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Do you get hit on?



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    never in my life

    Really? With those lips?
  • Azcosby
    Azcosby Posts: 150
    All the time!!! I'm sick of it! ....Not really, rarely on here lulz
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Not to brag or anything but there was a little extra ketchup on my bunless buger from Wendy's the other day. Now I'm not saying she was hitting on me but we all know what was going on. So yeah.
    KOUTUREDIVA7 Posts: 6 Member
    yea...as of late it's been married men...where the single decent ones at?? lol
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    Pretty much never. Unless I'm visibly drunk, then guys are all about me.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    A dog humped my leg today. So I guess you can say, it's getting pretty serious.

    LMAO did he at least get your number after? Geez!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Not as often as I'd like, but (sigh) oh well. I generally either creep them out or tick them off. :ohwell:
  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
  • KatieKat1979
    KatieKat1979 Posts: 470 Member
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    No and if they hit on me I would hi them on the head with a big brush
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    Id have to say yes... but hardly by someone Id really want to hit on me . My friends say Im too nice. The weirdest person in the room can come talk to me and I will be friendly and courteous to anyone. And my friend is beautiful but they dont approach her cuz she has this look on her face like dont even think about saying hi to me.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    There are a lot of people in here NOT being hit on! Yes, yes I'll join you!
  • ibrahimz95
    ibrahimz95 Posts: 67
    I cant say for sure. I was invisible back when I was really fat but ever since I've slimmed into a normal range I feel like the general attitude females have towards me has changed and my friends keep pointing out looks and stuff but I'm kinda dumb like that... I dont pick up on flirty signals and stuff lol
  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    Absolutely. My husband hits on me all the time. Especially on the days that I shower. ha ha ha..... Seriously, though...my husband in incredibly sincere and awesome. He is always telling me how lucky he is and how beautiful I am. Makes a girl blush.

    Oh....and my kids don't actually hit on me...but they have all hit me at one point in their lives. Does that count? ;)
  • courtneyfrose
    courtneyfrose Posts: 21 Member
    Amazingly, I get hit on all the time & not subtly either. Unfortunately it's usually by high school boys (since I look so young!) or old perverts & never for the right reasons. Still a compliment, I guess.
  • theoncomingstorm6464
    theoncomingstorm6464 Posts: 116 Member
    Not yet :(
  • indycoltz
    indycoltz Posts: 565 Member
    so let me get this straight, women want to be hit on to boost their ego, but think its creepy and don't want it to happen too much. is that what I am picking up here???
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    I have never ever been hit on in real life, or just didn't realise if I have xD
  • indycoltz
    indycoltz Posts: 565 Member
    I used to weigh over 400 pounds. Now that I've lost on my weight , it would be nice to get hit on just to know that I've made it. Ya know? Never happened!