today!

    Seriously so excited for you! Hopefully we can be bump buddies (omg, did I just say that? :noway:)! :happy:
    I'm expecting TOM sometime this weekend so I guess only time will tell if it comes (I'm fully expecting it to). Dh and I would like a September/October due date so we'll really have at it in January if it doesn't happen on it's own before then. :blushing: If it happened this cycle I'd be due right at our 1st anniversary and I'm not sure how I'd feel about that (I'm selfish!). :tongue:

    Feeling 100% better today (what a weird bug -- sometimes I wonder if I never get very sick because of a rockin' healthy immune system :wink:). Off to Asheville soon for Gogol Bordello and Primus. Stopping for lunch at my FAV Thai restaurant (pretty much the only reason I ever go back to my hometown :laugh:... well... sometimes I also go to visit my mom :tongue:). It's gonna be a fabulous day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb, that's awesome! I remember being super excited to just be obese and not "morbidly" obese! I'm only 15 pounds from being "overweight." I can hardly wait! :laugh: