"Eat All The Sweets" - A 30 Day Tale of Love & Happiness



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I had some extra batter from my cupcake fail... crossed my fingers and baked it in some mini loaf pans, and it actually turned out alright! Going to have to guesstimate the calories but I don't even care!

    ETA: My mini loaves turned out. I used a local black mocha stout... Mmm.


    You get an A for persistence and for improvisation!
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    This may not qualify for "Eat All The Sweets" since it may not be sweet enough for others or in the full spirit of the thread, but I thought I'd throw it out there as it is my sort of dessert and it is sweet to me! Local creamery's blue cheese with two bourbon-infused cherries and juice drizzled on the cheese, a small hunk of fresh bread, and 2 ounces of a malbec port wine. Sweet, and tangy, and filling, and pretty reasonable calorie-wise.


    I'm not on the Executive Board, but the way I see it: you got two kinds of alcohol, so that's a winner.
  • white_rushin
    Day 1: Cinnamon and Raisin English muffin with 1/2 tbs of Cookie Batter and 5 squares of 85% rich dark chocolate from Trader Joe's :)

    Day 2: Skinny Cow Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwich and 4 squares of 85% dark chocolate again!

    I wish I was more original and creative, but I haven't gone to any bakeries/grocery stores/ or anywhere that I can indulge otherwise.
  • Auzziedoggie
    Auzziedoggie Posts: 66 Member
    This is a good challenge for people with self control.
    As a sugar addict ( I can eat a whole bag of oreos in one day), I simply could not succeed in this challenge. Just writing this for anyone who is in my position and also considering this challenge. It CAN derail your plans. I hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future, but not now. I'd undermine everything I've worked for in the past 3 months. I'm finally okay with not eating sweets every day.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Day 1: Zuppa inglese
    Day 2: Apple and cinnamon home-made mini cake
    Day 3: Ciacco's gelato (custard and chocolate sorbet)

    That looks really good. Did you buy it from a store or a local Gelato place?
    It's a local gelato place I ve been wanting to try for a while. "Step outside your palate zone" was all I needed :-)
    eta: typo
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    This is a good challenge for people with self control.
    As a sugar addict ( I can eat a whole bag of oreos in one day), I simply could not succeed in this challenge. Just writing this for anyone who is in my position and also considering this challenge. It CAN derail your plans. I hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future, but not now. I'd undermine everything I've worked for in the past 3 months. I'm finally okay with not eating sweets every day.

    With that frame of mind, you'll never be at that point.

    So don't buy a 40ft shipping container of Oreos from Costco. Instead once a day buy a Little Debbie from the gas station... and over time you will learn that just a little bit goes a long way towards satisfaction.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    This is a good challenge for people with self control.
    As a sugar addict ( I can eat a whole bag of oreos in one day), I simply could not succeed in this challenge. Just writing this for anyone who is in my position and also considering this challenge. It CAN derail your plans. I hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future, but not now. I'd undermine everything I've worked for in the past 3 months. I'm finally okay with not eating sweets every day.

    With that frame of mind, you'll never be at that point.

    So don't buy a 40ft shipping container of Oreos from Costco. Instead once a day buy a Little Debbie from the gas station... and over time you will learn that just a little bit goes a long way towards satisfaction.

    Yeah, nah.

    do you tell alcoholics to have 'just a little bit'?

    Me, I haven't had any lollies for a week and I'm quite happy with that.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    This is a good challenge for people with self control.
    As a sugar addict ( I can eat a whole bag of oreos in one day), I simply could not succeed in this challenge. Just writing this for anyone who is in my position and also considering this challenge. It CAN derail your plans. I hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future, but not now. I'd undermine everything I've worked for in the past 3 months. I'm finally okay with not eating sweets every day.

    With that frame of mind, you'll never be at that point.

    So don't buy a 40ft shipping container of Oreos from Costco. Instead once a day buy a Little Debbie from the gas station... and over time you will learn that just a little bit goes a long way towards satisfaction.

    Yeah, nah.

    do you tell alcoholics to have 'just a little bit'?

    Me, I haven't had any lollies for a week and I'm quite happy with that.

    Alcoholics that are serious about their treatment don't "hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future".

    What's Step Nine for a sugar addict? "Hi, yeah... it's me. Sorry I took the last slice of pumpkin pie back at Thanksgiving in 1997"
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,655 Member
    Day 3: w00t! The froyo place up the street has my two favoritest flavors of all time... chocolate twilight and salted caramel pecan! I walked there and downed 12 ounces of the stuff (about 300 calories). Chocolate twilight is super rich and dark. Salted caramel pecan tastes just exactly like a cold, smooth, creamy Bit O'Honey bar. And it's far enough away that the trip there is a negative-calorie event; I burned more walking there than I consumed. Sorry no pic. But I may have to do it again tomorrow, which would suck because I have other dessert ideas I want to do, but would also be awesome because NOM my two favoritest flavors!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I had some extra batter from my cupcake fail... crossed my fingers and baked it in some mini loaf pans, and it actually turned out alright! Going to have to guesstimate the calories but I don't even care!

    ETA: My mini loaves turned out. I used a local black mocha stout... Mmm.


    Can you share this recipe please :)
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Day 1 - Chocolate & Vanilla Pudding Cup, and M & M cookie!
    Day 2 - Vanilla Pudding Cup, Cadbury Fruit & Nut Bar!
    Day 3 - Butterscoth Pudding, and to be determined!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    day1- cadbury caramel egg
    day 2 cadbury fudge egg- mint chocolate cookie ice cream
    day 3 triple chocolate fudge ice cream melted in my coffee..
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member

    Finished Swiss mint :heart:
    Bit worried about the chili though :bigsmile:
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    This is a good challenge for people with self control.
    As a sugar addict ( I can eat a whole bag of oreos in one day), I simply could not succeed in this challenge. Just writing this for anyone who is in my position and also considering this challenge. It CAN derail your plans. I hope to be at the point where I can practice moderation in a challenge such as this in the future, but not now. I'd undermine everything I've worked for in the past 3 months. I'm finally okay with not eating sweets every day.

    With that frame of mind, you'll never be at that point.

    So don't buy a 40ft shipping container of Oreos from Costco. Instead once a day buy a Little Debbie from the gas station... and over time you will learn that just a little bit goes a long way towards satisfaction.

    Yeah, nah.

    do you tell alcoholics to have 'just a little bit'?

    Me, I haven't had any lollies for a week and I'm quite happy with that.

    Food and Alcohol cannot be compared.

    One needs food to survive, and one cannot be addicted to it.

    Alcohol is unnecessay for survival, and can be addictive.

    An alcohol or druggie may steal or kill for their crutch.
    you wouldn't steal of kill for a pack of Oreos.

    I could also eat a whole pack of oreos in ten minutes.....I choose not to.
    You can as well!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Day 1 - 67g of Sweet Freedom vanilla ice cream and a chocolate protein milkshake
    Day 2 - Pancakes and single serving vanilla cake
    Day 3 - Kugel (150g). Man I love the stuff. More pancakes
    Day 4 - Kugel for breakfast. The day is young though.
  • tectactoe
    tectactoe Posts: 73 Member
    I'd love to try something like this, but I generally am not a huge fan of things like chocolate or candy. I'm more into savory things or baked goods (I know those are sweet, too, but you know what I mean).

    Would this work with, say, a different kind of donut each day? Or perhaps a different Taco Bell menu item each day for 30 days?

    If so, I'm IN.
  • tectactoe
    tectactoe Posts: 73 Member
    I'd love to try something like this, but I generally am not a huge fan of things like chocolate or candy. I'm more into savory things or baked goods (I know those are sweet, too, but you know what I mean).

    Would this work with, say, a different kind of donut each day? Or perhaps a different Taco Bell menu item each day for 30 days?

    If so, I'm IN.
    I would say a different donut each day would work.
    As far as taco bell goes I would think that would not qualify. I would consider that closer to a basic meal not desert/treat/sweet.

    Good point!

    Tomorrow it begins, then. A donut/baked pastry a day for 30 days! I'm more excited about this than I should be, haha.