NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    Today is the first day i did level 2 NOT doing anything modified. HOLY COW! i hurt, but i feel great!
  • kargreen
    Yesterday for the first day of level 3 (21 days down and 9 to go)... Though I think I will keep doing mine. I might just mix it up and do each level twice a week to maintain what i've done. I am hoping for the ab pro circle for christmas and maybe jilians toning video.

    I love the exercise part but it's the eating thats killing me. I was going to do my fast for the eat stop eat diet today BUT some friends I havent seen in forever were driving by and asked me to lunch. That went down the tube!!! Better luck in starting tonight i guess.

    I can feel my upper belly toning and my arms but my lower belly is still a pooch... I was hoping it would go down by now.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 19 done...
    I'm 100% sure this dvd set is going on my xmas list, I've just been doing level one since that is free on demand and I really am liking the results (nothing major) but I can tell a difference...
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 19 done...
    I'm 100% sure this dvd set is going on my xmas list, I've just been doing level one since that is free on demand and I really am liking the results (nothing major) but I can tell a difference...
    ought mine at Chapters bookstore

    I bought mine at Chapters bookstore, it's just 1 DVD and it's only like $10. Walmart carries it too.
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 22 done! Level 3 is awesome, in a hard way. Only 8 days to go!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Jillian, Jillian, Jillian!!!! You are evil!!!!!! :devil: Not been able to do the 30DS for over a week so had a go this morning... Made it thru the warm-up and first lot of strength, cardio and abs but it was very hard. I'm going to try and do the dvd every day (will mean getting up early) to get myself back into it! Really hoping I can get onto level 2 in December!!!!! I know I'm waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy behind a lot of you but you are giving me the motivation!:bigsmile:
  • blackrose123
    Lvl 2 Day 6 Complete
    gode job : loveme :P half way there... :D u see any results so far ?
    Well, there are no dramatic changes. It seems like Im toning up some. I took my measurements Nov 1st so Ill take them again on Dec 1st and I'll see if I lost any inches. The big difference for me is the increase in stamina and Im able to do some of the moves more precisely. Lvl 2 is TOUGH, Im sweating like crazy and have to take several breaks (5-10 secs). The walk out push ups are killer! goal is to be able to complete Lvl 2 non stop by the end of the month.
    yeah L2 is tuff i'm losing motivation.. i didnt hold on my diet this weekend i'm soo angry.. my stomach is so big again.. :(
    last 2days i did it just once a day .. i have so much time for next 2weeks i have to push myself more and harder...
    i hate all strenght exercises my arm muscles are so big already... hope u can do L2 without stoping !!!
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Day 22 done! Level 3 is awesome, in a hard way. Only 8 days to go!
    Great job!!
    I have four days to go. I decided to do standing mountainclimbers instead of the easy option on the dvd and that gets my HR up better. After I'm done I'll keep working because I thought I was getting really strong but I fall out of some of the strength moves on level three and have to go back to my knees.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    yeah L2 is tuff i'm losing motivation.. i didnt hold on my diet this weekend i'm soo angry.. my stomach is so big again.. :(
    last 2days i did it just once a day .. i have so much time for next 2weeks i have to push myself more and harder...
    i hate all strenght exercises my arm muscles are so big already... hope u can do L2 without stoping !!!

    Just keep trying, dont give up. You might miss a day but get back to it as soon as you can. I havent done 30 Day Shred since Saturday but Im going to try to do it today. So far Ive completed 9 days of Lvl 1 and 6 days of Lvl 2. My goal by the end of the month is to complete 10 days of Lvl 2 and 3 days of Lvl 3.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Is the original poster even doing this anymore?
  • kargreen
    I've completed 22 days of the 30 day shred. I think i pulled something in my back - it's that or level 3 kicked my butt. Back at it tonight!!! I see a difference in my arms and upper abs but not the lower.

    I'm also doing the eat stop eat diet. I have 8 hours to go before I can eat something.... Wish me luck!
  • SharonDelorey
    Alright, day 23 is complete! Only 1 week to go! I wasn't as fatigues tonight as I was last night. That's promising. I have noticed some changes kind of all over. I feel stronger too.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 20 done, and I kept up with Natlie (on level one except for the squats on the last circuit ) and went 5 minutes back into it again...

    I feel freaking awesome tonight...
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 7 of Lvl 2 Complete tonight
  • blackrose123
    Just keep trying, dont give up. You might miss a day but get back to it as soon as you can. I havent done 30 Day Shred since Saturday but Im going to try to do it today. So far Ive completed 9 days of Lvl 1 and 6 days of Lvl 2. My goal by the end of the month is to complete 10 days of Lvl 2 and 3 days of Lvl 3.

    Good Luck Everyone!
    did u see L3 .. hehewe are going to sweat like crazy :) thanks fo pushing its just hard to start... :/ i will do 30day shred till end of december twice a day then switch to other dvd i'm thinking no more trouble zones... but here comes holidays and all the yami food hope we can all know our limit :)
    keep with good work !!
  • kargreen
    Day 24 - Bring it on Jillian!!

    I have to make myself do this every night but I once I do I feel so much better. My husband just laughs at me - Laugh now sucker when I have a beach body again like when we first met you'll love it!!!
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 24 is over! I rocked it! Like the other levels, once you get used to the moves they don't seem so bad, but still really tough. I can't decide what to do once this is all over. Any other DVD suggestions?
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 21 done yesterday I just felt like crap when I got done, think the sore throat bug is making its way threw me so I went to bed not to long after it..

    Day 22 done today I wanted to do it twice (maybe once I get back home) since I know I will be close to going way over my calories ... depends on how I feel.
  • SharonDelorey
    Day 25 is complete! I was able to kick my knees higher doing the "rockstars" tonight! I can feel myself getting stronger. I even felt some definition on the back of my shoulders that wasn't there before. Lovin' it!