200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- safe travels!!

    So, I'm sick. Blech. I started getting sniffly Thursday evening, and just progressively got worse yesterday as the day went on. Needless to say, I skipped the workout, which I had already thought about doing. Didn't sleep fantastic last night.

    Feel okay this morning. Not great. But not bad enough to skip the rollerskating. It should be fun, it'll get me out of the house, and I'll get some killer exercise in. I remember when I did it last time, my inner thighs were burning the day after!

    So, I stepped on the scale this morning. I'm not going to log it, as 1. I didn't exercise yesterday, and the excess water from working out hard 4 days in a row might be less and 2. I weighed in later in the morning than I normally do. I normally will weigh less on the weekend mornings/afternoons when I weigh in, as long as i don't eat like whoa on Friday.

    Weighed in at 175.6 :noway: :noway: Crazy, eh? My goal would be just to maintain that for next week's weigh in. But that puts me at 7 pounds until under obese. Woo!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    hey everyone...wedding went well...kept eating down...so that went well...weight was up a little...but man am I sore...EVERYWHERE, so I'm staying positive...got an extra run in today and tomorrow is another party to get through, the reception with all of the families...but it should be fun...my middle daughter really did a great job putting 4 discs of music together for the occasion, and I pre-viewed it...I will be dancing for sure!!

    Safe trip lacey!!

    Kristina...I'd be happy as can be with that weighin....hope it sticks for ya! Hope you get to feeling better!

    Kim...great weigh in...Congrats!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well i am all packed with the exception of my vest and a pair of pants in the washer. I feel unprepared but I got enough clothes and will make it fine. People at work have me all freaked out about the airline changes to get to our final destination and now I'm qorried my luggage wont show. But this is what we've done each time ive gone so its business as usual and am jut not going to worry about it from here on out.

    I didn't work out yesterday but I DID go this morning and I could tell the difference yeesh. My bodynwas not as limber as it is in the afternoon and I should have done some stretching before I started. I went for 45 minutes and burned 416 cals so I am happy.

    I can tell my clothes are fitting better already and even though it may not show on the scale I am slimming down. This trip will be a challenge but vie got my work put clothes packed and I intend to use them.

    Deb I am happy to hear the wedding was nice!

    Kristina I'm sorry you aren't feeling good. Its a nastyncold that is going around. I still have the cough and some phlegm happening but feel much better than I did last weekend

    Apparently the customer we are meeting Monday is moose hunting this weekend. Now I grew up hunting deer and elk but vie never seen a moose! I would love to...so I am going to ask if they are easy to get to to see...since we I'll have all of Monday afternoon with nothing to do. Lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all! I haven't really been around this weekend. Yesterday was Gabe's last soccer game followed by an awards thing and then we went bowling and came home & watched the Karate Kid (the one with Jaden Smith, not Ralph Macchio). Eating could have been better (damn you Cheetos) but at least I didn't gorge myself with pizza like Gabe did (I went with a salad with grilled chicken). But today I feel like crap. I honestly think my body reject processed foods (damn you Cheetos!) because the next day I have a horrible headache and feel all achy. It's weird but I think that realizing that my body can't deal with the stuff might actually make it easier to avoid it. Anyhow, no weight loss for me this week - not really surprising. I'm back at it again and will be back on the road to losing this week.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I haven't been good this weekend. I will make up for it tomorrow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Watching the NYC Marathon on TV, and thought of you all! Signed up for another race- The Holiday Hustle 5K in Dexter on December 4th. It's my birthday weekend, but it should be a fun race, and as there aren't exactly a plethora of races in Michigan in winter, I'll take what I can get prior to the (half)marathon in Toledo in April. Foot continues to feel better, so I'm hoping at some point this week to attempt a mile or two on the treadmill to ease my way back into running after a couple of weeks off (SO HARD!)

    Feeling better today. Was pretty sick on Friday, into part of Saturday. Still a bit sniffly, but not horribly so. Eating has been okay this weekend. Not fantastic. I like to self-sabotage myself and pick up tortilla chips. I ate too many for lunch today. Thinking about throwing out the rest of the bag, so I can't eat any more the rest of the week. In fact... *leaves room* tossed into outdoor trashcan! Seriously- no self control with that crap in the house.

    Making some chickpea curry in the crockpot right now. Smelling wonderful. Super easy recipe. Will let you ladies know if it's any good.

    Rollerskating was a lot of fun yesterday. Didn't fall once. Legs feel fine, but usually it hits 2 days later, so we'll see tomorrow. Not sure if I'll work out today. Don't have to, but I'm thinking about going to the rec center to swim. Haven't done it in a few weeks, and think it would be pretty sweet. We'll see.

    Kendal- sorry to hear about it being a bad weekend for you. What happened?? You've been so good!

    Amy- glad you were able to refrain yourself from the pizza spectacular this weekend. It's seriously my weakness! interesting about your body's reaction to processed foods. It's telling you something!! I know if I go more than one day with crappy food eating, my body feels lethargic, crappy, and I'm moody.

    Lacey- nice job working out! And yay for the clothes fitting better! That was totally what had me going through the summer when I wasn't losing much weight, but I kept seeing my clothes getting looser, so something good was happening. *high fives*
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The bff's husband is a heating and air guy and he's on call this weekend, so he's been busy all day every day. Friday evening, the bff came over and we ended up getting The Big Italy pizza from pizza hut. Its really good, but I haven't logged a thing since. Saturday the bff came over again to keep me company as I painted the bathroom (just the primer so far....ugh....such a big project). The boyfriend unexpectedly got the rest of the weekend off so he's been here since Saturday late afternoon. When he got here, he ate the rest of the pizza leftovers and asked if we (the bff and I) had had dinner yet. We hadn't so he asked if we would mind having pizza again cause that Big Italy is really good. We got in touch with the bff's husband and he only had one more call to finish up on, so we ordered 2 Big Italy pizzas and breadsticks. After dinner, we made smores over the firepit and hung out outside for a couple hours. It was fun.

    But no :real: exercise and been eating pizza for every meal since Friday night (and thats not an exaggeration). I finished cutting in the paint at the top of the bathroom today, so my arms are kinda sore. Lots of balancing on a chair and the edge of the tub.

    The boyfriend is sleeping on the couch right now. He told me I could go take lexi for a walk or something while he's sleeping, so I'm about to do that.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone. At 3:00 am this morning I was holding out at 209 lbd. I will take it.

    I am now in Toronto waiting to board to timmins, last leg of then day. Yeay!!

    I had a veggie egg scramble and potatoes and English muffin for bfast and just had a Mediterranean salad for lunch. I figure it will be something at least to tell you all what I am eating and working out at the least. Oh I had had a bloody caesar too. That is a bloody mary with clamato instead of Tom juice.

    Yesterday we saw Megamind (cute) and ate Italian. I was probably close to cal range but the sodium got me, but again, no gain. So it's a lllll good!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My body's not used to this time change and I'm up way to early. Week 1 done!!! So far I'm loving most of the workouts. My Yoga blocks arrived so it should be easier next time. A pump went out on the hot tub - at least it wasn't the heater. I'll call today and the guy can come this week. My house is pretty clean and ready for next weekends company.

    Lacey - enjoy yourself and travel safely.

    Kristina - the curry sounds wonderful.

    Amy - I bet it feels great having DH home. Any day now Mr. Postman will be delivering P90X.

    Kendal - snap out of it girl. You've come to far to let this weekend become habit. The lifestyle change wagon is circling around - you'd better hop back on!!!

    Deb - glad the wedding and reception went well.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    back on track today. seriously need to figure out how to juggle the bf and eating/exercise. I didn't get that walk in like I thought I would. He woke up right as I was finishing up my last post. then we went out for japanese food. ugh....bad bad weekend. I tried to weigh in this morning to see what damage I've done, but the scale was on carpet and it weighed me at 101pounds. :laugh: :laugh: I didn't have time to move it and reweigh myself. So yeah...I lost 114 pounds this weekend. :laugh: :laugh:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    It's been an interesting morning for me. Hope you ladies are doing well!

    It's not going to be a fantastic eating day. I'm losing a craving battle for chinese. I had it a couple of weeks ago, and it must be crack or something, so I think I might splurge at lunch. There might be trivia tonight, but I'm not sure. Either way, I have happy hour tonight (half off martinis!), so yeah. The gym will definitely be calling my name after work today. I'm thinking it's a bicycle day. I ended up not swimming last night, as I was coughing a fair bit, so decided to take the day off.

    The curry ended up being pretty yummy. Even though I threw a jalapeno in, it ended up not being all that spicy. Will have to throw another one in or add some cayenne next time. Served it over some brown rice, and have two extra portions for dinner this week.

    So anyways, on a personal note, some interesting developments on the work front this morning. I got an email late yesterday from my boss asking for me to call her this morning. I of course, wish I hadn't checked my email because I was totally anxious about it all last night and didn't sleep well. The only other time she's ever asked to call her was when she asked my feelings on giving up my official VA office (which I was fine with, as I'm never there). So, my mind... definitely a glass half-empty person jumps to the worst. Turns out the project manager/coordinator for my group is leaving next month and my boss wants me to take over for her in the interrim, and also basically wants me to think on whether I might permanently want the job. Eep! It's a lot to think about and some serious soul-searching will have to occur. It's a higher position in research, but I'll lose virtually all of my clinical work with the job, and I really like being able to do both research and clinical work. *bites nails* At least this interrim period will help me decide if it's the right position for me. Was very flattered that she wanted me in the position. It's sort of a weird role to play, as I'll sort of be the supervisor for my current co-workers... official supervisor, but sort of the go-between. Anywho. was NOT expecting that this morning. The other good news, regardless of whether I accept the position permanently, I'm getting a raise! Moving up a pay grade would give me about a 10,000 raise. :noway: Would be pretty mind boggling and fabulous. I'll keep you all up to date. I'm sort of brain fried now for the day and still processing.

    I hope everyone else is having a good Monday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    That is such great news Kristina!!! Its cool that you get to "test drive" the job before you decide if its something you wanna do full time.

    I'm hoping I will have enough energy after zumba tonight to do another coat of primer paint in the bathroom tonight.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- yeah, I'm trying to view it as a nice way to check out if it's something I want to do permanently. It would definitely be a change. I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle all of that work, plus my work, AND we're adding a new study to the site. Luckily, there's a relief person who should be able to help out, but it could be a hot mess through into early next year. We'll see. Hope Zumba goes well! What color are you painting your room?

    Did have chinese for lunch. It was yummy-- will definitely get my cardio on after work. No pub trivia tonight. Just drinks- which can still definitely be caloric.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: That's sooo cool about the job. It's even cooler that you get to try before you buy.

    My eating was under control today and I did the dog walk and a step video. For some reason my calf is still sore from my 5 miler last week and I have weird bruises all over my legs. Dunno what that's all about.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bagle with cream cheese and Lox for bfast, chinese (bleh) for Lunch. Now wew are going out to dinner with same guy and I am praying I can get a huge salad with maybe some soup and bread. And wine. Lol

    I got to come back to my cigarette hole in comforter, huge stain on ceiling and torn bed skirt, yet clean, hotel room for a few hours. And while I was mostly on the phone with work the whole time at least I got a small break and a chill out.

    I am pretty sure I just sprained one my toes hitting it on the "couch". Does jumping around trying not to swear count as exercise?

    Tomorrow afternoon the new hotel looks like its got a good gym, big, I will be working my *kitten* off to get some of this ick out of me I've been eating.

    You girls have a good night. Sorry I can't reply to everyone. I will try tomorrow. L
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have a very colorful house. My bathroom was orange. The shower curtain is pink with a little yellow and orange and it was just a cute, girlie room. The bedroom is yellow, almost canary yellow, The sun doesn't come directly into that room cause of the tall trees in the backyard, so its not blinding. I'm painting my orange bathroom to a paler-than-the-bedroom yellow. I probably should have done this at the beginning of the year, but how was I supposed to know people are so damn picky?? I mean really?? You buy the house and paint it however you want it.

    As of this moment, I have 27 calories left for the day. I am very tempted to eat more. I'm thinking I might get out the wii and burn a little more so I can rummage through the kitchen and find something else to eat.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - the joys of traveling!!! Hope your having fun.

    Kendal - I like color but it does't sell. Most people are lazy/busy and want you to do the work for them.

    Kristina - wish I could have joined you for happy hour.

    Amy - the bruising sounds weird. Congrats on the 5 miles. I miss running.

    I made a great salmon dish last night with veges baked in a foil packet - yummmy. I'm sore today from adding 5 lb weights to some of the p90x tasks. I was concentrating on form last week since the ex were new. I love Amazon - my pull up bar came in last night. I better get out of bed to get this workout in.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't do anything on the wii last night, but I also didn't eat anything else so I managed to stay under my cals for the day. Go me! I moved the scale to the bathroom and was able to weigh myself this morning. 217.6. Up 1 pound. ok.....I'll take it....especially since I was over 2000mg over on sodium yesterday. I have zumba again tonight so instead of my regular bowl of cereal and yogurt, I bought a bacon and egg on wheat sandwich from the cafe.

    anyways, I need to get to work!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- color is totally fun... also totally personal. I'm pretty addicted to HGTV, and that's one of the biggest things they tell you: neutral paints and decluttering are the biggies!

    Victoria- nice job plugging away with the p90x!

    Lacey- hope the gym is nice at the next hotel. Sweat out that crappy food!

    Happy hour was lovely last night. Sucks that I couldn't talk about the job situation, as I was with 2 people who I'm close with, but also work in my department, so I really couldn't talk about it yet, as it hasn't been formally announced to even the whole team yet. This afternoon is our all team meeting, where the leaving is supposed to be announced and to discuss the transition. Will let you all know how it goes.

    Been a pretty dang good week so far, surprisingly. Did get to the gym yesterday. Did an hour on the bike, though my legs felt pretty tired (rollerskating catching up?), so I didn't go as far as usual. But, I was feeling really antsy about not running, and my foot had been doing well, so I went on the treadmill after! Just one mile, but it felt so good! Burned in just the way I like. Did a mile in 10:34, which is pretty speedy for me. Did the last half a mile at 6.0mph, and bumped it up to 6.5mph for the last tenth of a mile. Ah running... reunited and it feels so good!

    Though I have to say, the break probably has been good for my body. I don't know if it's the change-up with more cross training and less running or what, but the scale finally seems to be moving again. My eating has been pretty good, but no dramatic improvements in that either. Perhaps the mid-low 180s were a plateau for me, and not just Kristina eating crappy, because finally there has been some consisent movement. Even with the chinese yesterday (though I didn't eat much for dinner), I was at 175.6 this morning :noway: Fab! I mean I was around there this weekend, but that was with a later morning weigh in (when I tend to weigh less) Really was looking for 175 by Thanksgiving (as my losses have been so slow), but perhaps I can get even a bit lower by then. Eep?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    geez! how can it possibly be 13 hours since our last post!! There was a wreck on my way home from work and 45 minutes later when I was on my way to zumba, it still wasn't cleared. I turned around, came home, grabbed my mp3 player, and headed back to the gym. I got there about 15 minutes after zumba started so I did 45 minutes on the elliptical, a round on all the arm machines, and like, 13 minutes (100 cals burned) on the bike. I still ate like a pig most of the day cause I was PLANNING on going to zumba :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: But I was only 81 cals over for the day so I will call it a success :smile: