How do you feel about fat pride?



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
  • daviddjhonna
    Weight is only one indicator of health. And self esteem seems to be something lacking in great portion in society. You better believe that I am completely confident in my size 14 body. It's a good body. A pretty body. And it's a body that ran 5 miles this morning - so maybe its not "at the peak of health" but it's capable and functional and happy. I'm doing my best to exercise and eat well, if I lose weight as a result, that fantastic, but what's come to be most important to me is health and happiness. If that's "fat acceptance" I'll take it.
    I agree and you go with your bad self! I love me some me and have no problem with my size 14 five foot body. It is because of this that I work out and eat better. I didnt like the way if felt health wise, so I chose to make a change. It had nothing to do with fat acceptance. I wanted more energy and to feel less like sludge. If I loose weight... fine but it is not the deciding factor in what I love about me.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I guess I don't care how people choose to view themselves as it affects me none.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    History repeats itself.......marginalize, attack, and bash a group of people for long enough and they will resist. Can you blame them?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Being fat isn't always the same as being unhealthy. Being thin isn't always healthy.

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    I think its healthy and, if anything, can be far more motivating when it comes to healthy behavior than fat shaming.


    I'm a healthy fat person (notice I didn't say healthy "for being" a fat person). I have excellent blood pressure, cholesterol, energy, etc.

    I've never been bullied or made to feel "less" than because I'm overweight. Because I don't let my weight define me - so other people don't either. I'm smart, sexy, funny and kind - those things matter. Weight for people will always fluctuate - but I'll always be those things.

    So while I am on a mission to get fitter, it's more about having sexy biceps, abs and calves than about a number on scale or being "fat".

    And if you think I'm ridiculous or blind or irresponsible - you can sit and spin on it. IDGAF.

    I don't find pride in being fat. But I don't let it shame me, either.
  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I'm 100% against someone being treated badly because of their weight, but I'm also 100% against promoting being proud of it. I seen a picture of a heavy woman wearing a bikini down the street on Facebook because she was 'promoting healthy body image at any size' I have always been overweight and have always found comfort in things like this but deep down, I always knew that I was harming my body. Our bones are not meant to carry 250 pounds+ on a 5'6" womans body frame. It's not healthy for our bones or joints. Fat isn't only on the outside where it can be seen, either. When we gain fat, we also gain it around our heart and other important organs. They can't possibly believe having tons of fat around their vital organs is healthy.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    I have seen "fat pride" get to the point of skinny shaming.

    Me too and that is not cool either

    yeah me too... who'da thunk?

    typically its going to a pool and having a six pack and getting ragged on by friends for being anorexic to get (anorexic is supposedly people who don't consume 2 beers daily, and don't count calories)

    and shoppping... you try shoppping for a seersucker suit in a 28" waist.. it is totally not cool.

    Get a cheap version at Express.
  • daviddjhonna
    Being fat isn't always the same as being unhealthy. Being thin isn't always healthy.

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    I think its healthy and, if anything, can be far more motivating when it comes to healthy behavior than fat shaming.


    I'm a healthy fat person (notice I didn't say healthy "for being" a fat person). I have excellent blood pressure, cholesterol, energy, etc.

    I've never been bullied or made to feel "less" than because I'm overweight. Because I don't let my weight define me - so other people don't either. I'm smart, sexy, funny and kind - those things matter. Weight for people will always fluctuate - but I'll always be those things.

    So while I am on a mission to get fitter, it's more about having sexy biceps, abs and calves than about a number on scale or being "fat".

    And if you think I'm ridiculous or blind or irresponsible - you can sit and spin on it. IDGAF.
    I wish you could "like" posts because I love this one. Well said!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    History repeats itself.......marginalize, attack, and bash a group of people for long enough and they will resist. Can you blame them?

    Look at you, making sense!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    my thing is its not real real as in a more ideal type of real - authentic pride in yourself.. because the word despite is in there.

    I'm proud of myself - despite being fat is not real pride to me..

    ..real pride to me is when I look in the mirror and it keeps winking and catcalling me.. I'm blushing but it just wont stop. :blushing:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.
  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    my thing is its not real real as in a more ideal type of real - authentic pride in yourself.. because the word despite is in there.

    I'm proud of myself - despite being fat is not real pride to me..

    ..real pride to me is when I look in the mirror and it keeps winking and catcalling me.. I'm blushing but it just wont stop. :blushing:
    I think I better clarify what I mean. I say despite because it has become the way of the world to think that if you are "Fat " you have no self esteem or pride in yourself. I am what you call concetted. Now I know there are those that look at me and think "what is she so concetted about, she's fat" I look in the mirror and think " If I where a man I would F*** me." I simply say despite for those that can not comprehend true pride in someone with some meat on their bones.
  • sugarstrawberries
    sugarstrawberries Posts: 140 Member
    The other irony to this whole conversation of fat pride is no one I think has mentioned you have to love yourself to give a crap enough about being healthy. When you don't care about yourself you don't see the point in doing anything to improve your situation. Therefore I think if "fat acceptance" focused on anti-bullying, loving yourself, and mental health I could rock with it.


    Mental health IS EXACTLY WHAT IT'S ABOUT! If you feel like you're a good person, have pride in yourself, accept your body for the body you have, THEN you can decide to take care of it. My body was invisible to me for a large portion of my life.

    I was taught nothing in school about nutrition. Nothing by my pediatrician. Nothing by my parents. You know what I thought about playing outside as a child? "Oh it's okay if I stay in my room reading a whole book in the afternoon because Mom is letting me." Now I'm an adult and learning things that I had to decide to learn about, now that I can ignore *kitten* who I know are wondering why I'm so fat. Being fat since childhood, I know better than anyone what shame does to a fat person. They feel like they are worthless their whole lives because society screams that at them, and I WANT TO SCREAAM BACK.
  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.
    True but I believe that it became "Fat Pride" because of the target audience. Not saying its right just making an observation.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.


    next thing we'll have is Bald Pride! Flat foot Pride! Curly Hair Pride!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.
    True but I believe that it became "Fat Pride" because of the target audience. Not saying its right just making an observation.

    Fair enough, but people in general have body image and self esteem issues. It isn't limited to the obese.
  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.


    next thing we'll have is Bald Pride! Flat foot Pride! Curly Hair Pride!
    I was told bald was a state of mind. I think they have the pride thing down to a science. Curly hair, we use curling irons and perms to imitate. Flat foot, half of us wouldnt notice if we had flat feet or not. But have you ever caught someone trying to be "fat."
    There is your #truth.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Fair enough, but people in general have body image and self esteem issues. It isn't limited to the obese.

  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    Then call it Self Pride/Acceptance.

    Not to sound arrogant, but words mean things.
    True but I believe that it became "Fat Pride" because of the target audience. Not saying its right just making an observation.

    Fair enough, but people in general have body image and self esteem issues. It isn't limited to the obese.
    SO true. Most women think they are ten times bigger than they really are.