NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • SharonDelorey
    Day 14 down, 16 to go! It wasn't so bad today, but I was a little shaky cause I went for a 8km walk before doing the video
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 12 done! Almost half way there.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I am 5'5 aprox and i burn about 210-226 cal according to my HRM some days are less and some are more, i dont know why i guess it depends how much i GIVE INTO IT ! :)
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Missing my 30DS today, got a pain in my neck (think I slept funny).
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I did Day 2 of Lvl 2 yesterday...Not in the mood to exercise today but maybe I'll feel like it later. We're half way through the month now. Sometimes I just dont feel like doing the 30 Day Shred, Im over it. :yawn: I want to do other exercises instead. (well I already do but then I have to force myself to do 30 DS) So for the rest of the month, Im just going to try to do the 30 Day Shred every other day. (depending on how I feel) :laugh:

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 5 of Level 2 done, that puts me at day 15 total, A.K.A. HALF WAY THERE!!! Can you tell I'm pumped?
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 13 done...

    I totally feel the burn out, but I'm going to keep with it...Thats one thing I like about these challenges b/c if it was just me doing them on my own...Yeah I would quit...but I'm determined to do this for 30 days.
  • kargreen
    I'm on day 16.... I almost gave up on Saturday night because I gutted my whole kitchen and I was so tired. I've been doing thre shred and running between 2-4 miles everyday.....

    I was just about to sit on the couch at 10pm Saturday night and my husband says "are you really going to give up the 12 days you put into it already?".

    I gave him a dirty look and then thought - nope not throwing it down the drain - bring it on Jillian!!! :)

    I'm half way there!!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 13 done...

    I totally feel the burn out, but I'm going to keep with it...Thats one thing I like about these challenges b/c if it was just me doing them on my own...Yeah I would quit...but I'm determined to do this for 30 days.

    I totally understand, that's why I join the challenges, to stay motivated on this weight loss journey. I was just in a funky mood yesterday because of a bad weigh in for one of my challenges. TODAY IS A NEW DAY! Im in a positive frame of mind today and I will finish this challenge.

    I completed Day 3 of Lvl 2 today and then I did her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD.
    I was just about to sit on the couch at 10pm Saturday night and my husband says "are you really going to give up the 12 days you put into it already?".

    CONGRATS on staying strong and sticking with the challenge. Good Job to hubby for supporting you! :drinker: (water)
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 14 done, it is definitely harder on the days I that I work b/c when I work I'm standing for atleast 6 hours so my knees tend to really hate me especially with the jumping and bouncing, but I made it through...
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 16 down. I'm feeling good too. I started yesterday doing both level 1 and 2. I did both today as well. It was hard, but I think it's going to be worth it. It was really surprising what a walk in the park Level 1 seems now. 14 days left!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Day 13 done. Level 2 is still making me sweat a gallon and I'm screaming like Fredo towards the end of strength circuit 3. My shoulders a burning.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm sooooooooooooo jealous of those who've made it to level 2. My neck is still sabotaging my 30DS.:cry: I'm dosed up on Ibuprofen and paracetamol, I've tried alternating heat/ice packs. It's made some difference, just not enough!!!!!!!
    It's going to be next week before I'm on level 2!!!!!!:mad:
  • Kerry1023
    HI everyone....back to the grind tonight....JUST have to get it done. NO excuses!!!!

    My uncle passed last night so the next 2 days will be tough. Will use the 30DS to destress. Need to get it done 1st thing in the am so things don't get in the way.

    Here's to re-committing to the challenge.

    Day 6....level 1 we have a date!
  • blackrose123
    woooohooo just finished L1D6.. i'll do it tommorow again then i'm moving to L2 i cant wait :)
  • SharonDelorey
    Just finished Day 17 of The Shred. I was not into it at all! I did it though. I got my flu shot today, so tomorrow will be interesting. My arm is already a little sore, hopefully I'll be able to get through tomorrow's workout.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 15 and I'm 1/2 way there...yes!

    Is everyone that started the month with us still here?
  • blackrose123
    day 7finished :D i do it twice a day+ 20min pilates... i'm really pushing myself hard 'cause i wanna results as soon as possible and then stay motivated.. congrats to all who are still pushing it I'm really glad when i read your posts !!