200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Sounds like you got a great deal on those games! Great job getting your run in!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning Pals!!! Oh what a lovely Mon - hi Kristina!!! We are just passing your exit on our way back up north. I've decided that the Toledo 1/2 Marathon will be my next long race - thanks for mentioning it. The race goes through my college campus - it will be great memories. Deb - are you up for training for it?? I figure if I keep running a short 2 to 3 and a long 5 to 6 miles each week, I won't have to get serious about training until Jan or Feb. I'm still debating if I want to try P90X in Nov. It would make exercise mindless in that I'd just follow the plan. (sighs) too many choices.

    Great deal on your games kendal. Lacey - I'm coming over for dinner!!! Sounds delish:) Amy - walking with friends makes the time fly (even with whiny kids)!!! Have you paid for the cart of warm clothes?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- are you talking about the Toledo race in April? The Glass City marathon? Blanking if I mentioned that that was the one that my friends plan on training for! Would love to see you at another race. And I'd definitely be down for the half if the full just ain't happening. Supposedly it's a pretty flat course, which I appreciate. I agree with your training plan-- keep up the distances somewhat, so it won't be too hard to get back into the training zone come winter time. Deb, would love for you to come!!!

    Kendal- woowoo for good deals! I've thought about investing in a Wii at one time or another... especially because of the Wii fit. Something I'll have to think about.

    Amy- glad you were able to get some moving in, even if it wasn't as much as you would have liked.

    Lacey- your meals sound DELICIOUS!

    Well, I've got my meals all prepared for the week. Plan to hit the rec center after work today for some crosstraining (either bike or elliptical), and doing some weights/ab work. My goal is to do those on the days that I don't run. After having a lazy week after the half, I need to get back in the swing of things.

    Of course my weight was up this morning-- I hate the daily ups and downs. I would really like to get some movement on the scale before the end of the year. I'm 10 pounds away from being out of the obese BMI. Can I reiterate how much I hate being short? Seriously... another 10 pounds!! ARGH! And then another 30 to get out of the overweight category. *sigh* I would really like to lose those 10 pounds by the holidays, but with the pace in which I've been losing, it's sort of doubtful. I really need to be super good with my eating. I think that's the area in which I've really lacked over the past few months.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm having a nice day - we got to the Frankenmuth Brewery 20 min before they opened - can you say shopping!!! Wine & chocolate tasting next door but only tried 2 wines to get mom thank you for watching my cats and corkscrew for her b-day (she collects them). On to the herb shop where got bath salts for me and MIL (Xmas), soap and cream for DH per his request and essence of peppermint. Seriously - if you have aches and pains you have to try. I put 2 drops on my hand and an o
    hour later it still feels great. To make it go farther, mix it with oil at 1:4 ratio (olive oil). Great natural pain reliever - one of my clients told me about it so I had to try it and now own a bottle. Off for lunch with an awesome American pale ale and split Reuben with DH. 3 more hours until home. Then work with 3 clients scheduled this evening.

    Yes kristina you mentioned the marathon training on one of the threads or facebook. I'm such a follwer (*blushes*). It's right up my ally with in-laws there, my best friend and her 4 kids and moms friends plus more family. I'll probably stay at the in-laws it's free.

    Oh yeah - forgot to tell you I went cruising in FIL new '69 Chevelle!!! It was sooo cool... I should have taken pics.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Lost 3 lbs over the past week..weighing in at 210. Yeay me! I assume its mostly water weight since its been months since I've really put the pedal to the metal and all but it is a good start and makes me feel like eating vegan till dinner and being diligent about tracking has worked.

    Day 8 of eating vegan till dinner today. First day of HIIT training and 200 Squat Challenge.

    Kendal -is the Golds Gym cardio the boxing one??I have it and like it although I've only used it a few times. It is a good thing that I won our Wii at work because I feel I would have wasted $200+ for it otherwise. It is fun but Jeff isn't really into it and G is a little too young. I have fun with it when my Bff is over and that is about it.

    Amy - buy those clothes girl!!

    Kristina - I got all worked up yesterday afternoon..I weighed myself knowing I should just wait until this morning. Scale showed 214.8. I was like are you effing KIDDING ME? And then this morning 210. It really is ridiculous how that works.

    Victoria - I've not tried peppermint, but I have this really good eucalyptis cold rub for your chest that is twice as strong as the Vicks stuff..its all natural..anyways, when I have a bad sinus headache I will put that stuff all over my temples, forehead and under my eyes and it really helps. When I get a massage the guy always puts eucalyptis oil on a cotton ball under my nose below the head rest and it does wonders breathing that in while he is working on me!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I forgot to tell you I've taken the first step and ordered P90X. I plan to start Nov 1st!!! I promise to give updates and let you know how it works.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- definitely interested to hear how p90x goes. It's a bit of a pricey commitment for me, but I'd love to hear about the process and your results. Something to think about for down the line.

    I tell you, these damn reese's mini cups are going to kill me. Peanut butter + chocolate is pretty much the best combination ever. Better than eating a full cup, but they are deadly. Step away from the chocolate, Kristina. Step away.

    Maybe if I hermit myself into the back office, I'll be able to refrain from eating anything else naughty this afternoon and just run by the apt quickly to change into my gym clothes, then off to the rec center.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I tell you, these damn reese's mini cups are going to kill me. Peanut butter + chocolate is pretty much the best combination ever. Better than eating a full cup...

    great minds think alike - I had the urge and bought full size cups Fri (*blushes*). My excuse was Halloween candy for the kids but if 5 show up i'll have more than last year and about 30 cups left over. I just know I'm going to cave soon.

    I got P90X from Amazon for $140 with my free shipping. $20 cheaper than the websites price.

    Loud whip crack heard with booming voice - Kristina - step away from the chocolate!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have yet to buy halloween candy..so far at least. I will have to buy it Thursday night probably. Ugh...last year I put G's candy in the freezer so I didn't eat it all and it really helped!

    I just entered my mushroom soup recipe, what I can remember I put in there and it is telling me that per serving it is only 87 cals. NO WAY is that right! I will do a quick add of 200 cals into lunch just to make sure its okay. Sheesh I hate that!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I'm starting P90x too. I ordered it a few weeks ago but with the shipping speed out here in the sticks, who knows when I'll actually get it. I plan on starting it as soon as I get it to help me tone up & lose more weight before DH gets home. I'd really like to be under 200 by then. I bought Halloween candy today at the store (got peanut butter cups too!!!) but they are locked away in a cabinet I rarely use to keep down on the temptation. We'll see how long I last as I am TOTALLY menstrual.

    Lacey: Me & Gabe are staying home and watching kid's Halloween movies instead of going trick or treating (I don't feel like driving all the way to the military base to go trick or treating as Halloween isn't really a German thing) so I just need to get through that one day without inhaling too many peanut butter cups and I think I'll be ok. Oh, and WTG on the weight loss!!! 3 pounds is awesome!!!

    Kristina: Peanut butter and chocolate are pretty much the best danged thing on earth. That said...step away from the chocolate.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I was going to rant...but I am not going to. :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    It would be really great motivation to go through p90x with you ladies, but its too much money for now, especially since I just bought the wii fit and the gold gym's game. I plan to do those on nights when I don't feel like going to the gym.

    I'm not going to give out candy this year. I know I will end up eating a lot of it, plus its money I don't need to spend.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :bigsmile: I kicked my own @$$ tonight.

    -45 min on the bike
    -at least 30 minutes doing lower body weight machines (using higher amounts of weight on every machine than I think I have ever done)
    -then 45 minutes on the elliptical

    Feels so good.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Go Kendal!

    I did the first day of week one of HIIT and 200 Squat Challenge and the upper body machines tonight. Every time I sit or stand up I feel all tired so I am hoping I can sleep well tonight. Ive not been sleeping good lately.
    Tomorrow i will do card and the leg machines and take it slower.

    Amy I cant blame you for not doing Halloween. We invited a new family from Gracies school over for dinner and trick or treating with us. Now I have to cook dinner and make sure our house is clean. I know it will be fun but I keep thinking what was I thinking doing that on a Sunday?!!

    Kristina I saw a post about splitting a banana in half and putting pb in the middle and freezing it. I'm betting if you added a few mini choco chips in there it would be a great post work out treat at night. I might try it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    This morning was a good run morning. Me & Gabe finished school up a bit earlier than usual so we decided to do our run before lunch. It was our first fartlek run. It was really fun! We warmed up by jogging for a mile and then did 2 miles of fartleks and cooled down with another mile. Gabe liked the fartleks because I let him pick the distances we were sprinting. He'd say something like: "sprint to the bench - GO!" and we'd take off. It was tough but made the time go by really fast. We did our 4 miles in 50 minutes (it normally takes about 60) and I was feeling great! I can't keep up with my little gazelle but I liked seeing him have fun running. Normally, all he does is complain for the first mile or so. Now I have some pumpkin rice pudding in the oven making my kitchen smell like fall (even though it feels more like winter outside). So it's a good day.

    Lacey: I, too, have problems sleeping (I always have) but I find that hard workout days generally have better sleeping than other days. I hope you slept well.

    Kendal: Way to go at the gym!! I bet you slept well!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- nice work at the gym!!! How are you feeling the day after?

    All this talk of peanut butter and chocolate is mouth-watering!!

    Amy- it sounds like you had a great time with your son this morning running. What a nice experience! Pumpkin rice pudding sounds pretty fabulous as well.

    Well, I had planned to go to the gym yesterday, but as the weather is supposed to be craptastic today, I hit the pavement as well and did 5 miles--- longest since the half. While my mind was totally into it, my body wasn't. I was feeling a bit off most of yesterday and my chest hurt a bit while running, which is out of the ordinary for me. Also, left outside side of my right foot is hurting. Started yesterday at the end of the run and is still hurting today. Not sure what's causing it. Thought the only thing I could think of were my shoes, but I've been wearing them for a while, so I don't know. Will keep off pounding my feet today and plan to hit the gym up after work to bike instead.

    Went to pub trivia last night (another reason why I wanted to get the run in). Had a good time and unhealthy food, but ate relatively well otherwise, and hope to have a good eating day today.

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm surprisingly not sore today. Apparently I can push it a little harder than I did last night. I guess I have drastically underestimated how "athletic" I've become and what my body can do. I need to push myself more.

    I'm up to 218.2 this morning. Don't your muscles retain water after a workout? I'm hoping thats what it is. I'll drink a ton of water today and hopefully be done with it. Tonight is zumba so I have extra calories to work with.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I think your muscles do swell with water retention after a harder work out. I know I feel more bloated for lack of a better word when I do something like that.

    Amy - I had to look up fartlek training on the internet but basically it is out door HIIT (high intensity interval training)..like I am doing at the gym on the elliptical. Last night I did four minutes regular and bumped up the resistance so high I had to really push myself to get the pedals moving..and repeat. Supposedly it is both good for fat burning and resiliance. All I know is I hurt today from it!

    Kristina - take it easy on that foot! Biking is probably a good idea.

    Well I made a collossal mistake last month at work - sent a transmission down into Columbia and it is the wrong one! It is going to cost us minimum $5000 to correct the mistake and I feel like puking. I caught it last night before I left work and so barely slept all night thinking about it. My boss of course is all cool with it but that is how he always is and sometimes I wish he would just yell or something you know? And it is embarrassing and I am sure the other two managers are like WTF is she doing? She shouldn't have so much responsibility! SO yeah...great day. Ugh. Barf.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Stationary bike was a success at the gym. 14.17m in an hour. Whew! Foot is continuing to feel better as the day has gone on. I definitely want to take at least another day off before running on it again, so I'm thinking about hopping on the trusty elliptical tomorrow, which I rarely use anymore. Nice change of pace. I guess cause I tend to run or want to do something that isn't a running motion on my crosstraining days, the elliptical has fallen to the wayside. I need to work on some of the interval training on it, cause that always has me "glowing" like a pig.

    Hope everyone's day has gone well. About to eat some dinner and then kick back with my trusty DVR for the evening. *mwah*
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :bigsmile: There was an incredibly freaking HOT guy in zumba class tonight and he can DANCE. OMG his hips can SWAY!! It was a beautiful thing. I have a boyfriend and its highly possible the new guy isn't straight, but I watched him more than the instructor. He was standing diagonally beside/behind her anyway. He stayed around after class for a minute and I heard him tell some feisty old lady that he just moved here this week and I heard him say he's certified....I couldn't hear the next part but I'm guessing he's a certified zumba instructor cause OMG! Ladies...I was letting out little sigh/grunts under my breath at the way his hips were moving. hahaha

    I burned 886 cals in class tonight too. More than I have in a long time. Possibly I was working harder cause of him? They should pay that boy to show up every week. That class would be PAAAAACKED.