Go Team October - Hundred Push-up Challenge



  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Forgot about this...ended up in bed & had to get up to get it done! I did 15 in test - ranked 3, so today was 10+12+7+7. I did 'em but I must admit that I had to take longer in recovery than 60 secs, but they are done now & I can feel better!

    Yep I really did just get out of bed to do 51 push ups...man, how my life has changed! :laugh:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm in!!! I have to figure out what I am doing then I will post it later tonight if i can LOL!! good luck everyone :)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Okay, not in my 20's by any stretch of the imagination but I have been planning to get back to this. It has been too long since I have done any upper body work. Should be interesting!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    k i did the initial and I got 14 modified pushups! (yikes!) that puts me at 10-12-7-7-max i will do this friday so i am on the mon-wed-fri schedule :) good luck everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow What a great response :) So nice to see so many friends doing this challenge with me. I know that it will keep me motivated!

    Vet - You're a MACHINE! 51 pushups.... Ayyyeee... I have a long way to go! So incredible that you got out of bed to do them too - you are such an inspiration! Really taking this lifestyle business seriously, madam. Kudos to you!

    TJ - Best of luck! You're going to do great :happy: Just keep at it. And when it sucks just remind yourself that it sucks for the rest of us too! hahaha

    Hoosier - Lovely to see you here! Can't wait to hear about your progress.

    Meggon - AWE-some! Rank 2!

    Spellbinder - Rank 0... Sounds like something I could certainly live with. haha I feel your pain :) Start with modified push-ups instead, like TJ, and perfect your form. Then move on. Do the test again on your knees and see how far you get!

    Sophie: Great to see you here too :D Push-ups are great for loads of reasons... easy to do, no equipment necessary, can basically do them anywhere, etc. They target your pecs, tris, back and core and once you can really get the form down you can do all kinds of additional exercises added on... it's just an all around awesome exercise. Check out the info page on hundredpushups.com for more on this!

    Gosh - I love how PUMPED this website gets me! I'm totally gung-ho for this challenge now! Bring it on!

    -Meag :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks Meag!! this has always been my weak suit...so I'm gonna try to kick it!!! good luck to you too!!

  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Meag, think I read somewhere that you said your low back ached after doing this, so I wanted to remind everybody to keep good form (push ups are tough on the back if the form isn't spot on). If your form starts to suffer, finish out on your knees - nothing wrong with being "girly" as that's what we are anyway! :laugh: Also, if you will really try to tighten your abs & think "pull the belly button to the backbone" while you are doing it, you'll get more out of it & keep better form. It's because when you push the belly button towards the backbone & tighten your abs, your abs are supporting your low back & you stay straighter in the form.

    'k, don't mean to sound like a know it all, but this was something that I have really had problems with while doing P90X (lots of pushups in there) & I have a bulging L5 so low back pain is definitely my reality if I'm outta form.

  • Exhaustion test- 16 normal (not girl push-up's) :bigsmile:

    Since I already messed up and did the first set, then the exhaustion test I'll check whatever level I'm suppose to be on, and start day 1 tomorrow!
    Wow - You're already a machine, Deanna! Great job :) I'm going to be looking to you for motivation :tongue: Hope you're planning on sticking around!

    :bigsmile: Ok sounds good!

    I did these a couple of months back then got sidetracked and didn't complete it all the way! Gonna get in some cardio and then I'll do my push-ups and post my results! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm so pumped and ready to go today cause I'm super looking forward to the plans we have for this weekend, getting my costume and Halloween!! Whooo hoo Happy Thursday everyone!!!:happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thanks for the advice Vet! I try to keep my form as solid as possible, but as I tire it becomes difficult. That is why I decided to do my last set on my knees... Didn't want to sacrifice form! Just have to keep at it, I guess. It's hard when you can't see yourself and don't have anyone to spot you. Wish I had a mirror or a Vet in here to let me know how I'm doing :laugh: You're not busy, are you?

    Deanna - I demand Hallowe'en pics from next weekend! I'm sure you're going to be a total stunner :wink: Good luck on D1 of your push-up challenge. You're going to be kicking *kitten* and taking names, I'm sure!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I haven't been feeling well so I have been resting. If I feel ok for it tonight I will give it a try. Good to see everyone doing so well.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Just tried the Day 1 sets. (Planning on starting for real on Sunday, but no reason why I can't practice now!)

    But, boy the Day 1 sets were pretty humbling. Did most of them on my knees, and my the end I could really feel my form breaking. I foresee a fair number of repeated weeks just so I can build up strength... but as long as I can feel improvement, I don't care how many times I need to repeat them :bigsmile:
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Was thinking about y'all this morning while doing my yoga -every chaturanga just hurt!! It's from the dang push ups! Today is W1D2 - the plan is for after work. Hope everyone else is feeling it too! (hey, it's the good kind of sore - let's me know I've done something!:laugh: )

    Meag: nahh, not busy at all. I'll come spot 'cha! :bigsmile: I had a tough time with form when I first started too. That's why I posted the tips. That's the stuff that helps me & my form still suffers when I get too tired!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You know what's funny Vet? I did the exhaustion test Wed and the first W1D1 yesterday (I'm going to redo on monday, I just wanted to try it) and today my arms are a little sore...but my stomach KILLS. I spent so much time doing them and concentrating on keepimg my butt up- I can feel it in my lower abs like nobody's business.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey guys, this week has been nuts so I am going to start this monday. Good luck to everyone :)
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    You know what's funny Vet? I did the exhaustion test Wed and the first W1D1 yesterday (I'm going to redo on monday, I just wanted to try it) and today my arms are a little sore...but my stomach KILLS. I spent so much time doing them and concentrating on keepimg my butt up- I can feel it in my lower abs like nobody's business.

    Oh, I know what you mean! :noway: I feel it in my sides & low abs & well, really everywhere from my diaphram (yeah, sounds better than boobs) to my hips! :laugh: Also in my pecs - my pecs are really sore too!

    :blushing: Okay, maybe I'm just sore all over! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You know what's funny Vet? I did the exhaustion test Wed and the first W1D1 yesterday (I'm going to redo on monday, I just wanted to try it) and today my arms are a little sore...but my stomach KILLS. I spent so much time doing them and concentrating on keepimg my butt up- I can feel it in my lower abs like nobody's business.

    Oh, I know what you mean! :noway: I feel it in my sides & low abs & well, really everywhere from my diaphram (yeah, sounds better than boobs) to my hips! :laugh: Also in my pecs - my pecs are really sore too!

    :blushing: Okay, maybe I'm just sore all over! :bigsmile:
    Hehe Same here! Ive been doing calisthenics for the last few days (yesterday I did my nerdfitness CT, with 120 crunches, 3 planks and 20 pushups) and my abs are KILLING me. No idea how I'm going to fare with these push-ups today, but I am committed! W1D3 today, but I am going to max out on my knees and then start W1 again properly on Monday.

    Good luck on your Friday push-up challenge everyone! Push yourself and make it count - It's only a few mins and then it's over!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    k...day 1 done!!! 10-12-7-7-10!!! yikes! harder than i thought!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! :)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did my exhaustion test - 17. I was up to 25!! I can feel the muscles between my ribs ache! :tongue: Definitely going to get me where my running cant! Tomorrow i will begin with the sets and see how this progresses! Keep it up everyone (and down, and up...!!) :laugh: .
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Just finished week three day three earlier. I don't think that doing push-ups has ever gotten me so exhausted and sweaty.

    That said, I couldn't do the 21 necessary at the end.

    Whatever, it'll happen for me eventually ... If this week doesn't shape up I might go back to week two, column three and see what that gets me.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    I realized just now that I left out a set last night (the max set) :noway: but since I did my exhaustion test right before, I'm still just going to count it. Although that means that I did one less tonight than I did last night. I didn't realize it or I'd have just tried to get in another even though it would have meant taking a breather first, but oh well. I got in my 50 tonight. :bigsmile: Feels good but I can certainly tell I've been doing them!
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