Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    so just freaking looked at the calendear and think TOM should be showing early next week or even thsi weekend..

    This could fully explain my bloat here and scaled not budging...and my extreme hunger today...i mean i could really eat the whole house...i am surely going to be over my cals today...since it is 10:30 and i have eaten my breakfast + pack of cookies + handful of cheetos...uggg...

    Looks like I'm back in sync with you Deb. I expect TOM any day now.
    Last night I had some bad TOM cramps and a bad lower backache begin. By the drive home I had to unbutton my normally lose (were loose earlier yesterday) 14 jeans because I felt bloated. No TOM yet but still so crampy/backachey. Really uncomfortable. Seriously, all I want to do is go back home and sleep (okay, go back home, eat my leftover thai food, and then sleep :laugh:). It's weird for me because normally I don't get cramps until the first or 2nd day of TOM. Usually day 2 is the worst for me. If they're this bad already, I'm in some serious trouble. :noway:

    Sorry to hear tom is around the corner for you and no baby quite yet :smile: that little baby will just wait to be hatched so you will have a fall baby :smile:

    I could soo sleep right now...i went laid down on the couch once but then i am like no i have to work...ugggg...no cramps really just tired, hungry and freaking cranky...lovely...just in the time for the weekend...Usally i start on a monday or tuesday...so fun fun.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    thanks girls for boosting me up:heart: . I feel so sad that I am gaining....It might be muscle/water weight from all the planks and my 3lbs weights doing shred and maybe from the italian food at carrabbas (btw, it didn't taste as good as I remember). So, I am not sure if I should contiune with Shred..I don't want ot keep gaining. I am about to leave so I can take my son to pre-school and get my run on. My daughter said she was going to do shred with me later on (she is on leve 1) and I think I am going back to level 1 too.

    what do you think, should I stay on level 2 ro go back to level1 w/ my daughter?

    Have a great day!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Whats for lunch ladies?

    Im having a red baron pizza- 410 calories and like 800mg of sodium. Its spin class night so it should be ok. I plan on loading up on low sodium high protein options for dinner. Thats what I did last night and it seemed to pay off

    My TOM also just left so maybe thats why the scale finally freaking moved! Hmmm good call Deb. I have been out of the loop so long now that I forget what things make my body fluctuate in weight. I used to be so intune with what did what to my weight gain ***sigh*** I get to relearn everything again
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Cris -- Likewise, Congrats on your 202! Onderland, here you come!

    Again ....:explode: :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Speak of the damn devil! Looks like TOM is actually showing up. A little earlier than I expected but that's fine -- get it over with. :tongue:

    I'm not sad about no babies this go 'round. We didn't even really try. And if TOM is starting today, that almost definitely means the times we did go for it were too late (assuming I really have a 14 day LP). :blushing: Overshare.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    thanks girls for boosting me up:heart: . I feel so sad that I am gaining....It might be muscle/water weight from all the planks and my 3lbs weights doing shred and maybe from the italian food at carrabbas (btw, it didn't taste as good as I remember). So, I am not sure if I should contiune with Shred..I don't want ot keep gaining. I am about to leave so I can take my son to pre-school and get my run on. My daughter said she was going to do shred with me later on (she is on leve 1) and I think I am going back to level 1 too.

    what do you think, should I stay on level 2 ro go back to level1 w/ my daughter?

    Have a great day!

    STAY ON LEVEL 2!!! When your muscles get used to the new work load they will release the water and your hard work will pay off big time! Please dont quit!!! How are your clothes fitting do you notice a differnece?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I just want to go to bed :sad: I am soo conteplating a nap instead of workout today...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-I think if you are struggling with level 2 and you don't feel you are getting as good of a workout, drop back down to level 1 for a bit. I can still barley do level 2. It's tuff1 I've never even tried or looked at level 3! But like the others said your muscles are probably freaking out and holding onto EVERYTHING! It will release. I promise! Your doing everything right!

    Cris-I'm having stir fry! YUM YUM!!

    Julie and Deb-Y'alls cramps sound AWFUL!! Makes me hurt reading your posts. Hope you both get to feeling better!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My pizza was yummy but short lived...I could taste all the sodium...yuck

    If I see a 204 or 206 tomorrow I might kill someone....so if you see me on the news you know what happened!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My pizza was yummy but short lived...I could taste all the sodium...yuck

    If I see a 204 or 206 tomorrow I might kill someone....so if you see me on the news you know what happened!
    I would proudly claim knowing you! :laugh: Be like "I know that crazy lady!! She's my weight loss sister! This is what happens when the scale shows the wrong number!!"
  • purpleprose
    Well I'm glad I'm not alone in such dramatic fluctuation, though this week was really high for me.

    Here's yesterday's check-in...

    Calories: 900 under (I had a LOT of exercise cals and seriously was not hungry late in the day. )
    Water: 80 oz
    Sodium: 873 under
    Challenge: 4ish servings
    Exercise: week 8 day 2 of C25K (10 minutes warm-up/cool down, plus 28 minutes of running)
    Proud: I sooo did not want to keep going with that run, but knowing that I had the 5K looming gave me the extra push to kick it up a notch!
  • purpleprose
    Oh, and my lunch is some homemade chicken salad with cranberries, string cheese, plus celery and carrots with garlicky hummus.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I would totally claim knowing you, too. Like Jess said, "That's what happens with the scale shows the wrong number!" I love it! I'm just so proud of you for being back!

    Melinda: It's still not too late to get on a horse this year! This weekend is my first overnight trail ride with my horse, which is sad considering I've owned her for almost six years. Not having my own truck and trailer really puts a damper on things!

    Meokk: Congrats on being in the 160s and losing a 1/2" on your waist. That's awesome. You're going to be such a beautiful bride! Wow, two weddings and a pregnancy in the group in less than a year. So exciting!

    Nancy: I volunteer with a therapeutic horseback riding program and it's so much fun. I became addicted 13 years ago and became a certified instructor in June. The kids are awesome!! I also volunteer with Special Olympics for bowling and equestrian.

    Allison: Yes, the fluctuations are normal...at least for me. I can change by about 5 lbs. each day! It's frustrating, but that's when I try to focus on how my clothes feel. I've also noticed that sodium fluctuations are the biggest factor for me.

    Jess: Congrats on the 208!! You're doing so awesome with Insanity and avoiding Chinese food. Cute pic, too...I definitely see a waistline forming! You're just so darn adorable, you country girl!

    Julie: Your descriptions of the concert were wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Trust me, being your elder by two years, I know what it feels like to feel much older than I should feel sometimes. Those 21+ "kids" drive me batty, too. I think I've been about 40 years old since I was 7!

    Laila: I say keep going with Level 2. You are definitely building muscle and Cris is absolutely right...when your muscles get used to it, they will release the fluid retention and you'll see a good drop. Until then, focus on how your clothes fit. I've gained 4 (and re-lost, then re-gained) pounds since starting ChaLean Extreme because it focuses on weight lifting. But, I've noticed my size 10 jeans feel awesomely good now, where they were a bit snug in the waist before. Do not give up! Really, isn't the fact that you're becoming stronger, faster and healthier more important than those three digits on the scale? YES!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 119 (Thanks to DQ)
    Sodium: Over by 1236...can't seem to get this under control!
    Water: 39.2 oz...boo!
    Exercise: Three hours of walking at volunteering
    Proud: That I have such an awesome boyfriend (I know, I've said it before!) who spoils me. He's going out of his way this weekend to bring the camper to me for my trail riding, setting it up and then coming back to take it home once my weekend is over. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's about 65 miles EACH way for him...and he'll be doing the trip twice during the weekend. Not to mention I'll be calling him every time I have a question about something on the camper!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Thanks for the compliment! I can't remember the last time I saw a waist line but if you look hard enough you can see one forming! :laugh: I'm thinking I'm dropping the pounds because insanity is a lot of cardio! Where as yours is a lot of strength. That's awesome that you are fitting into the 10's more comfortably! I'm the scale isn't getting you down!! Did you take before pics too!? I don't know if I could bring myself to post my "before" pics...that's a lot for me to expose online. :laugh: I love hearing how wonderful your bf is!!! Good men do exist out there, somewhere!

    So my co workers have been tempting me all week. I'm proud that I've stayed strong! If I could see 208 again tomorrow I think I may just pee myself! I'd be that excited. Okay maybe not literally but ya get the point! I'm ready for my nice relaxing weekend! Gonna run the garagle sale for my Mom saturday, hopefully make some money. Then my sister and her whole family are coming. Get to see my future niece Carolyn who is 4 that I haven't seen in, well months I can't even remember when. Her Mom keeps holding her hostage when she's mad at my sisters faincee. GRR!! And I'm going to make chili and I see sitting by the fire pit in the backyard in my future. What's everybody else doing this weekend!?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ooooh, great minds Jess! I'm making chili this weekend, too! Just bought the ground beef & some extra chili seasonings at the store on my lunch break. It's FINALLY not 90+ degrees every day and that' = chili and chicken & dumpling weather 'round these parts. Though, the temp i's still getting up to the low to mid 80s every day. :laugh: Whatever -- it is wonderful to not feel like you're going to burst into flames the second you step outside.

    Aside from chili, my supervisor at my part time job guilted me into working Saturday 4-7 during "the game" (S. Carolina vs. Alabama. I went to S. Car. & I'm a fan but man, the *kitten* are going to get creamed). I haven't worked a weekend in a couple years and I really hate that I agreed to it but she was just so pitiful. Maybe if the company stopped screwing over drivers the drivers would stop quitting and you'd have enough employees to work your stupid Saturday nights. :grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ooooh, great minds Jess! I'm making chili this weekend, too! Just bought the ground beef & some extra chili seasonings at the store on my lunch break. It's FINALLY not 90+ degrees every day and that' = chili and chicken & dumpling weather 'round these parts. Though, the temp i's still getting up to the low to mid 80s every day. :laugh: Whatever -- it is wonderful to not feel like you're going to burst into flames the second you step outside.

    That's the same weather we are having here too! So in my mind it's chili and chicken and dumplings as well! Love it!!! Working weekends is not good times. I only work 1 Sat a month till noon but once you get used to not doing it, having to do it really sucks!! Hope it's at least a good day for tips wise!
  • purpleprose
    Jess - WTG on resisting the Chinese food MULTIPLE times this week...that is major dedication in advance of your sister's wedding! Your weekend sounds awesome and chill.

    Heather - I'm a little jealous of your awesome boyfriend. That is so sweet. Also, great job with ChaLean - it seems hardcore.

    Cris - keeping my fingers crossed that you see a loss tomorrow!

    Meokk - congrats on the 16?s!

    Julie - drunk naked girl at concert is the sign it was a good time. :laugh: And, I totally agree about the weather - Virginia might not be as bad as SC, but our summer and early September were both brutal.

    Laila - I hope that the program gives you the results you want soon. The other ladies seems to have a good idea as to why it isn't working in the short term, so I'll just echo what they said: give it some time.

    My weekend is going to be good - it's Fall Break so I don't have class tomorrow through Tuesday, and Wednesday and Thursday are work days in advance of our 2nd huge presentation. I'm staying here for the next couple of days as a really good friend is in town for a writing conference and then going home to Mom and Dad's for a few days to relax and check out the downtown area for the 5K race route.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay i feel somewhat better maybe i will go workout.

    I have had some caffine, my lunch (homemade spaghetti and meatsauce) and a fiber one bar.

    not thinking i will have a huge workout, but figure some better than none right....

    i need something to offset my eating this morning.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi and bye. LOL. Sorry my break is over back to work.

    Someday i'll get the hang of this phone!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: Hi and bye back! Glad you dropped in.

    All of you southern girls are a riot. Chili weather when it's 80 degrees?! Um, it's usually not much hotter than in the 80s in the middle of summer here. We're not into chili weather yet because we're having unseasonably warm weather at 75 degrees right now. We're typically in the low to mid 50s about now. It's gorgeous, so I'm not complaining, just stating the facts.

    As for the weekend, I'll also be spending time around a campfire, with my horse just a few feet away. Ahh, love it! The leaves are beautiful right now and the air has just a hint of crispness. Leaves crunching under hooves, horse snorts in the still of the night, and the smell of campfire smoke...mmm. Heaven! Assuming, of course, that my horse will get into the trailer like a good girl!