Dont be afraid to EAT MORE ladies!



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I don't really understand the issue - people seem to be saying they are doing so much better on the TDEE method compared to the MFP method and the TDEE methods is giving them so many more calories each day to eat..

    but TDEE method does not involve eating back exercise calories and MFP method does - as I understand it, this usually gives round about the same total.

    Not sure why people are eating so much more using TDEE method?
    Actually, the TDEE method gives me less maintenance calories than MFP does. I just started with MFP and have to adjust my calories accordingly. So, I eat more on MFP than I can using TDEE.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just because I am an editor for a living, I have to point out that this is not, in fact, a grammatical error. Rather, it is a punctuation error.

    The thead title is grammatically correct, but it is missing both an apostrophe and a comma.

    Thank you for explaining that. I always considered that kind of thing to be a punctuation error, but so many Americans refer to punctuation errors as grammatical errors that I'd taken it to be a dialectual difference, i.e. that in American English punctuation is considered as a subset of grammar.
    Not dialect -- laziness or misunderstanding. It's kind of how so many people refer to their tax refund as their tax return. The tax return is what we submit to get our refund (for those who get one ...).

    A sentence fragment from an editor? I'm trying not to rage at you. :sad:
    There is nothing wrong with a sentence fragment when done correctly for style and emphasis.

    Plus, this is conversational. It isn't formal writing. For my actual job, I would never allow sentence fragments. But I use them all the time (on purpose) on my blog and in my creative writing.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I don't really understand the issue - people seem to be saying they are doing so much better on the TDEE method compared to the MFP method and the TDEE methods is giving them so many more calories each day to eat..

    but TDEE method does not involve eating back exercise calories and MFP method does - as I understand it, this usually gives round about the same total.

    Not sure why people are eating so much more using TDEE method? will explain simple terms
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Well, I would have said the same thing about eating more, but after menopause, all bets are off. As women get older, they don't burn energy as efficiently as when younger, even with exercise factored in, plus our caloric needs really do drop 200 calories per decade after around 40 or so. and we have to exercise even more to get the same effect, along with tightening up diet. That means that for someone who could ordinarily lose just fine on between 1600-2000 calories a day depending on their size, might have to really buckle down and eat less than they thought they would. Also, the person who could lose weight on just doing cardio 3x a week for 30 minutes with a more generous calorie allowance might have to go to 4 bare minimum, often 5-6 days of at least 45 minutes of cardio. Also, carbs are used differently for many older women post-menopause(but this can vary from woman to woman depending on how carb-sensitive she was from the get-go when younger), so the mix to successfully lose might indeed have to be both low-cal AND lower-carb. One has to find one's balance as to what works on one's particular body.
    I'm 52, and the doctor took blood work and confirmed I am in menopause, My thyroid was also checked and confirmed to be in good working order. I am supposed to be in maintenance, but I have been losing on 2,000 to 2,400 calories a day, depending on what my workouts are. I will admit I run 4-6 miles at least two days a week and heavy lift on M,W, and F.

    I burn energy MORE efficiently than I have at any other time in my life.

    I'm not menopausal as yet, according to my gp... but, I've become less tolerant to certain foods, which I'm working on. Have got just as much energy, as someone twenty years younger than me, though. I've always been energetic, so that's what keeps me young, in my book. Work hard, play hard, and remember to take care of no 1 <3
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Rollerblading, and skiing, are definately the most fun way to exercise, next to dancing :) and burns heaps, of calories. Always, wanted to learn skateboarding/snowboarding, and think I might give it my next challenge, in 2015 :)
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Ditto: Active people eat a lot of calories to keep up with what they are doing. It is not an age thing unless you become inactive. I laughed a bit at the title too :smile: .