200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"

Well, our little group has hit a year on MFP! Crazy how far we've all come! I mean, seriously-- I've lost over 50 pounds and run a half-marathon! Who would have thought??? I certainly didn't.

Time to check in for our most recent challenge, and think about goals we'd like to work on this one. Remember, we're sticking to one thread per challenge now.

Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I ate Gracies leftover fries tonight :/

    I plan on working out the next three days to help keep the weekend eating under control, that has always been my biggest downfall.

    1. Stay consistent. Work out minimum five days a week and track cals good or bad.
    2. Vegan until dinner.
    3. HIIT training twice a week on the card and 200 squat challenge.

    There is a gym at the hotel we are staying in the longest on my trip so I am hoping that I can get in some workouts in there but we will see.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning all! I woke up to a field full of frost across the street and it was 26 degrees out. I also lost another 0.6 pounds this week (kind of amazed at that due to my birthday on Monday and my TOM should start any second now). That brings me up to 6.4 pounds lost during this challenge. I am beyond stoked to be under 215 and heading steadily down toward 210.

    Here are my goals for the next challenge:
    1) Lose another 6 pounds (that would get me within spitting distance of 200!!!)
    2) Clean up my weekend eating (I give myself Friday as a bit of a cheat day but I really need to work on keeping Sat & Sun under control)
    3) Work up to running 24 miles a week (the program I'm on now has me at 19 miles but, if I stick with it, I'll be at 24 miles in 6 more weeks)

    Lacey: To answer your question from the other thread - yes, every village has some kind of animal mascot and a shield thing. It's weird but a lot of things over here are weird.

    Kristina: You have had an amazing year! I can only hope I'll be as successful as you by the time I hit my year mark (I'm pretty sure I won't be up to a half marathon yet, but who knows)

    Everyone have a lovely Friday!!! Good luck with your weigh ins!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    weighed in at 217.4 today.

    thinking of starting p90x.....feel like I'm in need of a major change in diet/exercise.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I am getting P90X for Christmas (I plan on starting it whenever it actually gets here though), I think it might be a great agent for dramatic change in my body.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    My weight wasn't spectacular this morning, and I'm not logging it as my final weight, as I know it's TOM issues carrying over. I was 179.8... still under 180 miraculously, barely.

    My goals for this upcoming challenge are as follows:

    -log everything I put into my mouth... while I log my food, there are things that I know I miss or don't get the right amount on
    -continue running, preferably at least 3 days/wk or definitely 10 miles/wk
    -doing abdominals and free weights at least 3 times/wk. this is an area I've definitely been lacking in, and as I lose more weight, I want to be the least "droppy" as possible.

    So my two co-workers (one who just ran the Detroit half) want to run a marathon this spring and have me train with them. I just don't know about that. I'd love to run one, just to say I did it, but I still feel like I have so much weight left on my body and I move so slow, that it'll take forever. I think I might start training with them though and see where it goes. I think the plan has you running 4 times a week-- I'd rather stick to 3, as I like to crosstrain, so I might alter it a bit, but it's otherwise very similar to my half training. We'd start up later in November and the marathon is in Toledo in April. We'll see.... it would help me have a goal for myself, which I tend to really like. But a marathon? I just don't know about that...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- thats exactly how you felt when you decided to do the half marathon. I'm sure if you kept right on training, you can do the full marathon!

    My friend sent me an email that Torrid (a big girl store) is hiring for seasonal help. I'm going to apply. Hopefully that will give me some extra money to buy p90x. Wouldn't that be funny though? Working at the big girl store to get enough money to buy a program to lose a lot of weight and get in shape?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - that is colder than the 36 here in the mornings! Youch!! Did you buy any warm clothes yet?

    Kendal - check ebay..I'm pretty sure you can buy individual discs on there of the P90X.

    Kristina - it can't hurt to try the running and if you don't like it then do something else right?

    Today back at the gym. I am going to do my regular exercise routine I've been doing all week for the rest of the weekend, then Monday start the HIIT and Squats challenge training. The squat challenge is a 3 day a week thing, HIIT is as much as I want..
    SO I am thinking that Mon, Wed, Fri I will do the squats challenge, cardio and other weights, then Tues, Thurs do HIIT...regular work outs the other days with a focus on endurance cardio.
    I've read the many blogs, stories, etc for it and everyone seems to say the same thing...HIIT is something that you should do only on that day...so I am thinking I could do a long warm up of cardio then HIIT at the end I guess?..

    Weekend totally booked up as I mentioned beforehand..it is what it is so I should just stop groaning and deal I suppose.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    the bff is going to get Just Dance 2 and bring it over tonight :bigsmile: looking forward to that
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My final check-in is 184. I think that's about even for the last challenge. DH was a snot shopping last Mon and I now know why - he gained all the weight he'd lost and then some - he's now on an ex / better eating kick. Maybe it will help me get though this plateau. I actually packed lunch for us today. We are driving 5 hours to a wedding (*sighs*). I just want to stay home. Tues I plan to start logging again and resume my workouts with mom on Wed.

    My goals - log all my food for the challenge (we are celebrating Thanksgiving Nov 17th - so I'm not going to record that weekend), actually loose 6 pounds so that I'm well under 180!!!, and cont to average 60 min of exercise a day.

    Kristina - good luck if you decide to train for the marathon!!! I'll come cheer you on and maybe run a half.

    Kendal - have fun dancing. Several freinds have done P90X and they toned up well but really didn't lose weight. I was going to do it but have decided to wait until I'm closer to my goal weight. Maybe Deb can shed some light. She's done it. The workouts are great. Good luck on the job.

    Lacey - I'm feeling your pain on the trip. Good luck getting the workouts in.

    Amy - we had snow come down 2 days ago and thank goodness it didn't stick!!! I've scraped frost many mornings and have started carrying my gloves. I really do love winter!!! If I say it enough, maybe I'll believe it.

    As far as my workouts, I'm not sure what to do. DH is into step aerobics in the morning - my heart rate was 60% and I wasn't breathing hard (yeah I know I need to make the step higher). My arms are actually sore since starting them this week - no arm work running and biking. I want to keep running twice a week. I need to start pumping iron.

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Saturday morning! I should be cleaning, our house is a Freaking Mess and we have Jeffs dad n stepm staying the night tonight and we've just got by this week by putting the dishes in the huge sink and looking the other way. Sigh....

    Today's agenda: smoothies, cleaning the kitchen at least, going into town for grocery shopping and getting my contacts then working out. Then getting home, shower, BBQ at step m's families house. Joy. Really really looking forward to that. Ha. Not.

    Today is day 6 of vegan till dinner. I am just hoping that the BBQ doesn't kill me and that I can show restraint.

    Have a good day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well it's TOM time again :devil: and I am just a beast. Everything rubs me the wrong way. I also want nothing but salt & chocolate. I placated myself yesterday with popcorn and some chocolate chips but I can still feel the craving lurking. It doesn't help that I have a sore throat and I am notoriously bad at "soothing" myself with food when I am sick. I am trying to avoid it by telling myself I'm not actually sick so I don't need soothing. So far, it's working. We'll see if it lasts into the night (I'm great at showing restraint until the sun goes down). TOM issues didn't used to be a problem for me. I'd be grumpy a bit and then I'd be a bit bloated and that's it. Now I have serious mood swings for the week before my period as well as pains I didn't used to have along with other symptoms I never got before. I wonder why my body has changed?

    The plan today is to meet a friend & her dog and kids today for a walk in the woods but it's been raining off & on since last night so we'll see if that happens. I also have to run 4 miles (probably on the treadmill - sigh). I am STILL trying to find winter clothes for me. I went to the base exchange store yesterday to check out their stuff and got Gabriel a bunch of stuff so he'll be warm but they just didn't have anything for me. What's with a store selling mostly short sleeved stuff when it's 30 outside?? I want some sleeves, dammit! So I keep putting stuff in my online cart at Old Navy and never actually checking out.

    Victoria: I like looking at winter from indoors (where I am cozy and warm) but I'm not the biggest fan of being out in winter. I don't like being wet and cold. I am also sick of cleaning up muddy paw prints from my floors.

    Kendal: I wouldn't do well getting a job in a clothing store, I'm pretty sure I'd end up spending the money I made.

    Lacey: Good luck getting everything done this weekend. I like having weekend plans but not being booked solid for 2 days. I used to put dishes in the sink and then forget about them until we couldn't fit any more in there, Unfortunately our sink is much smaller here so the sink is pretty much full after putting 2 cereal bowls in it. Now I do the dishes every time I dirty something and am training the small one to do the same (have given up on the bigger one - He can't be trained!)

    Well, everyone have a good day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The bff and I did some shopping yesterday when we went to Torrid to drop off my application. They will be having a hiring event next Thursday that I will go to. Then we shopped around the mall for a couple hours. I bought some blue hair extension things and big blue earrings to wear with my costume. Its funny cause my hair is twice as long as even one extension, but I will be putting my hair is low pigtails and curling it, so it will be ok.

    After the mall we went to Old Navy. They also had signs up about hiring seasonal people so I got a card and will apply online today. I got a super warm khaki colored jacket for $35. I also saw little kid's Halloween shirts, and since I didn't get my 5yr old neice anything for her birthday back in August, I got her two of them. (she loves Halloween) They were supposed to be $5 each, but they rang up $2.50 each! SCORE! That made me so excited I did a little dance at the register. lol I told Amber God was rewarding my good deed hehehe

    Today I need to exercise. I don't really have much planned except a lot of computer stuff. Picture editing (some of it is for work), posting stuff on craigslist, updating music on my mp3 players, apply for that Old Navy job.......I've decided to sell my wedding dress. It's a gorgeous dress, but its worthless to me now. Its just been sitting in the closet.

    I've been eating crap this weekend. I'm going to be good today dangit!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Sorry I haven't checked in over the weekend. Don't really know why, as it's been pretty lazy. Love when I'm able to sleep in both days. Eating was not on point on Friday, though I did get to the gym and on the bike for an hour. Yesterday, I ate well, except for birthday cake, which I had a rather large piece of at a party. I was SO good though: marbled amaretto and white raspberry cake, with raspberry filling, and buttercream frosting. How could I say no to that???

    I'm doing a major grocery trip this afternoon and plan to make a couple of recipes for the week-- that's what helps me stay on track, and I've fallen off the wagon with that. Planned to run today, but I'm not sure if that will happen. Feeling pretty lazy. Tomorrow is a new start to the week and I plan to be good with exercise over the week.

    Kendal- good luck with the job applications!

    Amy- isn't TOM horrid? Keep those cravings in check the best you can!!

    Lacey-- glad to hear the vegan eating is still going well!

    Victoria- perhaps DH getting back on the bandwagon will help you as well. I'm sure it's always nice to have everyone in the household with the same goal. And yeah, definitely not sure about the marathon idea. I figure I could start training and if it's too much, I'd love to run the half at least. We'll see. It'll give me something to continue to focus on. Though I need to start focusing on some weight training as well.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Super Pals - I got in a great 5 1/2 mile jog through my old neighborhood. It was great thinking of all my high school memories. We are off to find falafel for lunch. I'll catch you later.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- great run! that's the distance I had planned for today before I punked out. Falafels sound fab!

    I'm off to the store-- making a vegetarian corn chowder, which I'm christening my new crockpot with (early bday gift from the parents).

    Also, now that TOM is over, I weighed myself this morning, and I was 177.6. Woo! Amazing what changes come throughout the month. Pretty surprised still at that loss though. Did my measurements, and they are virtually the same as last challenge, which throws me off because I know my clothes are fitting better, so I'm must be getting smaller in places other than I'm measuring exactly. Was down 1% in body fat, according to WW scale. I'll take it!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Sunday! Today ive got a gorgeous loaf of no knead bread in the oven finishing off, making chantrelle raviolis, chili casserole and mushroom soup for lunch. Busy day but good day. I do love to cook on the weekends when its cold outside.
    its pouring rain and thundering (???) here. Yuck.

    Well I did ok last night but not as good as I could have. I didn't get to the gym, I ran out of time as jeff didn't get back from work until later than expected. Grr.

    Today I had cheese in my grits for breakfast, so I guess it's just a vegetarian day for me. Tomorrow morning I will weigh myself and see where i sit. I am not expecting anything as Tom is just about here and I wasn't super good with everything. I am proud that I have logged all weekend though. First time I've ever done that!
    And tomorrow starts a new week, HIIT and squat challenge!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Today did not go as planned. I DID go on a one mile walk with my friend & her kids and our dogs. It was nice cuz it had stopped raining and it wasn't too cold. I don't know how much exercise it was as we were chugging along at a REALLY slow pace (her son hates walking and kept asking her to pick him up - he's 5) but I'm counting it as it's the ONLY thing I've done today. I kept my eating clean until dinner and then my salt/chocolate cravings got the best of me and I ate popcorn and some chocolate chips for dinner! Really, that was dinner. I wish DH was here cuz he wouldn't stand for popcorn for dinner but Gabe thought it was totally cool. Anyways, I'm under my calories for the day but I have a headache and just feel generally "blah" (stupid TOM!).

    Lacey: Your kitchen sounds really yummy right now. I've been trying to make a menu and grocery list for the week but I just can't get through it today - nothing sounds good.

    Kristina: It's always nice when the TOM is over and the bloat goes away, isn't it? I too haven't noticed much difference in the measurements I take but my clothes are fitting better - don't know where I'm losing it from (from what my inlaws say from talking to me on Skype, I'm losing it from my face). I'll take it!

    Victoria: Nice run!

    Kendal: Your costume sounds too cute, you HAVE to post pics!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Target is having a sale on wii fit plus! Its only $77 (normally $99) plus free shipping AND there is a promo code that gives you 10% off your order. So I got that and Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for like, $92. And since I ordered it online through mypoints.com, I will earn enough points to get another giftcard (hmmm....what store do I want to get a giftcard at this time??)

    If you need the code, I found it on www.deals4dummies.com. It works on everything on target.com supposedly.

    My eating hasn't been horrible today, but it could have been better. Its ok though cause I took Lexi to the park and got 4 miles in (an hour and 5 minutes; over 800 cals burned).