200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    oops! Sorry for the double post!

    Amy- very exciting that you're having guests! Sometimes we all need a bit more sleep. You've been working hard, and in the long run, it's better to be well-rested and home schooling than crankypants and trying to.

    Kendal- stay away from the mcrib. it's like mystery meat. then again, stay away from mcdonalds in general! get back on that wagon after a bad eating weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    yeah, I'm hoping the McRib dissappears into the abiss soon. Now that the weekend is over, I don't have much time for tv unless its dvr, so I can fast forward thru commercials. I shouldn't see too many commercials for the next couple days and that should stiffle the desire to eat that nasty crap.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I switched my goal back to 1.5lb/week instead of 2lb/week. I simply can't keep it to 1200cals/ day and I get discouraged when I go over.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I have only run 5 miles on two occasions; the first time, I did it in 1:11:05 and the second time (yesterday) I did it in 1:06:15 (a 13:15 pace, which is great for me). I'd really like to get it under an hour but I'm gonna have to shelve that while doing the P90X as I don't think I'll have the extra energy required to push it on my runs (I'm still gonna do my runs, I just don't anticipate getting much faster right now). Isn't the amount of sodium in restaurant foods ridiculous?!?!? I look at that and all the extra calories and, most of the time, decide to stay home and try to make whatever I'm craving myself so it's less of a calorie and sodium bomb. It's so cool that you get to start training for the manager job! Good luck!!!!

    Kendal: I have to make sure that I set goals that are attainable for myself because I am a perfectionist and I tend to get really down on myself if I don't hit my goals. Luckily, I have my husband who tells me when I need to stop being hard on myself. Anyhow, I think it's good that you reset your calories to something more manageable for you. You're doing great!

    I did my P90X Arms & Shoulders and Ab RipperX today as well as 30 minutes on the rowing machine (didn't feel like there was a lot of cardio in the P90X stuff today so I added some). It was really, really hard to do the ab workout as I just did it on Saturday and my abs are STILL in pain. My abs are probably my weakest body part.

    DH had to work late as he is being "punished" for coming home from training early (today was his first day back at work). He isn't really being punished but his supervisor thought he should have stayed in DC so he's giving him all the crap jobs that come up. What an @ss. And, I'm supposed to go to some Thanksgiving office party on Friday and make nice with that @ss. It's really hard to pretend that I like someone that I don't like. Grrr.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Getting back into the swing of things is hard. I had subway today and didn't make the best choice - getting the full meal deal and choosing a high fat, high cal sandwich. Sigh..
    But I will work out tonight and make a healthy homemade meat free dinner:


    Except I am going to play with the dough because I don't think I have enough almond meal..and I will add some asparagus to the tort too I think. YUM. Ohhh I do have hazelnuts I could use instead. OHh yum! And I have to double the recipe too..so yeah. Adding flour. And other cheese.

    Kristina - NO CHINESE! Good job on the running.

    Goals for the week:
    1. log everything I put in my mouth through the weekend
    2. Four day work out minimum, with a 2000 cal burn end goal
    3. Refuse that scale until Wednesday morning, but really try to keep off the thing until next Monday morning. (why see the damage done from last week? It will only be depressing)
    4. No wine. Period.

    Amy - you go girl on the P!!! That sucks about your husband and his work. I never know what I am going to walk into when I am gone for a week, and it was a sh!tstorm as usual. I don't know why i am ever surprised.

    Kendal - I remember when the mcrib came out. I was maybe in the 3rd grade? My grandma LOVED them. They are so gross looking. Blech. FF those commercials!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    my sister sent me a really amazing message on facebook last night. God sends stuff like this at the perfect time. I'm having a HARD day (food-wise).

    "I wanted you to know how much I admire your dedication to your health and your
    weight loss. I think you finally reliazed the inner beauty and strenth you
    posses that all of us have seen for so long. Sometimes the adversity we face
    makes us find our inner strength. You've found yours and I'm so proud of you."
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    my hrm said I only burned 670 cals in zumba tonight. :ohwell: :huh: I made this awesome chicken wrap for dinner and was surprised at how few calories were in it. should have logged before I ate, but this is one of the few times when it didn't bite me in the *kitten*
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: First of all...your message from your sister was AWESOME!! And secondly, 670 calories burned is nothing to sneeze at! You did good!!!

    Lacey: That tort looks amazing, let me know how it was. I love looking at recipes on the Internet!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - you've been doing so well!! Loved your sisters message. Glad you changed your goal back. 1.5 is more manageable long term.

    Amy - way to keep at it. The nap sounded devine. Sonedays I think I should take them.

    Kristina - running with someone seems to make the time fly by. You've been a cardio fiend lately - way to go!!!

    Kim - good luck on C25K. You can do it!!! Run girl run.

    Lacey - I drool reading your posts. I wish you lived closer - I'd come over for dinner.

    Deb - nice job on P90X. Have things setled down since the wedding? What sport is your son playing now?

    2 of my client went to the hospital this week so I have a very light caseload - only 2 yesterday and 2 today. 6 clients make a full day. I have 4 wed, 3 thurs and 5 fri. Maybe I'll catch up on paperwork and some billing. This weekend, I booked tickets and hotel for my mom, aunt and uncle to join us for part of the Vegas trip. My job is creating the itenerary. They want to spend a day at death valley which sounds pretty cool. DH and I will be there 2 full and 3 half days without them. Mom will be 63 and is in great shape, my aunts will be 70 but she managed to walk 3 miles this weekend with us but my uncle is 75 and can't walk 1/4 mile. Vegas involves tons of walking - hence they got a car. It will be interesting. Brewpubs and the ice bar are on the to do list.

    I need to stop dreaming about Vegas and get going on day 16 of P90X. Catch you gals later!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: how did you not die doing an hour and a half of Yoga X?!?!?! Seriously, I was pretty tired by the end of the first half hour and THEN he pulls out all the super-hard balance moves!!! The crane?!?!? Forget it. I like yoga and that was the hardest yoga I have ever encountered in my life. Gabe came over and did the last 20 minutes with me (it's pretty much all stretching at that point) and then told me how easy it was. LOL.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I used to think I was pretty balanced until I tried yoga....and until my Wii Fit told me how incredibly unbalanced I am. Apparently I can't even stand straight. They have some hard games on that thing!! Having zumba on Monday nights messes up my head....it feels like today should be Wednesday.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - I thought I was going to die the first time. Yoga blocks really helped the second time that I did it. I'll let you know how this Thurs goes. I liked to balance moves rather the moving postures. If I never see another upward dog or downward dog, I'd be happy:tongue:

    Cardio X done - so far it's my fav because it's only 43 min and is a mixture of Yoga, Kenpo, Core and Plyo. I like the plyo moves and think I'd like the plyo DVD... Maybe some Sunday I'll try it. Day 16 done and 74 to go.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! It feels later in the week than Tuesday, but I suppose I must roll with it!

    Yesterday went okay. Eating not fabulous, as it was pub trivia, but only went over my calories by a bit. Did the bike for an hour, for about 13.8 miles. Legs were a bit tired, but felt good to move. Depending on the weather, I'd like to do another run... maybe bump up to 4 miles today, or will hit the rec center if it's raining. TOM started in full force yesterday (as it was scheduled, though for the past two weeks I've sort of been having a mini one-ugh, but this is definitely a real one), so no stepping on the scale over the next few days, as it'll just make me depressed and I know the majority of what's causing the gain. I'll weigh in on Friday, but I won't log the weight, as it's not accurate of where I'm truly at.

    Have a long day ahead of me. At one clinic this morning, the other clinic this afternoon, and then to campus for a team meeting. No idea if we'll talk any more about the responsibilities that are being transitioned. Tomorrow morning is my annual review, in which I hope I'll get a bit more clarification on things.

    Amy- you're doing great with the running. I think the first time I ran 5 miles, I was around that pace or any slower. Keep it up, and you will get faster! And yours and Victoria's descriptions of p90x are not exactly selling me on it. haha. I'll pass! (at least for now)

    Lacey- goals are totally attainable! Get movin'!

    Kendal- that messge from your sis was super sweet. We all need those sometimes, and it sounds like that came at just the right time! And that's still a pretty healthy amount of calories to burn! Your heart is getting stronger (so probably not beating as fast), and you're shrinking away, so you're bound to not burn as many calories.

    Victoria- your Vegas trip sounds pretty fabulous. Can I reiterate again how jealous I am? I'm just looking forward to Thanksgiving at this point. Looking forward to seeing the whole family. Hasn't been long since I've seen the parents, but haven't seen the brother since last Christmas. How sad is that?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: you are right about it not feeling like Tuesday (it's at least Thursday in my head!). Bummer about the TOM (mine should be arriving next week and I am PMSing right now) and about the long work day. I hope it goes fast for you!

    Victoria: I haven't done Cardio X but it sounds fun. I was just looking on my schedule and the classic schedule doesn't do Cardio X! Maybe I'll skip a run one day and try it out instead. I agree with you about the moving postures being hard in YogaX. By the time we were done with that, I was sweating and my arms & abs were shaking from all the plank work. I like the balancing poses even though there are a LOT of hard ones in there. I have yoga blocks but the only time I needed them was to add some distance to the leg stretches at the end as I can reach way past my toes. When I was done, I felt like I had accomplished something major! It was a nice feeling.

    Kendal: I hear you about the Wii Fit - apparently, I can't balance myself even when just standing there on both feet. I hate when it decides to test that as I have no idea how to stand there better and when I "try", I only make it worse and that stupid red dot starts moving all over. Do you ever do that tight-rope walk game on the Wii fit? I cannot get across that danged rope to save my life!

    I did my Yoga X and a 30 min treadmill run and am now chilling with my smoothie (I've started adding coconut oil to my smoothies and it pushes it over the edge into super-yum!). Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal: I hear you about the Wii Fit - apparently, I can't balance myself even when just standing there on both feet. I hate when it decides to test that as I have no idea how to stand there better and when I "try", I only make it worse and that stupid red dot starts moving all over. Do you ever do that tight-rope walk game on the Wii fit? I cannot get across that danged rope to save my life!
    1) I'm scared of heights
    2) I can get motion sick very easily
    3) I tried that tight walking game ONCE and absolutely HATED IT! It scared me and made me feel like I was about to fall off the wii board and fall millions of miles and die. I don't need that kind of stress. lol and no, I was never able to get even half way across the rope :laugh:

    I have to lean way forward to be balanced on the board, it feels so awkward....I don't think its right lol
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I also have to lean forward on the balance board for it to say I'm balanced. But, somehow, DH doesn't. How does that work?!?!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girls!

    For lunch this week I am having polenta fries with Indian baked beans and coleslaw. Here is the recipe. Its quick and dirty and omfg delicious! Perhaps this won't sound appealing to you guys but for me the combinations work out magnificently and it is to die for good! It is also cheap to make. A bit too high in sodium of course with the beans, but still. YUM.

    Indian Beans - 1 can of vegan baked beans, 1 tbsp cumin and coriander and fennel - stir it all together
    Coleslaw dressing - 3 tbsp mayo, 1/2 lemons juice, 1 tsp white balsamic (optional), dill, salt - stir together
    About 75% of a medium sized head of white cabbage
    One tube of polenta cut into fries and baked on 375 until kindof crispy

    Put 1/3 of polenta on a plate, then about 1/3 of the beans and heat it up in microwave, then mix 1/3 cabbage with 1/3 dressing and put it on top and eat. It works out to 425 cals per serving and there are 3 servings. Not bad for lunch. And its high in protien and good stuff right? yeay!

    I love when the food in my head tastes good in my mouth...because that ricotta pie? BORING. I guess too you have to really like ricotta. And I am on the fence about it. I think if I did half the ricotta and more egg and milk and made it more quiche like it would be better.
    I was going to recreate the left over portion by adding a ton of marinara sauce on top with pepperoni and veggies like a pizza but like a dumby I lef the damn thing out last night on the counter.

    Amy and Kendal - I don't have the wii fit, Id like to have it but we use the thing so little that I haven't justified it in my head.

    Kendal - great message from your sister.

    Amy - coconut oil in the smoothie huh? I like it when I've got avocado at home..it makes the smoothie SOOo creamy and yummy!

    Victoria - ahhh vegas. I haven't been in two years, thats a long time for me. I get to be there for a week in March. Have you checked out the SkyDome? Look it up. We are going to do that this time. And if we have the major amount of money, Jeff and I are going to do the helicopter ride over and into the Grand Canyon for lunch. We will see.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I swear there is an F*ing post stealing ghost!!! I just had a great post and it disappeared. Maybe I'm meant to go see a magic show in Vegas... I'll try to recreate it.

    Kendal and Amy - do you stand with most of your weight on heels? The wii balance board is designed to have your COG (center of gravity) through the middle of your foot. Most of my clients that have always worn "high heels or pumps" have tight calves and stand this way. DH was leaning way forward - mainly from the upper body. I used my awesome therapist powers to analyze him and instructed him to shift his weight forward through his hips while standing tall. It takes much less movement to do this. It also helps with the side shifting tasks such as the penguin on ice game. DH was shocked at how easily I walked the tight rope. Once he mastered the hip shift for balance, he also got better than me on the tight rope:grumble: I should have let him suffer.

    Lacey - drool!!! I just put polenta on my shopping list. Do you have any good tempeh recipes? I did a search comes for skydome and it comes up but not for vegas. Can you describe it more so I can google it better? Thanks!!!

    Kristina - good luck on the yearly review!!! I know you'll rock it out of the park:wink:

    I just put most of the Thanksgiving feast in the freezer - 15 cups of chicken (in 3 cup bags), 4 cups of gravy (in 1 cup bags), and 6 cups stuffing (in 2 cup bags).... This way over the next few months, I can pull it out to supplement meals and don't have to eat all the food/cal now. DH may be disappointed when he gets home tonight. The fridge was sooooo full, that I was feeling the urge to overeat again. Yeah, I ate the last piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast:blushing: Thank goodness my company ate here again yesterday before they left at one!!! otherwise, I'd have even more leftovers....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Skyzone is what it is...take a look. I want to go there when I am in Vegas in March! also look at the other attractions on vegas.com

    Also - do you have a Costco card?? http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11511041&search=gift+cards&Mo=25&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-US&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Sp=S&N=5000043&whse=BC&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=gift+cards&Ntt=gift+cards&No=12&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1

    $100.00 gift card for $80 on vegas.com, you can use unlimited number of them and use them for anything the site offers..restaurants, shows, etc.

    I don't cook with tempeh. Actually the last time I really let Jeff cook me a meal. and this was about 6 years ago mind you, he made this tempeh stir fry concoction. It was terrible. And it put me off tempeh. I couldn't eat it. LOL.
    But here is a foodgawker.com search for some interesting recipes..

    The tempeh in coconut sauce looks amazing. I will have to revisit tempeh myself. I need a new lunch for next week anyways.

    I just logged all my intended cals for the day...with a glass of wine and a maple cookie I will be well under cal limit with working out. WAY over on sodium but what are ya gonna do. I rarely ever do that. I am on the fence about the wine and cookie. So much sugar. But I have the cals and I think Ia m going to have to ween myself off the wine this week. I had such great wine last week in Canada that its got me on a kick again. And I just found a Douro wine from Trader Joes (Charambra if you are interested) for like $8 and it is so fantastic it is calling my name!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - I just checked out the Costco membership and it's not worth it for me... There are none in our area. The membership would cost $50 and I would save only $20 per $100 spent on that site. (*sighs*)... Even though 5 of us are going, I think we need to be more flexible. I can't guarantee my fam wants to eat at the same places as us. I joined Las Vegas Advisor which has many 2 for 1 deals... I'm thinking of Entertainment Book 2011 for Vegas but we'd need 2... The problem is DH wants brewpubs and good beer bars which are not on most lists...Please keep ideas coming... Thanks V