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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jake====== I got a chuckle out of your post. Very funny this morning It is raining cats and dogs here today. brining in cooler weather

    Barbie I love your new Kittys where did you find them?

    Connie you better watch it or you will have us all down there.Branson is one of my faverite spots. My daughter and I was up there last year but too late to see all the fall colors.

    Gayla, how is the boy this morning? I have been looking for a design to do Neil a get well card but guess what..... I have forgotten how to download them on a floppy dish. So Alice will have to give me some lesson Sunday when she is out
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Neil is in a better humour this morning. He called to say sorry that he was so cranky. He didn't need to, I knew how frustrated he was with the communication problem while we were out for dinner. Gregg just called me to ask if I wanted to go with him to the Yevshan Ukrainian Folk Ballet as Sasha is sick in bed with the cold he had earlier in the week. Of course I will go with him. Sounds like a nice evening. I am going to get my haircut in an hour so I should find something for lunch before I go.
    Marie -- Neil will love his card. Thanks for caring.
    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    Marie, here is the link to the kitties and other characters


    I got the information from Barb who posted it on another thread.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    I have to show off my Daisy............:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    She was playing with my step son's dog yesterday and came home limping, she wouldn't put any pressure on her left front paw. I called my vet at midnight but he is out of town until Monday. We were really worried about her and this morning she was putting pressure on her paw and seemed much better. I called my nephew who is also a vet (more for birds) and he told me to give her bufferin 2x a day. I have done that in the past with my other dogs so I knew my doctor would approve. If she is still limping Monday I will bring her in for xrays. These little darlings give us as much worry as our human kids. :laugh:

    I had a service man here today to put in a new thermostat for my furnace, I wanted one that was automatic, that would switch from a/c to heat without changing the control. He didn't bring the one I wanted and he claims this one is still very good and cheaper.
    He charged me over $300 and after he left I looked it up online and I saw it for $90. Why do some people rip off senior citizens?
    My husband said that I must be wrong and this is a better thermostat but I am not convinced. I probably won't confront him with my findings, but I still think he took advantage of us. :explode: I am not good with confrontation and that is why I get so angry.

    My weight is still holding down to my goal but I am still waiting until Monday before changing my ticker. I have been going over my calories a little, because I haven't done any exercises the last few days. I hope to get on that bike today, but seems there is always something to do to stop me. :grumble:

    Will check in later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am glad Daisy is doing better today.

    Regarding your thermostat. Did the tech charge you $300 just for the part, or did that include labor? If the bill is not broken down separately for those items, I would call the company and ask what you were charged for just the part, and also ask what the hourly rate is for labor. You probably have a good idea how long it took him to do the work, so you will be able to tell if he fudged a little on the labor.

    If there was an excessive charge for the part and/or the labor, TELL them what you told us. Most places are willing to make an adjustment on a bill to keep a customer and avoid negative "word of mouth" getting out.

    I don't know what is involved in servicing your particular heating system, how complicated the wiring might have been to access, etc. to install the thermostat, but it is YOUR money and YOU have a right to be satisfied with what you spent for what you got.

    Don't think of it as a confrontation. Think of it as an educational experience, so you will know whether or not you will be calling that company back in the future. Good luck,

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member

    Excellent advice to Sandy. Too many of us sit silently by because we are afraid to hurt someone's feelings by asking questions.

    She needs to keep in mind, too, that many service companies charge their hourly rate garage to garage. In other words, if the company is on the other end of town and it takes them an hour to get to your place, that's an additional two hours round trip.

    Sandy, your Daisy is lovely. I have a friend who lives in Libertyville (former classmate) and he has two Old English Sheep Dogs. They sleep with him. Is it any wonder his wife lives in California??? Strange arrangement but it's been working for them for over 20 years. She comes to Illinois for a week every other month and he goes to California for a week every other month. Different strokes for different folks.

    Got a question for all you veterans. Do you count coffee as part of your 8 glasses of water? I know coffee isn't water, but it is made from water. I've been counting my glasses full of ice tea and hope that's not wrong. If I drank 8 glasses of water on top of the 3 or 4 16 ounce glasses of ice tea I drink every day I would be floating. I'm in the Ozarks, after all. We must have our sweet tea (even when its sweetened with Stevia) Now that ice tea season is drifting away, I'm wondering about coffee.

    Also - does everyone's weight fluctuate during the day? I weight one thing when I get up, and a half hour later weigh a half or full pound more, and that's before breakfast. Wish I knew more about how my body works.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. It's been beautiful here (70s) all week. I hope it holds.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry, tried to leave you something from Facebook and it won't let me. I will try later. G.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Connie, if your friend has had Old English Sheepdogs most of his life I probably ran into him at certain events. Years ago I was involved with the Old English Sheepdogs of America Club and we planned many events together. My favorite was the picnic with all the dogs. They had games and contests, it was just so much fun.

    I guess because this guy was recommended from my groomer he is not the regular service guy. He lives down the street from me and has dogs of his own which we talk about so he thinks he is a friend not a regular service guy. He put in our new A/C this summer and we were so happy because the guy before him just couldn't fix our old air and didn't recommend a new one. My husband seems to like him and I think what I am going to do is call him and tell him what I saw the thermostat being sold for, maybe he himself is the victim of a scam. I know you are giving me the right advice, it is just so hard for me. Does that you give you an insight to how I have been an enabler all of my life. sigh...............

    And Connie, when I wake up in the morning I basically almost strip down to weigh myself. After I have my coffee and breakfast and go back to the scale, I am as much as two pounds heavier. I always count the first weight as my weight and that is why I want to lose an additional 5 pounds under my goal, for that fluctuation.

    Barb and Barbie, I want one of those dogs, how do you get in on here???
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbs===== I like your little dogie running around. He will be chasing barbiecat little kitties. So cute
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    this is the website
    there is a section of the list called animal emoticons
    you copy the forum code and it posts the little animal in motion.



    That is a beautiful picture of Daisy---thanks for posting it. :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ^Looks a little like Daisy....


    As you can see, Marie's post gave me an idea....LOL

    BTW, Sandy, I forgot to say what a beautiful pic of Daisy you posted.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member


    I did it, just didn't read the directions the first time, thanks Ladies!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Just testing

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Connie, love the little hamster on the treadmill. :heart: :heart:

    Finally back on track with exercise today. :blushing:

    Rainy day here and once I get organized I think it will be a good afternoon to catch up with my DVR. Although I might run to Sams Club and get my Christmas Cards, they have such pretty ones. I also have home movies to transfer to DVD, so we will see. :tongue:

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a great day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I sent you an PM but look like you have not read it yet. It was Neil address at his new home. i Just thought you would like to send him a card. gayla said he loves to get mail~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Marie

    I have not figure out how to get me a doggie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Sandy I sent you an PM but look like you have not read it yet. It was Neil address at his new home. i Just thought you would like to send him a card. gayla said he loves to get mail~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Marie

    I have not figure out how to get me a doggie.

    Marie, I did not get your PM. Are you talking on MFP or on Facebook? I would love Neils address but would prefer it privately.
    Can you send me a message on Facebook?
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A very quick Hi before I hit the hay. It has been a terrible, no good, very bad day here!! I told my sister I alternated between crying and being catatonic. I am, of course, exaggerating. But not by much!! :cry: Neil was having a very sad day and kept phoning me demanding to come home. I knew that I couldn't respond to his demands but I just wanted to go and pick him up. He sounded so sad and pathetic. I also know full well that he has bad days here as well. Once he settled down a bit I suggested that we go to a movie on Sunday. I wanted him to know that he could get control on his own and at the same time not reward his bad behavior. It will be an opportunity to get out without coming home. I know some think I am too easy on him and likely others think I am too hard. I just have to do what I have to do, I guess. Later this evening he called to happily tell me that there is a rodeo here next weekend. I am really hoping his buddy wants to go to the rodeo!!

    Sorry for the whining, it will get better. It always does. Thanks Marie and Sandy. I will send you his address on Facebook tomorrow, Sandy. I don't want you to feel you have to send him mail but he will love it.

    Good night. I hope you are all sleeping soundly. Gayla :brokenheart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!! At least I hope it will be a happy Sunday for ALL of us. :love:

    Gayla, how heart breaking to hear you and/or Neil are so sad, I really wish we could do something to help you, but prayers are the best we can do. :heart: As the enabler of a son who is in recovery of addictions I honestly know how hard it is to say no to our children. When they are hurting or in trouble our instinct is too rescue them, which really is the wrong thing to do. :ohwell: As long as you are sure there is no abuse at Neil's home and you are comfortable with the care he is getting, you have to let go. Not to say that all those tears are warranted because believe me I cry at the drop of a hat. :sad: I hope today is a better day and the future brings more relaxation in your life. You really need to go forward with that trip of yours and take time for yourself. :flowerforyou: I will love sending Neil cards to help cheer him up and let him know how much we think of him and want good things for him.

    Marie, not sure what you were doing with your photo bucket, but love the picture. Thanks for the address, I will send a card today.

    We are going to a little charity benefit for my friend this afternoon and my sister will be joining us so I am looking forward to a fun afternoon.

    I am still maintaining my goal weight, so I think it might be time to change the ticker. I will do it in the morning if it stays the same after today's benefit. :laugh:

    Have a great day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I was just learing again how to send photo.. Now if I don't forget. Which now days is so easy to do.