200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think the interview went ok.....it was more of a group "prescreening" type interview. There were 4 of us sitting around a table with a lady from torrid. She asked some real general questions. I think I stood out as the most confident of them. I got home around 6:45. I wasn't going to work out today but my Wii Fit Plus came! I've been playing with that for the past hour or so. I really like the Boxing game, the hula hoop and the balance bubble. I also picked up Lexi and created a pet mii for her. She's dang 65 pounds! And it took forever for the balance board to register us and I had to pick her up three times for it to finally work. lol she didn't know what was going on.

    anyways, thats how I finished out my day
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I hope your interview went well. Being confident will definitely be a plus for you. How fun that your Wii Fit Plus came!!!

    Kristina: I, too, have been fighting with the desire to eat crap. I ate a bit of dark chocolate yesterday but managed to stop myself at one. I hope you were able to get to the gym for your biking!

    Lacey: I DO love me a Chipotle burrito!! They are ridiculously good. I generally get it in a bowl without the tortilla though (those massive tortillas are close to 500 calories) but they are mmmmm...mmmm good! I, too, have been gently exploring the world or red wines over the past year. I still favor whites and I love a good Moscato or Gewurstramiener but there are a lot of good reds in the world too. Oh, and your trip sounds super-fun!

    Victoria: I KNOW that the USPS can't possibly hold my P90X for ransom much longer so I'm sure I'll be starting not too long after you do....I hope!

    Well, I lost 1.8 pounds this week, taking me down to 212. I'm sure stoked to lose over a pound the last two weeks in a row! My habit, over the last months has been to lost a couple pounds and then stay stuck there for weeks before losing a pound or two more. I much prefer the steady pounds lost! Also, I found out last night that Travis might be returning home as early as next week - which makes me VERY happy. I think we'll find out for sure today if he's going to come home or not (my fingers and toes are crossed). Hope everyone has a great Friday and good luck with the scale this week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah - I'm back down to 183 this morning!!! That's a pound less than last week and only a pound over my low weight of 182... I've watched the intro video and scoped some of the videos out - I can't wait for Monday!!! Tony is funny and it looks like I should be able to handle it.

    USPS - Just Bring It!!! Get that video to Amy!!! Great job on your loss!!! my fingers and toes are crossed too - I hope Travis comes home sooner.

    Kendal - my fingers are crossed for you too!!! Glad the interview seemed to go well.

    Kristina - Did you get the latest Vegetarian Times mag? I want to cook now.

    Lacey - I ordered the book in print. If there are recipes, I want to browse through them. Thanks for the info.

    Have a super weekend!!! TGIF!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey everyone...I don't have much timeneed to finish chores and a baby gift that needs to be done by Sunday...2 parties this weekend that I need to make a dish for....baseball practice and now basketball practice....but I am meeting with one of the moms for a run on saturday during ....busy busy!!

    Amy...fantastic with your weight loss!!! You have really been sticking to it while hubby has been gone....but I hope he is home soon...
    Lacey...Yum Burritos....I could so go for one right now! I have never really likes wine, but have to admit...with the way you speak of it...makes me want to try!
    Kristina....hate that your foot his giving you trouble, but I have seen your still bringing it!

    Oh man, I just heard that pony whinny....I am in trouble...have to run pals...will check in soon!! Have a great friday!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I subscribed to Vegetarian Times - I can't wait to get it! I have been slowly removing meat from most of our meals. But I need some serious help with figuring out good vegetarian meals, so excited to check this mag out. I got 3 freebie downloads with recipes for subscribing...gonna check 'em out & see what we come up with! Good job on your weight loss!!!

    Deb: You are such a busy bee! Enjoy your run on Saturday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I forgot to weigh in this morning!! :noway: And I'm eating crap today so I probably won't want to weigh myself tomorrow.

    I could use a nap


  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Bummer on the forgotten weigh-in! I could use a nap too.

    Well, I just found out that Travis is coming home early. He leaves DC Saturday night and will be back on Sunday morning! I knew he was coming home, I just didn't realize he'd be here THIS weekend. SOOOO HAPPY!!!! :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    YEAY AMY!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

    www.foodgawker.com - Amy and Victoria (and everyone else) check this site out. You can search for vegetarian or vegan and posts will come up with recipes...this site is just for foodbloggers to post pics, then you click on the pic and you go to their site and get the recipes. I cannot recommend this site enough! It is what keeps me cooking and inspires me to try new things. In fact, I need two more recipes for dinners and one for my vegan lunch next week so I will be on there shortly.

    Also the interesting thing in this book Food Matters - the author suggest that you really shouldn't need to worry about protein, most people get enough of it anyways. I think though when you are working out and all you probably do need a bit more for your muscles..but I am trying not to worry about it as much and just to make sure I am getting enough healthy good foods instead. And there are many plant based foods that have more protein than meats...you just have to eat them lol.

    Congrats Amy and Victoria on the weight loss! Kendal - enjoy that food and weigh in Sunday maybe?

    I will weigh in Monday morning as usual. I will be half way through TOM and it is a good way to ensure I eat well over the weekends. I am both excited and nervous to weigh on Monday. I hope last week wasn't a fluke and that I will keep losing, God knows I have made the best effort the past week and a half than in over a year.

    Tonight I work out, then home, dinner, pass out early. I always do on Fridays. Tomorrow grocery shopping and Target for household supplies. Sunday, cleaning the house and company for dinner and trick or treating.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    On Foodgawker.com - WOW! I foresee wasting hours & hours here
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    On Foodgawker.com - WOW! I foresee wasting hours & hours here

    YES YES YES!! I've been getting on this site for like 8 months now, it is my absolute FAV site on the internet. There are just so many cool foodblogs out there and this is a nice way to get to see some of them.

    Another good site for vegan recipes: www.peasandthankyou.com. This mom is pure vegan. Nothing else. And everything is kid friendly.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I love you! That's about all I have to say about the web sites your recommended! www.peasandthankyou.com is freaking fantastic too. Great, great, great food ideas AND I can totally see my 7 year old actually eating the stuff. I am tempted to try the "crack wrap" as soon as I can get my hands on some hummus!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I've just wasted 3 hours but got some great deals and my 20th anniversary trip to Las Vegas is booked!!! I got the flights for less than $250 each and the room is $60 plus tax each night. We will be staying at Tuscany Suites. Bryan's aunt recommended it - she goes to Vegas and it's her fav place. It's a block off strip from the Bellagio and very close to the brewpub. I love priceline and hotwire. Warning - I may tend to babble frequently about Vegas for the next 4 months. We're going from Feb 5th to 12th.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Today has been a mostly good day. Gabe had a soccer game this morning and, for once, it wasn't raining or freezing cold. He also scored 2 goals and had a ton of blocks as the goalie. I love watching him love what he does. Then, we came back and went for a 3 mile run in the woods with the dog. Gabe's legs were tired so he didn't want to run as fast as me (understandable as he played 60 minutes of a soccer game and I did not) so I told him I'd run up ahead and catch back up with him when I turned around to head home. He was cool with this. I thought all was well. Apparently, Sofie didn't understand what we were doing so when I got too far ahead of Gabe, she just stopped. When a 95 pound dogs stops dead, you aren't getting her going again until she darned well wants to. As it turns out, she didn't want to until she was absolutely sure that Gabe was with us and NOT being left behind. Dogs are funny.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I love her site. I have yet to try any of her recipes but as I continue on the whole vegan till dinner I will need to find some new recipes (mine are pretty limited vegan wise) and pandt will be the first place I look. She has some good links to other vegan bloggers too.

    That is great to see Gabe loving soccer!!

    Victoria I've been to Vegas many times. Love the place and will gladly ramble with you. I have to go at the end of march for a tradeshow and then will be staying after for another 4 days, so I will be there for a week which is too much there but i don't mind vegging next to a pool soaking up the sun. If you guys like steak, you should eat at Strip Steak in Mandalay.... O. M. G. Awesome!

    So I went to work out last night, yeay me! However I ate a whole huge plate of Mexican food and had a beer which puts me way over cals...so back to the gym i go tonight to work some off and be extra careful today to make sure I eat right on target. I also need to do my squats challenge day 3. There was a hot guy (finally!!) working out near the mirror I needed to use and yes...I got all intimidated so I did extra cardio instead lol. Plus it was more fun to stare athis backside lol.

    Today G and I need to hit about three stores for groceries and supplies and I am thinking about going to the mall too. Ugh. Maybe not.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Eye candy while working out - I'm jealous!!! I'm thinking of making the Sweet and Sour Tofu with Brown Rice for dinner from PandT site... I just wasted (really should say learning) a few more hours drooling there. I'm off to get my P90X fit test in (sighs) I've been putting it off all morning...

    Amy love your dog story -- LOL...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Eye candy while working out - I'm jealous!!! I'm thinking of making the Sweet and Sour Tofu with Brown Rice for dinner from PandT site... I just wasted (really should say learning) a few more hours drooling there. I'm off to get my P90X fit test in (sighs) I've been putting it off all morning...

    Amy love your dog story -- LOL...

    The first eye candy. I was thinking when I joined "ohhhh..co-ed gym, yeay hot guys to look at!" NOT NOT NOT!! All I've seen are older more decrepit men and zit faced teen boys. Its okay but you know...lol. Its nice to have someone to look at once in a while to get some motivation at the gym. LOL.

    Did you guys watch her oreo video? OMG. I was grossed out but cracking up at the same time. Apparently she only lives an hour north of me in salem. Who knew! She's got a cookbook coming out next summer too.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I forgot to weigh in first thing this morning. My last weigh in was Thursday morning and I was 216.6. Doubt I'll still be there after this weekend.

    Last night as I was getting ready to go out, I was balancing on each foot to put socks on and something popped on the top of my left foot while I was balancing trying to put on my right sock. It has hurt ever since. And today there is a small knot where it popped. :sad: It huuurts!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Fit test done - here are the results... Resting HR 78, pull-ups 0 (Sheesh), vertical leap 4" (YEAH), 3 real push-ups (WOW and thank goodness for my large chest - I didn't have to go as far down), toe touch 3" past toes, wall squat 1 min 3.7 sec, bicep curl 23 with 10 pounds, in & outs 10 (failed miserably the goal was 25), and 2 min of jumping jacks (failed) since for 30 sec I had to go to the low impact type due to calf pain but amazing HR recovery - 122 during activity and in 1 min dropped to 82... Now I'm off to take measurements and before pics... The directions say to show skin but do I really want that much flab to show... Don't worry I wont post those...

    I can't wait to see where I am in 90 days.

    Ouch Kendal - it sounds painful... I hope it feels better soon. Did you ice it?

    Kristina - where are you???

    Deb - any advice for me with P90X?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Wow - your fit test stuff is making me nervous. Your HR recovery is really good, isn't it? Must be all the running, I bet your heart is in great shape!

    Kendal: I always manage to injure myself doing something trivial - like bending the wrong way or banging the crap out of my knee in the bathtub (not that I've done that and had a huge bruise there for 2 weeks or anything)...so I feel your pain. Ice it & rest it.

    Lacey: Haven't seen the oreo video but since you said it's gross...I'll have to check it out! I like eye candy while working out. It's the one nice thing about the few times I went to the gym on base here - hot military guys.

    I made a butternut squash vanilla risotto for dinner tonight and seriously had to force myself not to eat the whole pan of it. It was that good (I got the recipe on Food Network - it's Giada's...she's awesome). Gabe ate around the butternut squash but enjoyed what he did eat (kids! never know a good thing!). While I was peeling the squash a huge chunk I was working with flew off the counter & onto the floor. My dog came over to investigate - as she does whenever ANYTHING hits the floor. I jokingly said, "if you can fit that thing in your mouth, you can have it." The next thing I know, my dog is chomping away on a huge piece of raw butternut squash...she ate the whole piece and came sniffing around for more. Silly dog. I gave her Gabe's risotto leftovers so I wouldn't eat them. She loves me.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - can I come over for dinner? The butternut squash sounds awesome!!!!

    So I was cooking dinner and the boys talked me into going out for dinner. I guess I wont be cooking tomorrow...