200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- glad you still got out and worked out, despite not being in the mood.

    Amy- sorry to hear you're still not feeling great. Getting out a moving might help a bit. I know if you're sick, you should rest, but if you don't move for too long, I know I get crankypants because of that.

    Victoria- nice workout!!

    I was not a happy camper this morning when the scale still read 180, but *sigh*, oh well. The elliptical went well yesterday and I plan to hit up the bike again after work. Once can't say I didn't get my cardio on once the workweek began. I'm just fighting the crappy eating I did for several days last week(end) and the results from that are still on the scale. Moving my chili to lunch today and will eat something light for dinner, and keep the snacking in check, and I'll hopefully be below 180 again tomorrow. Pissed cause just early last week I was under 178 :grumble: At least I know I can get there.

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday! Today shouldn't be too bad. Only one schedule appt, but I have a fair bit of phone calls to make and a conference call as well. I really could use a nap. I know that I'm definitely working my body, cause I'm going to bed at a decent time, sleeping through the night, and am still tired in the morning somewhat. Very tempting to take a long lunch and catnap. Hmm. *ponders*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - I empathize with you when you finally get your DVDs. If you don't have Yoga blocks, think about getting them. I just ordered some after struggling through today without them.

    Kristina - I feel your pain with the 180. I was up to 186 this morning but I'm sure it's water weight from these sore muscles. Mr. Scale and I need to start up our affair again.

    Enjoy your day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have P90x Pain Envy as well.

    Mr Scale and I aren't as close as we once were. I was 216.4 this morning...up 1 pound from yesterday. UGH. I couldn't go to the gym last night like I wanted, so I did almost 2 hours on the Wii (Fit Plus and the Golds Gym Cardio Workout...mainly boxing). I want to get in a good 1.5-2 hour workout tonight at the gym, but the last time I did it, I went up 1-2 (or was it 3?) pounds due to the muslce water retention thing. I know I really need the workout though, I just hate to do it a day before weigh in.

    The call the with health coach went well last night. I think she was really impressed with what I'm already doing. I guess I HAVE to set goals for myself for this program, so we decided my goal is to continue working out 4 days a week and try to find some new recipes out of my cookbooks.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I am ALL about trying new recipes..if you need help find anything let me know. I lerv searching for them on the internet. Just tell me what you are in the mood for.

    Amy and Victoria - I will reitterate the fact tht I wish my gym would do a P90X class. I cant do it at home..I've tried and don't have the gumption..gotta have a gym and go there.

    Kristina - step away from the scale. Step. Away.

    Today is going to be a hard one calories wise. I'm getting my hair done at 4 (blonder) and that means that dinner will be hard to get it. And we are going out to lunch today for a coworkers birthday and that generally means wine. I can find a salad to eat, no problem...but the wine could be a killer. I brought some pumpkin spice granola bars in case I am hungry at the salon, it takes a good 2+ hours. SIgh....I love the way my hair looks when I am done but I HATE sitting there and I forgot my dern book!

    So, goal for the day is to eat food that is as healthy as it can be and to drink minimally. Try to stay near calories but just eat healthy at the least.

    200 200 200....
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys, I finally figured out where this forum was. I haven't been around much due to everyone in my family getting sick and then my husband right after I got better went out of the country so I was all alone with the kids, it was the longest week of my life. So that said I missed the gym for 2 weeks in a row, something that has not happened to me since I started. I tried to get back to the gym this week but I fear I have lost my momentum. I only made it there once.

    That is just an excuse because if I wanted it bad enough I would just do what I have at home. I have been sitting on P90x for about a month now, I have all of the things I need to start but to be honest I am scared of it. Not sure what exactly I'm scared of but something. I noticed a bunch of you are starting it and it makes me that much more interested in giving it a try. I have to be honest, I really don't like to work out at home for some reason but I think it's a great program and I KNOW it will do what it is intended to do. I also have a huge itch to start running I've had it for a month or so now but can't get up the nerve to actually start. I do think I'm ready weight wise though. My main concern now is that it is almost winter and I'm not sure how that will work with the snow and whatnot. I'd really like to run outside and am kinda nervous to pound away on the treadmill at the gym, I'm scared I won't be able to balance while running, lol and that i'll look like a total *kitten*. I donno, those are just some thoughts.

    I am doing super good on my food part of the diet despite the lack of exercise, another reason I'm hesitating on going back to the gym. I'm losing more weight now than I have while working out at the gym though i do know that the benefits are greater when you add in the exercise. But I'm addicted to the amount of weight I lose when I do not go to the gym and my diet is really under control. *shrugs* I don't know what the good answer is, well yes I do but I like how it feels to lose the weight faster.

    If it makes it better I did watch all the P90x workouts, lol I watched them....maybe that's the problem, I psyched myself out.

    Well for the rest of the day I am going to focus on getting in all my water and possibly sticking in the P90x when my son goes down for his nap.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kim- TAKE THE FIRST STEP!!! Get back in the gym or start P90X and you will realize all your nervous energy was a waste of time. You can do this and you've got all the support in the world here with us!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks Kendal, I appreciate that :)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    wow seems everyone is having some problems with the scale...I was up too this morning...but mine was 2 1/2 pounds. I am sore too...so hopefully retaining some water...
    .it is so darn wierd...I bought a pair of 16's in Non-stretch dress pants tonight for my daughter's wedding tomorrow and really they were kinda loose in the thighs..but I got them cus I needed them...but last year I was squeezing my *kitten* in a tight size 20....so I have went down in clothes sizes...but the weight has basically stayed the same...maybe 10 pounds lighter has stayed off.

    Yoga complete today along with a 5k on the elliptical.

    Kim...You can do p90x...don't be afraid...all you have to do is modify if you get in some trouble...."do your best and forget the rest"

    Just do something, it will make you feel better about yourself ...and take some of that stress away....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    another kicka$$ night at the gym :happy: my weight might be up tomorrow but I know it will come back down.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    All in all my eating today has been fairly successful. I had a cup of clam chowder and a hummus plate which I didn't eat all of. And two glasses of wine. I am over but not drastically so. I'm not hungry really but am craving a piece of toast with sn egg on it. In fact, ever since I started the vegan till dinner thing three eels ago I've been wanting eggs. Lol. So. Weird.

    Deb going down sizes is awesome! Have fun at the wedding!

    Kendal good job at the gym.

    Kimm you can do it. Just start that first dvd and I bet you will be hooked.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Kim!!! you should try the P90X with us. I'm really enjoying it. I just modify everything and do my best. I can't wait to see progress. Today was Squat He!!... and Calf Raise Torture... I will be in the hot tub again tonight.

    I still have to do the AB ripper video tonight.

    Gotta run and get ready for work.. TGIF!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Weigh-in stunk!!! 186 WTH!!! I do realize it's from starting a new workout program. Sighs. If it doesn't come down next week, I'll adjust my ticker.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- glad you've gone down in clothes sizes. Helps when there's not a lot of a movement on the scale to show that there is a big difference

    Kim- welcome back! we missed you! I say go for p90x. We've got multiple people in the group doing it, so you'll definitely have support. Or you can start running. I started c25k in the winter last year, and it went fine. I'm pretty antitreadmill and was afraid I would fall off, but it was a good experience for me, as it helped me learn how to pace myself, which translated nicely to the road, come spring. Keep us updated!

    Kendal- way to go with another fab day at the gym. Like you said, even if it doesn't show on the scale tomorrow, it will in the long run. Keep it up!

    Lacey- nice job keeping the eating in check. It can be so hard with social occasions!

    Victoria- bummer about the scale! *sends death ray eyes to it*

    Stepped on the scale this morning, and holy heck-- it liked me! I was 180.4 yesterday morning, and down to 177.8 this morning. I had to weigh myself three times to confirm. :noway: So I'm 0.2 away from my lowest weight. All the work at the gym paid off this week--- to get me back to where I was pre-food extravaganze/no working out cause of food.

    Now, it just needs to continue on that downward trend! Need to keep the eating in control this weekend. It's always my toughest time. I might be going rollerskating tomorrow, which is a GREAT burn. I might go to the gym this evening, but as I've gone the past 4 days straight, and I eat okay, I'll give myself a rest day, depending on my mood. If I do go, will probably only do 30-45min versus the normal hour of cardio.

    hugs to all!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am checking in at 216.4, which is down 1 pound from 2 weeks ago (didn't weigh in last week). Its still up a pound from my lowest this week, but oh well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- all your hard work this week will pay off. Keep it up hun!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think I'm going to paint my bathroom this weekend....anyone wanna help?

    anyone know the calorie burn in something like that? lol
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Alright, weekly weigh in. I am down another 2 lbs this week. That puts me at 210 lbs. So close to the single digits and 200 is finally in close range. I did push myself to go the gym last night and I felt really great after, thank you all for the motivation. Also I am going to start P90x today and join the rest of you. I really really want to hit my year end goal and finish the year strong.

    OH I almost forgot this week puts me officially at my first mini goal of 50 lbs lost and my Nov 29th goal of 210 lbs by my 10 year anniversary, the weight I got married and met my husband at. I have not been at or below this weight in 10 years. It feels amazing.

    Kendal: I have no idea how many calories painting your bathroom would burn but who cares its extra no matter how you look at it. I'd like to see pictures when you are finished. And nice job on the loss this week!

    Kristina: Way to go on pulling things back in line. I know how hard that can be once you get off track. The trick is to just stick with it even when you think it's not working and eventually something will click and you will keep moving in the right direction. I'd really like to run as well. My mind is constantly on running. I keep looking up running clubs here so something is motivating me enough to want to take the first step. Maybe what I will do is download a running program on my ipod for the gym tonight and give it a try on the treadmill. After all I have never really seen anyone fall on their *kitten* have you? LOL Roller-skating sounds like fun, I haven't done that since I was a teenager, but it was my favorite activity back then.

    Victoria: Sucks your scale is being a butt. I bet it's just the new program, I'm totally expecting that next week. With sore muscles you will retain water in order to repair them. It will all work itself out, just gotta hang in there.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Roller-skating sounds like fun, I haven't done that since I was a teenager, but it was my favorite activity back then.

    in 6th and 7th grade I used to roller blade ALL THE TIME. We had a basketball goal in our driveway and I would skate forward, shoot a lay up, skate backwards so I could turn around and catch the ball and repeat that for hours. I thought I was so cool cause I had taught myself to skate backwards. Now I can't skate for *kitten* and it hurts my ankles.

    oh well...life goes on
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good afternoon...finally...lol.

    I am wiped out. I feel like i could just drop from being so tired, lol. Too much going on, that I cannot even remember what I told someone this morning to do and had to ask them again this afternoon. LOL I finally got a 5 minute break from the chaos in my office and my eyes are drooping. Sheesh. Getting everyone coordinated and ready for when I leave for a week and trying to get prepped for this trip has been cra-zee.

    So. Eating today. Soy mocha and sushi. Not the greatest, but high in protein I guess. I am so full I won't be eating dinner, or maybe just a light salad.

    I have to go to Target and to Wal Mart tonight, so I think working out is out. Maybe I will have the energy to go tomorrow morning early? That would be a good idea if I can just push myself to do it. It would be good to do since I think the earliest I will get a chance to work out next week will be early Wednesday morning and/ or late late Tuesday night. I HAVE to work out while I am gone. Period. Done dealio.

    Victoria - you are starting a new program that your body isn't used to...give it time and enjoy the clothes falling off you more and more in the mean time.

    Kimm - yeay for weight loss!

    Kendal - I have always loved that insert here saying "I can't X for *kitten*" LMAO!

    I know I am forgetting people here but I have got to wrap a few things up here before I leave in an hour for over a week!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sodium in sushi got me. I will weigh in tomorrow at 3am (LOL) when I leave for the plane. BLeh.