200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Your Zumba class sounds yummy. It's always nice to have eye candy around! Nice calorie burn too.

    Kristina: Hope your foot feels better. I miss my DVR more than I miss having English speaking neighbors.

    Lacey: My legs are sooooo sore from yesterday. I haven't been this sore since I began running in February! I'm sorry about the work mistake. I can't say that you'd like a boss who isn't so easy going though. My last boss was a nightmare from hell. He would yell and scream when things went wrong and he nearly fired someone for being in his line of sight during one of his episodes. It sucked - I'd take laid back over crazy-psycho any day.

    I have to do 5 miles on the treadmill today and I am soooo not feeling it! It will be uber-slow but I'll get it done! Have a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I actually managed to log cals yesterday. I'm thinking of getting up for a half hour of ex before work this morning. Today should be an easy day with only 5 clients.

    Amy - good luck on the treadmill.
    Kendal - live your dancing pics. Eye candy is meant to drooled over!!!
    Kristina - hope the foots better.

    Have a happy hump day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oops - didn't mean to leave you out Lacey- (((((big hug)))) I'd feel bad too with the work error. Maybe something good will come of it.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- my first thought was that any man who's hips can move that well in a Zumba class probably bats for the other team. Either way, it's still eye candy, and whatever gets you to shake your hips more, who the heck cares?? Glad you had a good time and nice burn!!

    Amy- I hope the treadmill went well this morning! I know running on it is usually not very fun. I don't think I've ever logged 5 miles at a time on it, but I better get used to it with winter coming. I won't be able to brave the outside weather all of the time.

    Lacey- I'm sorry to hear about work. We all make errors, and it sounds like your boss took it well, which is always nice. But I understand... I would feel really bad about it as well. At least you caught it right away!

    Victoria- hope you got a workout in this morning. Hope your day goes smoothly!

    Well, I'm sitting at a coffee shop (mmm Zingerman's...) waiting for the office to open. I had a brain fart this morning. I'm over at the other clinic today and I remember the nursing manager say she had a breakfast meeting this morning with front and back staff, and it didn't sink in that that meant that the other clinic would be closed until they got back from the meeting. *facepalm* So, I'm having a pretty slow morning, and I get to the clinic, to find it locked. Well, it's an excuse to get a yummy vanilla nonfat latte. I needed one!! Good thing the shop has wi-fi!

    My foot is still hurting this morning. Usually when I have aches and pains, it's worse in the morning. Yesterday, as the day went on, it felt better, so I'm hoping it will follow the same pattern today. Limping at the moment a bit, bit I'm still hoping to get some lower impact (maybe elliptical) in this evening. But I'm planning on no running until the weekend at least, which SUCKS. Who would have ever thought I would miss running??

    Work shouldn't be bad today-- just long. Plus, after a full day, I need to swing by the other clinic and pick up stuff for tomorrow morning. Representing the clinic at a health fair at a breakfast for the homeless in town.. starts at 7am tomorrow. UGH. Too early for Kristina.

    I'm blabbering... hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    Had chinese for lunch. Yummy, but not good for me. Will need to be good for dinner and pound the water the rest of the day. Meh.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    We had potstickers for dinner. Hate the sodium but sometimes you just want it! I wish we had REAL Chinese food here, but we don't.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I shipped a transmission to Columbia and it is the wrong one...so its going to cost about $1000-$3000 to get it back and if we have to build another one, another $5000-$10000. So it was an extremely costly mistake to make. That part I can live with..the issue is that I am gaining more responsibility at work only to do something like that you know? Oh well. Moving on. Minimize damage and cost to fix.

    Well I had a donut this morning at G's school for Donuts with Dad. Jeff couldn't make it. So off the vegan till dinner. Then at lunch I got a portobello sand on flatbread with salad...minimal damage there except WHY oh why do restaurants always have to put an olive oil aioli on portobello sandwiches? The thing was amazingly tasty but dripping with oil.
    Tonight I will have soup and it will be all good cal wise I am sure. And a small glass of the bottle of wine my boss gave me that I thought was about $50 but is actually about $175!!! Holy ****balls..it is good though. No wonder. I am trying to make it last.
    Thanks for the kind words though everyone!

    I didn't work out yesterday but cals were fairly okay. Tonight it is HIIT and squats challenge day two. I am looking forward to it actually. Might try HIIT on that cybex thing.

    Amy and Kristina and Kendal - chinese types foods are one I can live without. Thai however....I'd die to go to Thailand just to eat street food!

    Work is crazy. As usual. I can't believe I have to leave in a little over a week again. I am SO behind. Lordy!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just dropping by to say Hello. I haven't had a good month...hate to wish time away...but really wanting to start November..it has to be better!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    hi Deb! Sometimes life gets in the way of working out and such...and sometimes it is just easier and better to not put that extra pressure on yourself when the days are hard. I'm not sure what has been going on but hang in there girl! We are here when you can drop in.

    I did HIIT training tonight. The first ten minutes I wanted to quit. Muscles stiff and all. The first three sets of squats were okay and then ugh. I powered thru and then did another 28 minutes of card for over an hour work out total. The crap thing is that I lost hrm function for 11 minutes on the cybex thing grrrrrrr. Oh well. Consistency is more important anyways.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Another good night at the gym. (makes for a long day though) 45 min on the elliptical, a round on all the arm weight machines, and finished with 20 minutes on the bike.

    However TOM showed up so I'm not sure how weigh in will be this week. Don't think I will hit 215, but oh well. I'm trying. If not this week, then maybe next week.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Good job at the gym. Don't sweat the TOM. If your weight doesn't go down this week, it's sure to go down next week after TOM is gone. You're doing great!

    Lacey: Wow! $175 bottle of wine - that's awesome!!! What kind of wine is it? (I love wine- which makes linging in Germany's wine country soooo diet-busting) I, too, had a hard time with my workout yesterday. The first mile I ran, my legs felt like they were made of cement - but I got through the whole thing without quitting. And Thai food is divine! Travis keeps going out for Thai in Alexandria & D.C. and telling me all about it which makes me drool. So I found a recipe for pumpkin coconut curry that I'm gonna try this weekend to hopefully satiate my craving for Thai.

    Deb: Hey there! I, too, am looking forward to October being over - November is right around the corner! I'm actually looking forward to December but that's just because I'm tired of being a single parent - gotta give props to all those who do the single parent thing full-time. It sucks!

    Well, hope everyone has a good day. It's almost the weekend!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's here!!! It's here!!! P90X came yesterday. I'll be doing the fit test Sat and starting Mon. I'll even do before pics and take measurements. I'll be doing the "lean" program. Not sure if I'll follow the diet portion but will look into upping protein and reducing fat. Their program limits fruits to one a day and I just can't give fruits up. I'll be studying the materials this weekend.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have P90X envy. Hopefully I'll get mine soon.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The scale was nice to me this morning. Not sure how tomorrow will be since I probably won't have time to work out tonight. Maybe I'll go home and Wii a little.

    Tonight is the Torrid hiring event. I got up super early and got all fancied up so I can go after work. I didn't have time to curl my hair this morning, so I brought my curling iron with me so I can do a little something with my hair before I go. I even changed out my purse so that it matches my outfit. If they don't hire me, they are freaking CRAZY. (I'm wearing Torrid clothes today too! I mean com'on!!) The key to a successful presentation/interview for me is envisioning myself succeeding and having confidence and really letting them see my personality and I've been doing just that. Wish me luck!!! AAHH!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I know we probably should post about products here, but I found this free bumper sticker and who doesn't love free stuff??


    Its ADORABLE!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - it is a Malbec wine and it is seriously divine! I am starting to like some reds but not many...and God knows I've tried quite a few since working here. This is fantastic!
    When we go to Canada in a week we're hoping to be able to hit up a few of the 30+ wineries around the lake heading from Toronto towards Niagra. We will see if we have enough time...LOL. If not, we picked a hotel in the city because it had a martini bar, lol, so we are set either way. Plus all the fantastic restaurants there too.
    I do love some German Gewurstramiener though. YUM!

    Kendal - good luck! I am sure you will get hired!

    Victoria - woo hoo! Good luck with the program, it seems like many people have good luck with it! I wish my gym would do a P90X sort of program..

    Well I am sore today as I knew I would be. I should go to the gym tonight, but I've got to make a fruit platter, cornbread muffins and I think some meringue ghosts for G's school harvest part tomorrow and those things for me take time. Not to mention stopping at a grocery store on the way home.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - I wish your copy would come too!!! I'd love to have you doing it with me.

    Lacey - the wine and trip sound wonderful. Do you have a website on the vegan til dinner plan?

    Kendal - good luck tonight!!!

    Kristina - you're doing great with the workouts. Tell me more about your foot pain - top, bottom, side, when better, when worse, rate highest and lowest pain last 3 days, any tenderness to palpation (where), etc.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - I did a search on the internet and right off can't find a blog per se about the Vegan till Dinner plan but I am reading the book Food Matters by Mark Bittman - this is the book that proposes that eating this way will both do loads of good for the envirnonment and your heatlh. I'm not all the way through it but what he says makes complete sense to me. You can get the book for about $11..and I am sure there is an audiobook on audible.com too.

    Now I have to decide if I want to eat my soup which is vegan or part of a free Chipotle burrito work is buying us that is NOT vegan in any way...sigh...I am having homemade tomato soup for dinner so it would still fit in, but still...

    EDIT: They had vegetarian burritos yeay! So I had half a one with a ton of guac chips and salsa. YUM!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! We've been posting up a storm today!

    Deb- it's nice to see you check in, and hope to see you around the thread more, come November

    Victoria- jealous of your new dvd goodies. you'll definitely need to keep us in the loop with how things are going with it. In terms of my foot, it continues to feel better, but still not fabulous. It's my right foot, the side of it (top to side). It doesn't hurt when I'm just sitting down... only when I'm walking on it or putting pressure especially on that area. Hurts worst in the morning-- no surprise, when I'm the stiffest and gets better throughout the day. So, I'm continuing to do low impact stuff for a few more days and see if it continues to improve. But, I'm missing running!!

    Kendal- good luck on the job interview!!!!!! Will be thinking about you-- I'm sure you'll look hella cute, as always.

    Lacey-- yum. I love me some wine.

    Eating has not been fab today. Pissed at myself for it. Too much candy and crap mid-day, so I need to keep it together and eat something small for dinner. Brought my gym clothes and plan to bike it up today at the gym. At least I've been moving this week, despite the not stellar eating. That seems to be my downfall, which is holding me back on the weight loss. I was really hoping to loss a nice bit of weight before Thanksgiving. Don't know if that will happen.

    Again, we're not doing weekly threads for the challenges, so there will be no new thread tonight, but still try and weigh in over the next few days and report back! Sounds like several of us have at least had good working out weeks!