200+ "Us vs. The Turkey"



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Measurements and before pics done... The directions say to show skin front, side and back with hands on hips and with arms in bicep flex pose... I reluctantly took them in my skivies (*flushes*) I didn't want that much flab to show... Don't worry I wont post these...

    Hey Lacey - are you Portland? Have you been to the Gilt Club? We just saw a special on it... One of our future vacations will be to that area - sooooo much good beer is calling to DH...I'm looking into cont ed classes so we can write the trip off. Seattle is a close second on places to go.... Followed by Washington DC and Phoenix where we have friends...

    I'm about ready for bed - Catch you later...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy that sounds good except the chunks of squash. I like ton use winter squash in things but not eat chunks of it. Got to puree it.

    Victoria I am an hour and a half south of portland. The northwest is full of microbrews, Portland especially. It's a really pretty city. Bend Oregon is full of distilleries or so I hear. If you want to come to Portland, check out www.mcmenamins.com. They have all sorts of hotel restaurant bar places where they've taken old old buildings and Converted them and they are really cool and fun.

    Well I am officially sick with a cold and am just praying it is a short one and that I can combat it with emergenC and alkaseltzer before I have to leave in a week. LAME.

    I made chicken squash burgers tonight, they were pretty good. And then I made a pineapple cheesecake for our company tomorrow night in a pie tin, but the recipe called for a spring form pan and it made a mess. Tastes good still though. Lol

    Ok I am out of energy. I haven't been sleeping well and now I don't feel good. If I could just get one night of good sleep I know I'd feel better...but we Will see.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh and Victoria no I haven't been to the Gilt Club but I just looked at their menu and it looks out of this world! We are going to portland for thanksgiving and eating out...so this one goes on the list of places to consider. YUM
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    WOWSA - 52 plus min of stretching!!! Yes - I was too excited to wait and start P90X in the morning. So I popped the stretching DVD in. Where was this when I was doing the 1/2 marathon training? I could have used this and highly recommend you all get the Stretch X DVD!!! So far, I'm loving the series. I may be cursing Tony in the morning. I actually started sweating from stretching - now my whole body feels great...

    Lacey - 15 years ago we visited Bend and went to several breweries. I had a therapist friend that lived there. I can't even remember her name - how sad is that...

    Happy Halloween!!! DH and I started putting together a list of things we want to see and do each day in Vegas. I may need to stay a few more days.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry ladies for being MIA. I have no excuse other than being a weenie.

    I haven't been eating well the past few days. It's all emotional eating. You know, you think after a year of eating healthier, one would be able to not fall back into old patterns, but no such luck!

    So, my foot continues to give me some problems. Less so now, but it's been difficult. The frustration of not being able to get some good exercise in (and the natural antidepressant effect it has on me), and the falling into old habits, has put me in a funk, which I"m trying to get out of. In terms of the foot, on Thursday, it had been feeling better, but then towards the end of the day, a weird thing started happening. When I flexed and pointed it, it sort of "creaked" is my best way to describe it. The bones sort of feel like a hinge that needs to be oiled. Don't as me… And it continued to be a bit painful to walk on through Friday. So I didn't do any exercise since Wednesday. Staying off my foot the past couple of days has helped tremendously, and it's not hurting today, though still has the "creaking" a bit.

    In terms of eating, I've been carbing it up like whoa, plus I got too into my Halloween candy. Whatever I have leftover from the trick-or-treaters, minus only a handful of pieces, needs to go into work, because it's too tempting. I just can't have this stuff in the house. It's too hard for me to not dig in. I also had pizza, bought it on Friday, and finished it by Saturday. I didn't eat much else on Saturday, but it was not a healthy caloric load for the day.

    Today I've gotten back on track a little bit. Still no exercise, but I went grocery shopping, and made vegetarian chili for the week. It's yummy (not an oversalted fiasco like last time-- some how screwed that up), and is nice and hearty. If I had exercised today, my intake would have been fine, but as I didn't, it's still not where I want to be.

    Tomorrow, it's back to the grind, and i need to get back on the bandwagon. I'm such a self-sabateur. I've come too far to screw this up. I was 180 this morning. *bangs head against desk*

    On the only positive note of the weekend, I ran into an old coworker at the store, and she was like "oh my god, you look amazing!", which was nice to hear, but also made me feel even crappier about what I had been doing over the weekend. The moral- I need to whip myself back into gear. I did get a fair bit of cleaning done around the house, so I was semi-productive. Also went to Old Navy today (outerwear on sale, but I was underwhelmed, but picked up a needed fleece, as I'm swimming in my XXL- hello L!), and I was able to zip up a pair of size 12 jeans. Key word: "zip". There was some serious souffle-ing going on top, but it's progress. I think the last time I was a 12 was my freshman year of HS. Certainly could not wear them, but they're in my sights!

    I hate that I shouldn't be running yet. I think I probably should take another several days to a week off from running, which SUCKS. I miss it. Go figure, and I'm afraid I'm going to lose the mileage level I was at with it. I mean, 5 miles was a short run for me, and I'm afraid I'm going to die trying to do that distance if I wait much longer.

    So the exercise plan is to hit the gym this week and do other cross training… bike mostly, possible some elliptical, and maybe some swimming.

    On y'all's end (yes, this post is essay length):

    Victoria- glad to see you back down another pound! I did get the most recent Vegetarian Times. Love all the recipes!! Jealous of the Vegas trip! I've never gone. Want to pack me in your luggage? I'll make myself scarce once we get there! As for your fit test, I would totally rock the 0 pull ups too. Those were always the bane of my existence in HS. The teacher would be like, try! and I would just be hanging there, screaming "I am trying!!" *shudders* I think my heart rate recovery would be okay as well. That's one thing I've noticed with running… I might be somewhat out of breath, but quickly, I can tell my HR is coming down. Can't wait to hear your continued progress with p90x!

    Deb- hope your weekend went well, and you were able to get the run in on Saturday!

    Amy- Vegetarian Times is fabulous. They have an archive of all their recipes on their website that you can check out. I've found so many quality recipes through them.

    Lacey- hope your weekend went well! Will definitely have to check out those sites!

    Kendal- eep! I hope your foot is okay! How does it feel today?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My foot feels better today. The knot is gone and it doesn't hurt to touch it.

    Halloween was a blast!! We dressed up Friday and Saturday night. We got to the bar Friday night and NO ONE was dressed up and there weren't many cars in the parking lot, so we didn't even go in. Instead we went home, changed into normal clothes and went to Amber and Michael's house to watch a scary movie. I don't care what you say, Zombieland is a scary movie and I did not like it. It is nothing like Shaun of the Dead. We stayed out till 4am.

    Saturday night we went out to a different bar and had a great time. Before we even got inside, a girl who was walking in at the same time started gushing at how awesome we looked. I was Alice in Wonderland, Amber was the Queen of Hearts, Micheal was the (gothic version) Mad Hatter, and Taylor was the Cheshire Cat. We got our drinks and were standing around a "table" (aka a barrel) when the photographer came and told us we should go sign up for the costume contest. Taylor went outside to smoke while Amber and Michael went to sign us up. I stayed at the table and this kinda redneck guy named Paul came over and hit on me. Introduced me to his group of friends (basically they were all cousins). But Paul was asking me where my boyfriend was and said that my bf shouldn't leave me sitting there by myself cause someone is gonna try to pick me up cause I was looking so good. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (of course at that moment a size 0 with her boobs UP AND OUT with as much skin covered as legally required walked by and Paul and his cousin Mike were both like "DAMN!" all loud and stuff....but still...doesn't change the fact they hit on me too :bigsmile: )

    And then later on the dance floor, the boys had gone somewhere else and Amber and I were dancing to the band. There was a group of guys in front of us dressed as the guys from Jersey Shore. The guy who was dressed as The Situation backed up on me and booty danced with me for a minute or two. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (the only reason I know who he was is because he was wearing a big fake, poofy thing on his chest to have the abs HAHA) He was hot.

    The boys came back and I told everyone I was going to go get myself another beer. It was crowded as crap in that place by then (around 11:45ish) and I was a little tipsy so as I was passing behind this one guy I lightly touched his shoulders, said "excuse me" and slid past him. I kept on going but I heard him yell "lose some weight" at me. :embarassed: :sad: :frown: I acted like I didn't hear him but it still really, really hurt. Why do people think they can say *kitten* like that to strangers? Who the eff is perfect? Where does he get off judging me like that?? I tried to brush it off. Yall are the first people I've told. The costume contest was supposed to start at midnight and I didn't want to ruin the mood of the night by telling everyone about it, plus it was embarassing.

    But yeah, I stood there for the next 15 minutes worrying about getting up on stage. Wondering if he would yell that out at me again in front of that huge crowd. How would I respond to that? What would the emcee say? I was so nervous. I didn't know how the costume contest was going to work, but it was being sponsored by a local radio station. The radio station people were the ones signing everyone up and they chose the top 3 costumes for each category (sexiest, best group, scariest, and then best overall....a guy on stilts dressed as Frankenstein won overall). We were chosen as a top 3 for group costumes. We got up on stage and they couldn't really tell if the crowd was louder for us or a group of dead prom kings/queens. (the third group was a snowman and snow woman...pretty funny) They ended up saying the prom people won. No one yelled at me (that I could hear anyway) so I was thankful. We had to stay around for a little while to get our consolation prizes so we all went outside. Everyone outside said we were robbed and should have won. Taylor said he couldn't go anywhere without someone stopping him wanting a picture with him in his Cheshire Cat costume. People pulled his tail and everything lol.

    Today Taylor and I took my Halloween decorations to my parent's house and put them up for them. I didn't give out candy this year so I wasn't in a mood to put them out. We also helped carve pumpkins. Its not something Taylor and I had actually planned to do but I enjoyed it. That was the first time my parents have spent any time around Taylor and I think they liked him. They had briefly met him once before, but this time they got to sit and talk.

    So that was basically my weekend. It was a LOT of fun, but I feel like I will still dwell on the one small, negative comment from some douche in the bar. :frown:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - (((((((((((big hug))))))))) some guys are idiots. Glad your family likes the new man.

    Kristina - I too feel if I don't run, I'll lose it.

    Day 1 of P90X done!!! And yes I thought I'd die several time... There were moves that I didn't know existed. Today was core synergistics. My abs will be sore tomorrow.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Busy and behind....just call me BB.....will check in this afternoon! great job Victoria...keep pushing play...I'm joining ya...but I need to get on it....
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    HI all, I just have a sec to check in. DH got back yesterday and we've been hanging out with him. I ran 5 miles this morning, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Didn't have too much junk food on Halloween - feeling REALLY good about that. I'll check back with everyone later. Have a good Monday!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- people suck sometimes. It's such a shame that people feel like they can say those sorts of things to others. It's totally fine to make cracks on people's weights. ARGH! Just.Not.Right. And they don't think that those sorts of things affect us, right? Would totally put me in a funk as well. Think about how you got hit on though. I bet you looked hot!

    Victoria- congrats on day one of p90x!

    Deb- glad you were able to check in, albeit briefly!

    Amy- way to go with the running! Wish I could do 5 miles this morning :grumble:

    It was bloody cold this morning! Winter has arrived! Brought my leftover candy into work today. Took out about 5 pieces or so and kept them at home. Hope to ration them, but even if I don't, it's not that many calories. Like clockwork, the vast majority of the candy is gone already this morning downstairs. Excellent!

    Foot is still giving me some problems this morning, but not horribly so. Probably not the best move to wear heeled boots today... oh well. Will try not to walk around the office as much. Brought my gym clothes with me and will hit up the rec center after work. Will do either bike or elliptical and maybe some free weights.

    Will probably do pub trivia tonight, so will need to keep the calories on point for the rest of the day. I'm just so worried I'll fall off the wagon... always a constant worry. Perhaps that anxiety is what's keeping me from not doing so. Haha. Back to the daily grind. Today shouldn't be too bad at work, I think. Just some things to catch up on, and some appointments. Should go by pretty quickly.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just to let you know I figured up my exercise minutes and for the month, my goal was 1860minutes my actual minutes were 2108 Woo Hoo!!...I did not miss a day of exercise all month. I have been running, elliptical or total body workout with weights. I also worked my abs for 16 days...which was the goal I set for myself. I will weigh in tomorrow, I have not weighed in for 2 weeks, but the last weigh in I had lost 2 pounds for the month...then pms came, along with TOM...so I will see tomorrow how it ended up.

    I will be starting a round of p90x today along with some addtional running or elliptical. I have started a new eating program, where I am not so much as counting calories, but rather counting the types of food I am eating..proteins/carbs/fats...I have been doing it now for 4 days and I have to say I feel better...I drastically cut, grains, dairy and sugars...and sugar has not been easy...I am finding it in everything! I am eating fruits, the lower gi ones and I have them during the day /early afternoon.

    I am feeling very positive, compared to last week... and you know I am proud of myself for keeping at this...I haven't always gotten the results that I have wanted...but I learn something new everyday...that is all I can possibly expect from myself.

    Need to finish my housecleaning and get my measeurements taken...workout in.....

    Kendal....You can always take off a few pounds slowly and safely...this guy will always be a doushe..that is clueless and will get his...probably living in his misery...no one person can go around being so cruel...unless they feel teeny tiny about them selves to begin with...I wouldn't give this jerk a second thought...sounds like the cousins had it right! Stay positive!

    Kristina...don't blame you for sporting the boots...I love boots...I wore mine all day yesterday and my footsies were yelling at me by the time I got home....hope u don't have too much trouble....

    I can't get away fromt his site...I feel I am so behind...that I keep coming back...I really need to get my list finished!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Morning. I am beat tired today. Halloween was fun but man on a Sunday with little kids? Tiring.

    I am up 1.8 lbs. Not suprising - TOM, mexican food Friday night, cheesecake and wine last night. I will weigh in Saturday before I leave and hopefully be back down. I decided to bring my gym clothes and shoes so I can at least get in a few work outs while I am gone next week. I am going to check the hotels shortly and see what they've got for exercise options.

    I made a couscous/wheat berry/orzo rice with dried cherries and cranberries mix in the rice cooker this weekend to put over salad for lunch. I need to log the recipe and see where it puts me. It looks tasty and will be something filling and warm.

    Kendal - what a douche. I don't get why people can be so mean like that. And Deb is right...your weight is coming off slowly but he will always be an @sshat.

    Deb - woah on the exercise, good for you!! Glad to hear you are feeling better about everything!

    Kristina - crack whip! crack whip!! Stay away from the candy! I took out two pieces this morning to eat with my coffee and used the excuse that they had milk and eggs in them to stay away from them, lol..not vegan and all! Yeay for boots! i just ordered another (flat) pair from endless.com to see if these are the ones. I am tired of buying and not liking so this is the last pair do or die.

    Amy - good job on the candy. I had a few pieces myself but not as many as I normally would have.

    Victoria - yeay for P90X.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Work Out Goals for the week:
    1. 500 cal burn per session
    2. HIIT training 3 times, week 2
    3. Squat challenge 3 times, week 1, 2nd row (decided to stay on this week until I come back from Toronto)
    4. Go 4 times this week

    Just keeping myself accountable here.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Day 2 - Cardio X done. It was only 43 min and much easier than yesterday's workout. Not sure if this because I was more familiar with some of the moves or it really was easier. I'll keep you posted on results. Gotta run to vote and off to work.

    Great goals Lacey... The I book came yesterday and I can't wait to read it.

    Amy Glad DH is home.

    Kendal, Kristina and Deb - Hi - will catch up with you later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    only have a quick minute to post. We stocked up on chocolate candy for the Snack Shop at work. It sits on a shelf at my desk for people to come by and buy some. It was so tempting to eat just one little piece. I had to dump it all out on my desk and pull out a certain kind of chocolate cause we are charging less for them and the smell is overwhelming. So chocolatey. So sweet. So tempting. But I haven't given in yet. I want to be good. I want to lose weight.

    The scale is teasing me this morning. 215.8 That would be awesome. I never recorded a weight this weekend since it was such an off weekend.

    I went to zumba last night! They are going to start having Monday night classes and that makes me real excited! It was a different instructor and she cranked up the music and played a lot of different songs (bollywood, lots of rock songs). She kicked my butt and it was FUN. Amber and I were talking about how boring our regular Tuesday night class has become because she does all the same songs every week. But today my lower back is kinda sore and I somehow have a real pale bruise on the top of my left wrist. Not sure how that got there.

    anyways, thats my quick minute....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am whooped this morning. I'm super sore from exercising last night - all over. (thats a good thing right?) and the weather pressure is changing so drastically every few hours here that my head is so plugged it isn't even funny and those two things combined make my cold symptoms feel worse than they probably are. I need to take a few advil in a minute, that should help.

    I made my work out goals yesterday! It might take me longer to get through to 500 cals today, not sure. I'm hoping I feel better later on. Right now all I want to do is sleep sleep sleep.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- proud of you for resisting the chocolate. I know how hard that is! Glad you enjoyed Zumba. Nice to mix the instructors up a bit, so it doesn't get boring.

    Lacey- nice job hitting your exercise goals!! And I think being sore is a good thing. Pain? No. Sore-- yes. Shows you worked your tushie off!

    Victoria- 2 days down! Nice work!

    Well, my foot is feeling a bit better today. Still not 100%, and a bit "crunchy" still... so still no running. *RAGES*

    I got to the gym yesterday and did 30 min on the elliptical and 15 min on the bike. Felt good to just move my body. Did some crunches as well. The weight room was unexpectedly packed, so I didn't use any of the machines. Plan is to hit the gym again today and do something similar. May I reiterate how much I hate not running??

    Pub trivia was last night. Had a good time... eating not so great, but that was to be expected. Need to stay on task the rest of this week. As I ate salty AND late last night, and will carryover from my bad several days last week, I was still 180 this morning. I worked so hard to get out of those dang 180s, I am not down with being back there. *RAGES SOME MORE*
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- sorry that its taking so long for your foot to heal. I'm scared I will lose my ability to jog as well, but mine is cause I don't like treadmills so I don't know what I'm gonna do all winter long. I guess I'll have to start over in spring.

    Lacey- good job getting your exercise in! Hopefully the cold/sinus thing will pass quickly for you

    Victoria- great job on day 2!

    I realized recently I've mentally checked out of the weight loss game. I haven't been focused on any type of weight loss goal. So now I'm thinking 210 210 210 210 210 210. I'm not THAT far away. How awesome would that be to be 210? It's my high school weight. And then 200.....I just can't imagine what that would feel like. To hit 200 and then finally be out of the 200s.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I just had a nice 30 min break at home. Now I'm off for 2 more clients.

    Kendal - I'm with you but I'm saying 175... 175... 175... I've been stuck between 182 and 184 since May. I've gotten the eating under control and have promised myself no alcohol for 2 weeks. This should help... along with the change up in exercise routine.

    Kristina - chant with me 175.. 175.. 175... we can get there. Glad you had fun at trivia...

    Deb - glad you're joining me for P90X :drinker: (it's water)...

    Lacey - yeah for soreness!!! If it's good soreness from a good workout. Good luck meeting your goals. Hope you feel better soon. Can you leave the cold in Oregon? We don't want the germs here in MI...

    Amy - has P90X arrived yet? Come on Mr. Mailman!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I know. I too haven't been focusing on a number. Mostly, because I've gotten really frustrated with my weight loss goals and then not hitting them. I don't think they've been particularly ambitious either, so it's frustrating not seeing a huge difference in the scale. Victoria can vouch with me that the mid-180s have been HORRID. Was so glad to FINALLY be out of them... only to sort of peek at them again this week, which I'm not pleased about. I haven't madr a big deal about the number, because I've been continuing to get smaller. It hasn't always shown in the places I measure every 6-weeks, but my clothes continue to be looser, so I know I am doing something, but it's nice to have a weight loss goal. 175 sounds pretty fabulous to me... 168 is really a number I'm shooting for. Seems random, but that's what I need to be to be out of the obese BMI (finally). Also, when I lost some weight in college, the lowest I got down to was 171, and wasn't able to break into the 160s, so that will be huge. I think the last time I was in the 160s was when I was a freshman in high school, so yeah... it's been a long time. I'm already less than I was when I graduated high school (I had about a year in college when I lost some weight, only to eventually gain it back).

    I really would like to be out of the obese range by my birthday (Dec 2)... I just don't think it's going to happen with the rate in which I'm losing-- hopefully by the end of the year. We'll see. What I really really want is to be at my goal weight (out of the overweight BMI-- around 138) by my birthday next year, as it's a big one- I'll be 30!

    So I'll reiterate what I've been telling myself for the past few months. Need to be eating REALLY well or I'm not going to see the progress on the scale that I want. The working out is helping tone my body and making it smaller, but the weight doesn't seem to be affected that much by it. It really comes down to the eating. I need to find the sweet spot, in terms of calories that I need to be taking in to see a significant loss on the scale.

    /stream of conscious talking to self.

    Kendal- you're super close to 210! It's good to have a goal. Set your eyes on the prize!!