how would you feel?

SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
Ok ladies would you feel if you were at home pregnant and your partner went to the strippers when you specifically asked them not to?

And guys what do you think from a man's point of view?


  • firfeous
    firfeous Posts: 196 Member
    I'd be pissed that he didn't take me with him.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Okay, my opinion on this one is a bit extreme one way so you take it how you want, or just leave it.

    I wouldn't care if I was pregnant or not, what the circumstances were or what his excuse was - If I told him not to go and he went, I would be pissed! If he were ever in a place like that without my knowing/my consent there would be some problems afterwards.
    This being said, I don't think I would ever give my man permission to be in a place like that and if you knew my husband you would know he is the type that has absolutely zero desire to be in a place like that. He was in the Army 8 years and was exposed to things like that constantly and he avoided them like the plague. So, if my husband went somewhere like that I would really have to question who he was.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Was this a planned event like a bachelor's party where the strip club was just part of the night? Or did your partner call a friend and say "hey let's hit the titty bar tonight?"

    Makes a difference - if it's the first scenario, you should lighten up a little. If it's the second, then it's a d*ck move on your partner's part.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm sure there's way more to the story than this... What did he say when you asked him not to go?

    And does it really matter that you're preganant - or would it be ok if you weren't? I know that comes off as snarky but I'm truly curious.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Ok ladies would you feel if you were at home pregnant and your partner went to the strippers when you specifically asked them not to?

    And guys what do you think from a man's point of view?

    Is this a continuing problem or a one time thing?

    Have you ever gone with him?

    Was it a "guys night out" or was he allllll aloooonneee?

    Is it a smoking allowed club? I can see why you wouldn't go.
  • amethyst70
    amethyst70 Posts: 68
    I think it depends. My first husband went at least once a week. That didn't bother me, and so when he went when I was pregnant sitting at home, that didn't bother me either. It was just his persona if you will.

    Take my current husband and the fact that I have 10 years more maturity and all that we have been through. If HE went, regardless, I would be pissed. We have financial goals that a strip club doesn't play in to. We also have worked really hard to save our relationship from being completely dead about 5 years ago. Honesty, integrity and respect are huge issues in our home. I think if it was a one time deal with the guys like maybe a bachelor party or something then I would make concessions and get over it, but if it was just a hey I'm going to go to the club, I would be pissed.

    These days it is not just considered "I" am pregnant. It is "WE" are pregnant. WE are having a family or adding to it. So WE should be sticking to things WE both agree upon. Just my POV.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    This has little to do with Strip Clubs and more to do with your relationship.

    I, personally, wouldn't go to a Strip Club if my wife asked me not to or if I sensed that it bothered her.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Me personally, I wouldn't have asked him not to go in the first place. If I was uncomfortable, I'd have told him I was uncomfortable with it, but I wouldn't expect him to change his plans or stay home. I'm not his keeper, if he wants to go somewhere, he should go.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I'd never tell my husband not to go to a strip club. Have you ever been to one? Seriously, I don't know what some people think happens there but they must have a vivid imagination.

    You are having a baby with this man. Don't let something so trivial come between you.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Oh, oh, this happened to me!

    I never told him he couldn't go, though, because I don't care. It was his friend's bday and a bunch of guys went. However, he came home with lipstick on his neck.That was a bit much. Mind you, he wouldn't touch me while I was knocked up with his kid so that made it sting that much more.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Okay, my opinion on this one is a bit extreme one way so you take it how you want, or just leave it.

    I wouldn't care if I was pregnant or not, what the circumstances were or what his excuse was - If I told him not to go and he went, I would be pissed! If he were ever in a place like that without my knowing/my consent there would be some problems afterwards.
    This being said, I don't think I would ever give my man permission to be in a place like that and if you knew my husband you would know he is the type that has absolutely zero desire to be in a place like that. He was in the Army 8 years and was exposed to things like that constantly and he avoided them like the plague. So, if my husband went somewhere like that I would really have to question who he was.

    Which pocket of your purse do you keep your husband's testicles in??

    I'm a grown man. I don't need "permission" to go places. When I'm in a relationship, I discuss it with her and I am respectful of her feelings and preferences but I can ultimately make my own decision. But if she talked about me the way you talk about your husband, I'm out. No freakin way.
  • firfeous
    firfeous Posts: 196 Member
    Okay, my opinion on this one is a bit extreme one way so you take it how you want, or just leave it.

    I wouldn't care if I was pregnant or not, what the circumstances were or what his excuse was - If I told him not to go and he went, I would be pissed! If he were ever in a place like that without my knowing/my consent there would be some problems afterwards.
    This being said, I don't think I would ever give my man permission to be in a place like that and if you knew my husband you would know he is the type that has absolutely zero desire to be in a place like that. He was in the Army 8 years and was exposed to things like that constantly and he avoided them like the plague. So, if my husband went somewhere like that I would really have to question who he was.

    I'm never getting married.

    Don't let her response ruin all women for you! =P
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    here are my rules

    1. If I'm gettin' it on a regular basis, I don;t care if he goes to strip club at all.
    2. I don't care if he goes, but I don't have to hear about it. Really.
    3. I expect the benefits of him being all horned up. Even if it is from looking at women who may or may not be skeezy.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    I'd be pissed that he didn't take me with him.

    Yup. I get wut I want!
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    Been there, done that. Reoccurred. 9 months preggo, on my due date to be exact, I had to walk a mile alone back to the car in a sketchy neighborhood because he wanted to go party with friends instead of be home and sober in case I went into labor. 2 years later probably getting a divorce.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Pregnant or not, if you said no strip clubs and he went, this is a relationship issue! I'm willing to bet this isn't the only issue in the relationship. Time to take an honest look at the relationship . . .

    Good Luck!
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with someone who went to strip clubs. I don't think sexuality is inherently bad, just for me personally and my own personal experiences, I'd question what other interesting sexual deviances--I mean, "quirks"--a man has if he frequents strip clubs. If you're OK with your partner going to strip clubs (proverbial you) fine, but I think these are things two people should kinda know about each other before entering a relationship, or having a kid together. Idk.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I'd go all Chuck Norris on his *kitten*.


    Edited to add pic.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with someone who went to strip clubs. I don't think sexuality is inherently bad, just for me personally and my own personal experiences, I'd question what other interesting sexual deviances--I mean, "quirks"--a man has if he frequents strip clubs. If you're OK with your partner going to strip clubs (proverbial you) fine, but I think these are things two people should kinda know about each other before entering a relationship, or having a kid together. Idk.

    What about wanting to see boobs and put dollar bills in g strings suggests "sexual deviance"?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I want to leave...

    but this is going to be epic.

    And there's way too many factors here for anyone to judge or offer advice. What you feel is on you, OP. No two relationships are the same, what other couples may do has no relevance on how you two interact.