200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Damm Kendal!! If your heart rate was that high, then yeah it is totally possible to burn that much. I rarely ever get over 160! Jaysus. I would have been falling off the elliptical!! You go girl!

    So I was brushing my teeth thinking about what a crap day its been food wise. Completely off on times of eating and foods, etc. Just blah. Regretably so. I was thinking about how we've all had mini struggles with TG and thought about the next challenge and how I needed to (re)commit myself to getting my butt in the gym and tracking cals again.
    What if we called the challenge something like Committing for the Gifting and just make it a quick challenge to get us through New Years? So four weeks or something? I'd like something to really focus in on for the short term holidays.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I like the idea of doing something to get us through the next 4 weeks. Lord knows I've had a hard time keeping myself on track since last week. I've been getting back into it with the exercise but the eating hasn't been great. It's hard to stay motivated when it's snowy outside and DH is making homemade truffles (they are sooo good!) and singing Christmas carols. It makes me want to sprawl on the couch until the new year. <sigh>

    Kendal: Your burn was awesome!!!

    Victoria: I hope you feel better soon. TOM sucks!

    Kristina: Did you make it to the gym?

    Is it me or is this week dragging by?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Santas Sexy SuperPals....Love that one!!!

    Sorry I have been a little on the "off" side...had internet troubles last week, which ended in a new phone Jack and seems things to be working now since Sunday evening..(knock on wood!!)

    I did the cyber Monday thing without too much trouble...I am slowly getting it finished, got the inlaws done yesterday, thanks to Cabelas and I am feeling better...I have such a hard time with them!

    I actually ate pretty well over the holiday and last week was recovery week with p90x...but for some reason I am having trouble getting back into it... for the last 2 days I have swapped out exercises for different ones...I just get so bored, so quickly and have to constantly change things up...I also have to sweat like a mad woman or I feel like I'm not bringing it!.

    I took myself off BC...I have had trouble AGAIN the last couple months, bought myself a hormone book and really seen myself in the symptons...possible being estrogen dominant, so I am going all natural from here on out...no more "trying" new synthetic hormones! Its only been a week now, but I have to tell ya...I don't feel so dang bioatchy!! I actually had breakfast with my daughter a few mintues ago and we were laughing....gasp...yes...laughing! I have some natural porgesterone on the way and I am hopeful it will help me feel like the old me and if I am able to loose a few pounds on the way...gosh..I'll cry!

    Today is my Hubby and I's 20 anniversay!! We will be going out to dinner tonight and the sweetheart also had me pick out a new treadmill..it is being shipped and I can't wait for it to get here. We don't have room for it and we need so many other things for this house ( in the middle of a huge remodel..that has stalled!), but that's why I love it all the more....he said he felt it I would "put it to good use"...I think he knows I have been struggling with the weight loss and it's just his way of supporting me, I'm very blessed...we've had lots of ups and downs...being with one person for 23 years...you have that...but for us..it's usually always been more ups! He loves fudge and I have basically banned it from the house for a while now...so I hid a pound of the bestest most decadent fudge I could find in his lunch box today.....I know at some point today...he'll get a big smile on his face!

    I better get moving, I will be doing p90x today and the elliptical....gotta torch some calories!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I love Santa's Super Sexy Pals!!! I'll smile every time I see it.

    Happy Anniversary Deb!!! Congrats and enjoy that dinner.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry I've been out of it the past day or so... work has been insanely hectic, as you all can imagine. Was basically in meetings all day today, and will be most of tomorrow. Friday will be SOME what of a respite, as my co-worker I'm training with is off on Fridays. I'm sincerely hoping that once I'm in the role, things will die down a BIT, but we'll see. Didn't have time to really check into any of my normal sites to check in to the past few days, but at least wanted to tell you I'm alive.

    Desperately needed to go grocery shopping yesterday, but I did still get to the gym. Only 30 min on the bike, so not as much exercise as I would have liked, but it was still moving, and still pretty hard (averaging just over 14mph). Went to the store and crashed, watching some tv, and slept like a log. So tired from the night before (racing thoughts about work) my mind couldn't even try and stay awake, so that was good. Full day today, and just got back from the hairdresser... nothing fancy, just about 3-4 inches off, so it's still long, but healthier. Already dark out and snowing on and off (not much accumulation). Probably won't work out today, but eating has been on point.. should be under/at calories.

    Tomorrow another crazy day with work, will try and get a workout in, and it's my birthday! *twirls* not where I hoped to be weight-wise by now, but definitely proud of it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Worked out to Bob Harper's new Biggest Loser Walking DVD and really enjoyed it. We did the first "2 miles" and he averages 16 min miles which is a nice pace. The second mile included light hand weights for some extra calorie burn. Some of Leslie's videos claim 13 min miles which can be pretty brisk. Tomorrow's schedule includes miles 3 and 4... I let you know how these advanced miles are.

    Eating was good today. I made a boxed mix of Pad Thai and added Tempeh, home grown lentil sprouts and green onion. I was pretty good but high cal (I'm guessing about 600 cal per serving). I still came in under on cal for the day. Sodium was probably through the roof.

    It's not official, but I'm really considering a break from intense P90X. I like the individual workouts but just don't have the time to do it and still work out with mom and run. I really miss the running. Once the snow flies, we will be getting out snow shoeing which takes over and hour. I've enjoyed not having to do a specific workout on a specific day this last week. I want to be flexible and rotate through some days of P90X but not 6 days a week. Plus the weight gain thing really got to me even if it may have been muscle.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTINA!!!! emoticon-object-082.gif
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Happy birthday Kristina!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I was 214.8 this morning. YAY! I will wait till tomorrow to see if it's lower then but I really doubt it.

    I didn't work out yesterday. Taylor (bf) is going backpacking this weekend so he came over last night for a couple hours. We had dinner separately though so I was good about that. Then I made him share a dessert with me. Its a tiny, one serving Rocky Road brownie from the freezer section of Walmart. I didn't look at the nutritional content before I bought it. Even though I KNEW it was bad, I didn't realize how bad until I got it home. That tiny, one serving brownie was 460cals! :noway: So it was good he was there cause we split it.

    I also like the Santa's Super Sexy Pals name....and the idea of keeping this challenge only till the end of the year. We can start a new one in January (that one could go for 6 weeks to get us through till Valentine's Day)

    Anyways, I have a lot I need to get done today. talk to you later pals!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning Super Pals!!!

    I really should be doing paperwork but just don't want to... Don't tell my boss or she'd fire me (LOL)... The snow is pretty but I'm not sure I want to drive in it today. Last night I was pretty bummed - got out the Christmas lights and all 4 strands of icicle lights for the deck aren't working - BOO HISS... I kept looking at them thinking is it worth several hours of fussing or should I just buy more. Maybe I'll see what great deals I find tomorrow.

    While in Vegas we're going to spend a day at Death Valley National Park - ooohhhh - what pretty sites. I must see a Joshua Tree!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    WTG Kendal with 214s!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes gals!!

    Kendal- woo for 214!

    Victoria- you need to do whatever is best to keep your body moving-- be it the p90x, running, etc. I can see why you've been frustrated.

    Busy day again for me today. Meetings most of the afternoon, and I've got a conference call in a few. Hope to get to the gym after work. Was up 0.4 this morning. *grumbles* So, it's looking like a no-loss week, probably gain. Doh! Frustrating, of course.

    I like Santa's Super Sexy Pals... will post the new thread later tonight, and we'll have it be a 4-weeker, to get us through the end of the year. I'm liking the one thread per challenge idea. Much easier for me to keep up with!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Birthday Kristina!! :flowerforyou:

    It has been one hell of a week. I will so glad to leave early tomorrow from work and enjoy the Christmas party and get out and unwind.

    No working out, no eating well and getting congested. My engineer has been sick and feeling like crap and I am hoping that I am just feeling that way osmotically (is that a word?).

    Saturday I am driving with a friend to a spa for a night and I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to sitting in the hot springs pool and outdoor spa and getting a massage and just flat out ...quiet...

    Okay I will try to reply to everyone tomorrow. For now I am going HOME. I gotta try on my new dress I got at Target for the party.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - I want the fun parts of your job - dressing up, parties, traveling, etc.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have been basically out of commission this week. I've been battling a sore throat for a while now and it looks like it's finally winning out (BOO!). My glands are swollen and my throat's all red and horrible so I've been gargling with salt water and praying it goes away!. The bulging disk in my neck has also been bugging me since my last P90X upper body workout (I'm sure I did something wrong) and now I can barely turn my head very far in either direction. Last year, when this whole bugling disk crap started, I got a lot of acupuncture and massage therapy and the condition improved immensely. Now, I'm out here in a foreign country and my military doc can't even spell acupuncture let alone refer me to get any. Being all unemployed has the drawback that I can't afford to pay for acupuncture out of pocket (even if I could find one around here that speaks English). I made an appointment to talk to my military doc (she's been kind of useless in the past though) and hopefully they'll be able to do SOMETHING to alleviate the pain and facilitate movement in the area.

    Victoria: Snowshoeing sounds fun. For Christmas this year, we bought the whole family snow shoes and poles (they just arrived this week and are WAY bigger than I thought they'd be). I'm sure I'll nearly kill myself when I try it out - YAY!

    Lacey: Enjoy the party and the spa!

    Kendal: WTG with the weigh in !!

    Kristina: I had a no-loss week too. Bummer.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: