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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010



  • Good Morning!

    I have a doctors appointment for Wednesday afternoon. I will keep you all posted. I am just wondering what else can happen???
    I probably do not want to know! LOL

    Everyone have a great Monday!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday!! The drama and gossip goes on, some people cannot accept another peoples decision without creating problems.

    Jeffrey good luck with your doctor's appointment and future surgery. You better be careful with that knee or you will be getting a new one sooner than you expect. (Mom's advice although maybe I should say sister since you are NOT that young.):laugh:

    Connie give your husband big hugs from all of us and wish him well on his surgery. :heart: :heart:

    I am scheduling a doctors appointment for a recheck and hope things are improving. I feel great with the meds, but don't want to live on them. :noway:

    I am going to attempt to put up our outside Christmas decorations today, my husband will help and it should be quick. I bought all new lights so that is the pain, getting them out of the boxes and set up the way I want. :tongue:
    If there is any time left after that will start with the inside, but will stop if I start hurting.

    Have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yesterday was a challenge to stay within my calories because we had to drive over an hour each way to where we were going and then the catered dinner had an endless program so time for exercise was slim……we walked a lot at the mall and I rode the exercise bike in the morning and before going to bed.----I ate more than I planned but did not put butter on the yummy black bread and ate my potato without butter, cheese, or sour cream and had a banana and grapes for dessert instead of cake
    we were very smart about our shopping and got only what we planned except that I got two shirts instead of one because they were less than half price
    we had Subway Veggie Delight for lunch (good on calories and nutrition and terrible on sodium)

    Today we are doing an Isagenix cleanse day so I’m taking it easy and doing little exercise (a visit to the dog park and a quick ride on the exercise bike)…..it gives me a bit more time on the computer because I’m sitting down more….Jake is renewing his effort to take off some more weight so he has decided to stay very faithful to logging food and exercise and stay home and not eat out….that will help me stay on track.

    Buzz, I’m looking forward to the recipe for mushroom soup

    Gayla, I’m sure Neil is enjoying his time with you watching TV….does he enjoy the Christmas music as much as you do ? I have a picture of Sasha’s mom carrying 12 puppies just before they were born and she doesn’t look like she has room for all of them…..isn’t motherhood amazing?

    Marie, we buy the Orowheat 100% whole wheat sandwich thins…..they might be good with soup, not as crunchy as crackers, but good anyway.

    Connie, I hope you got through your “liquid” day as well as we have gotten through our cleanse day…..we just try to take it easy and not doing anything that takes too much physical or mental energy….when we made the decision to move from California to Washington six years ago, the first thing I asked Jake was if he would be OK living that far away from his kids……we wouldn’t have moved if he hadn’t been OK with that……he talks to them on the phone at least once a week and we go down there for a yearly visit.

    Sandy, what a hard decision for your family. It will take some getting used to and for Bryanna to find new things to fill her time and energy but she seems like a resourceful girl and she has you for support and encouragement……will she still be able to continue dance instruction in some way even if she doesn’t compete? When I watch the professionals on “Dancing With the Stars” I have thought about Bryanna doing that some day.

    Barb, I’m so glad to hear that your new weight is staying steady and that your home is in good condition to welcome guests who will pay attention to your doggies……..reading about your great meals is making me very hungry

    Jeffrey, I’m sorry to hear that there will be more surgery in your future


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Birthday, Gigi!!! I wish you a wonderful year of rest, relaxation and whole lot of fun!

    Hi everyone from snowy Saskatchewan. I must remember to take some pictures by the river when we go into the city next week. It is so beautiful and just a walk across the street from the restaurant my son is at. Neil objected to going to his home yesterday at the last minute, not sure what got into him but we had an unhappy guy for a short time. Be proud of me, I didn't give in but I sure wanted to. He really knows how to pull my strings. He is at the end of his rope about not drinking like everyone else and he seems to know that it upsets me as well. I try very hard to be upbeat and positive about it to him. Life goes on and there will be better days.

    I wanted to share with you one of the beautiful songs that I have been listening to recently. I hope this works as a link otherwise you should be able to copy and paste.

    Connie -- Your husband will be in my prayers. You are very supportive doing the liquids with him. I hope you have someone with you to support you as well. Keep us informed when you get a chance but mostly take care of him and YOU!

    Sandy -- So sorry about having to make such a difficult decision. I know you enjoyed watching her dance so much. When she gets over the sadness I am sure she will understand. Don't worry about other people, it isn't their business. You are a wonderful Grandma and have so often gone the extra mile. She will remember those special times.

    Marie -- So glad all the family were together. Those are the best times!

    Jeffrey -- Glad the knee is getting better and that you are thinking of getting back to running (I am sure your Dr. supports this). Just checking. But so sorry that more surgery is in your future. One day at a time, my friend.

    Barb -- So nice to hear from you. You are so busy, not sure how you have time to do all you do.

    Barbie -- Your willpower continues to amaze me. You will be one of the determined ones who stays slim forever because you continue to take care of yourself.

    Buzz -- Always a pleasure having a post from you. I hope the eyes are a little better this week.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. A good belly laugh is supposed to help with weight loss (I should be skinny as I do like to laugh).
    Gayla (where oh where did the smilies go??) :o)

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hi Everyone!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving:heart::heart: :heart:

    Thanks Sandy, Barbie, Gayla & Marie for all the Beautiful words and Birthday Cards, you all made me feel so special:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Sandy - Your family picture is Fantastic, great looking family and you look so beautiful and Happy:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm glad things are better and you're feeling great.:love::love: :love:
    So sorry about having to make such a difficult decision, you're such a part of her dancing - she will be able to do other things with you:happy: :happy: please don't worry about other people. You're a FANTASTIC grandma, those memories are priceless for both of you.:love::love: :love:

    We got back very late last night, had a wonderful time with our daughter and her family, so much fun spending the time with the grandkids:heart::heart: :heart: On Sunday for my birthday we went to St. Charles on Main St - they had a Old Fashion Xmas Parade - was so much fun, everyone dress-up for the Holidays, was a great way to spend my birthday with my family.:love::love: :love:

    Hope everyone is doing well, have fun:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Belatedly "Happy Birthday!" I'm glad you got to spend time with your family.

    Jeffrey, I hope the doctor has good news for you on Wednesday. I can appreciate you not wanting to have surgery, but it sounds like it is unavoidable. I wish you well.

    Gayla, Sorry Neil is still having a tough time.

    Connie, As I recall, your husband's surgery is on Tuesday. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and check here for a progress report.

    So long for now,

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla I seen this morning on the internet thatWW has change their point system again. you no longer have to count fruits and most veggies as point They are free Sounds so much better.


    Dying to see what Alice find out this Saturday when she goes to the meeting.However this unprocess foods and coconut oil is doing wanders for me. I have given up diet cokes and all oil, butter and replace it with coconut oil 1 T at each meal. I have one more bad habit to break and that is my creamer in my coffee. Thats is going to be a hard one. I may have to used Barbie method of cutting down on it till i am not using any drink it black or give coffee up I have notice my stomach is not as bloated now. I am now using Stevia now instead of splender in my coffee. and tea.

    Connie I am thinking about you and your husband this morning <<<<<hugs to you both>>>>>>>>
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    As I was nursing
    my baby, my cousin's six-year-old
    daughter, Krissy, came into the room.
    Never having seen anyone breast feed
    before, she was intrigued and full of all
    kinds of questions about what I was doing.
    After mulling over my answers, she remarked, 'My mom
    has some of those, but I don't think she knows
    how to use them.'

    *****I found this from a email this morning and thought you all need a good belly laugh
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    AS usual, I'm late in wishing GIGI a HAPPY BIRTHDAY :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: But it's from the heart! Many more and healthy ones at that!

    CONNIE, How did things go with Keith? We are anxious to know the good news! :love:

    Jeffrey, you are much to young for this nonsense; Drs are for real seniors. That's where half our time seems to be spent. Sincerely, hope things improve as both problems can be painful. Jane Fonda says the hardest thing she learned was to accept limitations! Maybe we ALL have trouble with that.

    Sandy, I agree with the group that you are a super Mom/Grandma etc, and owe no one explanations. :noway: . The later generations have a problem with accepting that generosity has to end somewhere! But the world has truly changed, hasn't it?
    Just take good care of your back, and try to ignore difficult things; you've more than earned that! :smooched:

    MARIE, loved your solution to computer overload! Cute greeting!!! :laugh:

    Barbiecat, did you get a picture of Sacha with her "Load"? What fun to watch them handle each pup!

    I'm not certain I know how to find December here tomorrow. Someone was kind enough to catch and save me last month!

    I ordered a new DVD from Leslie Sansone,, "5 Mile Fat BurningWalk" plus "The Walk Slim System"... there is a sale at www.walkathome.com and I couldn't resist! I'm getting bored with the 2 I have on DVD now. And I'm expecting Fonda's new DVD Walk. I'll let you know how everything is! I need to push myself to keep going :ohwell:

    again, I apologize because I read all the posts, but can't remember names! BARB, Hi, I can't forget yours, can I? :blushing:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth Where are you going to be for Christmas

    Marilyn How are all your babies?

    Sandy--Don't worry about what people think. Just do what you thank best

    Barbiecat --- I just polish off a pumpkin and black bean soup

    Birdie--What a wonderful year you have had

    Lynn......So glad you join our little group

    Barbs----Barbd sounf like you had a nice dinner for you folks

    Elli---Wwe have missed you here

    Buzz--- Hello Keep on keep on!!!!!

    Connie--My prayers are with you.

    Phoebe---Hey Phoebe I sure have miss you here

    Sandi Aug 1 Are you off traveling again?

    Mary Ann I wonder where she went? I need to get an PM to

    Irene Looking fowards to a Christmas month with you on MFP

    Jeffrey---Hope both of yourgirls are home for Christmas What did the docter say.?

    Jake-- Barbie keeping you busy?

    Gayla-- Well here I am again.

    Gigi Your trip sounded so nice. nice Birthday trip , Beening with you love ones.

    See what I did took the birthday list and psste it here erase the dates and wrote a short message .That way I do not leave anyone out and do not have to used what little menory I have left. What a nice bunch we have here. Been a pleasure chatting with you all this past year.Thanks Sandy for keepin it up dated. Love you. Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, when people ask me how I learned to do so many things on the computer, I tell them that I learned from my friends on MFP and it looks like you've done the same thing.......isn't it amazing how many things you can do when you start by copying something and then add and delete to make it your own.......the pumpkin and black bean soup sounds delicious.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The dogs and I just came back from the dog park.....it is gray and cloudy here but the wind has died down and it didn't start to rain until we were just about ready to leave.

    :flowerforyou: Our power went out last night while I was watching "Skating With the Stars" and riding the exercise bike:cry::cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: I didn't get to watch the rest of the show, but the exercise bike has a backup battery so I could finish my exercise.........the power came back on about two hours later :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we have the greatest utility company here.....I put them on my gratitude list this morning :bigsmile:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    After a long and very stress filled day I am happy to report that my husband made it through his eight-hour surgery. It was rocky at the beginning. He coded twice in the ICU before the surgery. I thank God that we were there and not in the car on the way there, or at home. It would be a very different outcome.

    My daughter is here with me (thank you Sheri), and spent the day with me at the hospital. When we left to come home Keith was back in ICU and completely out of it. They said he wouldn't know where he was till the middle of the night and that we should go home and get some sleep.

    It is very strange to see someone you've lived with for 50 years hooked up to IVs, breathing apparatus, drainage tubes, etc. I hope they tell him we were there and that we will be back.

    I am exhausted, have no appetite and am having a glass of white wine - to hell with the calories. I think I could sleep for 24 hours straight.
  • Beth Where are you going to be for Christmas

    Marilyn How are all your babies?

    Sandy--Don't worry about what people think. Just do what you thank best

    Barbiecat --- I just polish off a pumpkin and black bean soup

    Birdie--What a wonderful year you have had

    Lynn......So glad you join our little group

    Barbs----Barbd sounf like you had a nice dinner for you folks

    Elli---Wwe have missed you here

    Buzz--- Hello Keep on keep on!!!!!

    Connie--My prayers are with you.

    Phoebe---Hey Phoebe I sure have miss you here

    Sandi Aug 1 Are you off traveling again?

    Mary Ann I wonder where she went? I need to get an PM to

    Irene Looking fowards to a Christmas month with you on MFP

    Jeffrey---Hope both of yourgirls are home for Christmas What did the docter say.?

    Jake-- Barbie keeping you busy?

    Gayla-- Well here I am again.

    Gigi Your trip sounded so nice. nice Birthday trip , Beening with you love ones.

    See what I did took the birthday list and psste it here erase the dates and wrote a short message .That way I do not leave anyone out and do not have to used what little menory I have left. What a nice bunch we have here. Been a pleasure chatting with you all this past year.Thanks Sandy for keepin it up dated. Love you. Marie

    What a good idea. I copied this list into my Word. I have such a hard time remembering who everyone is that I usualy just do a "general" post. Maybe now I can do better.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have a copy on my word also. Sunday when my daughter come out I want to see if she can put our Birthdays on a reminding list.
    Do anybody know if there is a way that you know of. Here is another tip under an avatar of someone is:post and a # If you click on that you will finesall there post I just used it yesterday. I miss Sandy poat about her Grandaughter I found where she had poated and click on the # below her picture and no problem , there it was. But most of you proble knew that.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I have been really busy decorating. I have did well for the most part. I still have a cough and some back pain but I'm able to function. Have been shopping, cough, cleaning, cough, decorating, cough, babysitting, cough...you get the picture..:bigsmile: In between have been going to the chiropractor. I am considering starting back to the gym tomorrow.
    My daughter-in-law's mother had breast cancer surgery the monday before Thanksgiving. They thought they removed it all but a lymph node test came back positive. She goes back to the doctor the 8th of December. It's a waiting game until then. I actually did lose some weight before Thanksgiving. I have stayed even but I had a brain blip last night and ate a small Little Debbie's Honey bun in the middle of the night. I was watching some tv, which I never do, and it hit me. I should have come to the pc..but I thought probably no one was up.
    My DH had an over night business trip and I was by myself...maybe I was nervous, I don't know. I don't eat white flour,sugar, very little dairy. I slipped...sort of like an alcholic..or smoker...they say sugar is like that too...and can have an addictive effect on you. I tried to combat with Barley Greens and such...so let's hope that works.
    I think it's carthartic to tell about it. I'm not good at keeping things I do to myself. Good or Bad?? I don't know.

    I don't have time tonight to post to each one. I do lurk on here every day to catch up with everyone. I know Sandy has been in a lot of pain. I am worried most tonight about Connie...and her husband. I pray you have some comfort tonight and some good rest.

    I had a good Thanksgiving with friends and family. We sang for 3-4 hours. We sang Christian and Christmas Carols. I came home in the Christmas spirit... It was a wonderful day.

    Have a Happy day tomorrow!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Bedtime but I wanted to drop in and say hello.

    Connie -- I hope your husband has a restful night and that tomorrow things will start to look better. I also hope that you get a little sleep as well. It is wonderful to have your daughter there to support you both. I will remember you all in my prayers. Take care.:heart:

    Thinking of you all. Be back tomorrow to post a little more. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Connie, glad to hear your hubby made it through the surgery. Don't forget to take care of YOU!! One family member in the hospital is enough, right?

    Since the month has ended and no one had started the new thread for December, I sent a PM to Sandy and went ahead and started it. Here is the link:


    See you in the new month.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Posted here by mistake look for me in December.