Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • mattn72
    mattn72 Posts: 14 Member
    just adding my name to the list of people looking for new friends. started today and hope to meet some people along the way.
  • jennyrockstah
    Hi,my name is Jen. In an attempt to become a healthier version of myself, I quit smoking a year ago. However, I gained 40 lbs in the process... I have lost 20 of it already but had a minor surgery setback and am just getting back into it. I would love more friends and motivation!!!!! Feel free to add me and say hello!!!!!
  • BabyWyatt26
    BabyWyatt26 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All! I am looking for more friends to share and experience the weight loss journey. I hit my heaviest when I was pregnant 4 months ago at 270. 30lbs fell right off almost instantly. 18lbs creeped back up. My goal is large but I am taking small steps and setting smaller goals. 3lbs in my first week lost just by watching my calories. ADD ME!
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! I'm 40 years old from Kalispell, MT. I've been using MFP for just over 3 weeks. I've done calorie counting in the past and had good results but adding MFP makes it a LOT easier. Looking to meet others, either locally or online.
  • ChelseaSmile22
    ChelseaSmile22 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone, My name is Chelsea (yes, like the soccer team) and I am 21 years young. I am a very energetic and fun personality and love to motivate others. Looking for more friends to make this weightloss journey fun and productive. Overall since I started losing weight I have lost a little over 40 pound and have about 17.5 more to go. add me :)
  • MaeRay007
    MaeRay007 Posts: 68 Member
    Always up for new people on my list.
    Feel free to add
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    I'm Marcy from Houston, Texas. I have only been using MFP for about 2 months. I downloaded the app a while back though. My highest weight that I actually looked at was 220. I am now 175 as of 2 months ago but will look when I drop another size :) I would love to have more friends to motivate and for encouragement!
  • FitCris1970
    Send me a friend request people! Lets be friends,
  • weeble870
    weeble870 Posts: 15
    I'm maggie, 27 and from the uk! Looking to lose about 60 pounds as since having my little girl last year, I seem to have piled on the weight! Never felt this determined before to lose weight. Would love some friends on here to encourage me when I'm struggling (and hopefully I can return the favour) add me :) x
  • jazpurita
    jazpurita Posts: 71 Member
    Hi!!!! I'm a 25 y/o mom of 3 girls stay at home mom and full time college student even though it's summer I am taking classes :-/ but I think I have figured out how to manage my exercise time lately I have been doing the insanity program I'm still in month 1 the last week I also love to Zumba and enjoy 5ks. I'm looking to lose about 30ish pounds and see where to go from there. I am always happy for new friends. Add me I love to be encouraging and supportive.
  • bfburman
    bfburman Posts: 6 Member
    Hello...I just lost a bunch of weight and and in maintenence mode. I was told about this app and how it would help me maintain my weght. Feel free to add me. I will take anyone. Who will be my first friend?
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    Hi! I'm 18 years old and trying to lose 15 lbs-ish, but I really just want to be healthy and get toned, so if I don't lose 15lbs but still gain muscle and get healthy and fit, that's AMAZING as well! I'm getting in shape and losing weight for when my fiance comes home from boot camp, which is 3 months. I know 15 lbs in 3 months is COMPLETELY possible, but motivation is key!
    I'm currently studying dietetics to become a nutritionist/dietitian so maybe I can help some people out as well :)
    Add me!
  • SRuiz126
    SRuiz126 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Sergio from Chicago. I have been on this journey for over a year now and there have been many ups and downs but I am still on the horse.

    I love to motivate others and would love some support and motivation.

    Everyone feel free to add me :)
  • KrazyTwinMomma
    KrazyTwinMomma Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone. I've just rejoined mfp and I am hoping to be encouraged and to encourage others. Add me and let's have some fun while getting fit!! :-)
  • x0Katherine0x
    I had to make a new account, sadly it was not letting update my journal (would update then not save the updates). Very disappointed in this lost many active friends who I was finally starting to connect with.

    So here is what you need to know about me:
    Active logger
    23 Years Young.
    Just starting my Gym // Lifting Journey

    Wanna be friends? Id love to be =)
  • ErisDyscordia
    ErisDyscordia Posts: 50 Member
    So here is about me:

    Female - 25
    Active Logger
    Mainly doing Krav and improving my diet...hope to start lifting some, but don't really know where to start

    Would love to make some friends on here to help motivate me to keep improving my diet, and who I could help motivate. :D
  • Diamondsfitness
    Hello. My name is Yasmine and I am from NY. I am currently around 145 lbs. I wish to lose around 110-120 (wherever I feel most confident). I hope we can be friends!
  • TheMannon
    TheMannon Posts: 36 Member
    Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends?

    44 - lost about 240 lbs a few years back - gain back about 40 - currently about halfway through re-losing the 40.

    Feel free to add me - i'll reciprocate.
  • dinadeee
    dinadeee Posts: 217 Member
    feel free to add me
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Add away