So I'm thinking about doing a push-up challen for Nov...sinc



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Those are pretty cool, if I keep this up I may buy one...what can I say...I like gadgets!

    As for today...week 2! I manged 19 modified push ups total. Maxed out at 7 in a row though....7 is a long way from my 100 goal...this may turn into a November-December goal haha...but that's more than I could do its getting higher!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    When are we checking in with how many pushups we have done? I was trying to look back and couldn't find it, I'm sure I passed by it, but could you remind me? Thanks! I've done 10 a day, so I have 30 for the week already....yay! If I keep this up, I'll have 100 here very soon.
  • AmandaR910
    When are we checking in with how many pushups we have done? I was trying to look back and couldn't find it, I'm sure I passed by it, but could you remind me? Thanks! I've done 10 a day, so I have 30 for the week already....yay! If I keep this up, I'll have 100 here very soon.

    I can't remember our official report in day of the week either.
    I've just been posting mine each day. :)
  • aprilshowers13
    30 incline pushup last night. Next time I think I'm going to pushups in between workout sets.
  • AmandaR910
    Did 45 more push ups this afternoon!! So that, plus Week One of 100 Push Ups is DONE!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    So I completed day two using the hundred pushup website. I used column two for day two and did a total of 55 pushups, with my max out being 15! I'm getting there, but frankly I had a hard time wanting to wait the entire 90 seconds between sets. I don't know if its part of the training to build up stamina or if its suggested only if you need it that long. I waited about 45-60 seconds between sets. 10, 12, 9, 9, then max out at least 13 (mine was 15) = 55 PUSHUPS!!!!!

    Then, when I was doing SI6, right after ( I remembered to do the push ups first this time!!!) I actually pushed through doing 20 in a row!!!! Yay!!! Soon I will be able to pose and say "Look at these guns, bang, bang, FIREPOWER" like the thinking man statue in Night at the Museum II !!! (Sorry, I know it's a lame joke, but its funny to me everytime I hear it! You gotta see it!)

    Keep it up everyone!!!!
  • areadel
    I was able to do one set of 20 modified push ups in a row tonight. A few minutes later I added another 10 modified. When I get to 50 modified, I will start trying to do regular style. Hopefully my arms will be strong enough to lift this body by then.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hehe, I think the 100pushups challenge is to 100 in a row :) That is definitely not going to happen in a month if you are starting anywhere below 50-60 I don't think.

    I started at 40 and hoping to get to 50 or maybe 60 by the end of the month. Got to take baby steps people :)

    BTW just a note: if people are doing a lot of pushups it is a good idea to do some sort of pulling motion as well otherwise you get stronger muslces in your chest than in your back (which can lead to injury and posture issues) One of the best is the inverted row
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hehe, I think the 100pushups challenge is to 100 in a row :) That is definitely not going to happen in a month if you are starting anywhere below 50-60 I don't think.

    I started at 40 and hoping to get to 50 or maybe 60 by the end of the month. Got to take baby steps people :)

    BTW just a note: if people are doing a lot of pushups it is a good idea to do some sort of pulling motion as well otherwise you get stronger muslces in your chest than in your back (which can lead to injury and posture issues) One of the best is the inverted row

    Thanks for the tip. :) The inverted row kind of looks like it would be a good way to introduce pull ups...? maybe? I couldn't get my big butt of the floor with a regular pull up, but might be able to do those. Just curious since it seems like you know what your talking about lol.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So I completed day two using the hundred pushup website. I used column two for day two and did a total of 55 pushups, with my max out being 15! I'm getting there, but frankly I had a hard time wanting to wait the entire 90 seconds between sets. I don't know if its part of the training to build up stamina or if its suggested only if you need it that long. I waited about 45-60 seconds between sets. 10, 12, 9, 9, then max out at least 13 (mine was 15) = 55 PUSHUPS!!!!!

    Then, when I was doing SI6, right after ( I remembered to do the push ups first this time!!!) I actually pushed through doing 20 in a row!!!! Yay!!! Soon I will be able to pose and say "Look at these guns, bang, bang, FIREPOWER" like the thinking man statue in Night at the Museum II !!! (Sorry, I know it's a lame joke, but its funny to me everytime I hear it! You gotta see it!)

    Keep it up everyone!!!!

    LOL...I have this picture of you flexing and kissing your pop-eye muscles lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    When are we checking in with how many pushups we have done? I was trying to look back and couldn't find it, I'm sure I passed by it, but could you remind me? Thanks! I've done 10 a day, so I have 30 for the week already....yay! If I keep this up, I'll have 100 here very soon.

    Well, I think "officially" we had all agreed on Fridays. But for the most part I think we're all to excited, I know I've pretty much updated every day I do any push ups. haha As long as we're all staying motivated it works right. :laugh:
  • AmandaR910
    Okay today is my off day, thank goodness lol. I'm sore. :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Day 3 (yesterday) done!

    I actually thought about skipping them too because it meant doing them in front of my fiancee. But I didn't give into the fear and did them. All 10 in a row and I'm glad I did!
  • AmandaR910
    How many push ups are you all doing daily if you're doing the 100 Push Ups Program?

    I did 16 for initial test, day 1 was 33, day 2 was 43, day 3 was 97. I can't believe the improvement.
  • danalogan
    I know I am a couple days late but I would love to join in! I'm an army wife and get aggrivated sitting there watching my husband do push up after push up lol. I want to be able to do them too! I'm new to this site, so I dont understand the friend thing or anything yet. Please help? :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Great job so far everyone. :) I'm a little late in joining you - was feeling wussy. But what the heck - go for it anyway, right?

    I have a question about "real, good form" pushups. On the site - it says a good form pushup involves lowering your body to the ground and lifting back up. That surprises me - in all the DVD's (Jillian, mostly) - she never has you lower all the way to the ground...

    How are you all doing it? (I can do more if I lower halfway, than if I really really lower and nearly or actually touch the ground. Twice as much.)
  • AmandaR910
    Great job so far everyone. :) I'm a little late in joining you - was feeling wussy. But what the heck - go for it anyway, right?

    I have a question about "real, good form" pushups. On the site - it says a good form pushup involves lowering your body to the ground and lifting back up. That surprises me - in all the DVD's (Jillian, mostly) - she never has you lower all the way to the ground...

    How are you all doing it? (I can do more if I lower halfway, than if I really really lower and nearly or actually touch the ground. Twice as much.)

    I make sure to break 90 degrees with my arms. I'm doing modified push ups though.
    But anyways, DH is military and they have to break 90 degrees so that's where I got it from.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    As for today...week 2! I manged 19 modified push ups total. Maxed out at 7 in a row though....7 is a long way from my 100 goal...this may turn into a November-December goal haha...but that's more than I could do its getting higher!

    You're doing awesome sweetie! And I'm totally down for joining you again in Dec! :flowerforyou:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I have a question about "real, good form" pushups. On the site - it says a good form pushup involves lowering your body to the ground and lifting back up. That surprises me - in all the DVD's (Jillian, mostly) - she never has you lower all the way to the ground...

    How are you all doing it? (I can do more if I lower halfway, than if I really really lower and nearly or actually touch the ground. Twice as much.)

    I'm doing modified pushups. I make sure I touch my nose to the ground before I lift back up. Am I going down TOO far?
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I also did week one, day 2. I don't remember how many total I did though. Geez, this memory of mine needs a boost!