

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Glad everything went well Katla. It sure is hard to be a Mom.

    Sylvia, sure wish your long awaited appointment went better. Hopefully the lab work will turn up something. I do agree though about the sodium. As a former cardiac nurse from 'the old days', I was trying to keep my sodium around 1500 Mg and found out I was eating to little sodium. My blood sodium is to low and it is extremely important in maintaining healthy body cellular growth and well being, especially the heart system. Also glad you are having the ultrasound. As far as him having his head in his computer all the time that's the way my neurologist is also. That's the way their office computer system is set up that they write up their findings as they are examining. Not that I am saying it is right but I do appreciate it if I know my doctor has his full attention on me. My B/P is still crazy all over the place. Not low anymore but high at times and then normal at others and I am not doing anything differently, medicine the same, activity the same. I doubt I will come away from my appointment with answers either, just prescriptions for lab and tests.

    I sure hope all of our new members can find us on the new page.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Katla...I am glad you and DH are home and all is well. Sending good thoughts your way.

    Sylvia...the last couple of visits to my doctor, he was using the computer. I asked him this last time if it made things easier for him. He said no. It's a lot more work for him and he hates it. What I did like about it is that he knew what i had been telling him last time, and not tried to find in my file what he had last written (he probably can not read his own handwriting either). The other thing I liked is that I can actually read what he prescribes. I switched doctors before for reasons you describe.

    I am starting to feel better. My throat is healing, finally.

    Good night all.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Renny, that's exactly the reason my doctor said she liked using the computer. She used to have my huge file in front of her and she would have to search for a note, xray, consult, lab, whatever and now it is just a click of a button. But she said there were drawbacks. I knew not to ask. It was office politics which I knew she didn't like. BTW, both of my main doctors have impecable handwriting! One reason why I chose them. Perks of being an RN in a hospital where I worked with them. Sometimes I didn't like the way my neurologist treated us nurses but I loved her bedside manner. My family doc was good all around, Not a thing wrong with him anywhere. I have been with him since the day when he got out of residency. I have gone with him though the birth of his fist child, watching the son grow up, watch the tolls of the medical practice take away his marriage and the pride he has for his son.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Quick pop in
    Katla - glad things went well!:flowerforyou:

    Suzy - I had a hysterectomy at 48 and it was the best thing I ever did!:flowerforyou:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later - I'll try to catch up with you all tonight

    Viv (aka Wizzy) :heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    I am up but bleary eyed,
    yesterday we were so busy at work I didnt get out until almost 6:30 last night..
    Homer has quite a few infected teeth but will not have surgery until July 10th, I have to call and find out if we can get antibiotics and pain meds for him while we are on vacation...
    the girls fly tonight and will get here tomorrow morning around 1 am,today and the next few days are going to be hectic.
    to say I am stressed is an understatement..
    my DB is staying up in new hampshire the rest of the week and Jean has to work, so on top of everything else. I have to go every day and make sure I make Faiths protien drink and get her insulin in her...I cant stay there all day like Sean does I work 10:30 to 6 tonight, and then somehow have to get a few hours a sleep ,before I pick up the girls. tomorrow as soon as I get them home and settled which I think will be around 2 am or so, I have to go grocery shopping,and bring it home..,put it away, pack the suitcase, go up take care of faith,then go get my haircut.. then come home and and mow the lawn,and start packing the car..
    Now I got maybe 3 hrs sleep last night, and if I get 3 later today that will be about it..
    I dont know how I will be able to get Faith her insulin on friday because we plan on leaving around 8 am
    dont know if I will be able to check in as we wont have internet service all week, so I will have to write everything down and wont be able to sync my fit bit.unless we are out somewhere with wifi
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of the deep water. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD. I honestly don't really care for Jillian Michael's videos. I just don't respond well to someone constantly yelling in my ear. Plus, she always has 20 and 30-somethings doing her videos, I like to see 40 and 50-somethings

    Afterwards, senior bowling. Got my carrots all cut up and my water ready to take with me.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Sylvia - I believe it was Dr. Weil who said that the only studying he got in nutition in med school was a few days. Doctors don't know much at all about nutrition. Don't let your doc get you down

    Carol in Monroe - congrats on the weight loss. Enjoy that movie! (just keep way from the buttered popcorn -- air popped is OK)

    Kim - yup, I'm on maintenance. To be honest, there are times when I go up a bit too much (like around the holidays) but that weight seems to come right off. But this maintenance weight -- forget it. It just loves me. This group is awesome for weight loss tips. How can ANY jacket be an emergency in June? When I have something to give the gal who does alterations for me (like right now I gave her a pair of pants that need to be taken in a bit), there are lots of times when I give it to her at the end of the season (like I gave her those pants in around April) and tell her that I don't need them until the start of the new season (like I told her I really didn't need the pants until September). This way she can work in into her schedule

    Meg - congrats on the awesome A1C. Oh, no, lost food. I'd really be in a bind if I lost all the food in my freezer. I enjoy tweaking recipes to get the calories, etc. lower. To me, this is a challenge. Do you REALLY think Bryan handles his emails? I'm lucky to get an email from him every few months. Lots of times he doesn't even answer any of my questions. No, didn't get a phone number from him. But did get his address. Maybe it's because last time Diana sent it to Denise and it wasn't exactly right so we had to modify it. I don't know.

    katla - so glad son is home

    You know, my eye MD and general MD both use computers all the time, and I honestly don't remember either of them constantly looking at the computer.

    Going to post this to mark my spot

    Michele in NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good morning to all,
    Another day at work. Tomorrow I will be here then Friday I'll be off for the birth of my new granddaughter. DD goes in Friday and I will have the other two kids while she is in the hospital. Her husband will stay with her, none of our family stays in the hospital alone.
    I've gained back the couple of pounds I lost and need to do better. I'm disappointed in myself because I know better and because I keep letting this job beat me. I know I'm going to have to find a way to change things or accept them, but I can't continue to let them beat me down and give me excuses to eat and go home and veg on the couch.
    I have a sister who's life has not turned out like she wanted it to, she has been very bitter and vocal about it and has felt sorry for herself, expecting others to feel sorry for her as well. She has not been pleasant to be around. At one time she said to me " Why would I want to help you plan an event that I've never gotten to have for myself". Point is, I don't want to turn into that person, I don't want to live a life that makes me listless and bitter when I know I have it in me to change it. It's scary and I could lose everything materialistic that I have, but right now I'm sacrificing me for these things and they are not bringing me any joy or self satisfaction. I just feel like I'm withering away.
    Sorry, I can't believe I let all that out. But I feel better, I still don't know how to make the changes I want to make and I have to be honest, I wish there was someone in my life to share life with, but I don't think that will happen either until I find my true self.

    Thanks for listening, here is wishing all a healthy and wonderful day.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Had my wallet stolen yesterday. What a drag. Most everything is taken care of except for all the online changing accounts when I get new plastic. Only took an hour to get a new driver's license (don't even have a car).

    So, today... Locking the gate after the cows got out - looking for identity insurance. ;-)

    I love my bank - HSBC. They can be a pita, but they were right on time with getting this in the works.

    Hope everyone's better than me. lol
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Gail, metro ATL
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I have been reading your post and sitting here pondering. I am not sure anything I can say will help but you must know we are very similar. You are not alone in any of your circumstances or feelings.
    First of all congratulations on the birth of the baby. These are the great things in life. This gives us hope.
    Don't beat yourself up over the weight gain, just get back to it. I have fallen off the wagon and it's backed up several times and run me over. That's why I am here.
    You are special, you are valued and you deserve all you want and need in life. Your job does not define you, nor does it love you. It's a job. When your day is unbearable, remember why you are there. To survive financially. We are older and the thought of changing jobs is scary but you can do that if you think that is an option. If not, try getting involved in the evening. Exercise classes are an option. I used to go to the gym right from work. It does a couple of things.
    Gives you community
    Gets you moving!
    Keeps those lag hours to a minimum
    Helps you sleep

    Your sister....do we come from the same family? All I know is that I am not responsible for others happiness. When they are bitter and lash out I remember this. It keeps me sane. ( most of the time).

    You are right.....work on yourself and how you feel about yourself and relationships will find you.
    Keep in touch!
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Sorry, Patty from Cincinnati that last post was for you. I am new at this blogging thing.
    Glad to be here girls!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    juanita in sudbury
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good morning!

    Late for work ... But I set my own hours so I'm going to post anyways!

    Sylvia ... The doctor was wrong to not congratulate and support your weight loss efforts. How many patients does he see that show such a significant loss?? Nutrition seems to be the last thing today's doctors look at ... Which is ridiculous. At the least, if he thought something was unsustainable, he should have given specifics on what he would have you change ... And the reasons why. Oh silly me ... Like that would happen in your allotted 15 minutes!!

    Patty ... Venting is absolutely necessary. When the trash can gets full, it needs emptied. As another poster said ... You are definitely worth it. Hugs!

    Today I am recommitting to this health journey. Logging everything and getting back to regular exercise. My ticker has been stuck in one spot for too long!

    Have a great day ladies!
    Beth in WNY.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump from the water park in the Wisconsin Dells. Still having fun!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    My dr appointment went well yesterday. Since I didn't work out I went over calories by a little. Doing more treadmill today to make up for it. Our new dishwasher will go in today. This makes the kitchen makeover complete. The installer just called and said they will be here in a few hours so I have to get moving. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.


    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Good morning everyone from still sunny and dry Hampshire UK. :grumble: :laugh:

    Jaqueline47 - what a pain! I have had my purse stolen twice a long time ago and it is such a drag. It would take me forever to get stuff sorted out. Once I had my second son's umbilical cord in my wallet which was stolen. Never be able to replace that! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Sylvia - our docs are just the same, they just grunt when you tell them how much you've lost. Their only excuse is that 95% of people put it back on again......... I long ago gave up expecting GPs to know anything. Like you I do my own research and tell them.:laugh: The leg man I went to at the hospital at least managed to look at me and have a conversation. As I left the room he dictated into the computer. Quite clever I thought.
    We have lots of 'maintainers' on here, so we have managed to beat the odds!

    Had the most delicious lunch today of the beets DH brought me as a sign of his love :love: with quinoa and salad bits. HUGE salad bowl serving for 400 cals.:bigsmile:
    Kim - yes, I think he must be 'sweet on me'.:blushing: When I told him you'd said that he said, "Greater love hath no man .......". I think he meant, than to buy the hated beets for his darling wife!:laugh:
    Tonight local trout, hot oak smoked, with home grown chard, garlic and scallions, with philly and creme fraiche light and a squeeze of lemon and lemon zest. DH has his with tagliatelli, I with shiritaki noodles.
    Any newbies who don't know them, shiritaki noodles are virtually calorie free noodles made from a kind of yam. I eat them a lot. I order them from Amazon. They are a bit rubbery, but you get used to the texture and I always rinse and dry fry them. They save at least 200 cals a meal.:bigsmile:

    Trying to organise visits from people. DSIL rang today to ask us to go up to a bbq next Sunday, but we are babysitting in London. Then she's on holiday. :ohwell: My brother is proving elusive and his wife didn't answer my last text, so don't know what's going on there. :ohwell: Another friend isn't answering emails, which is usually a sign she's depressed. I wanted to see her while we are up in London. Oh well. It's probably not me (Barbie - I know I shouldn't take things personally) but sometimes I wonder ..............:tongue:

    Love to all who are struggling and have a lot on their plates.:flowerforyou: So many of you do so much for others.:flowerforyou: Do look after number One - YOU! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Katla you deserve a good rest after all you went through:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia I agree with Barbie in that Doctors are not very well trained in nutrition and weight loss. When I go they seem to focus on what test I do not have and minor things that are wrong. They forget to tell me all the things I do right like eating my fruits and veggies and exercising everyday.

    I have a friend who has Meniere's disease. She has to be on a low sodium diet because of it. She too found if she went too low it caused her problems too. She aims for around 1500 mg a day too. Salt is hidden in many foods too. She keeps that in mind when she eats.

    Didn’t get to hosta moving yesterday. My aunt wanted to get some brick work done first. Hosta is tough and moves pretty well most anytime. I agree fall would be ideal because then they wiil come up in the spring where you wan them. I like to take off pieces in the spring. She wants to move whole plants. They are just tough to dig out. I am taking my heavy duty shovel to help.

    Have a blessed day one and all.

    Today continue to work in the garden to get ready for the family party.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies

    It is hot and muggy here in Delaware. Didn’t get myself out of bed early enough for a pre-work workout, so will have to budget some time after I get home to get my steps/miles in.

    :smile: Michele – glad you got a note from Bryan, hopefully he maintains contact.
    :smile: Meg, Heather & Sylvia – thanks for the input on fibroids, that is just my self-diagnosis, still waiting to hear back from the doctor. If I don’t hear from him by Friday, I’m going to call and see what he has to say. I am getting a bit anxious.
    :smile: Jacqueline – so sorry to hear about your wallet getting stolen.

    Have a nice hump day!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning to all my vitamin F community......this is the start of another wonderful day......I start my day with a gratitude list to get my mind focused on all the things that are right with my life....the dogs and I had a great walk followed by a short visit with my hubby while I brushed Bernie, the cat.....now I'm off to the most difficult line dance class of the week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington