what mean/thoughtless comment has been said to you before?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    Crikey, it's a minefield!

    I think us men need a whole new thread about how to answer their wife's questions!

    I'll start with an easy one:
    "Do you prefer my hair up or down?"

    I'm guessing that "Up" or "Down" are both wrong answers!

    I'd suggest you start by having your sarcasm meter serviced. :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    We haven't been face to face in months.
  • runningfastpumpingiron
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    Crikey, it's a minefield!

    I think us men need a whole new thread about how to answer their wife's questions!

    I'll start with an easy one:
    "Do you prefer my hair up or down?"

    I'm guessing that "Up" or "Down" are both wrong answers!

    Nahh, honestly I think us men, just need to stop dancing around stuff like this. If my girlfriends getting fat and asks me, I'm gonna tell her straight up. If she takes issue with that, there's 3 billion other women.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    My daughter poked me in the stomach today before our run and slowly said dooooonuuuts.
    I ran her into the ground, smiled and said weeeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkk.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    We haven't been face to face in months.

    Is this your way of telling us you've been doing it doggy style?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Nothing negative about my weight or body, but my husband's stepmother once told me I was pretty, so it was too bad I was also hearing impaired. Inference being, it wouldn't matter if I was hearing impaired if I was also ugly. WTF....

    That took me a while to get my head around. Was she saying that it was a shame to spoil your attractiveness by having a flaw somewhere else? Wow!
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Can i just put k-12 as an answer? jk lol People are rude and even now as adults most haven't grown up either.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    Crikey, it's a minefield!

    I think us men need a whole new thread about how to answer their wife's questions!

    I'll start with an easy one:
    "Do you prefer my hair up or down?"

    I'm guessing that "Up" or "Down" are both wrong answers!

    Nahh, honestly I think us men, just need to stop dancing around stuff like this. If my girlfriends getting fat and asks me, I'm gonna tell her straight up. If she takes issue with that, there's 3 billion other women.

    So just to confirm.... On a thread about thoughtless comments, you're essentially saying that if your girlfriend takes offence at something you say, she can pack her bags and go and you will move onto the next one?
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    I was emotionally abused by two family members for many years as a teenager, can't pick one out.

    A total stranger once said, when I said 'excuse me' to get through the door to a shop because he was stood in the doorway talking to a friend, 'I'm surprised she can fit through the door' to his friend.

    A number of years ago, I started going to a gym, and it was busy one night I was there so some people were having to wait, and I heard one slender woman say to another, pointing at me using the rowing machine she was waiting for, 'I don't know why she's bothering anyway'. Never been back to a gym since.

    And after an audition (I'm a singer), I was told 'you were the best audition we had all day, but our choreographer said she doesn't see how she could fit you in to her vision for the show'....even though I had emailed before I auditioned and said I'm a bigger girl (gave my clothes size even) and asked them to tell me if that would be a problem before I made the trip out to them to audition.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    We haven't been face to face in months.

    Is this your way of telling us you've been doing it doggy style?

    Reverse cowgirl!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    We haven't been face to face in months.

    Is this your way of telling us you've been doing it doggy style?

    Reverse cowgirl!

    I almost said that too!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    My daughter poked me in the stomach today before our run and slowly said dooooonuuuts.
    I ran her into the ground, smiled and said weeeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkk.

    Wait a minute, there's different rules about anything that could possibly be taken as a competitive event surely. trash talk is still allowed, right?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    We haven't been face to face in months.

    Is this your way of telling us you've been doing it doggy style?

    Alas, no, it means exactly what it sounds like.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    My boss said that my worksheet lacked proper documentation. I told her, I did not want to include 2+2 in the documentation. They said, I have an attitude problem.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    Crikey, it's a minefield!

    I think us men need a whole new thread about how to answer their wife's questions!

    I'll start with an easy one:
    "Do you prefer my hair up or down?"

    I'm guessing that "Up" or "Down" are both wrong answers!

    Nahh, honestly I think us men, just need to stop dancing around stuff like this. If my girlfriends getting fat and asks me, I'm gonna tell her straight up. If she takes issue with that, there's 3 billion other women.

    Oh to be 18 again.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    Several years ago I went to a doctor for back pain. I was shocked and surprised when the doctor told me I would keep having problems as long as I had "too much junk in my trunk" and I needed to lose weight to get relief from the back pain.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    You asked your husband a question and he answered honestly. I've never understood why women get so mad about this.

    Honesty is never the proper answer. Women are far too hysterical to be told the truth

    My husband knows better. I asked him when I was 49lbs heavier than I am now, "baby I'm just huge aren't i? Are you still attracted to me?" . He knew to pick his words wisely lol. In fact whatever I ask him he knows to think about his answer lol
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I asked my husband if I was getting fat and he said yes.

    I hope you divorced him immediately.

    Crikey, it's a minefield!

    I think us men need a whole new thread about how to answer their wife's questions!

    I'll start with an easy one:
    "Do you prefer my hair up or down?"

    I'm guessing that "Up" or "Down" are both wrong answers!

    Nahh, honestly I think us men, just need to stop dancing around stuff like this. If my girlfriends getting fat and asks me, I'm gonna tell her straight up. If she takes issue with that, there's 3 billion other women.

    Oh to be 18 again.

    If you're ruling yourself out of being his next girlfriend then you need to make it clear, because it already doesn't sound like all 3 billion 'other women' are going to be available to him
  • rebprest
    rebprest Posts: 149 Member
    I've got two! My normally sweet grandfather pinched my stomach fat when I was about 14 and told me I was getting a little chubby. I told him he wasn't exactly slender himself and laughed it off, but I still feel angry when I think about it. It's comforting to know he does it to normal-weighted cousins as well if they put on so much as 5 pounds.

    More recently, I work at a public library and a woman came up to the reference desk. She asked me for help making her resume and I replied that i would be happy to help her. Then she went on a long, unrelated rant about how easy it is to be healthy and thin and how overweight people are lazy and also stupid for not realizing the food they're eating is poison. I'm 260 lbs, so there is no way this is not intended for me, and the rant went on for 15 minutes. Eventually my skinny but junkfood-loving coworker saved me. I just smiled and nodded because that is part of my job, but really I wanted to say "I have a master's degree so I think I'm capable of realizing that Hohos aren't healthy, and you are not the first person to explain to me that vegetables are low calorie. I'm happy for you and your high metabolism, but since you actually need MY help, perhaps you'd like to be silent".
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    It goes both ways, too. Back in the day when I was thin and could eat anything I wanted without gaining an ounce, I would hear things like, "Ewwww, you are SO skinny! or "I hate you, skinny *****." And these were from friends or people I knew. Commenting on people's weights are inappropriate, unless doing so is out of legitimate concern - and out of earshot of a room full of people.

    I sincerely hope we can all find dignified ways of dealing with people who rudely comment on the way we look, because we are HERE, on MFP, to find a way to be healthier, look better, and live longer. Best of luck to you all!