

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues!!
    Another Violet day!!
    She`s been busy with her aunt today.
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I feel new every time I post on here, maybe it’s because I only post every week or so! LOL! I find it hard to keep up with this busy group, but really enjoy reading the posts when I get a chance.
    Cynthia: I had never heard of Fitbit till I started reading the posts here and I checked out the article it was funny! I think I might try one…are they helpful? I have a pedometer but don’t find it very accurate.
    Yet again I have had a bad week just can’t seem to get back on track at all. It is no body’s fault but my own. I am waiting for knee surgery but really don’t want the call till I lose some weight.
    My sister (who does not have a weight issue) recently purchased one of those blenders for making drinks from raw vegetables, fruit etc. She is trying to get more vitamins, minerals and nutrition daily. Her husband is like mine and does not eat any real amount of vegetables but I tasted one of the drinks she made the other day and I think my husband would like it and it would be a good way for him and myself) to get some more vegetables. Even if we drank one per day I think it would be good for us. Has anyone here had any experience with these?
    Well, I must go drink some water.

    Cathy in NS
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Tuesday! It was weigh in this morning and down 1.5 pounds.:happy: Glad as have been working at it. I did figure out how to connect my fitbit and MFP. My fitbit is also connected to my wellness account at work for my insurance. Feel like everyone is watching me now. Thanks Vi for the help.

    Brenda--hugs to you and DH. You can talk about it all you want and need. That is what we are here for.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Joyce--please call your doctor and get checked out. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in Monroe--Don't let anyone tell you how to feel. This is your grief and only you know how you feel. I lost my dad on March 27th and I have my days when I think about him alot and the last 6 months he was sick. Hugs to you.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Dora. Come back often and get to know us and let us know you.

    Barb Welcome--One thing I have learned is this is a lifestyle change. One day at a time, Come back often.

    Dh got to looking at the apple tree and the other side is cracked so the whole thing has to come down. We are both off this coming weekend so I think part of it will be spent in yard work. There is another tree I would like to take down as it makes such a mess.

    Katla--Prayers for DS and all of you as you go thru this recovery from surgery.:flowerforyou:

    Bj--congrates on your walking program. Every step counts:drinker: .

    Rita--Hugs hope things get better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Meg--Hugs:flowerforyou: .

    Patty--sure hope they have found your friend. How scary!! Sending prayers to them and you. update-just read she was found. Praise the Lord!!:happy:

    Cynthia--Good news about the bike stress test. Thanks for sharing the fitbit story. enjoied it.:flowerforyou:

    I called the Hastings Book store and they are ordering me the book SWSY so looking forward to getting some toning going on.

    Suzy--you have been a busy lady, hope you get all the results and they are good or easily fixed.
    Well ladies I hope you all have a good rest of the day. This evening DH and I are going out for supper to celebrate the friends birthday. Hope to be home early so can walk the dogs before bed. They do enjoy it and I am getting my steps.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Bump to mark my place.

    Rita from CT
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, I still grieve my Dad and he died in 1998. I remember several years back, well maybe more than several since it wasn't long after my near 13 year old grand daughter was born, I was singing in the choir. We were singing one of the old great hymns of our faith and all of a sudden I started tearing up and I had to leave the choir. It was quite traumatizing for me at first because we were singing and I have to leave in a fit of tears. When I was finally able to sit and figure out what was wrong it was because my wonderful little grand daughter had been born and I knew my Dad would never be able to hold her and I knew that she would never be able to know his love. He loved children. My Mom always opened up a pre-school program in the church he pastored at and he was always know as Grandpa to those precious children. I don't think that a person is ever 'done' with grief. It's a continuing process. It helps mold who you are by how you deal with it. I truly believe that all emotions are a gift from God. It's how you deal with that emotion that builds your character and who you are. So grieve on!

    Rainy weather here but around Indianapolis they had a small tornado so I'll just take our rain.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Katla - hoping DS' s surgery goes well:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Forgot to say that DH actually rang the travel company on Friday and they are sending us two itineraries to have a look at. This is the guy, Jono, who was on the radio talking about hitchhiking. I haven't hitchhiked since I was 18, but that time got all the way up to Sheffield in the North. We won't be hitchhiking or backpacking on holiday :laugh: . They have emailed us, but I like to see the ideas in hard copy which will arrive tomorrow. I am just relieved that DH is even considering another long haul holiday. Earlier this year any mention of it reduced him to jelly. This is someone who used to travel all over the world for work, but his anxiety just got too great. I too get very nervous, especially as the date approaches, but it is not disabling so I can put up with it, knowing that I will love it when I am there. Life is too short to let a few nerves stop you.:tongue:

    Hoping I will get the rest of my ex DMIL's legacy to me to pay for it. I might have to ring the solicitor to see where they are with that. The first bit of the legacy paid for my trip to NYC in September. I am sure she would be very happy to know it is being put to good use.:laugh:

    Love to all. Heather in slowly darkening and cooling Hampshire UK:love:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I am again without sleep and getting discouraged. I backed out of taking the Ambien last night but will have no choice tonight--I have to get some rest!

    Got a passive-aggressive reprimand from the guy I work with at job #1. He is concerned that I might get paid for a minute that I'm not in the office! This is from a guy who wanders in and out at will and usually doesn't even show up for the day until nearly 10 a.m. I know he gets his work done, but so do I! I end up using a lot of my vacation time to take my son to the doctor and he uses his to go on vacation. His wife has been receiving radiation treatments as insurance that all of the cancer was removed with a lumpectomy earlier this year. The congregation has been providing their meals during this time, which is a wonderful thing to do, but they just accept stuff like that as being their "due" while most other folks just muddle through and do the best they can. This is the same guy that I texted to let know that my daughter was in the ER for appendicitis and he never checked back with me at any point to see if she had surgery. The pastors at the other job were upset that I had not called them (I was texting the secretary) because they would have come to the hospital to support me. What an attitude difference!!! (I didn't want any of them there but the first guy has know my daughter since she was four and the other folks barely know what she looks like!) Sorry! Rant done...

    I has a bit of rough Saturday. I was on my way to get the oil changed in my car when my check engine light came on. Three hundred fifty dollars later, I had a new oxygen sensor and received the news that my air conditioner was not healthy. I do not have the money to get a new car and it's too blooming hot here to try to commute to work with no A/C. My daughter pulled a crappy attitude with me. She wanted me to feed her and I was busy running here, there, and yonder so I went through the McDonald's drive-thru. She didn't want McDonald's! I finally told her that beggars can't be choosers and to either eat what she was offered or get her own! However, I did get rid of a car load of "stuff'" at Goodwill, finished my daughter's little "sting" operation (got to drive way out in the country and it was beautiful and relaxing), and my son came home from his mission trip.

    On Sunday, I picked up my handyman and ran by Lowe's to buy more trim paint before church. During worship, the kids from the mission trip spoke and my son again proved himself to be articulate and made the congregation (and pastor) cry again. I found out from one of the counselors that she was incredibly impressed that he had found his own scripture (the little bit the other kids used came from their devotion book for the week) through his personal nightly reading and then related it to the work he had done during the week. Even his sister was impressed! Then the three of us went out for a nice lunch together (very unusual-they usually fight!). Then I took the handyman to Wal-Mart before I took him home. I ran errands for a bit then got to spend two hours with my male best friend. He shared a portion of the book he is writing and we talked a lot. That was a wonderful unexpected gift. It made me late to a work meeting, but the time we were spending together was more important and I got there in plenty of time to answer their questions. Besides, I hate giving up my time on Sunday to work!

    Yesterday, I worked until 7 p.m. to make up for the hour I missed taking my son to the pediatrician. As soon as I got home, I turned right around and went back out to get lawnmower gas. I finally got my dinner around 8:30 p.m., scraped some paint from the windows on my front doors, vacuumed, and pre-packed my food for today. Then I proceeded to sleep about 15 minutes twice. Sometime after 5 a.m., I went to sleep and got in an hour or so before the alarm went off. I'm a wee bit tired. The anxiety/panic attacks were prevalent last night, too. Tonight, I have a meeting at church. I'm torn between hoping I get to go out drinking with the boys afterwards or just coming on home and moving furniture and hanging pictures until I collapse.

    There have been a couple of ladies here --drkatiebug for one-- who have made a point to re-commit to the weight loss journey. I have been slacking for the past month and put on about 5 pounds but have decided that, although I can control very little of what is going on in my life, I CAN control what goes into my mouth and that I need to get back on track. Even if I don't ever get any lighter than I was before, I will NOT gain back what I've lost. Stress eating is my enemy right now! Yesterday was a great day for eating, though, and I actually needed to eat more before I went to bed to get in at least 1200 calories. I very much enjoyed my bedtime ice cream! (Breyer's has a new no-sugar added Salted Caramel flavor that is awesome!!)

    I am going to finish up a couple of things here at work and then I am going to go on to church for my meeting and walk laps in the sanctuary until it's time to start.

    Have a great evening!

    Carol in warm and humid NC
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    Oh my Gosh this just made me happy! I posted a blog yesterday "Menopause ...screw you" and even though I knew some of my friends are 50 years + young...I didn't know there are that many :-)

    How wonderful is that....amazing!

    I am 52 years young and hitting menopause put me in a roller coaster. I gained weight, just by looking at food. I didn't change a thing but the scale started climbing up and up. Then I decided to give up smoking and well I gained more and felt so miserable, so I came here to MFP.

    As I said yesterday "Menopause...screw you" I am having a good time here and I hope everybody else does too :-)

    Hope I am welcome here!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening!

    Have also been following soccer games; that tie for the US was a real heartbreaker the other day. On a bright note, I've "inherited" 2pr. of capri length yoga pants from DD...........one is not anywhere close to new, but I'm not picky. On an even brighter note
    my back is WAY better; have begged off tai chi and yoga this evening just for some extra healing insurance; or I would be there right now.

    Patty............I was so happy to read that your client was found in NYC!!!

    Katla............Fingers crossed for DS's surgery to be uneventful and for fast and complete healing.

    Barbie...........I will also use the line dance info and pass on to friends..........a very big thanks!

    Michele...........My heart cries for you; I sincerely hope Bryan comes around and renews his relationship. I know you are in terrible pain. Can you get any second info from your girls?

    Kyak_Kutie...........When I do corn in the mic, I clean it, wrap in a wet paper towel and nuke 3min. I know some put the whole thing in uncleaned, but the thought of cooking one of those corn worms puts me off from ever doing that.

    Cynthia...............Super YAY on your fitness level; that's REALLY something to celebrate!!!

    Vicki..........I remember losing a pear tree to a hurricaine when I was little; my mom was so upset, I think she mourned that tree for years.

    Pam...............YAY for those extra calories............what a nice surprise!

    Margaret...........I read that the optimal time to transplant hosta is fall............I don't remember why, or if that would apply to your area...........Actually most of that is pretty hardy so good luck.

    cyclingbonnie.........It's completely understandable that you would have a huge hole in your lives from the loss of your mother-in-law..........Time, time, time helps.

    Lovely evening here,
    yanniejannie, mid-Atlantic

    PS..... added......Carol..........Wishing you all the strength, calmness, and serenity you need to get through all that is going on in your life.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    It's been a very long day, but after a two hour delay past my appointment time, I finally got in to see the new cardiologist. He seems nice enough, but he's SO young! They must be teaching medicine in nursery school. He was not impressed with my weight loss plan, saying that it is unsustainable. He all but guaranteed that I would gain it all back. He insists that the mediterranian diet is the only way to go. I said I am allergic to fish and he said to substitute chicken, turkey and pork. And when I told him that I was concerned that I was getting too little sodium, getting about 500mg per day, he said that wasn't even possible and kind of blew it off. I never did get a straight answer on the salt. He doesn't know how hard I work at getting as little as possible. Hubby was sitting right there and said it was true, but it didn't register.

    He agreed that my meds are screwy, and took me off the metroprolol, which I read online is often the culprit when it comes to too low BP. So, I was pretty happy about that. He wants me to monitor my BP for a month after stopping it and fax him the results. Then he'll decide if we need to stop anything else. I have to go in next week to get an ultrasound of the heart and a bunch of blood tests.

    I asked about starting jogging but he said to wait till I lose more of the weight. Because of the impact on my joints. He said just continue with my walking and weights.

    One gripe I had was that this kid was sitting there typing into a computer the whole time. How can he be listening to me when he's typing so furiously? The other cardiologist did that too. GRRR!

    So, after we left the hospital we went to eat and I looked up the mediterranian diet on my ipad, and found that the way I'm cooking now pretty much IS the mediterranian diet! Even substituting chicken for fish because of my allergy. Mostly fruits and vegetables. Lean protein. Olive oil. Yep.

    We stopped at a Food 4 Less and bought a bag of sweet cherries. Those are my weakness. They were mostly gone by the time we got home. So yummy!

    Joyce, are you on Metroporlol?

    Time to walk before it gets dark. I hope you are all having a great evening!

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    looks like I am not the only one who CAME BACK to MFP. I found an app on my iphone that connects to MFP I have a sit down job, and not much walking so It seems like I would need to walk 24 hours to get to 10,000 steps. I try walking in place from desk, but definitely need to figure something out.
    Tried Kale chips for dinner, interesting things :)

    Keep up the good work ladies

    Sherry SO CA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did an hour of a treadmill workout today. It involved different inclines and speeds. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Joyce - thanks for the smile "sprinting"

    Alison - sure hope you don't have to take Homer to the vet, but if you do, it's probably for the best

    Bonnie - glad to hear you're moving forward

    Cynthia - glad the bike stress test was fine! Woohoo on your fitness!

    margaret - when we first (last year) started on the riverrock, I bought these pretty expensive gloves. They didn't last all that long. I've found that the absolute best ones are like $5 for 3 pairs. They last and last and when they finally hit the dust, you don't feel bad throwing them in the garbage. Whenever I'm outside, I always take my 54oz bubba mug with me filled with water, and I usually drink it all! How nice of you to help your aunt!

    Suzy in DE - I'm the only one who eats oatmeal raisin cookies, too. But I remember making them a while ago and one of the gals who is going to cohost the pool social with us liked them. I made them so that I'd have them for when we get together (really, an excuse to go in the spa) and discuss what we're going to do. Boy, you sure have been busy with doctors!

    Cathy - I had never heard of a fitbit, either, until I came here. I do wish it did more than count steps, it would be nice if it was a heart rate monitor, don't know if it has a clock built into it, doubt it counts down time for intervals. Well, for me I'll just wait to see what new improvements they make.

    Vicki - there is this one tree by our garage that I really don't like. It's a crepe myrtle. If it was someplace else, I probably wouldn't mind so much. But after the long, dreary winter, I want to drive up to the garage and see a sign of spring. Something like a bradford pear, but I know that that's not a good place for a bradford pear.

    Joyce - you're right, no one is "done" with grief. My mother has been dead 50 years and I still grieve her even tho I hardly remember her.

    Carol in NC - you must be so so proud of your son. You're so busy, I don't know where you would find the time to eat -- much less eat too much

    Becre8tive - first off, welcome. Love the pic of the butterfly. I hear ya, menopause stinks at times.

    yaniejannie - so glad your back is better. At one point Jessica was talking to Bryan but she basically has told him "why are you being such a d***head (MFP is going to sensor that so I'll spare them the trouble)? She told him that she really doesn't like the way he's treating us. Basically, he's told her "you're wrong and I'm right" She hasn't talked to him in about a year. So I don't hear anything from her. She did say that he made a post on facebook but it was in Spanish or French so she didn't really understand it. Denise hasn't been in touch with him, either. He "unfriended" me from facebook

    Went to exercise, then WalMart for a few things, then home. I was about to go out and start mowing the lawn, but it started drizzling, then rained harder. Needless to say, the grass didn't get cut. Weird day...it would rain, then the sun would come out. Took Lexi to the vet for her blood work and x-ray for her treatment. Then came home and went in the pool, had dinner

    Gotta share.....a miracle has occurred. I got an email from Bryan....and he even gave me his address!!!! At least I know he's still alive. I asked him to send me a listing of the sizes he and Diana wear so I can send them something, don't know if that'll happen

    I marinated some chicken breasts earlier. The recipe says to grill them, but it is so hot here that I'm trying putting them in the oven.

    Sylvia - ALL doctors seem sooo young!!! Why would he put down your weight loss plan? Doesn't seem logical to me at all.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I'm not sure that doctors are the best people to advise you on an eating plan beyond the obvious.....if what you are doing is working, keep at it.......I looked to see your food diary but it's not open.....I was curious about how you were able to keep sodium so low......that could be the culprit in your low blood pressure....some sodium is necessary for good health

    :flowerforyou: my new job chart helped me remember to do yoga today and to brush the dogs' teeth...one day at a time.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    19,000 steps today :bigsmile: and early to bed:yawn: :yawn:
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Saving for later :tongue: :heart:


    You ladles are AWESOME ! I so appreciate all of you !!! Tonight I celebrated another loss of weight and me and hubby are watching the new movie out, Three Days to Kill with my heart throb...Kevin Costner...so will catch up tomo.

    hugs and kisses !!!

    Carol in Monroe
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Carol thinking of you and all the stress. It sounds like it is effecting your sleep which makes your stress worse. Also not getting enough makes it more difficult to lose weight. I hope rather than take on more projects you say no and take that time to take care of you. Let the world take care of itself for a while. It worries me that you are working yourself into exhaustion to sleep. Your health comes first. Take care.

    I also remember what a friend said to me during a particularly stressful time. She said in an airplane emergency you put the oxygen on you first before you try to help anyone else. You cannot save anyone else until you save yourself first. It is not selfish.

    May you have restful sleep tonight:yawn:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Patty – so glad Viv was found safe and sound!! I have heard that there are bracelets with GPS for folks who are known to wander away. I would be scared to be out over night in NYC—I can only imagine how frantic her family was.

    Jen in NY – love the idea of a group in your pool doing aqua zumba:laugh:

    Eileen – years ago visited the Dells, very pretty area

    Michelle – the brand of pedometer is sport line, just a $19 version… I knew I needed some cheapy to get me through…. I log my exercise, keeps me honest, but try to eat back under 10%... really depends on how hungry I am… but that is the joy of MFP it can be tweeked to each of our needs… You are on maintenance right?

    Alison – oh dear – you don’t need another thing!

    Bonnie – grieving takes it’s own good time, and sometimes it catches us just when we don’t expect it. Don’t beat yourself up! Do what you need to, to take care of you and it will all fall together.

    Cynthia – I read somewhere that planning a wedding is in the top 10 of stressors; I know you are not doing that BUT my point was a good thing/fun thing can be stressful too… take care! Glad everything turned out so well and you are so fit!

    Heather - from what you have said DH is sweet on you… With a great figure like yours the yoga folks were too busy drooling to tut!

    Suzy – hope all the Dr. results are good.

    Vicki – congrats on releasing the weight!:happy:

    Carol – I wish you could give up job #1 for job #3 the teaching/lecturing gig…:happy: :happy:
    Syliva – What a jerk - how can 108 lbs be blown off!! Grrr…. He needs some time under his belt to fix his bedside manner… I do know that now adays the Docs are taking all their notes on the computer…

    another long day, 9,076 steps just at camp and did an hour dog walk before that....Got an "emergency" call about some embroidery - How exactly can a wool and leather jacket be an emergency in June :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: but said I'd do my best to get it done tonight... better go do my best!

    smiles Kim in N. California
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. Got my A1C drawn today and it was 5.9%. That’s three in a row (actually all of them) that have been under 6%! I’m very pleased because I had some higher readings this quarter and it was definitely hard with the last 8 weeks of work.

    Went to work after the blood draw and didn’t get much done; had to leave after just a couple of hours to do diabetes screening at the Humane Society. I got there early so I went in and looked at all the dogs and cats in the main area. Some photographer got me to help her photograph the dogs. They’d take one outside and I’d stand behind the photographer and jump around, call the dog, make noises, all so the dog would look at me with ears perky and eyes wide open. It was pretty fun.
    Then I came home to a freezer door that was standing open and most of the food ruined! GAAAA

    DrKatie: maybe they should stand outside and pee!

    Patty: omgosh! How scary! I will be praying for Viv’s safe return

    Gloria; kids are funny that way, aren’t they?

    Katla: I think lunching in Co will work out. I’m excited about it! Yeah, that’s a lot of rain!!!

    Kim: I’m with you about food; I find it a challenge to take recipes and tweak them to be lower fat and lower carb.

    Sylvia: wow what a step total! You know that would be just like me to have someone peeing outside a window. You know I’m afraid we will run into bears while camping and keep seeing pictures of attacking bears…well today I opened the AARP magazine to guess what? A story on surviving a bear attack! OMG

    Jen: I say turn up the music and zumba away in your pool!

    Eileen enjoy what’s left of your vacation

    Sparkle: are you drinking enough water? The more fiber you eat, the more water you need

    Patty: OMG so glad Viv was found safe and sound. Holy cats what a scare

    Barbie: you get so much activity in it’s amazing

    Michele: so sorry your are still hurting about Bryan. That’s awful to not give you a phone number or address; does he answer his emails? I think a son should be a son for the rest of his life too! (((hugs)))

    Alison: wow does it never end? Poor Homer. Benny Beagle sends his best

    Cyclingbonnie: be kind to yourself. That is quite a change for you and undoubtedly causing great stress. You’ll be able to get back on track

    Cynthia: good news on the stress test. Splash guards OMG

    Colorado Ladies who Lunch: apparently splash guards are in order LOL

    BJmcq: no sun yet…still cloudy can you send some?

    Heather: I bet you rock that lycra!

    Suzy: yes fibroids can cause excessive bleeding; hope all your results are positive!

    Cathy: no; no veggie smoothies here; I can’t even look at them LOL

    Vicki: I hope you have dried out over there!

    Carol: wow what a stressful day. Sending you hugs!!!

    Becre8ive: welcome aboard!

    Yanniejannie: great news that your back is better

    Sylvia: that doctor kind of sounds like a twit! Typing away is one of my pet peeves; everyone has their computers now and when
    the nurses or doctors come in your room they never even make eye contact they are so busy on the keyboard. You could have a 10-foot anaconda wrapped around your neck and they wouldn’t notice. I really rag on my students about that. They get sent out of the patient’s room if I see that.

    Michele (later) so glad Bryan sent you an email with the address and phone number. What a relief!

    Well gals, it’s time to head to bed. Weigh in day tomorrow; I hope to be down….I have worked really hard this week. Take care all Meg from Omaha
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    we had some for a few wonderful days, but had raging thunderstorms today! Will send some as soon as the weather cooperates...
    and funny, we get our weather here from the mid-West most of the year!

    Glad your results are down and doing well!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Suzy, I hope you have good news about your issues. I had fibroids in my late 30's and 40's, and it was miserable. Pain and gushing blood. I wound up having a myomectomy, where they removed two fibroids the size of canteloupes, two grapefruits and a fruit basket full of other sizes. They grew back in a few years and then I had a Uterine Artery Embolization, where they injected tiny plastic pellets into the artery that feeds blood to the fibroids, and the theory is that they shrink and go away. It sort of worked. I still have a few small ones but they don't give me any trouble anymore. At the time I was still hoping to get pregnant again, so wanted to preserve my parts, but that never happened. The uterus was too damaged. If I had it to do over again I would just do a hysterectomy and be done with it.

    Meg, good news on your A1C! Bad news about the freezer! I don't think anybody in that office made eye contact with me.

    Kim, sometimes I have emergency requests for drafting projects and I stay up all night to get them done and it turns out the sales rep doesn't even look at it till days later. I assume you have a fancy computerized machine? Those things look like fun.

    Goodnight all.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for all of your kind words of support. We're home after a day sent at the hospital. DS is home, too. I can hardly believe it. He sees to be doing reasonably well and is now taking a nap. :heart: :bigsmile: I'm about to head for bed. It has been a long day of sitting around waiting for things to happen and I am tired.:yawn: So is everyone else except the dog.:flowerforyou: