America is doomed



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    There shouldn't be confusion over why so many Americans are overweight when a popular pizza chain advertises on the radio a new "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. I'm sure most people who eat something like that don't know or care how much fat and calories they are getting. The restaurant would say they are just giving people what they want.

    And they are, people can eat what they want as far as i'm concerned, no one else's business

    Exactly. And it's not what, it's how much and how often.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.

    Duh! That's like saying "water is wet".

    Inferiority complex. :D
    If I had an inferiority complex I would be saying that America is just as good as Europe. :laugh:
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.


    There are fantasy lands populated with the sorts of fools who would make such sweeping generalizations about collections of imaginary lines, I'm sure. I was stationed in Europe for two years once upon a time. Travelled pretty extensively throughout during the time.

    Great place to visit...can't imagine wanting to live there.
    I have never been, but I have an unnatural obsession with England and would like to live there for at least a few years at some point in my life. I would still want to come back to the US, though. It's my home.

    I do not want to come back to the US because I think it's necessarily better. It's just different. Heaven forbid anyone respect that there are different cultures with different customs and foods. *shrug*

    Is the food in Italy the same as the food in France? Why don't people compare those countries' foods and decide one is superior and the other is stupid and evil?

    Oh, they do. They have amazing levels of infighting amongst themselves. You think Americans have a problem with burning on the French? They've got nothing on the Brits. And vice-versa.

    Its all stupid, of course. Antiamericanism is just another flavor of the same ignorance that goes with anyone bashing anyone else on the basis of borders. Its usually just ignorance and stereotyping.

    Americans are fat and stupid cowboys, the French are all effeminate little *kitten* men in striped shirts smoking cigarettes, and the Brits are a bunch of pale people with silly hats and bad teeth.

    Its all good for a laugh. Unfortunately some people take it seriously.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    There IS more added sugar in USA bread - my daughter was living in USA for 6 months and she noticed, as other Australians in USA have, that the bread tastes much sweeter.

    Out of curiosity I googled USA bread info and compared to bread labels here - obviously I didnt include every bread on either market but I compared the standard white breads - there was more sugar in USA breads - it is not just perception or hearsay, it is the case.

    Whether or not that is relevant to thread IDK - but there it is.
    It's just not the US. I don't know about the rest of Canada but Quebec is just as bad if not worse. Bread tastes like cake, beans taste like dessert and dessert tastes like sugar with flavourings.

    There's nothing wrong with that, btw, I think a lot of people are getting their jimmies rustled in this thread because they see this remark as an attack on US/N.American cuisine. It isn't, just a feature of it.

    But seriously, bread has no business tasting sweet.
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.
    Nope, just the bread.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.


    There are fantasy lands populated with the sorts of fools who would make such sweeping generalizations about collections of imaginary lines, I'm sure. I was stationed in Europe for two years once upon a time. Travelled pretty extensively throughout during the time.

    Great place to visit...can't imagine wanting to live there.
    I have never been, but I have an unnatural obsession with England and would like to live there for at least a few years at some point in my life. I would still want to come back to the US, though. It's my home.

    I do not want to come back to the US because I think it's necessarily better. It's just different. Heaven forbid anyone respect that there are different cultures with different customs and foods. *shrug*

    Is the food in Italy the same as the food in France? Why don't people compare those countries' foods and decide one is superior and the other is stupid and evil?

    Oh, they do. They have amazing levels of infighting amongst themselves. You think Americans have a problem with burning on the French? They've got nothing on the Brits. And vice-versa.

    Its all stupid, of course. Antiamericanism is just another flavor of the same ignorance that goes with anyone bashing anyone else on the basis of borders. Its usually just ignorance and stereotyping.

    Americans are fat and stupid cowboys, the French are all effeminate little *kitten* men in striped shirts smoking cigarettes, and the Brits are a bunch of pale people with silly hats and bad teeth.

    Its all good for a laugh. Unfortunately some people take it seriously.
    I have listened to the French and British go after each other mostly joking around. And I can even take a joke about American stereotypes. But it's very rarely a joke.

    I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of European expats living in the US. They have all told me they thought America and Americans were just awful until they actually lived here for a while and got to know the country and people.

    Most of the people in this thread are not kidding or teasing. I get sick of the bashing. I know there are some jerk Americans who do it, but it isn't all that common.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But seriously, bread has no business tasting sweet.

    Depends on the kind of bread, though. Rye shouldn't taste sweet, but a yeast roll should.

    I've been eating American bread (store bought, homemade, whatever) for 37 years. Some are sweet. Some aren't.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.

    We were actually talking about the differences between obesity rates and foods.

    Sit down and chill out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.

    We were actually talking about the differences between obesity rates and foods.

    Sit down and chill out.
    What about that post makes you think I'm standing up and freaking out in any way?
  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    That is true! most food we have that are supposed to be from other countries are very westernized.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I have listened to the French and British go after each other mostly joking around. And I can even take a joke about American stereotypes. But it's very rarely a joke.
    wars between US and England : 1, arguably 2 (that I know of)
    wars between US and France : plenty of periods of friction, but have there even been any?
    wars between England and France : 1087 AD - 1856 AD with occasional truces
  • michele0101
    What PennyVonDread said!!!!!!!!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    What's poutine? I thought Canada had beer, maple syrup, cheese (IDK why), and hockey.

    THIS is poutine...

    You're welcome.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.

    We were actually talking about the differences between obesity rates and foods.

    Sit down and chill out.
    What about that post makes you think I'm standing up and freaking out in any way?

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    What PennyVonDread said!!!!!!!!

    Oh, please--no............................not that! :laugh:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks for this.

    I think people sometimes forget all of this.
    If I want to eat something really indulgent, I can workout a little harder and do it. Health is relative to function. Even if I eat the whole pizza, one pizza isn't going to un-do my function in one day. Also consider:

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one is obligated to be skinny.

    No one cares if you don't approve.

    It's not just "America," we're not even the worst per capita, we just have more "obese" people because we're a huge country.

    Obesity rates have been pretty leveled out with the American population for a while now, and in the years where the rates seem to have drastically risen were due to changes in how obesity is diagnosed, particularly in children obesity rates.

    Being fat isn't the worst thing you can be. There are plenty of hard-working fat people who enjoy life being able to eat whatever they want and who don't enjoy exercising. That's okay.

    Correlation is not causation, and not everyone who is fat will experience diseases that show correlation with higher weights. And even if they are diabetic and unhealthy, they are still human beings worthy of treatment for managing illnesses and aren't obligated to ever get healthy or lose weight if they don't want to put in the work to do that.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    America is doomed over stupid policies, not pizza IMHO.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    What's poutine? I thought Canada had beer, maple syrup, cheese (IDK why), and hockey.

    THIS is poutine...

    You're welcome.

    smokes poutinerie is the reason i had to sign up to MFP in the first place.... theres one right in the middle of all the bars in london, it was pretty much a nightly ritual if i went to the bars. double pork is so delicious, drooling just thinking about it
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Moral of the thread:

    America sucks. Europe is superior in every way.


    Europe isn't superior---they have alot of problems, some are just different. People in Italy love America, and many dream of coming to visit. However, an interesting discussion with people from other parts of the world is a good thing, and I think we can all learn something from others. Now that we have proof and discussion of added sugar in American bread, besides other foods, we can make choices--like buy a bread machine, look at the labels closely and choose a bread with less sugar added, etc etc. We are (almost) all here to better our health and learn. I can say I have from this thread--thanks OP! :smile:
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks for this.

    I think people sometimes forget all of this.
    If I want to eat something really indulgent, I can workout a little harder and do it. Health is relative to function. Even if I eat the whole pizza, one pizza isn't going to un-do my function in one day. Also consider:

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one is obligated to be skinny.

    No one cares if you don't approve.

    It's not just "America," we're not even the worst per capita, we just have more "obese" people because we're a huge country.

    Obesity rates have been pretty leveled out with the American population for a while now, and in the years where the rates seem to have drastically risen were due to changes in how obesity is diagnosed, particularly in children obesity rates.

    Being fat isn't the worst thing you can be. There are plenty of hard-working fat people who enjoy life being able to eat whatever they want and who don't enjoy exercising. That's okay.

    Correlation is not causation, and not everyone who is fat will experience diseases that show correlation with higher weights. And even if they are diabetic and unhealthy, they are still human beings worthy of treatment for managing illnesses and aren't obligated to ever get healthy or lose weight if they don't want to put in the work to do that.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    Sorry for Penny and all her admirers, but it's human to think, judge and comment--as she herself did. Nobody is going to change their nature just because you don't like it. :smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There shouldn't be confusion over why so many Americans are overweight when a popular pizza chain advertises on the radio a new "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. I'm sure most people who eat something like that don't know or care how much fat and calories they are getting. The restaurant would say they are just giving people what they want.


    Sorry, I'm late, but I brought some beer. I ate all the popcorn already.

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