Clean Eating



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    Now you threw out food that you could have donated or eaten in moderation the wastefulness of that bothers me when there are food pantries or somewhere else if you decided you didn't want it that would have been more than happy to have accepted it.

    Seriously??? And no.. they *don't* take everything (I donate all the time, so I know what they do or do not take). It cant' be opened or expired and only some of them take perishables.. And a lot of my food is opened or expired (but frozen). I hope you have never thrown a morsel of food out while laying that sort of guilt trip on someone. More food goes to waste because people forget to eat it and it spoils. Are you going to berate all of them too?? (better start with yourself as I highly doubt that has never happened to you) And the majority of wasted foods are "rejects" from the company themselves because they were't perfect. A banana that's not curved just so?? Tossed, NOT donated.. So.. there's that issue too.

    Ignore the sarcastic unhelpful "I was only joking around" posts and pick out the help which is scattered in between those. They are there. I had to go all in. It's all in or I can't do it. Some people just don't get it.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    This is just my opinion, I'm obese, have lost 30 lbs in about 3 months, I sat down and really thought about my eating habits and I realize I didn't get fat until 1. Became a couch potatoe 2. had a love affair with sugar and 3 mindlessly ate without considering how much I was consuming. For me b/c I was so addicted to sugar I had to cut most of it out. It was a vicious cycle I ate sugar I wanted more sugar. I started moving more. I've had chips 3 times in 3 months, I greatly restrict them b/c they trigger binge eating. If I do eat them I count them one by one. I had some last night about 12 of them and then I after looking at the calories decided it wasn't worth the calories. I prefer fruit, vegetable, lean meats. Stay away from processed foods such as chips, candy, cake, icecream etc for the most part. Lots of people eat all of that and still lose weight. It's finding a balance and what works for you. You have to eat less calories than you burn, have a calorie deficit.That's the way I do it. I don't count macros etc. I keep it simple. But some people do and do great with it. I just try to have a calorie deficit.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    The best advice I can offer is..
    -Look into Paleo. It's based on evolution and what our bodies are designed to eat (which doesn't include a single whole grain!).

    If you choose to eat paleo, and it allows you to feel satiated and keep you in a caloric deficit - good for you. There is also a community aspect to the Paleo diet, and that can help some people as well.

    That said, it isn't based on "evolution" and we are not robots that were "designed" to eat a certain way. There is no inherent advantage to a paleo diet - unless it fits your personal preferences (or medical issues). Then go for it!

    Re: Clean eating...

    Again - if that works for you and is sustainable. Great. I am ALL about personal preference. One pet peeve I have though, is that when the clean eating debate breaks out on MFP people will often come into the thread and be mad about the negative comments, and will say things like "Well what harm is there in eating clean?? Why so negative?"

    Well, IMO, there are potential pitfalls with clean eating...

    Here is a great podcast about it:

    This is from Armi Legge, who has battled eating disorders since the age of 13, and almost died. The idea of "clean eating" contributed to his unhealthy relationship with food.

    On a personal note - the idea of "clean eating" had sabotaged my diet attempts in the past. Dedicating my spare time to learning about nutrition is what led to my current "success".

    Note - I am not judging anyone's diet choices, just sharing some information I personally found interesting.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    Now you threw out food that you could have donated or eaten in moderation the wastefulness of that bothers me when there are food pantries or somewhere else if you decided you didn't want it that would have been more than happy to have accepted it.

    Seriously??? And no.. they *don't* take everything (I donate all the time, so I know what they do or do not take). It cant' be opened or expired and only some of them take perishables.. And a lot of my food is opened or expired (but frozen). I hope you have never thrown a morsel of food out while laying that sort of guilt trip on someone. More food goes to waste because people forget to eat it and it spoils. Are you going to berate all of them too?? (better start with yourself as I highly doubt that has never happened to you) And the majority of wasted foods are "rejects" from the company themselves because they were't perfect. A banana that's not curved just so?? Tossed, NOT donated.. So.. there's that issue too.

    Ignore the sarcastic unhelpful "I was only joking around" posts and pick out the help which is scattered in between those. They are there. I had to go all in. It's all in or I can't do it. Some people just don't get it.

    I don't throw food out just because all of a sudden I decided I'm going to eat clean or whatever else. I throw out very little food, as I can always find someone that will take it or needs it. She didn't say she threw it out because it was spoiled she wasted it because all of sudden she's decided it was and I quote " terrible packaged preservative filled foods" ... that is wasteful
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I rather throw away food in the garbage can than become the garbage can.:wink:
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    The best advice I can offer is..
    -Look into Paleo. It's based on evolution and what our bodies are designed to eat (which doesn't include a single whole grain!).

    If you choose to eat paleo, and it allows you to feel satiated and keep you in a caloric deficit - good for you. There is also a community aspect to the Paleo diet, and that can help some people as well.

    That said, it isn't based on "evolution" and we are not robots that were "designed" to eat a certain way. There is no inherent advantage to a paleo diet - unless it fits your personal preferences (or medical issues). Then go for it!

    Re: Clean eating...

    Again - if that works for you and is sustainable. Great. I am ALL about personal preference. One pet peeve I have though, is that when the clean eating debate breaks out on MFP people will often come into the thread and be mad about the negative comments, and will say things like "Well what harm is there in eating clean?? Why so negative?"

    This I like

    Well, IMO, there are potential pitfalls with clean eating...

    Here is a great podcast about it:

    This is from Armi Legge, who has battled eating disorders since the age of 13, and almost died. The idea of "clean eating" contributed to his unhealthy relationship with food.

    On a personal note - the idea of "clean eating" had sabotaged my diet attempts in the past. Dedicating my spare time to learning about nutrition is what led to my current "success".

    Note - I am not judging anyone's diet choices, just sharing some information I personally found interesting.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    My understanding of the term clean eating is based on a diet of lean meats. Fish. Whole grains. Fruits. Veggies. Sticking mainly to the perimeter of the grocery store. Foods as close to their natural state as they can be. Staying away from foods that are man made and packaged. And so on.

    Yep. That's pretty much it. Just be wary of the perimeter. My store's all have their bakery and deli on the perimeter. And those are not really food I want to be eating. :~P
    I agree with this
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Clean eating will change your health and hopefully your weight. I disagree that it is all calorie counting. I eat weight (sic) more calories than I am supposed to but I eat very clean and healthy and I lose half a pound a day.

    Nbody questioned JennyHolly's statement above?

    She eats way more calories that she is supposed to, but because they are "clean" she is losing a 1/2 pound a day????!!!!!

    JennyHolly - either you are still eating a huge calorie deficit, or something is not lining up at all with your story. I would be very curious to know how you can eat "way" more calories than you are supposed to and still lose a 1/2 pound per day.

    I looked at her diary...just too early in the morning to question anything.

    That and I have come to the conclusion that some people...well...never mind...maybe JennyHolly has found the magic bean to weight loss.

    WHAT??? I'll trade you TEN goats for a magic bean!!! WANT WANT WANT!!!
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I just threw out my fake, imitation Snicker style ice cream bars by Skinny Cow for the real Snickers ice cream bars. I'll take the 20 extra cals for taste any day. I guess we're both making changes!
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    Sorry if there are members here who are offended by the term "clean eating". I obviously did not coin this term. Nor do I think anyone eats "dirty".

    Don't be worried about offending anybody, misskelly. You started the thread, and if somebody is going to get their nose out of joint about "clean eating" (or anything else), then they shouldn't open the thread. The people who vent their frustration about any of these topics are just looking to vent. Nor would I shy away from using the term "clean eating", or anything else you want to discuss. Ask what you want. Again, if someone thinks the topic has been beaten to death, or they're going to have an emotional collapse because they think someone's suggesting their diet is "dirty", they're free to move on to a different topic.

    Whether you decide that clean eating is the way to go is obviously up to you. Giving up junk food and trying more whole foods is not a bad approach to weight loss and better health in general, in my opinion. Good luck!
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    My 2 cents on the "negativity" in this thread.

    What people are telling you here is that (1) a lot of people fail on restriction diets, and (2) you don't HAVE TO restrict foods in order to lose weight. Imagine a world where you can eat ice cream AND lose weight. Yep, that's right here.

    Also, if someone is giving you advice, look at their ticker if it's visible. Have they successfully lost weight? Yes? Then they might have some experience in what it takes to lose weight so, you know, they know a thing or two. Of course not everyone will agree because there are 1000 different "right ways" to lose weight, but all people are saying is don't buy into the hype that there's only one "right way."
  • misskelly427
    misskelly427 Posts: 28 Member

    Now you threw out food that you could have donated or eaten in moderation the wastefulness of that bothers me when there are food pantries or somewhere else if you decided you didn't want it that would have been more than happy to have accepted it.

    Seriously??? And no.. they *don't* take everything (I donate all the time, so I know what they do or do not take). It cant' be opened or expired and only some of them take perishables.. And a lot of my food is opened or expired (but frozen). I hope you have never thrown a morsel of food out while laying that sort of guilt trip on someone. More food goes to waste because people forget to eat it and it spoils. Are you going to berate all of them too?? (better start with yourself as I highly doubt that has never happened to you) And the majority of wasted foods are "rejects" from the company themselves because they were't perfect. A banana that's not curved just so?? Tossed, NOT donated.. So.. there's that issue too.

    Ignore the sarcastic unhelpful "I was only joking around" posts and pick out the help which is scattered in between those. They are there. I had to go all in. It's all in or I can't do it. Some people just don't get it.

    I don't throw food out just because all of a sudden I decided I'm going to eat clean or whatever else. I throw out very little food, as I can always find someone that will take it or needs it. She didn't say she threw it out because it was spoiled she wasted it because all of sudden she's decided it was and I quote " terrible packaged preservative filled foods" ... that is wasteful

    I didnt all of a sudden just decide yesterday I was just going to throw out all my food just for fun. I gave my unopened packaged food tp my father, but I was fairly certain he did not want my husbands used bacon ketchup thats been sitting in the fridge for months. Apparently your words are more critiqued here then I would have thought. I will be more aware of this going forward. And why am I starting today, other than the fact that tuesday is grocery shopping day, I am starting today because something clicked for me. Because im sick of feeling gross. I dont want to be unhealthy anymore.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    I am a big fan of clean eating. For example, if an apple falls on the floor, I will pick it up, and clean it before eating.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    My 2 cents on the "negativity" in this thread.

    What people are telling you here is that (1) a lot of people fail on restriction diets, and (2) you don't HAVE TO restrict foods in order to lose weight. Imagine a world where you can eat ice cream AND lose weight. Yep, that's right here.

    Also, if someone is giving you advice, look at their ticker if it's visible. Have they successfully lost weight? Yes? Then they might have some experience in what it takes to lose weight so, you know, they know a thing or two. Of course not everyone will agree because there are 1000 different "right ways" to lose weight, but all people are saying is don't buy into the hype that there's only one "right way."

    Who said there is only 1 right way?? I didn't see that anywhere.. at least not by those who eat the way the OP is wanting too.

    If someone has looked into diets and decide this was the way they want to eat (which by the way I reject calling clean eating a diet, much less a restrictive diet) , then asks for support from others who eat that way. it's not helpful to try to talk them out of it and into your way of eating. If it's not right for them, the only way to know that is trial and error. Just like the majority of people have to do. If I had listened to everyone putting my choice to eat this way down.. I'd have never lost my weight. That's truth, since every time I "derail" i put it back on. Because ya know.. moderation *also* does not work for everyone (shocking right?)
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    ???? Enjoying my morning entertainment, while sipping my ☕️
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    My 2 cents on the "negativity" in this thread.

    What people are telling you here is that (1) a lot of people fail on restriction diets, and (2) you don't HAVE TO restrict foods in order to lose weight. Imagine a world where you can eat ice cream AND lose weight. Yep, that's right here.

    Also, if someone is giving you advice, look at their ticker if it's visible. Have they successfully lost weight? Yes? Then they might have some experience in what it takes to lose weight so, you know, they know a thing or two. Of course not everyone will agree because there are 1000 different "right ways" to lose weight, but all people are saying is don't buy into the hype that there's only one "right way."

    Who said there is only 1 right way?? I didn't see that anywhere.. at least not by those who eat the way the OP is wanting too.

    If someone has looked into diets and decide this was the way they want to eat (which by the way I reject calling clean eating a diet, much less a restrictive diet) , then asks for support from others who eat that way. it's not helpful to try to talk them out of it and into your way of eating. If it's not right for them, the only way to know that is trial and error. Just like the majority of people have to do. If I had listened to everyone putting my choice to eat this way down.. I'd have never lost my weight. That's truth, since every time I "derail" i put it back on. Because ya know.. moderation *also* does not work for everyone (shocking right?)

    There are plenty of instances where "clean eating" is preached as One-Wayism. OP said she researched "clean eating" so she has been exposed to more than just this thread.

    I did say there were 1000 "right ways." Of course moderation does not work for everyone. The point is that restriction diets are pushed more often than moderation, and while some people do just fine with restriction diets, many others either fail on them completely or do something like 80/20 - which is the same thing as moderation.

    Does she really want to eat this way, or does she feel she HAS to eat this way in order to lose weight? You're assuming she wants to. If she does, then she will regardless of what anyone says, and if it works out for her then wonderful. But what if she does not know about the magical world where you can eat ice cream and lose weight? I didn't know that existed until I started reading the boards here and saw people with 30, 50, 100+ pound losses on their tickers talking about ice cream and cookies.
  • storeykss
    storeykss Posts: 1
    Clean eating, no processed foods, is the way to go. It is a lifestyle change but the reward is great!!!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LaDlamini
    LaDlamini Posts: 1
    Cut out all sodas and try to incorporate more fruits and veggies in your snacking rather than sweets and chips. be sure to drink lots and lots and slots of water

  • Doingitat50
    I feel that we all try our best.... there are days that I slip but that does not mean I throw the entire journey out the window.... I know that for me a food journal is the most important thing besides exercise that has helped me. I have really become an advocate for writing it down. The other thing to keep in mind is do what is right for you. Not every diet is right for every person but only you know what your body is like and what your lifestyle will allow. Any step to a healthier life is the right step