"Eat All The Sweets" - A 30 Day Tale of Love & Happiness



  • CraziiMaddii
    This is awesome. I'm so in.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Day 1 - 67g of Sweet Freedom vanilla ice cream and a chocolate protein milkshake
    Day 2 - Pancakes and single serving vanilla cake
    Day 3 - Kugel (150g). Man I love the stuff. More pancakes
    Day 4 - Kugel for breakfast. Protein cheesecake at lunch. Pancakes for dinner.
    Day 5 - Kugel and pancakes for breakfast. Chocolate protein milk shake as a snack. Yoplait frozen Greek yogurt with honey and caramel bar for lunch.
    Day 6 - Protein cheesecake with caramel and whipped cream for breakfast (no shame). Some cheese danish that was pretty good but didn't have cream cheese in it, so it didn't help with my craving unfortunately. Then more cheesecake after dinner because I was hungry. This time with some mixed berry jam (stayed under my TDEE at least)

    Day 7 - More protein cheesecake for breakfast, with whipped cream and frozen berries zapped in the microwave with some splenda until it made a nice sauce.

    Sorry the picture is a bit blurred
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I wish I had enough lean body mass like you LOLbroscience to be able to eat a reasonable portion of ice cream, sweets, etc and still move towards fat loss. You have A LOT of lean body mass so your resting metabolic rate is very high compared to a fattie like me.

    BTW, I find this topic so cute. It's adorable that a big muscular guy has a collection of specialty flavoured chocolates.

    I'm 5'4", 126 lbs, and current unable to exercise (had surgery on Thursday). Feel free to creep my diary. I'm not eating as large a portion as LOLbroscience, but there's no reason that anyone wouldn't be able to work in something sweet given a reasonable calorie goal. It's especially attainable for a person who exercises.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Day 1 - 67g of Sweet Freedom vanilla ice cream and a chocolate protein milkshake
    Day 2 - Pancakes and single serving vanilla cake
    Day 3 - Kugel (150g). Man I love the stuff. More pancakes
    Day 4 - Kugel for breakfast. Protein cheesecake at lunch. Pancakes for dinner.
    Day 5 - Kugel and pancakes for breakfast. Chocolate protein milk shake as a snack. Yoplait frozen Greek yogurt with honey and caramel bar for lunch.
    Day 6 - Protein cheesecake with caramel and whipped cream for breakfast (no shame). Some cheese danish that was pretty good but didn't have cream cheese in it, so it didn't help with my craving unfortunately. Then more cheesecake after dinner because I was hungry. This time with some mixed berry jam (stayed under my TDEE at least)

    Day 7 - More protein cheesecake for breakfast, with whipped cream and frozen berries zapped in the microwave with some splenda until it made a nice sauce.

    Sorry the picture is a bit blurred

    How is the protein cheesecake? I've been burned before-- tried one of the greek yogurt recipes from the Recipes forum here and it was a disappointment.
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    I love this thread, lol. I try and incorporate something sweet into my calories about once a week. It's good to know that other people are following the "everything in moderation" idea. :bigsmile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's decent. Good enough that I enjoy it but not good enough that I'll be tempted to binge on it. VERY filling though. I had 330 calories worth for breakfast yesterday and still wasn't hungry at 1pm, which never happens to me. It's this one http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/461619-ny-cheesecake-morph but I do it half with fat free cream cheese and half with low fat, and with splenda.

    But my next one will be a regular one (although probably made with splenda as my mom will be here and she's diabetic, and I can't really tell the difference).
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Day 1: Graze Apple cinnamon flapjack and 3/4 of a blueberry poptart under black cherry ice cream.
    Day 2: Speculoos cookie butter sandwich and a blueberry poptart
    Day 3: 3/4 of a poptart, a red velvet cupcake, and a big cup of red velvet ice cream from my local ice cream place.
    Day 4: Three Salty N Sweet Caramel Chunk Chips Ahoy cookies. Good, but I hate how they're so tiny.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Two dark chocolate ghiradelli caramel squares. Let my sweet weekend fling begin.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Uhm, I didn't start the challenge with everyone else, but I wanted to say that I include a little sweetness into my diet everyday. I am a bit of a sugar monster so I need to have a little bit everyday. Today, I had a huuuge cup (25 oz!) of 1/2 sweet boba milk tea! It was delicious. Now I'm hyped up on sugar and caffeine. :laugh:

    i LOVE boba tea! i bought some tapioca pearls & matcha and tried to make my own at home. it came out ok but not quite the same. i like the colored pearls they use & those extra big straws they give you. fun!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Two dark chocolate ghiradelli caramel squares. Let my sweet weekend fling begin.
    I thought this approach we are doing wasn't for you.

    Also, you're missing a couple of days of logging. This is not your let me update of money "weekend sugar fix log".

    I can't do it every day. Also, my diary is supposed to be private. Also, wow, rude much?
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Two dark chocolate ghiradelli caramel squares. Let my sweet weekend fling begin.
    I thought this approach we are doing wasn't for you.

    Also, you're missing a couple of days of logging. This is not your let me update of money "weekend sugar fix log".

    I can't do it every day. Also, my diary is supposed to be private. Also, wow, rude much?
    Then obviously this thread doesn't suit you.

    Also, yes, rude, arrogant, self centered. I thought we discussed that already. Please don't state the obvious.

    Okay. Ignore me, I'll ignore you, we won't irritate each other or get in trouble sniping at each other. Okay?
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I wish I had enough lean body mass like you LOLbroscience to be able to eat a reasonable portion of ice cream, sweets, etc and still move towards fat loss. You have A LOT of lean body mass so your resting metabolic rate is very high compared to a fattie like me.

    BTW, I find this topic so cute. It's adorable that a big muscular guy has a collection of specialty flavoured chocolates.

    You can do it too if you really want to. There is no reason to knock others. Rather than make condescending statements directed towards someone, why don't you focus on the real issue which is your lack of self control. and rather than have a defeatist attitude about it and give up before trying, why don't you attempt to learn from those who are successful at it so you can be successful at it yourself?

    I'm 5' 7" and 122 lbs and am most certainly not a big muscular guy, and i am participating in this as well. I also did the 30 day gelato & ice cream "cleanse" and have been eating some kind of sweets every day for months prior to either challenge. no weight gain for me. My diary is open, feel free to creep.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I wish I had enough lean body mass like you LOLbroscience to be able to eat a reasonable portion of ice cream, sweets, etc and still move towards fat loss. You have A LOT of lean body mass so your resting metabolic rate is very high compared to a fattie like me.

    BTW, I find this topic so cute. It's adorable that a big muscular guy has a collection of specialty flavoured chocolates.

    It's ok :).... he and I were chatting about this via PM. I didn't take it in a condescending way.

    To be honest, I'm not a "big" musclar guy by any means... it's just my proportions which make me appear so. I'm only walking around at like 180 ish right now and probably 12%bf.

    In my avi I was upper 160's and closer to 8% or so.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I wish I had enough lean body mass like you LOLbroscience to be able to eat a reasonable portion of ice cream, sweets, etc and still move towards fat loss. You have A LOT of lean body mass so your resting metabolic rate is very high compared to a fattie like me.

    BTW, I find this topic so cute. It's adorable that a big muscular guy has a collection of specialty flavoured chocolates.

    You can do it too if you really want to. There is no reason to knock others. Rather than make condescending statements directed towards someone, why don't you focus on the real issue which is your lack of self control. and rather than have a defeatist attitude about it and give up before trying, why don't you attempt to learn from those who are successful at it so you can be successful at it yourself?

    I'm 5' 7" and 122 lbs and am most certainly not a big muscular guy, and i am participating in this as well. I also did the 30 day gelato & ice cream "cleanse" and have been eating some kind of sweets every day for months prior to either challenge. no weight gain for me. My diary is open, feel free to creep.

    I swear. If you lived in NYC, we would take you out for some ice cream for that statement.

    Maybe I'm just feeling feisty today because it was just so well said.

    Also, those french macaroons in your profile picture are awesome. I'm hitting the bakery later, still don't know what I'm getting but I will take a picture of the display case with the maybe 20 different flavors of French macaroons they have.


    These are my first taste of french macarons and they are really starting to grow on me. Out of the dozen i bought I only have 3 left, and i'll be very sad when they are gone.

    I can't wait to see those pics of the bakery- the gelato parlor you shared pics of in the last challenge was incredible. Sadly we do not have anything like that in S.J. so I have to mail order all the really good stuff.
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    Day 1: Double fudge cookie dough Blizzard in a chocolate-dipped waffle cone
    Day 2: 4 lemon twist Oreos and a mini Reeses peanut butter egg
    Day 3: Chocolate stout cupcake fail - just ate copious amounts of batter and frosting
    Day 4: Chocolate stout redemption cake w/ Baileys frosting, sour Starburst jellybeans, + a bakery cinnamon roll
    Day 5: Chocolate stout cake for breakfast
    Day 6: Slice of lemon chess pie
    Day 7: A key lime bar + 1/3 bar of ChocoLove's dark chocolate w/ orange peel