Fat Positivity?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    You made the baseless accusation. I thought you might want to back it up with support...but obviously, supported factual statements isn't your thing. I called no one paranoid or crazy. Those are your words, not mine. What I said was something along the lines of: often the judgment people feel from others is actually from within, not without.

    I am not here to defend myself, but I do stand by my posts. I was here to engage in a discussion of the issue. That was going fairly well until someone showed up and started flinging poo. Now I'm just here to see where the trackless train finally ends up.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    You seem like a really nice person.:flowerforyou:
  • dottyb1tchmouse
    dottyb1tchmouse Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah, I see a lot of this and it's just backlash. Weight control is a real issue for a lot of people and I would never criticize someone for being overweight, especially if they were making an effort to begin taking better care of themselves and to become more health-conscious. But there are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuses because they either don't believe they can lose weight, or don't want to change a bad habit.

    IMO anything that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle is bad. 'Thinspiration' is bad and so is obesity glorification because both of these things are encouraging people to abuse instead of nurture their bodies.

    Unhealthy isn't biologically attractive to other people no matter what it looks like. And beyond the superficial aspect, it doesn't feel good.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Yeah, I see a lot of this and it's just backlash. Weight control is a real issue for a lot of people and I would never criticize someone for being overweight, especially if they were making an effort to begin taking better care of themselves and to become more health-conscious. But there are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuses because they either don't believe they can lose weight, or don't want to change a bad habit.

    IMO anything that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle is bad. 'Thinspiration' is bad and so is obesity glorification because both of these things are encouraging people to abuse instead of nurture their bodies.

    Unhealthy isn't biologically attractive to other people no matter what it looks like. And beyond the superficial aspect, it doesn't feel good.

    I think it's so true and so sad what you said - and I believe you hit the nail on the head. I don't know how to bold statements so I'll repeat my belief "THere are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuseses because they either don't believe they can lose weight..."

    I firmly believe that a large number of people who are overweight or obese (or even people who want to be more toned, or gain a few pounds, etc) don't try because they don't believe in themselves enough to do it. OR they don't believe they are worth the effort. I only have like 5-10 pounds left to lose and it's at this point that I've started questioning whether or not I'm worth it to put that work in. It's such a mental struggle.

    I have an obese friend who doesn't think she can lose weight because she doesn't know anything other than what she's been doing and how she's been eating for years.

    Anyone CAN do it but the first step is believing they are worth working for
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.
    So if you just met me and didn't know I spend 7 hours at the gym weekly and cycle as much as possible you would automatically be repulsed? Seems a bit shallow..

    edit cause quotes are all messed up...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This thread is going in some directions I don't want to touch but I think people are conflating "health" and "being healthy" with "fit" and "fitness". I think they are two different things. Or that they overlap but are not exactly the same. Fitness is about cardiovascular ability and strength. But health is harder for me to pin down. Having blood markers that are in the normal range? A lack of any medical conditions? Is a person with asthma unhealthy? A person with rheumatoid arthritis but who exercises as they can? Doctors must mean something specific when they call a patient healthy. Are there any medical professionals who care to comment?
    but so many HAES people believe that fat pride means they can stay fat (unhealthy)
    I have yet to see any evidence that being fat is ALWAYS unhealthy, which is what you are asserting here. Fat can mean unhealthy, and thin can mean unhealthy, and people who have middling weights can be unhealthy. From where does your knowledge that fat is always unhealthy come?
    It's their fault for choosing such bad jobs in the first place. They don't *have* to work there. There is welfare.
    oh cheezus take the wheel.

    I know, LOL! We should all quit our jobs and go on welfare. Forget self-worth and pride.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Dudes - WiiFit was one of the trolls attacking Trog's thread yesterday. Not worth responding to.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    So, you don't respect people because they don't conform to your standards of self worth. That sounds totally legit.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    So, you don't respect people because they don't conform to your standards of self worth. That sounds totally legit.


    Not to mention the fact that there are a plethora of psycho-social factors that impact obesity.......
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Dudes - WiiFit was one of the trolls attacking Trog's thread yesterday. Not worth responding to.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yeah, I see a lot of this and it's just backlash. Weight control is a real issue for a lot of people and I would never criticize someone for being overweight, especially if they were making an effort to begin taking better care of themselves and to become more health-conscious. But there are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuses because they either don't believe they can lose weight, or don't want to change a bad habit.

    IMO anything that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle is bad. 'Thinspiration' is bad and so is obesity glorification because both of these things are encouraging people to abuse instead of nurture their bodies.

    Unhealthy isn't biologically attractive to other people no matter what it looks like. And beyond the superficial aspect, it doesn't feel good.

    I think it's so true and so sad what you said - and I believe you hit the nail on the head. I don't know how to bold statements so I'll repeat my belief "THere are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuseses because they either don't believe they can lose weight..."

    I firmly believe that a large number of people who are overweight or obese (or even people who want to be more toned, or gain a few pounds, etc) don't try because they don't believe in themselves enough to do it. OR they don't believe they are worth the effort. I only have like 5-10 pounds left to lose and it's at this point that I've started questioning whether or not I'm worth it to put that work in. It's such a mental struggle.

    I have an obese friend who doesn't think she can lose weight because she doesn't know anything other than what she's been doing and how she's been eating for years.

    Anyone CAN do it but the first step is believing they are worth working for

    I was fat for three years because my metabolism had changed so every time I tried to portion control, I'd undereat and binge. MFP gave me the tools to figure out what "enough" looked like.

    It wasn't self control, or willpower, or caring about myself or "really wanting it" and I really don't care who I disgusted when I felt sad and helpless and gave up and ate. Making negative judgements about my weight didn't help either.

    When I got the knowledge and tools, I was able to make positive changes. It's that simple. Some people need the extra step of believing that they can, because they've had their credibility trashed by one too many failed diets. How can I judge them for that?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    So, you don't respect people because they don't conform to your standards of self worth. That sounds totally legit.


    Not to mention the fact that there are a plethora of psycho-social factors that impact obesity.......

    Also I seriously doubt obese people working out or trying want your "love".

    One of the best blog posts ever to appear on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/delicious_cocktail/view/fat-girl-running-615479
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    I'm always impressed by people so willing to let their true colors shine through.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't agree with bashing people of ANY body type. When you're fat, especially VERY fat, you face loads of discrimination. Those types of problems shouldn't be fixed by losing weight, they should be fixed by changing society so we're not seeing fat people as not being worthy of respect.



    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves.

    So, you don't respect people because they don't conform to your standards of self worth. That sounds totally legit.


    Not to mention the fact that there are a plethora of psycho-social factors that impact obesity.......

    Also I seriously doubt obese people working out or trying want your "love".

    One of the best blog posts ever to appear on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/delicious_cocktail/view/fat-girl-running-615479

    OMG. I loved Flintland's post, but that is awesome.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Yeah, I see a lot of this and it's just backlash. Weight control is a real issue for a lot of people and I would never criticize someone for being overweight, especially if they were making an effort to begin taking better care of themselves and to become more health-conscious. But there are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuses because they either don't believe they can lose weight, or don't want to change a bad habit.

    IMO anything that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle is bad. 'Thinspiration' is bad and so is obesity glorification because both of these things are encouraging people to abuse instead of nurture their bodies.

    Unhealthy isn't biologically attractive to other people no matter what it looks like. And beyond the superficial aspect, it doesn't feel good.

    I think it's so true and so sad what you said - and I believe you hit the nail on the head. I don't know how to bold statements so I'll repeat my belief "THere are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuseses because they either don't believe they can lose weight..."

    I firmly believe that a large number of people who are overweight or obese (or even people who want to be more toned, or gain a few pounds, etc) don't try because they don't believe in themselves enough to do it. OR they don't believe they are worth the effort. I only have like 5-10 pounds left to lose and it's at this point that I've started questioning whether or not I'm worth it to put that work in. It's such a mental struggle.

    I have an obese friend who doesn't think she can lose weight because she doesn't know anything other than what she's been doing and how she's been eating for years.

    Anyone CAN do it but the first step is believing they are worth working for

    I was fat for three years because my metabolism had changed so every time I tried to portion control, I'd undereat and binge. MFP gave me the tools to figure out what "enough" looked like.

    It wasn't self control, or willpower, or caring about myself or "really wanting it" and I really don't care who I disgusted when I felt sad and helpless and gave up and ate. Making negative judgements about my weight didn't help either.

    When I got the knowledge and tools, I was able to make positive changes. It's that simple. Some people need the extra step of believing that they can, because they've had their credibility trashed by one too many failed diets. How can I judge them for that?

    You also make a very very good point - that many people just don't know how much they should be eating. My husband has single digit body fat percentage and knew close to nothing about calories until he met calorie-obsessed me. He never really needed to lose weight, so it didn't matter to him, but trying to explain calories to him makes me want to scream. A lot. I'm 5'10", 180, and go to the gym 6 days a week. I burn a lot of f'ng calories. Even if I eat 1500 calories a day he thinks I should still eat less to lose weight - doh! it KILLS me!

    My point is one that I missed and you threw in there and I appreciate it because it's often forgotten - by myself included. IF people WANT to change. IF people believe they can lose weight or whatever their goal may be, they still need the tools to do it.

    However, going back to the very original point - i am so so so so happy that people of any size can love their bodies and I wish I loved mine - I can't pretend to overlook the fact that obesity increases the risk for several diseases so it is not without risk. I know I carry a greater risk myself as I carry fat around my abdomen.

    Love yourself at any size, but be aware of any health risks associated with your weight (whether under or over)

    I've stopped making sense
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    what the shet is going on here? in the fat POSITIVITY thread? lol.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yeah, I see a lot of this and it's just backlash. Weight control is a real issue for a lot of people and I would never criticize someone for being overweight, especially if they were making an effort to begin taking better care of themselves and to become more health-conscious. But there are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuses because they either don't believe they can lose weight, or don't want to change a bad habit.

    IMO anything that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle is bad. 'Thinspiration' is bad and so is obesity glorification because both of these things are encouraging people to abuse instead of nurture their bodies.

    Unhealthy isn't biologically attractive to other people no matter what it looks like. And beyond the superficial aspect, it doesn't feel good.

    I think it's so true and so sad what you said - and I believe you hit the nail on the head. I don't know how to bold statements so I'll repeat my belief "THere are a lot of people out there who would rather find excuseses because they either don't believe they can lose weight..."

    I firmly believe that a large number of people who are overweight or obese (or even people who want to be more toned, or gain a few pounds, etc) don't try because they don't believe in themselves enough to do it. OR they don't believe they are worth the effort. I only have like 5-10 pounds left to lose and it's at this point that I've started questioning whether or not I'm worth it to put that work in. It's such a mental struggle.

    I have an obese friend who doesn't think she can lose weight because she doesn't know anything other than what she's been doing and how she's been eating for years.

    Anyone CAN do it but the first step is believing they are worth working for

    I was fat for three years because my metabolism had changed so every time I tried to portion control, I'd undereat and binge. MFP gave me the tools to figure out what "enough" looked like.

    It wasn't self control, or willpower, or caring about myself or "really wanting it" and I really don't care who I disgusted when I felt sad and helpless and gave up and ate. Making negative judgements about my weight didn't help either.

    When I got the knowledge and tools, I was able to make positive changes. It's that simple. Some people need the extra step of believing that they can, because they've had their credibility trashed by one too many failed diets. How can I judge them for that?

    You also make a very very good point - that many people just don't know how much they should be eating. My husband has single digit body fat percentage and knew close to nothing about calories until he met calorie-obsessed me. He never really needed to lose weight, so it didn't matter to him, but trying to explain calories to him makes me want to scream. A lot. I'm 5'10", 180, and go to the gym 6 days a week. I burn a lot of f'ng calories. Even if I eat 1500 calories a day he thinks I should still eat less to lose weight - doh! it KILLS me!

    My point is one that I missed and you threw in there and I appreciate it because it's often forgotten - by myself included. IF people WANT to change. IF people believe they can lose weight or whatever their goal may be, they still need the tools to do it.

    However, going back to the very original point - i am so so so so happy that people of any size can love their bodies and I wish I loved mine - I can't pretend to overlook the fact that obesity increases the risk for several diseases so it is not without risk. I know I carry a greater risk myself as I carry fat around my abdomen.

    Love yourself at any size, but be aware of any health risks associated with your weight (whether under or over)

    I've stopped making sense

    When I first started on MFP, my husband was like "You eat so much food. Have you tried just eating watermelon?"

    Actually, over the last year and a half (and I'm an apple too), I've begun to see being sedentary as a MUCH bigger issue than body fat. The research is pretty clear on the health risks of inactivity and a little more muddied on body composition and diet.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    what the shet is going on here? in the fat POSITIVITY thread? lol.

    Haters will hate.