Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    quick shout out to all my friends...

    My children are home so there is no time for me to chat....I will check back tomorrow :)

    I have something to brag about. My children and I went to the local track and ran/walked. Both older kids could not keep up with me. I could tell I can run faster and longer w/o a lost of breath, unlike 3 months ago. I am loving it. All I kept hearing was..."mom, wait up..slow down" Ya, they are talking about me...I am amazed at how good I am at running now, before I could not run for more than a minutes but I ran for 10 minutes straight then walked for 2 minutes and did that for about 40 minutes.

    I am still doing the shred..I hate level 2...IT SUCKS!!! But I will stick with it for 9 more days :(

    Then we went shopping @ forever21...my daughter needed shirts. she is in love with the store!

    Have a great day girls!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: Great job running with your kids! You rock!

    Momma: You're welcome. One of the girls I work with makes up words when she can think of what to say, or she'll just snap her fingers in place of the word. She's another one who has made it leaps and bounds in the few years I've known her!

    Rororosie: Nice to see you again! Hopefully we'll see more of you. How's the singing?

    I'm out for the day. Off to Subway for dinner before volunteering, then a ChaLean workout. Busy, busy!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I hear ya on not getting another winter baby. Serena was born in july, so far from holiday's, it is nice cause she gets clothes before school starts and don't have to get "as" much, and then she gets stuff 2x a year so we always have different season clothes for her. Abby on the other hand is Dec 6, so she always gets winter clothes then has no summer clothes, since they were in different seasons it is hit or miss if serena's clothes fit or not.

    I have problems with parties for both of them. Sernea is in the middle of summer since she doens't have lots of friends , it is out of school for school friends and lot of people on vacations and stuff...abby is right after thanksgiving and before christmas so scheduling there is rough too...oh well love my babies whenever they were born :smile:

    You know i was like i DOn't want a winter baby, but then we were trying and trying to have abby ..so when i got pregant after almost 2 years of trying, i didn't care that she was going to be a dec baby :smile:

    I am praying serena has a better day today, she had a Horribe day yesterday, she got marks for being disresptful to the teacher, then got in time out 2x at day care at the gym...i am hoping she comes home much better today.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Julie - you look fabulous in your picture - much happier than that girl who hid behind her hair and X-large tops! It makes me smile to look at your pic!

    Mamma - I have cousins who are autistic - we just never knew that at the time! In some ways it's easier to enjoy my time with them now that I've figured it out (they're in their 40s) because knowing they're on the spectrum makes the odd-ness of their behavior seem less irritating (because it's not really intentional right?) They are both happily married and neither had a clue until a child of theirs was diagnosed. Your boy is sweet and loving and will always be so! He might just be wired a little differently and knowing that may help you help HIM! You'll get tools that will help him feel more successful and it will be win -win for all of you!

    Ann- Of course you do exactly as your doctor recomends, but a co-worker lost about 50lbs while pregnant with her last child. She was obesse and her doctor told her that as long as she ate healthy calories she could safely eat 1600 calories a day and lose weight. He said that her body would take care of the baby first and because she had so much excess weight she would do the baby a favor by shedding the pounds. I guess it was super important that she had gone through several healthy pregnancies prior to this last baby. When he was born she shed another 30 lbs while breast feeding. Her doctor said that she would never have the weight loss edge again, like she gets from dieting and breast feeding at the same time. Now she's just about at her goal weight and the baby is six months old and both are doing great! She loves her energy level and she's SO PROUD to have LOST baby weight instead of gaining it! She is a huge inspiration to me and part of the reason I'm back on the boards :smile:

    Heather - I never did get on a horse this summer :grumble: NEXT YEAR FOR SURE!

    RoRoRosie - wow we came back together!

    Positively- I'm still making yogurt! YUM! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! :flowerforyou:

    Chris - you are amazing! I've missed your face! I've packed on a few pounds too - we'll get them back off in no time! Because now we KNOW how to do this!

    Jess- omg I've missed your posts! You make me want to move to TX and I NEVER thought I'd feel that way :laugh: How did things work out with the always absent roommate?

    everyone - I'm so happy to read what posts I can - man you guys are awesome!

    Checking in:
    Calories - probably over if I stick to the plan for tonight
    Water - nailed it
    Exercise - hoping to get to the gym

    Proud - Last night I stuck to my wine and cheese to keep my calories down near the 1200. I'm doing this! One day at a time :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I missed a lot in two days!!
    CONGRATULATIONS ANN - So happy for you - you're preggers !!!!!!
    MOMMA - glad you spirits have lifted - Ryan is going to be great no matter what !!!
    MSTAHL - great to see you back, missed u much !!!!
    POS ME - Happy Belated Birthday !!!!!

    I am happy to report that I saw a 169.2 this morning and TOM arrived so I feel I may be securely in the 160's and that's a huge mental boundary for me, having spent the entire Summer in the 170s. Once I lose 1 more pound I will be at 25% body weight lost in total, 15% more to go but still 25% seems HUGE!
    Wedding planning is revving up into high gear, dress looks great, went for my final fitting yesterday and she said I've lost 1/2" off my waist in the past month - woo hoo !!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ann - I am SOOO happy for you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We will be here for you every step of the way, girl!
    rosie - welcome back!
    meokk - woohooo to the 160s!!! WTG!
    momma - I am so happy to see you more at peace. Everything will be OK!
    cris - I am proud of you for holding yourself accountable. Baby steps, sista! Don't sweat the pics - you will be so beautiful!
    deb - sorry Serena had a yucky day. I hope tomorrow is better for her. And congrats on being severely obese!
    laila - way to go running with the kids! You rock!
    heather - where do you volunteer? Is that the horse riding gig?
    Jess - great job sticking to that goal! It feels great, doesn't it? Oh and that 209 looks great on you! :wink:
    Julie - thank goodness for the dog's what-not! LOL
    Allison - congrats on your presentation!

    check in:
    calories: barely under (like 5 calories LOL)
    water: 100
    exercise: 20 minute walk
    proud: I broke down and ordered some 4x clothes - the 5's are falling off! LOL
  • purpleprose
    SO I've had a weird weight week - my Wii Fit graph looks like to stock market on a volatile day.

    Friday: 256.8
    Saturday: 255.1
    Sunday: 254.0
    Monday: 256.6
    Tuesday: 256
    Wednesday: 258.8 :noway:
    Thursday: 254.9

    WTF?!?!?! Is this normal for you all, too? Because I have some ups and downs during the course of a normal week, but I've never had such dramatic shifts. Fingers crossed that the number stays below 255 for the weigh-in - I want my ticker to say 30 pounds lost!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    not a huge fan of my scale today. ..I was down to only 1 lb up yesterday so was feeling optmistic, but then this morning i was a 247.6 2 1/2 lbs up ...uggg...now i know i didn't eat that much...but this is frustrating...just want to be back under where i was 2 weeks ago not keep going up on the scale.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and it's not good. I feel like all the hardwork I have been doing it's not paying off. I have been doing The 30day shred. and I noticed a little gain, but thought it would come off. Then I notice a little more of a gain each day that passes. NOW I am 7 POUNDS UP:sad: :cry: :sad: :cry: !!! I do eat relatively healty. so How in the hell can that be?!?! I did eat out on my birthday, but not anywhere near 7 pounds worth..WTF is going on here?? I did go over my calories on Sunday, MONday, and Tuesday, but it was like 300 to 400 calories over NOt 3000 or 4000.

    I feel so depressed...:sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and it's not good. I feel like all the hardwork I have been doing it's not paying off. I have been doing The 30day shred. and I noticed a little gain, but thought it would come off. Then I notice a little more of a gain each day that passes. NOW I am 7 POUNDS UP:sad: :cry: :sad: :cry: !!! I do eat relatively healty. so How in the hell can that be?!?! I did eat out on my birthday, but not anywhere near 7 pounds worth..WTF is going on here?? I did go over my calories on Sunday, MONday, and Tuesday, but it was like 300 to 400 calories over NOt 3000 or 4000.

    I feel so depressed...:sad:

    :flowerforyou: Your muscles are retaining water. Period. If you keep it up, they WILL get used to it and you WILL drop the water weight.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    roro-Hello! Glad to hear you are doing well! Drop in and say hello whenever you have time.

    Momma-I'm so happy to hear that you are in good spirits about Ryan! You are such an amazing momma!

    POS Me-WOW!! That has to be quite the confidence booster! Running faster that your kiddos? Great job!! You said you went to Italian on your birthday right? If you retain water like me, after a meal like that I could take a week if not 2 to drop the sodium depending on what you ate. Are you eating 1200 calories? Maybe you should try eating more? I know this is only temporary! You WILL drop back down! Please don't feel frustrated and wanna give up. Maybe give your body a day or two of rest. It might need it.

    Deb-Did Serena have a better day at school?

    mstahl-Move to Texas! HAHA DO IT!! The always absent roommate actually broke up with her bf shortly after we moved out of the apartment and our friendship is back to the way it was if not stronger. We talk just about everyday. It's been great!! I've missed your posts!!!

    meokk-Do we get to see pics of you in your wedding dress!? Congrats on the 160's!!!

    blue-It did feel great sticking to my plan!! I'm very proud of myself this week. Congrats on the new clothes!! That's always a good feeling moving down sizes!!

    purple-I often have weeks where I'm all over the place! Has your sodium been all over the map as well?

    Julie-How was your concert!? Are you feeling better?

    Goodbye 209!! HELLOOOOOO 208!!! I don't know what's going on this week but I am freaking LOVING IT!!! I saw 208.8 on the scale this morning. That's down a pound from yesterday! I love you Shaun T for coming out with Insanity! And I love all you lovely ladies for pushing me to start doing it!

    I wanted to share a pic from the bachelorette party. We agreed to not take digital cameras because of the delete button! So we bought disposal cameras and are getting them developed. Element of surprise! But I took a pic that night and wanted to share! I think I'm starting to develop a waist line! OMG!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Allison -- I often have dramatic weight shifts based on my sodium and water intake.

    My brain isn't functioning so that's the extent of my personal comments (sorry). We got home from Asheville at 3.30 this morning. I had to feed the dogs & give them potty time before bed so I went to sleep at little after 4am. And got up at 7.30. Nothing makes me realize how old I am more than trying to pull off some no-sleeping college-type crap when I'm 26. Also making me feel old: The number of times dh talked about "beating some kids" at the concert last night. I thought I would scream if he called another 21+ person a "kid." :laugh: I'm seriously not ready to be that old. :tongue:

    I am so sore. I'm too old to be on the edge of moshing. Another I'm-old indicator: Dh and I had a conversation about how wimpy the little moshers last night were. "Back in my day" comments regarding moshpits. :noway: I did enjoy getting out some frustration giving random stupid no-respect-for-personal-space "kids" a good elbow to the kidney, though. :devil:

    Also, I got a little more show than I paid for. Drunk naked (seriously, NAKED) girl. It appeared she was having some kind of emotional crisis. It was like a trainwreck -- I just couldn't look away. Part of me felt really really bad for her. But... the rest of me wanted to laugh at the freaking nutso drunk girl who succeeded in taking ALL (yes, underwear too) of her clothes off on a balcony in front of hundreds (thousands?) of people before the cops/event staff got to her.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-WOW!! That sounds like quite the entertaining night of people watching. You've gotta be exhausted! I catch a midnight movie from time to time and then go to work. Makes me feel "young" even though I'm not that old either. haha..

    check in
    Calories: 1535
    Water: I think I ended up around 12 or 13 cups
    Challenge: Met! I am chowing on the veggies!
    Exercise: Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance..it kicked my butt! I literally had to stop the last circuit because I felt like I was going to throw up. I pushed myself.
    Proud: I came home and made myself do insanity since I skipped it in the morning. I'm holding myself accountable!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - YOU look freaking great!!! WTG on the 208 !!!

    Serena had a somewhat better day,. she got a sticker so that is all good, but she had 2 accidents yesterday...I know it has to be not behavior as sometimes she goes for weeks with nothing then all the time. She has been saying lately like everyday her tummy hurts. I am trying to push more fiber down her, and less dairy and see if this helps any....Within a few weeks if it doesn't and i am going to keep track of what all she eats , i think we need to go back to a doctor. NOt sure what one. i talked to her psyc and her ped about it. THe psyc wants to do some allergy testing ...she will have to go back to the psyc to re-do all the test he did in the summer ...so i don't know. I am supposed to be brining a pee sample for 1st morning urine up there to test for milk tolerance ...just soo hard to get a samle and then drive the 30-40 min to get there and back.

    What she tells me is that she has to go all of a sudden ..then she just freezes.....i asked her the time after her surgery when she didn't have accidents if she had this feeling and she said no...not it is hard to really know if she is telling the truth....it is soo frustrating...

    Julie - Sounds you like had quite a show...and me and hubby are both at the age of not tolerating those whipper snappers...but i got almost 10 years on you :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls!

    Laila- You know its not a 7lb gain, but I understand your frustration. You work so hard and eat properly and the scale doesnt cooperate. That was really getting me down too...even though I knew in my mind it was water weight it was still frustrating to see the scale not reflecting my hard work. So instead I let myself get psyched out by the scale and put on 15lbs...is that what you want to do? NO! So please ignore the stupid 7lbs and keep on keeping on! Remember how great you felt running and your kids couldnt catch up?! yea...so theres progress right there! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    Meook- OOOOOooo 160's!!! That's my goal for the wedding! Good job girl! Can we please please please see your dress!?

    Mstahl- I miss your stories. You are right we can do this and I am so glad to have u back!

    Purple- I can fluctuate that much depending on my food/water/sodium intake. Dont fret you are doing great!

    Blue- Hey sexy lady! You got some new clothes huh!? Congrats!!! Dont forget to strut when you wear them

    Julie- I feel old when anyone calls me "m'am"...and they are usually like 20-24 Im like dude, Im only 4 yrs older than you STFU!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I forgot you cause I already talked to you this morning! lol my bad! I looove u! and Hooray on the 208!!! See how no chinese food pays off!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1270
    water- 100+
    sodium- under 2500- wooohoo!
    excercise- c25k w2d1, some weights, then spin class....2 hours at the gym!
    proud- that I was wanting to snack but didnt. (Thanks Jess) and that I worked my *kitten* off at the gym

    OH AND TODAY THE SCALE WAS NICE AND SAID 202.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-:laugh: That's okay Cris. You were the first to share my excitement with! I nearly hugged my scale. I don't remember the last time I was 208...I'm still shocked...I can't believe it. And I'm sooo proud of you for busting your butt at the gym last night!! Great job...your gonna be back to 195 in no time. (that's where you were, riht?) :bigsmile:

    Deb-Thank you!!! :smile: Sounds like you are getting a good handle on the problems with Serena and they are becoming less frequent then last year. Being lactose intolerent will do crazy things to your body. It was awful for me as a kid as well!! Hoping you get some answers soon!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Ann- We dont plan on trying again until post-wedding so Im prob looking at a 2012 baby. I just hope we dont have another winter baby as the holidays kill us with birthday parties and christmas. My fiance's bday is Nov 8, my sons Nov 13, then my stepsons Dec 20, then its Christmas. So we spend a good amount of $$$ during Nov-Dec...itd be nice to have a warm weather baby so we can do outdoor parties!
    I know all about having too many birthdays together. Mine is July 13,my husbands is Jan 18th,Clinton-Feb 8th,Sammi-June 18th,Trais-October 16th,Paige-October 16th,Amelia-Dec 20th and the new baby June 11th which is my sisters birthday lol.Thats not to mention all the relatives we have close to those birthdays too
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    so just freaking looked at the calendear and think TOM should be showing early next week or even thsi weekend..

    This could fully explain my bloat here and scaled not budging...and my extreme hunger today...i mean i could really eat the whole house...i am surely going to be over my cals today...since it is 10:30 and i have eaten my breakfast + pack of cookies + handful of cheetos...uggg...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    so just freaking looked at the calendear and think TOM should be showing early next week or even thsi weekend..

    This could fully explain my bloat here and scaled not budging...and my extreme hunger today...i mean i could really eat the whole house...i am surely going to be over my cals today...since it is 10:30 and i have eaten my breakfast + pack of cookies + handful of cheetos...uggg...

    Looks like I'm back in sync with you Deb. I expect TOM any day now.
    Last night I had some bad TOM cramps and a bad lower backache begin. By the drive home I had to unbutton my normally lose (were loose earlier yesterday) 14 jeans because I felt bloated. No TOM yet but still so crampy/backachey. Really uncomfortable. Seriously, all I want to do is go back home and sleep (okay, go back home, eat my leftover thai food, and then sleep :laugh:). It's weird for me because normally I don't get cramps until the first or 2nd day of TOM. Usually day 2 is the worst for me. If they're this bad already, I'm in some serious trouble. :noway:

    Jess -- Sorry I'm slow to catch up. CONGRATULATIONS on your 209 and 208!!! So exciting! :flowerforyou:
    Cris -- Likewise, Congrats on your 202! Onderland, here you come!