How do you feel about fat pride?



  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I can speak only to how I felt when I was 5'3" and 343 pounds - and I felt, to be blunt, horrible. I was always sick, I had no stamina, I couldn't do things that my friends could do, I couldn't wear nice clothes and I sure had no pride in myself whatsoever. I'm still considered obese at 225 pounds - but I'm a HELL of a lot healthier now than I ever have been, and I don't intend to stop until I AM where I want to be.

    Honestly, I couldn't give a rat's behind what anyone does - really. Fat, skinny, fit, toned, whatever - I keep to myself and I don't get involved in anyone's business. Because, quite frankly, I don't know how someone else is going to feel from day to day at whatever weight they are. A person could be 5'10" and 500 pounds and claim they feel fine, healthy, never better - who am I to say they're wrong? Only they know if they're fooling themselves or not. I don't shame anyone because 1. I know how it feels to be on that end of things, all too well, and it's not pleasant and 2. it's none of my damned business and frankly no one else's how much you or anyone else weighs. If others would just tend to themselves, the world wouldn't have so many problems. <shrug>
  • daviddjhonna
    As someone starting within 10 pounds of a healthy BMI (2 pounds away now!) and not at any immediate danger, I think this movement is nice in that it reminds that beauty and health are not always the magazine version of skinny. Curvy is okay too.

    While I definitely think that health should always be a priority, having some fat on your body does not mean you aren't.
    You are quite right. there are genetics involved as well. Healthy does not mean skinny , six pack, etc. It means healthy blood pressure, cholesteral count, keeping active, Curvy is no sin.

    curvy 'can' be sexy...

    confidence on the other hand...

    *mouth waters*

    Down boy, oh wait..... that wasnt for me was it. Besides that confidence in any package is sexy beyond words. For example , look at me. :laugh: :tongue:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I can speak only to how I felt when I was 5'3" and 343 pounds - and I felt, to be blunt, horrible. I was always sick, I had no stamina, I couldn't do things that my friends could do, I couldn't wear nice clothes and I sure had no pride in myself whatsoever. I'm still considered obese at 225 pounds - but I'm a HELL of a lot healthier now than I ever have been, and I don't intend to stop until I AM where I want to be.

    Honestly, I couldn't give a rat's behind what anyone does - really. Fat, skinny, fit, toned, whatever - I keep to myself and I don't get involved in anyone's business. Because, quite frankly, I don't know how someone else is going to feel from day to day at whatever weight they are. A person could be 5'10" and 500 pounds and claim they feel fine, healthy, never better - who am I to say they're wrong? Only they know if they're fooling themselves or not. I don't shame anyone because 1. I know how it feels to be on that end of things, all too well, and it's not pleasant and 2. it's none of my damned business and frankly no one else's how much you or anyone else weighs. If others would just tend to themselves, the world wouldn't have so many problems. <shrug>

    yeah but we are talking about fat pride?

    that 5'10" quarter-ton person btw would certainly not claim to feel fine or healthy.. rather they would weigh almost half of what my car weighs..

    (I have a tiny car people) - but that would be anything but a tiny person.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    that 5'10" quarter-ton person btw would certainly not claim to feel fine or healthy.. rather they would weigh almost half of what my car weighs..

    I would agree with you in that there would be no way I, personally, would believe they felt healthy with those statistics. (Which was just hypothetical - I don't know anyone that large, myself.) But if they SAY they do... who is anyone to call them a liar? If it's not true, they'll find that they can't run (heh) from that soon enough.

    The real issue here, I think, is the shaming aspect. It's a vicious circle, really - the people who need it the most are afraid to go do something about it because they'll be shamed, or at least it seems that way to me. That's wrong. No one that I know thinks otherwise. But to claim "health at every size", well... that I don't believe, but I'm not going to say it's wrong for others to believe in it. I don't care what others believe, or don't - I care about my own health, my weight, my well being. Selfish? Yep, and I'm proud to be so.

    There's nothing wrong with fat/gay/black/whateverwhatever/insert your adjective here pride. But health at every size? Negative. Look at Manuel Uribe - he died at 48 weighing nearly 900 pounds and still bedridden for decades. I woudln't call that healthy by any definition of the word.

    We all have our own issues to deal with - perhaps it's just better that we deal with them instead of worrying about everyone else around us. That's all I'm saying.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    that 5'10" quarter-ton person btw would certainly not claim to feel fine or healthy.. rather they would weigh almost half of what my car weighs..

    I would agree with you in that there would be no way I, personally, would believe they felt healthy with those statistics. (Which was just hypothetical - I don't know anyone that large, myself.) But if they SAY they do... who is anyone to call them a liar? If it's not true, they'll find that they can't run (heh) from that soon enough.

    The real issue here, I think, is the shaming aspect. It's a vicious circle, really - the people who need it the most are afraid to go do something about it because they'll be shamed, or at least it seems that way to me. That's wrong. No one that I know thinks otherwise. But to claim "health at every size", well... that I don't believe, but I'm not going to say it's wrong for others to believe in it. I don't care what others believe, or don't - I care about my own health, my weight, my well being. Selfish? Yep, and I'm proud to be so.

    There's nothing wrong with fat/gay/black/whateverwhatever/insert your adjective here pride. But health at every size? Negative. Look at Manuel Uribe - he died at 48 weighing nearly 900 pounds and still bedridden for decades. I woudln't call that healthy by any definition of the word.

    But I'm not going to tell people they're wrong - let them figure it out for themselves. I have my own weight issue to deal with, you know?

    I'm that someone that would call them a liar...

    I'd get right in their face when I said it as well. :smokin:
  • daviddjhonna
    that 5'10" quarter-ton person btw would certainly not claim to feel fine or healthy.. rather they would weigh almost half of what my car weighs..

    I would agree with you in that there would be no way I, personally, would believe they felt healthy with those statistics. (Which was just hypothetical - I don't know anyone that large, myself.) But if they SAY they do... who is anyone to call them a liar? If it's not true, they'll find that they can't run (heh) from that soon enough.

    The real issue here, I think, is the shaming aspect. It's a vicious circle, really - the people who need it the most are afraid to go do something about it because they'll be shamed, or at least it seems that way to me. That's wrong. No one that I know thinks otherwise. But to claim "health at every size", well... that I don't believe, but I'm not going to say it's wrong for others to believe in it. I don't care what others believe, or don't - I care about my own health, my weight, my well being. Selfish? Yep, and I'm proud to be so.

    There's nothing wrong with fat/gay/black/whateverwhatever/insert your adjective here pride. But health at every size? Negative. Look at Manuel Uribe - he died at 48 weighing nearly 900 pounds and still bedridden for decades. I woudln't call that healthy by any definition of the word.

    We all have our own issues to deal with - perhaps it's just better that we deal with them instead of worrying about everyone else around us. That's all I'm saying.
    Not to sound like a hypocrite but even I who am pretty accepting of most things could not see being 900 LBS and happy. Not because of the fat itself but how it makes one feel health wise. That is killing one's self . If you get moving and eat in moderation you would not end up like that. Even just walking up and down the stairs a few times is better than harming yourself in that manner. Fat pride is not accepting being unhealthy, it is loving yourself enough to make your temple healthy once again.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Not to sound like a hypocrite but even I who am pretty accepting of most things could not see being 900 LBS and happy. Not because of the fat itself but how it makes one feel health wise. That is killing one's self . If you get moving and eat in moderation you would not end up like that. Even just walking up and down the stairs a few times is better than harming yourself in that manner. Fat pride is not accepting being unhealthy, it is loving yourself enough to make your temple healthy once again.

    I completely agree with all of the above. Perhaps I'm not wording my thoughts the right way (which, for me, wouldn't be the first time).

    I'm saying that there's such a pushback from those who are involved in the HAES movement that it just doesn't seem worth the energy to try and convince them of something that they're hell-bent and determined not to accept, anyway. I'd rather expend that energy in self-improvement, know what I mean?

    You can't force someone to change themselves - I think of it as similar to drug or alcohol addiction. Only they know where their "rock bottom" is - until they reach that point, they won't change. I used to BE one of those people - it took a diagnosis of T2 diabetes to wake me up and say, "Quit acting stupid, this is your LIFE we're talking about." The size of my jeans (28 at the time) didn't do it. The BMI number (nearly 61!, at the time) didn't do it. But the real threat of dying did.

    People who insist on HAES are, in my opinion, delusional. But, just like I used to be, they're going to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear until they get slapped in the face with their particular brand of reality.

    Pride in one's self/body/appearance is one thing. Insisting that it's healthy is quite another. Like I said, though - it's subjective. If they want to call themselves healthy, I won't argue. May not necessarily agree, but I won't argue.

    I hope I was a bit more articulate this time. :smile:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    I'm that someone that would call them a liar...

    I'd get right in their face when I said it as well. :smokin:

    And that would help how?

    It wouldn't. Srsly. That sort of attitude is 3/4 of the problem. People thinking they have the right to say a thing about how another person looks or feels. That sort of self righteous bulls*it is incredibly harmful (and not just to fat peeps).

    Also, fat acceptance isn't being proud of being fat. It's about not letting the fact that you're fat define or limit you.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    There is a difference between being fat and obese.

    If someone is fat, I show empathy, and actually don't even pay them any mind.

    When I see someone that is obese, my stomach aches :sick: my heart breaks :brokenheart: and if its family I feel the need for confrontation since they are killing themselves.

    You can be 'proud' despite being fat, but you surely shouldn't be proud being obese... you should be confronted and get your act together.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    There is a difference between being fat and obese.

    If someone is fat, I show empathy, and actually don't even pay them any mind.

    When I see someone that is obese, my stomach aches :sick: my heart breaks :brokenheart: and if its family I feel the need for confrontation since they are killing themselves.

    You can be 'proud' despite being fat, but you surely shouldn't be proud being obese... you should be confronted and get your act together.

    I'm pretty sure most people who're obese have been confronted by others. Just stop.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    There is a difference between being fat and obese.

    If someone is fat, I show empathy, and actually don't even pay them any mind.

    When I see someone that is obese, my stomach aches :sick: my heart breaks :brokenheart: and if its family I feel the need for confrontation since they are killing themselves.

    You can be 'proud' despite being fat, but you surely shouldn't be proud being obese... you should be confronted and get your act together.

    I'm pretty sure most people who're obese have been confronted by others. Just stop.

    I went into a coma from drinking myself into one - confrontation stinks, but being a former hardcore substance abuser that confrontation not only saved my life, it made me the perfect model for the next michelangelo's David. :bigsmile:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    There is a difference between being fat and obese.

    If someone is fat, I show empathy, and actually don't even pay them any mind.

    When I see someone that is obese, my stomach aches :sick: my heart breaks :brokenheart: and if its family I feel the need for confrontation since they are killing themselves.

    You can be 'proud' despite being fat, but you surely shouldn't be proud being obese... you should be confronted and get your act together.

    People can and should be proud when they want to - not when you deem it okay.

    Also, I'm fat - you can shove your empathy right up your a*s. I don't need it - I'm damned fabulous.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    There is a difference between being fat and obese.

    If someone is fat, I show empathy, and actually don't even pay them any mind.

    When I see someone that is obese, my stomach aches :sick: my heart breaks :brokenheart: and if its family I feel the need for confrontation since they are killing themselves.

    You can be 'proud' despite being fat, but you surely shouldn't be proud being obese... you should be confronted and get your act together.

    People can and should be proud when they want to - not when you deem it okay.

    Also, I'm fat - you can shove your empathy right up your a*s. I don't need it - I'm damned fabulous.

  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    .........................but in the end, being a size that can damage your health should not be seen as acceptable in any society.
    OK lets stone them then?
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    Wow... this thread took a nasty turn real fast. The only question I have to ask is for those that are angry at people for not simply agreeing with you... Why are you here? What brought you to a Fitness related forum? Now, I mean no disrespect to anybody. I'm just lost as to how we could take responses that for the most part have been positive and basically turn this into 10 pages of "You suck, I hate you, shut your mouth?"
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    We all have our own issues to deal with - perhaps it's just better that we deal with them instead of worrying about everyone else around us.

    if people did this, they could not then claim that the words and/or actions of others "made" them overeat, "made" them depressed, "made" them hate themselves, etc. and we would have no use for reactionary identity "movements." sadly it would seem far easier and more popular to look outside rather than inside when we are unhappy with ourselves. :cry:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Wow... this thread took a nasty turn real fast. The only question I have to ask is for those that are angry at people for not simply agreeing with you... Why are you here? What brought you to a Fitness related forum? Now, I mean no disrespect to anybody. I'm just lost as to how we could take responses that for the most part have been positive and basically turn this into 10 pages of "You suck, I hate you, shut your mouth?"

    I'm just hear to listen to myself talk?

    *whistles nonchalantly hoping no one notices me*
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Wow... this thread took a nasty turn real fast. The only question I have to ask is for those that are angry at people for not simply agreeing with you... Why are you here? What brought you to a Fitness related forum? Now, I mean no disrespect to anybody. I'm just lost as to how we could take responses that for the most part have been positive and basically turn this into 10 pages of "You suck, I hate you, shut your mouth?"

    I don't know if you're talking about me or not, but I'll answer. I'm not disagreeing with anyone's right to have an opinion, but I am trying to show how harmful and hurtful those opinions can be. I'd never comment on a thin persons thinness or make fun of the clothes they wear or what they eat (all things that have been done to fat people in this thread).

    As to why I'm here - for support on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. I will ALWAYS speak up against shaming of any sort though and while I realize that won't make me lots of friends, I'm okay with that.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Not wild about shaming. But, not really overjoyed at the idea of paying higher group health insurance premiums because some of my coworkers feel that three Big Macs for lunch is a light snack.
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    Wow... this thread took a nasty turn real fast. The only question I have to ask is for those that are angry at people for not simply agreeing with you... Why are you here? What brought you to a Fitness related forum? Now, I mean no disrespect to anybody. I'm just lost as to how we could take responses that for the most part have been positive and basically turn this into 10 pages of "You suck, I hate you, shut your mouth?"

    I don't know if you're talking about me or not, but I'll answer. I'm not disagreeing with anyone's right to have an opinion, but I am trying to show how harmful and hurtful those opinions can be. I'd never comment on a thin persons thinness or make fun of the clothes they wear or what they eat (all things that have been done to fat people in this thread).

    As to why I'm here - for support on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. I will ALWAYS speak up against shaming of any sort though and while I realize that won't make me lots of friends, I'm okay with that.

    It was just a general statement I wasn't pointing anyone out imparticular. I think it has gone negatively both ways and it's silly. As you stated we are all here to support and motivate one another not to judge, bully, or belittle. I would never down talk anyone especially having had my own crazy ups and downs with self worth, weight, self esteem, etc etc. I think this topic was doomed from the beginning unfortunately, but it didn't have to take such a nasty turn.