How do you feel about fat pride?



  • daviddjhonna
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    my thing is its not real real as in a more ideal type of real - authentic pride in yourself.. because the word despite is in there.

    I'm proud of myself - despite being fat is not real pride to me..

    ..real pride to me is when I look in the mirror and it keeps winking and catcalling me.. I'm blushing but it just wont stop. :blushing:
    I think I better clarify what I mean. I say despite because it has become the way of the world to think that if you are "Fat " you have no self esteem or pride in yourself. I am what you call concetted. Now I know there are those that look at me and think "what is she so concetted about, she's fat" I look in the mirror and think " If I where a man I would F*** me." I simply say despite for those that can not comprehend true pride in someone with some meat on their bones.

    da faq?

    "some meat on their bones" - and da double faq do you mean by that?
    LOL!! Thats what my grandmother would call "Fat". Of course it was also meant as a compliment too (thinking back Im not sure it was an insult or a compliment). Some mean on their bones meant bigger than average. Im sorry I revert back to some of my roots when I get into a serious conversation. However your reaction was priceless. LMAO
  • daviddjhonna
    Oh shoot I just read some of my posts! Forgive my spelling I am having a hell of a day (so very tired). I meant " conceited, Meat, and I forgot what the other word was that I miss spelled.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I find the concept irresponsible and ridiculous.

    But Darwinism and all.
    I am not trying to sound judgey and all but I must ask, what do you think is meant by "Fat pride" for you to make such a statement?
    I define it as pride in ones self despite their weight. To not let your size define who you are. Is that an irresponsible and rediculous concept?

    my thing is its not real real as in a more ideal type of real - authentic pride in yourself.. because the word despite is in there.

    I'm proud of myself - despite being fat is not real pride to me..

    ..real pride to me is when I look in the mirror and it keeps winking and catcalling me.. I'm blushing but it just wont stop. :blushing:
    I think I better clarify what I mean. I say despite because it has become the way of the world to think that if you are "Fat " you have no self esteem or pride in yourself. I am what you call concetted. Now I know there are those that look at me and think "what is she so concetted about, she's fat" I look in the mirror and think " If I where a man I would F*** me." I simply say despite for those that can not comprehend true pride in someone with some meat on their bones.

    da faq?

    "some meat on their bones" - and da double faq do you mean by that?
    LOL!! Thats what my grandmother would call "Fat". Of course it was also meant as a compliment too (thinking back Im not sure it was an insult or a compliment). Some mean on their bones meant bigger than average. Im sorry I revert back to some of my roots when I get into a serious conversation. However your reaction was priceless. LMAO

    I see.
  • phoebezeng
    phoebezeng Posts: 8
    In my opinion it lulls those in need of some health in their lives to simply accept it and remove a certain amount of motivation to change. "Hell, they're saying it's healthy, no reason to panic."

    Can't agree more.

    I think fat pride/celebration AND fat shaming both encouraging dangerous mindset and are both far from healthy.

    Having too much body fat and lack of physical exercise put people in alot of health risk. In many cases when people realized the issue things are already started to get worse.

    Being shamed of being fat can cause anxiety, mental disorders, eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression ... etc. In some cases people would actually eat more when being bullied and called 'fat'.

    I certainly hope people would stop being really proud / celebrate of being overweight , OR being ashamed of being overweight, It is JUST what it is, overweight. What's really important about overweight, is the health risk it presents .

    As for body image, being chubby (or whatever you call it ) is certainly not the best thing a person has, but not the worse that could happen to a person either. There are better things to be proud of or celebrate and worse things to worry about. How a person want to look should be a really personal thing, not a social judgement.
  • daviddjhonna

    I see.

    Oh come on... it wasnt that bad. By the way it was Meat on their bones. Sorry for the typo, and no need to get sick. LOL:laugh: .
    I am a bit full of myself but that is what makes me so amusing.:smokin:
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member


    next thing we'll have is Bald Pride! Flat foot Pride! Curly Hair Pride!

    I got two out of three here.

    lol & here we have the same kind of people who scream "but if we allow same sex marriage then we have to allow a man to marry a horse or dog too"

    being bald/flat footed/curly hair is not remotely on the same level as fatness and what it means to be fat in this fatphobic society

    id agree with you if they were

    umm noo.. its not the same kind of people..

    nah ill keep saying what I want

    I completely 100% couldn't disagree with you more. I am not those "types of people", but I think it's a little crazy go nuts to celebrate a feature of any human. Because I love all humans. I don't give a solid or liquid ^%$ what they look like.

    But I know a lot of people hate in this world, so if fat pride helps some it's great. Doesn't mean I can't think all these celebrations are becoming a bit much.

    Don't get me started on how people walk for everything now a days also.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    thats not cool. - you should evaluate yourself more than if the opposite sex would bang you.... I could bang 24/7..sure... but the quality would be just eh or average.

    have some pride people...real pride.

    Start dressing classy - aka rock brands if you don't know how to dress - Americans are getting known as being sloppy.. we used to be leaders...

    Start being informed...American's have no idea about world events.. the drudge report should be viewed at least daily. - and I'm not even a republican

    Get out of debt- what da faq is with ppl and credit cards? get some self control!?

    Don't diet have a healthy lifestyle - once again, americans are way way to fat, and now want fat acceptance.. your polluting not only your own body but the images of what kids think they should look like..

    Make the gym a more frequent spot to visit then the pharmacy- antidepressents are used in America WAY to much.. along with all these other drugs that treat symptoms not problems.. the problem is people need a lifestyle change - which starts with what is being consumed.

    Get happy

    Smile Often

    Work Hard

    Play hard

    Have pride

    and above all else...

    celebrate once all the above is achieved.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member


    next thing we'll have is Bald Pride! Flat foot Pride! Curly Hair Pride!

    I got two out of three here.

    lol & here we have the same kind of people who scream "but if we allow same sex marriage then we have to allow a man to marry a horse or dog too"

    being bald/flat footed/curly hair is not remotely on the same level as fatness and what it means to be fat in this fatphobic society

    id agree with you if they were

    umm noo.. its not the same kind of people..

    nah ill keep saying what I want

    I completely 100% couldn't disagree with you more. I am not those "types of people", but I think it's a little crazy go nuts to celebrate a feature of any human. Because I love all humans. I don't give a solid or liquid ^%$ what they look like.

    But I know a lot of people hate in this world, so if fat pride helps some it's great. Doesn't mean I can't think all these celebrations are becoming a bit much.

    Don't get me started on how people walk for everything now a days also.

    yeah I'm with her.. I've done an insane amount of grassroots work aiding those that want to partake in same-sex-marriage , and on top of that, I have no problem with polygamy either...

    your generalization was so off, which was the reason for my quip.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member


    next thing we'll have is Bald Pride! Flat foot Pride! Curly Hair Pride!

    I got two out of three here.

    lol & here we have the same kind of people who scream "but if we allow same sex marriage then we have to allow a man to marry a horse or dog too"

    being bald/flat footed/curly hair is not remotely on the same level as fatness and what it means to be fat in this fatphobic society

    id agree with you if they were

    umm noo.. its not the same kind of people..

    nah ill keep saying what I want

    I completely 100% couldn't disagree with you more. I am not those "types of people", but I think it's a little crazy go nuts to celebrate a feature of any human. Because I love all humans. I don't give a solid or liquid ^%$ what they look like.

    But I know a lot of people hate in this world, so if fat pride helps some it's great. Doesn't mean I can't think all these celebrations are becoming a bit much.

    Don't get me started on how people walk for everything now a days also.

    yeah I'm with her.. I've done an insane amount of grassroots work aiding those that want to partake in same-sex-marriage , and on top of that, I have no problem with polygamy either...

    your generalization was so off, which was the reason for my quip.

    I was applauding your quip from my desk. Bravo!
  • daviddjhonna
    thats not cool. - you should evaluate yourself more than if the opposite sex would bang you.... I could bang 24/7..sure... but the quality would be just eh or average.

    have some pride people...real pride.

    Start dressing classy - aka rock brands if you don't know how to dress - Americans are getting known as being sloppy.. we used to be leaders...

    Start being informed...American's have no idea about world events.. the drudge report should be viewed at least daily. - and I'm not even a republican

    Get out of debt- what da faq is with ppl and credit cards? get some self control!?

    Don't diet have a healthy lifestyle - once again, americans are way way to fat, and now want fat acceptance.. your polluting not only your own body but the images of what kids think they should look like..

    Make the gym a more frequent spot to visit then the pharmacy- antidepressents are used in America WAY to much.. along with all these other drugs that treat symptoms not problems.. the problem is people need a lifestyle change - which starts with what is being consumed.

    Get happy

    Smile Often

    Work Hard

    Play hard

    Have pride

    and above all else...

    celebrate once all the above is achieved.
    I dont judge me based on that I judge my outfit. I am into fifties style (thats irrelevant). You are right be able to look yourself in the face everyday and know that you can have pride in "who you are" , in how you treat others and in what you see in you personality. My favorite joke is based on a famous football player. I cant remember his name but he was quoted as saying " I love me some me" above all else love yourself. Because if you dont know how, no one else will either.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Being fat isn't always the same as being unhealthy. Being thin isn't always healthy.

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    I think its healthy and, if anything, can be far more motivating when it comes to healthy behavior than fat shaming.

    This x1000.

    I didn't find the strength to lose 50+lbs until I accepted that I was okay at any weight. Until I dropped the "I deserve to be fat because I'm a weak loser" attitude, I couldn't move forward. On the advice of a friend, I bought some clothes in my big size, looked nice, felt happy, and began to treat myself nicer. I dropped into the size down, bought another new outfit, and again and again until I'd dropped 6 sizes. I'm amazed at how well it worked, to be honest.

    I lived with fat shame (self-inflicted for the most part) for too long. Shame has never done a damn thing to motivate me.
  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    Being fat isn't always the same as being unhealthy. Being thin isn't always healthy.

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    I think its healthy and, if anything, can be far more motivating when it comes to healthy behavior than fat shaming.

    Very nicely put. I like the idea of people embracing their figure. However, it's a different topic when your health is involved. People lose weight for different reasons, but I think the best one is when you're trying to make a change for your benefit, your life. I truly love the idea of women embracing their curves, because for me no matter how much weight I lose, my big breasts are always gonna be there, reminding me that I have curves.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    As someone starting within 10 pounds of a healthy BMI (2 pounds away now!) and not at any immediate danger, I think this movement is nice in that it reminds that beauty and health are not always the magazine version of skinny. Curvy is okay too.

    While I definitely think that health should always be a priority, having some fat on your body does not mean you aren't.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    thats not cool. - you should evaluate yourself more than if the opposite sex would bang you.... I could bang 24/7..sure... but the quality would be just eh or average.

    have some pride people...real pride.

    Start dressing classy - aka rock brands if you don't know how to dress - Americans are getting known as being sloppy.. we used to be leaders...

    Start being informed...American's have no idea about world events.. the drudge report should be viewed at least daily. - and I'm not even a republican

    Get out of debt- what da faq is with ppl and credit cards? get some self control!?

    Don't diet have a healthy lifestyle - once again, americans are way way to fat, and now want fat acceptance.. your polluting not only your own body but the images of what kids think they should look like..

    Make the gym a more frequent spot to visit then the pharmacy- antidepressents are used in America WAY to much.. along with all these other drugs that treat symptoms not problems.. the problem is people need a lifestyle change - which starts with what is being consumed.

    Get happy

    Smile Often

    Work Hard

    Play hard

    Have pride

    and above all else...

    celebrate once all the above is achieved.
    I dont judge me based on that I judge my outfit. I am into fifties style (thats irrelevant). You are right be able to look yourself in the face everyday and know that you can have pride in "who you are" , in how you treat others and in what you see in you personality. My favorite joke is based on a famous football player. I cant remember his name but he was quoted as saying " I love me some me" above all else love yourself. Because if you dont know how, no one else will either.
    ^well I certainly agree with you there..

    mental health is incredibly important and if you do love yourself, your in a great place emotionally
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Here is why I need fat acceptance:

    Bodies are ever-changing, wonderful creations.

    I am very fat. Super fat. And I am working to change that, as I’ve realized that over the years I turned to emotional binge eating as a way to deal with trauma.

    But here’s the thing, everyone who thinks that shaming will make people lose weight: It didn’t. At all.

    Every time someone told me I was worthless and too fat, I ate more. I didn’t think, “Oh, I’ll show them, I’m going to lose tons of weight!” My thought process was, “Well, they’re right. And that’s never going to change.”

    Hell, someone on a fitness forum once told me there was no point in losing weight because I’d wrecked my body forever.

    Accepting my body as it is now gives me the passion and drive to succeed. It what’s get me to the gym every day. What better thought it is to have than, “Hey, isn’t it amazing that my huge body can still do everything I need it to do?”

    Asserting that someone is worthless because of their size does not get them to the gym. Telling them that their body can do so much more if they want it to is a much better tactic.

    Just because I am fat and I exercise and diet does not make me any better than any other fat person. I am just using myself as an example to show how I have dealt with people calling me names and insulting me over the years.

    It wasn’t until I could truly love myself as I am now that I could accept that I could change and that I was worthy of the effort.

    Even if I lose a lot of weight, I will never really be skinny. Like that guy on the forums said, my body is changed forever. And that’s okay. What’s important is that I am comfortable in my own skin, and for me personally, that means losing weight. For others, it doesn’t.

    And that’s okay.

    I agree. I have an aunt that is overweight, she has been most of her life. She at one point lost close to 100 lbs when she was her happiest, she had a husband that loved her and accepted her for who she was when she was bigger, he respected her and put her on cloud 9, it was then and only then (At her happiest) that she had enough motivation to lose the weight.

    In order for someone to want to change for the better they have to have the motivation to do so. Someone that feels ashamed of themselves is not going to get up every morning and want to be a better person. In order to want to change for the better you have to be in a good place with yourself and love you for you as you are before you can change.
  • daviddjhonna
    As someone starting within 10 pounds of a healthy BMI (2 pounds away now!) and not at any immediate danger, I think this movement is nice in that it reminds that beauty and health are not always the magazine version of skinny. Curvy is okay too.

    While I definitely think that health should always be a priority, having some fat on your body does not mean you aren't.
    You are quite right. there are genetics involved as well. Healthy does not mean skinny , six pack, etc. It means healthy blood pressure, cholesteral count, keeping active, Curvy is no sin.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    As someone starting within 10 pounds of a healthy BMI (2 pounds away now!) and not at any immediate danger, I think this movement is nice in that it reminds that beauty and health are not always the magazine version of skinny. Curvy is okay too.

    While I definitely think that health should always be a priority, having some fat on your body does not mean you aren't.
    You are quite right. there are genetics involved as well. Healthy does not mean skinny , six pack, etc. It means healthy blood pressure, cholesteral count, keeping active, Curvy is no sin.

    curvy 'can' be sexy...

    confidence on the other hand...

    *mouth waters*

  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    The other irony to this whole conversation of fat pride is no one I think has mentioned you have to love yourself to give a crap enough about being healthy. When you don't care about yourself you don't see the point in doing anything to improve your situation. Therefore I think if "fat acceptance" focused on anti-bullying, loving yourself, and mental health I could rock with it.


    Mental health IS EXACTLY WHAT IT'S ABOUT! If you feel like you're a good person, have pride in yourself, accept your body for the body you have, THEN you can decide to take care of it. My body was invisible to me for a large portion of my life.

    I was taught nothing in school about nutrition. Nothing by my pediatrician. Nothing by my parents. You know what I thought about playing outside as a child? "Oh it's okay if I stay in my room reading a whole book in the afternoon because Mom is letting me." Now I'm an adult and learning things that I had to decide to learn about, now that I can ignore *kitten* who I know are wondering why I'm so fat. Being fat since childhood, I know better than anyone what shame does to a fat person. They feel like they are worthless their whole lives because society screams that at them, and I WANT TO SCREAAM BACK.

    Screaming at me does not help your cause. Also if you would have read the words in my first sentence without emotion "The other irony to this whole conversation of fat pride is no one I think has mentioned you have to love yourself to give a crap enough about being healthy". The words "I think" would denote I am not sure...words have meaning which is why I elected to type those two in my sentence. If you are aggravated about your or rather the situation a hand take it out on someone who doesn't give a crap and not trying to give some positive insight not someone who does.

    Thank you

    Yeah and if you had read posts other than ones agreeing with your own, you'd know you didn't have to write that sentence. Or your whole post.
    Your last sentence makes no sense.

    SMDH I give up and now I don't care
  • daviddjhonna
    thats not cool. - you should evaluate yourself more than if the opposite sex would bang you.... I could bang 24/7..sure... but the quality would be just eh or average.

    have some pride people...real pride.

    Start dressing classy - aka rock brands if you don't know how to dress - Americans are getting known as being sloppy.. we used to be leaders...

    Start being informed...American's have no idea about world events.. the drudge report should be viewed at least daily. - and I'm not even a republican

    Get out of debt- what da faq is with ppl and credit cards? get some self control!?

    Don't diet have a healthy lifestyle - once again, americans are way way to fat, and now want fat acceptance.. your polluting not only your own body but the images of what kids think they should look like..

    Make the gym a more frequent spot to visit then the pharmacy- antidepressents are used in America WAY to much.. along with all these other drugs that treat symptoms not problems.. the problem is people need a lifestyle change - which starts with what is being consumed.

    Get happy

    Smile Often

    Work Hard

    Play hard

    Have pride

    and above all else...

    celebrate once all the above is achieved.
    I dont judge me based on that I judge my outfit. I am into fifties style (thats irrelevant). You are right be able to look yourself in the face everyday and know that you can have pride in "who you are" , in how you treat others and in what you see in you personality. My favorite joke is based on a famous football player. I cant remember his name but he was quoted as saying " I love me some me" above all else love yourself. Because if you dont know how, no one else will either.
    ^well I certainly agree with you there..

    mental health is incredibly important and if you do love yourself, your in a great place emotionally
    I have achieved most of your list, except the smile part. My face kind of rests in a permanent frown. Not by choice, it just kind of happens. LOL,
    It took me years to finally love myself, even when I was 120 I thought " I hate my body!! I am so fat!" Now I am way bigger and love what I see. Because I learned to love me. Fat pride is just a way to help other people reach the milestone that I did, where you can look at yourself and not hate but love yourself. The name is only a name to identify their target audience.