200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Sunday...I wish I had another day off. At least next week is a shorty.

    I've been baking since about 9 this morning..I made a turkey veggie fritatta for breafkast. I cooked the best to date loaf of no knead bread. Its got the perfect crust, it cracked and whistled after I took it out and tastes amazing. I don't get why the state (cooler, hot, etc) of the house has such a huge effect on bread like that, but it does. So odd. I used this maple smoked salt I'd bought and mashed some roasted garlic into it and OMG. Seriously wow.
    Then Gracie and I made these chocolate crackle cookies from the new Food Network magazine and I also made the chocolate chip challah bread in the the back of the mag too. The loaf is enormous and its not even baked yet!
    I logged all the recipes and logged what I've eaten thus far. If I am careful I should be okay the rest of the day cal wise and still be able to eat a piece of challah (to the tune of like 250 a slice or something!)

    I cleaned the bathrooms in there and still need to unpack from my trip and put massive amounts of my clothes away. Ugh. I HATE HATE putting clothes away! I'd rather clean bathrooms. lol.

    Goals for the week:
    1. Minimum 2000 cal burn.
    2. stay within cal range Mon-Wed, Sat-Sun.
    3. Thurs night and Friday attempt to keep eating in check and log as much as humanly possible.

    I plan on working out Mon-Wed and Thursday morning. Wednesday I will probably have to drive back into town to do it since Gracie has half the day off.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sorry I've been AWOL all weekend. I just wasn't really around the computer this weekend. Didn't do anything too fun, just wasn't really sitting around. I DID go to the commissary to get my weekly groceries yesterday and everyone and their mother was there and in a horrible mood. I realize that Thanksgiving is only a few days away but why does that make people bat-poop crazy? I seriously witnessed people going nuts over a lack of sweet potatoes and nearly running over children with their carts. WTF? Granted, I'm not really cooking for Thanksgiving (just bringing a side dish to someone's house - Yay!) but I've never understood the added stress level of the holidays. I love the holidays. I love hanging with friends and family and I totally dig spending time in the kitchen making yummies. But I don't get trying to kill others for a good parking spot at the store or fighting over the last can on cranberries. It makes me want to hide in my room until the holidays are over so I can keep my warm-fuzzy going.

    Speaking of warm-fuzzy: it snowed today! Gabriel was so excited as he's "Never seen snow fall from the sky before!" It's not really cold enough for it to stick and it looks like it's turning to rain as the morning goes on but nothing compares to the look of joy on his face when he saw the snow this morning! It was awesome!

    I kind of got behind on the P90X this week. I took an extra day of rest as I was so sore by Friday that I really couldn't move. I did chest and back and Ab Ripper this morning and am feeling pretty good after the extra rest.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Cold weather must be here - I made other soups this weekend. Beer cheese and a vegetable with milk base. I took the day off from exercise. My body needed the break. My weight is still up to 186 (*grumbles*). I need to get my eating back on check. I need to do some more paperwork this morning, so yoga will have to wait until tonight.

    Lacey - if come clean my toilets, I'll do your laundry.

    Kristina - how was the movie?

    Amy - just wait until Gabe gets to play in the snow. Snowball fights, sleding, forts, snow shoeing. What fun. I really do love winter.

    Kendal - Lexi's pic on your legs is adorable!!!

    Deb - how's the knee?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: We bought snow shoes and poles for Christmas - I can't wait to try them out!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- shopping sounded crazy! Holidays can be great, but also super stressful. I even talk with my clients about how they can be super triggering for mood episodes for them. Super stressful in addition to great to see so many people you know and love. Jealous of the snow! Sort of--- it'll get here soon enough

    Victoria- soup making machine! Sorry to hear about the continued 186. Poo! I'm sure some of it is the p90x... are your clothes fitting any better? I remember when training for the half, I was not losing very much, but my clothes were certainly getting looser. And, as we all know, exercise is just a small part of losing weight. What goes in your mouth is the largest part, so get that eating under control, missy! *cracks whip*

    So, today should be okay. I brought my lunch, which I'm proud of myself, cause usually when I'm at the other office I'll go out... not necessarily always BAD food, but still more calories than I'd eat normally. So I brought a salad I made last night that my mom gave me the recipe to with brown rice, grape tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil. Yum! Well, I actually haven't tried it yet, but the combo sounds yummy. Pub trivia tonight, so a definite workout is needed. I'm thinking it'll probably be the bike.

    The movie was entertaining... not OMG amazing that I was getting from some of my friends. I think I'm sort of a book snob, so I'm one of those people that can never enjoy the movies as movies, cause I'm always thinking about what they didn't put in. And what they didn't put in previous movies that screws up later movies. It certainly wasn't a waste of 2.5 hours... enjoyed myself and I'm looking forward to the conclusion, come July. Might even need to reread the series before then-- I've read all the books (minus the last book- only read that once) 3 or 4 times, but I like to read the series in one go.

    Well, off to do some work. Per theory, this should be a relatively slow day, before the storm of trying to learn a new position and meetings up the wazoo, but who knows?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have a lot of catching up to do with posts. Unfortunately, I don't have time for it right now. I'm still alive. I spent the entire weekend alone. Slept a lot of it and got some things done...took the painting tape down in the bathroom and moved all the stuff back in, blew the leaves in the yard, took Lexi on a walk in the neighborhood next to mine(it was after dark and cold, so I figured there wouldn't be too many people out...I was wrong and I'm glad I took my little pocket knife cause I did not feel entirely safe). I also got some grocery shopping done and I took Lexi to Petco and walked her around for a little bit. I like taking her to that store and she loves when I get her treats there.

    I'm back up to 216.6 this morning. I didn't eat terrible food this weekend, but I ate too often and probably went over on cals. Plus its pre-tom time so I'm probably retaining a little extra weight. UGH. Ready to fast forward to Wednesday afternoon.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Back down to 207.4 this morning. Yeay. I think I was at 207 about three weeks ago maybe? Can't remember. Maybe not. who knows.

    Anyways, I got b!tch slapped in the face by PMS this morning like nobodies business. It started off trying to put G in her car seat which I cleaned this weekend and had her sit in so it would fit her when it was installed. Well the straps were too tight, she was uptight because she knew I wanted her to hurry, when I turned around to help her she freaked, I yelled and she bawled. Then I felt like a total douche. Then my boss started bombarding me with emails (from his villasuit in Mexico mind you) wanting answers asap, then I started thinking about how cranky I was and how I was SO not in the mood to deal with anybodies bullsh!t today and just wasn't going to take it....so yeah...b!tchy

    I stayed up till 11 watching the AMA's so I could see NKOTBSB. LOL. The Backstreet Boys, minus one, still can sing and dance and seem to still have it. The New KIds? It was hard watching 40 year olds singing teenybob music. And Taylor Swift before them and her singing songs about the men who've hurt her who are for some reason WAY older than her. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up that long and am paying for this morning.

    I too am ready for Wednesday. I am going to pick G up and probably take her to see Tangled. It looks SO CUTE and would be a nice way to start off the holiday weekend.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok I'm caught up...

    Victoria- the bf was in West Virginia last week doing training and he's off this week, so he's spending it at home (about 50 minutes from my house) so he hasn't joined the gym yet. I will mention it to him next week when things calm down a little.

    Kristina- I never saw the 6th movie. I'm also a book snob and hate how they seriously detered from the plot in the book for the 4th book. They had to make a lot of story changes to accommodate for that in the later movies. I'm thinking of picking up the series again starting with the 4th book and going through the 7th. I found I was seriously disappointed with the movie if I read the book right before. Might be less disappointed if I just go watch the movie without reading the book first.

    Speaking of movies....I also seriously want to see Morning Glory and Burlesque. Its rare that a movie looks good enough to pay movie theater prices to see it.

    Lacey- sorry that Gracie got sick. Its funny how kids describe things sometimes (butt puking lol).

    Amy- I wish it would snow here! I wish it'd even get cold!!! Its in the upper 60s/lower 70s this week. I have so many cute jackets and coats to wear. I even bought a new set of toboggan/gloves that I can't wear cause its just way too hot.

    The gym has zumba tonight and tomorrow night, but apparently the normal instructor is on vacation so I'm seriously considering going.

    Have you guys ever had Veggie Straws (or maybe they are called Veggie Sticks)? They come in a bag like potato chips and taste a lot like chips, but are mainly veggies (carrot, spinach and something else....I forget the 3rd veg). They are awesome! I got a huge bag of them at Sams Club for $5.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I know you watched at least part of the AMA"s last night right?? If Christina Aguilera's horrid performance was any kind of indicator of how the movie is going to be then I will pass..but the previews of Burlesque look pretty awesome! She just reminded me of the trainwreck Brittney performance a few years back at the VMA's. Ouch.

    I buy the veggie chips and the veggie straws for Gracie all the time. THey are pretty tasty!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yes I saw the AMAs. I have mixed feelings about Christina lately. She's looking kinda pudgy but then I feel horrible for judging her because I will be walking around naked all the time if I ever get as small as she is. And I think I still I will see the movie....its not like the it was recorded live, so I'm sure the songs and dances were tweaked to perfection in production lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I took yesterday off to give my body a rest. Today 3/7 with 90 min of Yoga X. 22 days down and 68 to go. Work is taking over my life combined with this d@mn ex. 90 min of yoga tonight plus 30 min low impact aerobics with mom. I will get up and do P90X in the morning tomorrow!!! I will. I need some time around the house and with DH.

    Kristina - my clothes seem about the same fit. It's so hard to tell.

    To everyone else, I'll catch up tomorrow. Night.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I feel you on the rest needed from P90X - that is INTENSE!!! I took an extra day off this weekend and then made up by doing arms & shoulders AND Plyo today. My body feels like jello.

    Kendal: I thought Christina looked like she might have gained some weight the last time I saw her on TV too. But she's super-short so I would imagine that if she gained 5 pounds, it would show. Makes me glad I'm tall - that and I can always reach the top shelf. BTW -Veggie Straws are yummy.

    Lacey: 207! woot woot! Way to go! And I'm right there with you on the evil-b!itchiness. I totally threatened Gabriel with death yesterday (he survived) and nearly strangled my husband for not doing the dishes. I was insane. At least I admit it.

    As for me, I'm feeling less homicidal today but pretty freaking tired. I can't complain though, as I know I'm tired from the workouts. I've also been on a Greek food kick. Lunch today is a huge Greek salad with feta and homemade Greek salad dressing and dinner last night was homemade falafel (I LOVE me a good falafel and found a good recipe that is even low fat!) and salad. Have a great day ya'll.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning gang - day 23 done with core synergistics. Amy you're crazy for doing of the workouts on one day. I'm so feeling the crankiness that going around. Must be the moon or something.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    the team leads are out of the office and I just can't make myself work today.

    It took me a while to fall asleep last night. I talked to mom and she's super upset cause the brat's RSVPs are being sent to mom's house. I suggested she burn them. She won't cause she's hoping the brat will come to her senses and fix this situation. Mom is trying to blame the future in-laws by saying they "brainwashed" the brat into doing this to her family. I told mom she's trying to blame them cause she doesn't want to accept the fact that the brat is an "adult" and made this choice on her own. Mom didn't like hearing that. Mom is also super stressed cause the house was (more than likely) sold at a foreclosure auction yesterday. They will be notified by a letter if its true. They are in the process of getting into another house, but its taking time. With all this stress, mom is incredibly upset (understandably). She's worried she or the brat could die at any moment without resolving this problem. Its ironic that the only person defending the brat is the one she hurt the most.


    I pulled my groin or something working out yesterday. Not sure how that happened since I was only on the elliptical and the upper body weight machines. (unless I strained too hard on one of the weight machines with bad form)

    I just pulled up a report on here and I've only lost 4 pounds in the last 3 months. Thats discouraging. I need to try harder.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So we dropped our car off at a garage on Monday to do the however-many-thousand kilometer check up the car was due for. They said it would take a few hours. Monday afternoon, they said that the latch to open the hood is broken and they can't get into the engine compartment so they had to order a part from Audi to fix it. The hood always opened for me but somehow it's broken...fine. They have to order a part to fix it...fine. Now it's Tuesday and when we called to check on it they told us that 1) they don't have the part yet (why the hell not, the Audi dealership is down the freaking street?!?!) AND 2) they have to break the grill to open the hood to replace the part that's broken and then replace the grill...oh yeah...AND 3) they have to order the grill from Audi.

    I may never get my car back.

    I also want to kill people.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- ARGH on your behalf!

    So today is a meeting heavy day. One down, two to go. No patient appointments as of this moment, so should be okay otherwise. Brought over my co-worker today to start the transition into her new role here. I've got some training for the new position today.

    Eating was okay yesterday. Not as good as I would like, mostly due to pub trivia goodies. Hope to be better today and get another workout in. Did hit the bike for an hour after work yesterday. Went over 13 miles, but not as far as I had been going... mostly cause I upped the resistance another level, so my legs were feeling it. Will take a bit to get used to this level, and then I'll up it again. Will either rec center it today (elliptical probably) or I'd like to get a run in if the weather holds out and my meeting doesn't run too late and it's already pitch black out when I get home. If it gets dark part way through my run, it's acceptable.

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have the flu. I knew it would come. It was only a matter of time. Luckily the food was digested enough, but my butt has been puking. lol. Gracie is home today too, an inch of snow and the school closes. She won't stop talking. LOL. I feel sorry that she has to stay home with me today.

    Kendal - I'm sorry your mom is getting hit so hard with everything at once. I keep worrying my mom is going to have a heart attack because of the amount of stress in her life so I feel ya. Just remember one thing...as a parent she will ALWAYS defend her kids, no matter what they do, and she was always hold out hope that your sister will come around. As hard as it is, be supportive if you can.
    My little brother is a real PIA. My parents have coddled him and allowed him to mooch off them for years without working. He's 30. I have been very vocal for years about the situation. Very vocal. This past year my relationship changed with my mom for a variety of reasons and I learned that in order to both protect myself from crap judgement I've been dealing with all my life from my mom and not to rock the boat anymore, I had to just shut my mouth and stop giving input. Look supportive by not saying anything on the subject good or bad. It is hard. But there is nothing I can do.

    Amy - I'd be going nuts without my car.

    So last night at the dinner table my darling daughter was playing, not eating, being difficult, backtalking, etc. etc. THis has been going on for about three weeks now. I didn't want to spank her or yell at her or threaten her because obviously nothing has worked in the past weeks...we were eating tacos so I took a spoonful of sourcream and flung some at her nose. A parent has to get creative some time. She was so shocked, so was Jeff. But it finally got her attention and now I think she might remember, for a while at least, she needs to sit calmly and eat her food and quite playing! :laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    ((((((((group hug)))))) we need it!!! OverLl I don't have much to complain about compared to you guys. Just a few sore muscles from p90x and I can't blame anyone but me. Day 2 of eating/drinking better - yeah!!! The snow is beautiful and starting to stick. I'd better find my gloves tonight. I've gotten 3 new work referrals in the last few days - gotta love winter where older people don't want to drive.

    Kendal - I hope your sis comes around. I agree with Lacey. Keeping quiet unless you can find something positive to say is best.

    Lacey - hope you feel better soon.

    Kristina - great job on the workouts.

    Amy - that just SUCKS!!!! Good luck.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey and Victoria- thanks for the mom advice. I think I'm going to have to make it an untouchable subject between us cause it just enrages me that she lets that little brat treat her/us this way. There's still time that this may turn around and the brat fixes everything with mom, but even if she does, I think I'm done with her.

    and nice way to get Gracie's attention! :laugh:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I was so wrapped up in my own junk I didn't even post about yours - sorry. I agree with Lacey that a mom will defend her kids no matter how retarded those kids are being. My brother (almost 31) has been on drugs (been clean for a few years now - Thank God!), had a kid at 18 (that my mom is raising for him as neither he NOR the kid's mom cared about her at ALL), hasn't had a job in God only knows how long AND STILL lives at home. I, like Lacey, have been very vocal about my brother's manipulation of my mother but she ALWAYS defends him because he's her "baby" and blah...blah...blah. So now I don't talk about it. I don't give advice...I just leave the whole thing alone. If she wants to let him keep using her, I can't do anything about it. SO I don't.

    Lacey: Your story reminded me about something I did to Gabe when he was 3. He had been a monster all day and was the king of whining and crying. I had just sat down on the couch with a big glass of water (you KNOW where this is heading...right?) and he started in on me...whine...whine...whine....and...Blamo-O, I dumped the entire cup of water on his whiny little head. Nothing has ever shut him up faster.