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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    We are going to Alice for Thanksgiving. I am to make a blackberry cobbler per my husband request and make the dressing. I love making it in the crock pot.

    My son will be here Monday for the week. Looking forward to that.
    Got to get busy and get dress for we are making a run to the store this morning. [ If i CAN FIND A NOCE BLACKBERRY COBBLER IN THE FROZEN FOOD i will get it and not have to make one.

    Photobucket change things up the other day and made it easier for me to post pictures. Now I got to learn how to get my pictures transfer to there . Hence the pictures.
    See you guys later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    We are going to go the Country Club for turkey dinner with my son and his girl. If my son from Arizona gets his plates for his truck in time he will also be joining us. We may also go by my DIL's sister for dessert unless the boys want to come back to my house to chill and play some games. :heart: The rest of my family is out of town, so Holidays are quiet. :cry:

    My older granddaughter just called and said is off from school and would like to come to my house. :heart: I also have to pick the 5 year old up from school at 2:30. We will have dinner and then her mother won some tickets to see some kids show and asked if I would take her so she and her husband could have date night. Since I don't know how to say no, I am going. :blushing:

    Have a good Friday!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Dropping in to say hi!:happy: I can't believe it's time to be talking about the holidays! I will be having Thansgiving at my house but one of my daughters (married) switches off with her in-laws every other year. So this year she will go there and over my house for dessert. My other married daughter, her hubby and 2 kids will be coming. :bigsmile: We will have a total of just 8 people for dinner! When you grow up in a family of 15 people.....8 seem like nothing!:laugh:
    Congratulations Sandy on reaching your goal!:flowerforyou: Mary are you still getting dizzy? Lovely pictures of the beautiful dogs! Marie I like the cartoon:laugh:
    Since I've been lurking in the background....I haven't quite caught up on the posts!:noway:
    Even so....just sending out good wishes for everyone this Thanksgiving Day. :love: I feel blessed in so many ways....and this thread is one of the many things I am truly thankful for!:flowerforyou:
    God Bless!!!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Helloo Lovely Ladies,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I think I will just lurk but I can't stand it, I have to "talk" to you, too. When I was in school, I always did get in trouble for talking. My teachers would write a note on my report card...She would get all E's except she talks too much.. At that time the grading was e's, s', and so on. You all, make it sound fun to interact with you. :bigsmile: and here goes the other thing: I am sick and don't have anything else to do...:laugh:
    I went Christmas shopping last friday and way-over-did myself. So, I have a bronchitis/sinus/virus. I have been in all week and I'm like Marie's cartoon. I'm on-line and can't get off. :laugh:
    So, I'm afraid you are stuck with me a few more hours..:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Flowers are always good persuasion tools.:bigsmile:
    I am going to travel about 35 miles to my cousin's for Thanksgiving. My children go to their in-laws on Thanksgiving and I get to have Christmas Day so I don't quibble about it. Fair is Fair:bigsmile: There will be about 30+ people there. Wonderful southern cooking(Paula Deen style), which I will have to refrain from some of it. Yumm..Yumm..
    I am somewhat apprehensive but I know I have all my pals on here to help me get back on the "straight and narrow."
    I have about 3/4 of my Christmas shopping done. DH has been antsy since I have been sick so he has been upstairs wrapping. I don't know if I want to see the results but at least it is done.:laugh: :tongue:

    Connie- my father-in-law, 5 of my uncles and my mother-in-law have had this surgery. They all did really well. I wish the same for yours. I have to say, I don't see him going to a party in a week??:noway:

    Sandy: the grandkids will keep you "hopping." I was a little sad that I missed my grandson's Thanksgiving dinner at school..not for the food but for him:ohwell: Hope you get to enjoy yours today.:happy:

    Marie-I loved the cartoon! That's me! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie and Birdie...can't get rid of me:laugh:

    To all the rest -I enjoyed the war stories, pet stories, and just 'every-day" life. I wish good things for all

    I probably missed several of you. I hope, being new on here, will excuse me for a time.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love hearing about everyone's plans for Thanksgiving. I have always been part of a small family so Thanksgiving was always a small group.....:flowerforyou: a few times we joined with another family but usually it was just us.....a few times my mother tried inviting someone who had no place to go but even then, the group was small......after my father died we started the custom of going out to dinner...I liked the ease and no dishes to wash, but I missed all the turkey leftovers......Jake and I have alternated between going to a restaurant, going to the movies, and cooking a turkey and all the trimmings for just the two of us.....last year we had Thanksgiving with the family of a friend who had come up to Washington to visit his mom about two hours from here......there was a huge four generation crowd and it was fun and challenging to learn everybody's name and keep them all straight.


    snow is forecast for here this weekend.....I took the dogs to the dog park just before it started to drizzle and we had the park to ourselves.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, it's good to have you join this small, fun, and friendly group :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Flowers for a lovely lady. and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    BARBIE AS EXPECTED i HAVE ORDER ANOTHER DIET BOOK. iT IS CALL THE PLAN D DIET. iT IS ALL ABOUT GETTING BACK TO BASIC, eATING UNPROCEESSED FOODS I should get my book Tuesday. It is about eating clean and . What you are on. process no sugared of any kind. nor diet pepsi. Oh me what am i GETTING INTO?????. Marie

    Gayla this is for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Happy birthday, Gayla. Not a year older but a year better - that's my motto at least.

    Speaking of books, yesterday I was at a garage sale and picked up three for fifty cents each. 1) Bob Greene's The Best Life Diet; 2) Suzanne Somers' Eat Great, Lose Weight; and 3) Suzanne Somers' Eat, Cheat and Melt the Fat Away.

    I probably won't read any of them but will certainly look at the recipes. I already know that many of the ingredients in the Bob Greene book are not available around here. I think these authors think everyone lives in big cities like Chicago, We have exactly two supermarkets, a Walmart and an Aldi. Things like farro and quinoa are not on the shelves much less calamata olives. The recipes in the Suzanne Somers books are more do-able (never sure how to spell that word), but don't give any per serving nutritional information - not even calories I'll have to plug the ingredients into the MFP recipie calculator to come up with some numbers.

    I have read some of her other books and I know she frowns on calorie counting, preferring instead to different levels of different kinds of food. She says protein/fats and veggies at one meal then carbs and veggies at another with three hours between the switch.

    No wonder we all get so confused.

    Have a good weekend, all. I have two big dogs who need baths, floors that need scrubbing and need to get fresh linens on all the beds. I think I'll wear off a pound at least!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Birthday Gayla,
    Happy Birthday to you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Happy Birthday dear friend, Have a wonderful Birthday:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayla!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :bigsmile: :wink: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAYLA :wink: :bigsmile: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:

    How DO we get photos on here, anyway? Happy happy day, Gayla, and so pleased to see your back is better, and Neil is doing so much better as well!

    BirdieM- I've been way in the background, too, barely lurking and I guess in my case it's due to slowing down. Just not getting necessary stuff done in good time, so less time online! :ohwell:

    Sandy, as usual, you seem so ontop of things and beautifully organized; can I borrow some of that?

    Marie, controlling the darn sugar is such a pain, but keeps your organs in good shape, so you are doing the right thing brushing up with the class. My DH went from 67 yesterday to 368 by evening! Always a struggle, but a worthwhile one! :grumble:

    Janette, my fingers are also crossed about making it through THE BIG FEAST !!! :flowerforyou: good luck!

    Connie, aren't you the generous one planning on extra guests while you have so much on your mind! :love: And here's to an easy November 30th and a quick recovery so Christmas won't be delusionary! We'll be with ya...:flowerforyou:

    Barbie, these screwed up bills take so much telephone time they drive me crazy :angry: If they finally straighten out it seems worth it, but I remember when one call was usually enough! Those days are long gone!

    Lynn, glad to meet you but sorry for the bronchitis :flowerforyou: fell better real soon!

    Where have I been this past couple of weeks? I come on the site to record my Daily Food and that's as far as I seem to get. The darn eyes just blur over! Was it Sandy who got the Crystalenses, too? I love them and hate them, but in truth, I was so nearsighted all my life (glasses from age 8 on!) I should not complain. My sight was so clear and perfect in the days following cataract surgery, but they have become less stable in the past year, and occasionally really blurred! They spoiled me in the beginning :ohwell: So I try to follow the posts and then there are too many to keep up with and I'm so sorry, as I feel I know you all by now, except when I meet new people as I did today!
    Anyway, My new nutritionist anf MFP seem to be setting me straight on what makes my body respond, as I believed I'd never lose another pound, and here it is, down almost 10 pounds! I can see my toes again! :bigsmile: :blushing:

    Can somebody instruct me on how to add photos and such to replies? I don't see the icons to click!

    Have a great weekend, and I send you all greetings and hope I did not miss a single one (blame it on Halfzeimers if I did :laugh: )
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mistake: I was trying to post a clipart and failed and I can't just delete this post :noway: :blushing: :yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    happy birthday, Gayla

    This has been a busy day......we went to a wedding----the bride is a good friend of mine, a single mother for many years and she found a wonderful man at her church who gets along well with her teenage daughter....I am so happy for them...the minister said wonderful words and at the end they took individual candles and used them to light a single candle to symbolize their union.....the reception was nice and we knew a lot of people but the food wasn't too exciting so Jake said we needed to go out to the Thai restaurant for a real meal
    it was yummy but full of sodium......

    :flowerforyou: there was some light snow this morning and I drove in it to a craft fair but it stopped by 11 AM and I was able to take the dogs to the dog park and then after the wedding and the Thai restaurant I worked in the yard for an hour before it got dark.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, the best diet is the one you'll stick to so I guess you just haven't found the best one for you......we love our Isagenix shakes for some of our meals and clean (non-processed foods) eating for everything else....we were lucky to find something that works for us.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, the only way I know to put a photo in my positing is to use Photo Bucket. It's not too complicated but it took me awhile to figure it out.

    :flowerforyou: I spent a lot of time on the exercise bike trying to get enough exercise calories to balance all the food I ate today :laugh:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you all for the birthday greetings! I enjoyed a wonderful day. My kids were here cooking dinner in the afternoon. They did make a wonderful meal for us followed by birthday cake and ice cream. Neil had so many good belly laughs and even managed to get out a few audible words. We played games and then worked on a jigsaw puzzle that the kids got when they were in Vegas. It is a hard one but I do love to do them. Dave got me a gorgeous new watch, that I picked out. :wink: I think I mentioned it the other day. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it undone so I will have to sleep with it on. I know many people do but I like to take my watch off at night. I will get it figured out tomorrow. Right now I am pooped and ready to hit the hay.
    Thanks again for thinking of me. I can't thank you enough for helping me through such a dark time. You are my unmet but very good friends. Take care and keep smiling. 61 year old Gayla! :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz here is a link that might help you.


    They just change photo bucke up and I am just now learning it. And don't know how to put it into words to help you
    . Hope this help.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    Buzz, it is a little difficult to explain but if you go to photobucket.com and create an account, you can upload a picture from your computer or if you prefer use one of theirs. Once the picture is uploaded to your photo bucket, you can click on it and under it there will be a html code for you to copy. (Highlight the code then right click and click on copy). Come here and right click and click on paste. Change the brackets and the img to lower case on both the front and end of the code, making sure you use include the / sign at the end. I think Connie has a easier site to use and if so she can explain it to you.

    The little dogs and things that Barbie has shared with us can be found at http://www.freesmileys.org/emoticons-animals-001.php#instructions There you find a smiley that you like, left click on the smiley you like, then click Ctrol and C at the same time to copy the code and then come here and click Ctrol and V for the smiley to appear.

    Hope that helps or if someone else has an easier explanation please feel free to share.

    Have a great day!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Don't know if I can post this turkey recipe, but it's the perfect answer to overly rich birds! I tried entering it in recipes tab, but it kept saying it was already entered! :noway: I could not find it!

    Roast Turkey With Fresh Herbs

    As a dieter, be sure to choose the tasty and moist white meat, and don’t forget to remove the skin from your portion before eating.

    Makes 8 (6-ounce) servings, with leftovers

    Prep time: 15 minutes
    Cook time: 3 1/2 hours

    1 turkey (12 to 14 pounds)
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 small halved orange, apple, and/or onion
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
    3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    3 tablespoons dry white wine or lower-sodium chicken broth

    Position rack in the lower third of oven and heat oven to 450°F.

    Rinse turkey under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Sprinkle inside of bird with 1/4 teaspoon of the salt and 1/4 teaspoon of the pepper. Insert orange, apple, and/or onion halves into cavity of bird. Tuck wings under and tie legs together with kitchen twine. Place turkey on a rack in a roasting pan.

    Combine remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, parsley, and thyme in a small bowl. Slide your hand under skin of turkey breast to loosen skin. Rub turkey breast under skin with 1 tablespoon of the oil. Spread herb mixture over breast and press skin back down on top.

    Transfer turkey to oven and roast for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, baste with 1 tablespoon of the remaining oil and 1 tablespoon of the wine. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F and roast for 30 minutes more; baste with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and remaining 2 tablespoons wine.

    Continue to roast, basting every 30 minutes with accumulated pan juices, until a meat thermometer reads 180°F when inserted into the thickest part of the thigh (1 1/2 to 2 hours more).

    Remove turkey from oven, cover loosely with foil, and allow bird to rest for 20 minutes before carving. Remove and discard orange halves, carve bird, and serve.

    Nutritional information
    Per (6-ounce) serving (without skin):
    250 calories
    8 g fat (1.5 g sat)
    0 g carbohydrate
    38 g protein
    0 g fiber
    260 mg sodium
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Well, did I succeed?