What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • MargueriteMuguet
    MargueriteMuguet Posts: 230 Member
    Today is my 365th day on MFP :-) and I bought myself a cooking book to celebrate :-)
  • athenawj
    athenawj Posts: 23 Member
    I threw out all my big girl panties and bras. I was hedging about it, and my husband even said, "If you want to hang onto them, go ahead", but then I said, "I am NOT going back to that weight!" Felt weird, but good. :)
  • dmegk5
    dmegk5 Posts: 26 Member
    I threw on a large long sleeve t-shirt today and thought I might have stretched it out on accident because a couple of weeks ago when I got it, it was kind of tight around the belly. So I tried on a large t-shirt that I just got yesterday and it fit well too! Making progress!!
  • traveling12015
    traveling12015 Posts: 26 Member
    Went to the store yesterday to purchase a dress for an event and purchased one 2 sizes smaller than anything in my closet! It's even a little too big but my mind can't comprehend going any smaller right now :p
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Oy. There are a few. I fell of the wagon back in July BUT I maintained the whole time. In fact I still lost about 5lbs.

    I've quit the gym, but started working out in my own home. I've finished C25K and am working towards 10K. I've also signed up for a trial Krav Maga class. Tomorrow.

    I've also begun the process for applying for my Masters degree.

    Oh and my check up today was beautiful. Just need to lose another 20lbs ;)

    All that off the wagon. I'm really hoping I can fall back on!
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I love all your NSV's! Way to go!

    My NSV is not too flashy but I went for my first walk today in a long time and my time surprised me. I can't wait to go again tomorrow!
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    Today I did a 5 hour zumbathon. I danced every single song and maintained a high level of energy the whole time.

    Afterwards I rewarded myself with pizza, but I did a homemade one rather than takeaway like I was tempted to do the calories were still within a decent range (Zumba had earned me 3000 calories lol)

    I also managed to squeeze in a quick cycle. Now my only ache is the base of my feet because my socks weren't ideal. My legs and arms are fine so far.

    It amazes me how 2 years ago a one hour class was my limit!
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    I had my longest run to date today. Four and a half miles in 55 minutes. I may not be the fastest runner but the speed will come in time. Or not. I don't really care, I just want to run.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My chloresterol level is excellent
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I'm back on this program. To me that is a victory. it sometimes takes more than one try.
  • lynette4
    lynette4 Posts: 62 Member
    I went for n easy run today and my husband and son tagged along (he rode his bike and my done rode in the thing that attaches to it) about 1/2 way done my husband said "wow you have a great pace going!" Made me feel not so slow (even though I know I am and an OK with that lol).
  • aprilcanrun
    aprilcanrun Posts: 62 Member
    Parkrun PB today: 5km in 28:08.
    Pretty middle of the pack, but it felt awesome! Looking forward to sub 28 min.

  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    Got my engagement ring resized.......4 sizes down......
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Today I completed my first non stop 20 min run since 2012. Boo yah! Also- I got mistaken for a marathon runner the other day. :smiley:
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I have two daughters who both wear size 10/12 clothes (one tall and skinny, 13, the other short and chunky, 10). I was folding clothes and had a size 11 pair of pants and was trying to decide which daughter they went to. I thought, not DD13, she only wears skinny jeans, but not DD10, either, they're way too long for her. Then I realized they were MINE!! I argued with myself for awhile ("these can't be mine, there's no way I could fit my butt in these") before I decided they really were mine. Such a great feeling!
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    I just hung up the washing and realised I have worn sneaker socks every day for the last 5 days. Which means 5 days walking in a row. Go me!
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Having to buy new underpants as my old ones hung like a weird skirt/skort thing.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    I keep seeing my reflection, stopping, and thinking to myself those are not my thighs, they look way to thin to be mine!

    Also i bought myself some UK size 14 leggings and they fit! Can't remember the last time i was in size 14 pants/trousers/leggings!
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I out lifted my brother in law!!!!!
  • rwc0n335
    rwc0n335 Posts: 9 Member
    Flew on an airliner yesterday and did not need to request a seat belt extender
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