Being hit on/flirted with?



  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I myself am a big flirt, so no it doesn't bother me! It's when people cross the line from flirt to vulgarity that pisses me off, and I have no problem telling you when you cross that line! :happy:
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    I mean more the obvious like " I want in your pants" flirting...

    This is not an excuse even remotely ... but I think a lot of guys don't know *how* to flirt and they literally believe, beyond the shadow of doubt, that making sexually aggressive comments *is* flirting and that women will appreciate the compliments, no matter how wildly inappropriate they are.

    Now, I'm not a woman so I can't speak for how often this happens "in real life", but holy moses, if you look on *any* forums that contain both men and women, you'll see this constantly. Especially on forums like this were women are getting in better shape and going through self-esteem changes.

    Personally, I think it comes off as desperate and embarrassing.

    The funny thing is, if you're a guy and you call other dudes out for this obnoxious ****, they get super defensive and you get labeled an internet white knight trying to "protect" the girl being "flirted with" so she'll like you instead.

    I guess I just think that maybe, just maybe, you don't flirt with strange women by talking about their vaginas and what you'd want to do with them. Or that your first comment to a lady on the internet shouldn't be about how much you want to 'tap that *kitten*' now that she's lost weight and include a winky face ;-) to show how much you're just kidding.

    Anyway ...

    Flirting and being flirted with is fun. Obnoxious asshats making sexually aggressive comments because they either believe women like it, or don't care that they don't like it, is not fun.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Never happens to me :sad:

    There's a reason for that

    Please enlgihten me. I'd do anything to improve myself.

    #1. that UN has got to go...
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    The creepy vulgar guys with offensive remarks bother me. Also the really aggressive types. Some guy followed me off of the freeway to a gas station recently. That was scary. He asked if I had a boyfriend and some other stuff. Compliments are nice from some but it's really hard to separate the creeps from the nice guys sometimes.

    I guess I'm in the not liking it crowd.

    Something similar happened to my coworker. She was at a red light and the guy next to her motioned to put her window down. She figured something was wrong with the car or he needed directions. Here he tells her that he noticed she didn't have a wedding ring and asked her out to dinner! That would creep me out!
    Yeah, I wouldn't drive straight home then.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Never happens to me :sad:

    There's a reason for that

    Please enlgihten me. I'd do anything to improve myself.

    All it takes is being that guy thats confident... I recall years ago my friend who was even a little heavy and not nearly as studly looking as me would get randomly hit on.. and I was like WTF?! The secret is to smile and smile often, and to have an aura of being an authority figure, all the while coming off as brazenly confident, with a dash of cocky. - a big way to just boost it right off the bat as well is to always always always out dress all those around you as well. - and practice the law of least effort - when the girl hits on you, immediately turn it around and hit them up with questions and get them talking about themselves.. and they will lmao.. after they are done being chatter boxes, you've accomplished the mysterious vibe because they walk away not knowing a thing about you.. and if they ask you a question direct be ambiguous as you can be... and most importantly - don't be afraid to touch them - lightly at first, but rub their arm or the top of their hand, touch the hair- their kitties will be purrrrring bro ;P
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    If it ever happens to me, I will let you know. When i was younger i loved it, as long as it wasnt old creepy hairy dudes. But.. Its been so long since its happen I dont know how I would feel about it. Being obese for over 20 years took care of that. Now that im not obese, im old :P lol
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    A Little flirtation is fine, but this is a fitness site not a dating site....

    Can you tell i dont get "hit on"... :laugh:

    But seriously.... I will call peeps hon, babe and tell people they look great, hot even but only if I believe they do, beyond that...
  • Joyinherjourney
    Joyinherjourney Posts: 2 Member
    I grew up with no self confidence what-so-ever. Plus I am a weeee bit introverted. So it always seems to throw me off a little.:blushing:
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I somehow don't realize it when people do it, then a few months later because I am outgoing and friendly have crazy stalkers. This has happened multiple times. My husband now told me no more talking to strangers. :(
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    If it ever happens to me, I will let you know. When i was younger i loved it, as long as it wasnt old creepy hairy dudes. But.. Its been so long since its happen I dont know how I would feel about it. Being obese for over 20 years took care of that. Now that im not obese, im old :P lol

    You, mam, look FANTASTIC! :flowerforyou:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    How does anyone else feel about it?
    I personally hate it.

    Meh. I take it as a compliment.
  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I don't have to worry about it, it doesn't happen. however, should any female wish to flirt/hit on me go ahead it would make my year.:bigsmile:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I like it. I grew up with zero confidence. It's kind of nice to think that others see me as something "good" when I so often don't.

    This exactly.

    I'm happily married, but it's a nice little confidence booster if someone flirts with me... as long as it's not the obnoxious, gross kind of flirting.
  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I like being flirted with (sexual flattery without the intention of it going any further)
    I do not like being hit on (sexual flattery with the intention of it going further*)

    * unless my wife won't find out**

    ** this is a joke***

    *** possibly
  • bald_navy_wife
    bald_navy_wife Posts: 81 Member
    i personally can appreciate a compliment but being hit on is totally different. IMO i dislike it especially since it's clear i am a married woman. You'd think people would get a clue when they see a wedding band on my finger.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I like it. I grew up with zero confidence. It's kind of nice to think that others see me as something "good" when I so often don't.

    So much this.

    P.S, I think you are cute. :flowerforyou:

    You are both very attractive men, but I get what you're saying...I for one always see the fat girl..not matter how much I lose or how much better I feel. My husband always tells me how beautiful I am or how sexy he finds me, but I never quite believe it..
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    Mainly men above the age of 70 and women in the 45-50+ range flirt with me. So, uncomfortable. At least they're never handsy though.
    I'm not the type to gasp and glare if someone decides to cop a feel. I've had a fair share of guys my own age/ younger/ older walk away with a busted nose or mouth.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    In real life, people frequently flirt with me in a mild way, but rarely do I get hit on. If a guy hits on me or is doing something more than mild flirting, I have a tendency to get sarcastic and sometimes mean, and it doesn't always work in my favor. Guys can be so catty and vindictive when their egos are bruised.

    In the internet life, it happens here occasionally, but not very often. Usually it's the harmless stuff on my wall among friends, which I enjoy because everyone on my FL knows my husband's identity and know he's going to read whatever they write. For the most part, it is just innuendo and dirty jokes and not so much "hitting on." If I find someone attractive here, I sometimes say so. It's not very often. I'm a terrible flirt (as in I suck at it). I get bored too quickly because it's the internet, and it feels more like I'm flirting with myself, like it's a giant mental *kitten*.