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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010



  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    :drinker: I'll drink to your hounds any day ,Connie! I assumed they were Afghans---and magnificent ones at that! But you referred to them as Sighthounds? I learned something again on this thread! :bigsmile: :

    Buzz, in the dog world the Hound group is divided in two - scent hounds (those who hunt using their noses to track down their prey) and sight hounds (those who hunt by seeing their prey). Afghans, Greyhounds, Whippets, Saluki, Basenji, Irish Wolfhounds, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Pharaoh Hounds, Ibizan Hounds, Borzoi, etc. all fall into the sight hound category. Basset, Beagle, Fox Hound, Bloodhound, etc. are all in the scent hound category. There is talk at AKC about breaking the "Hound" group into two separate groups as the two different kinds of hounds have such different characteristics.

    In the field, Sighthounds compete in a sport called Lure Coursing. If you ever have a chance to watch a match, do so. It is really enjoyable and these dogs are true athletes. The "Allure" kennel name consistently appears at the top of the lists of outstanding Lure Coursers. They don't fare poorly in the show ring either.

    Hope I explained it in a way that is understandable.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    GAyla you had a bad case of the flu last year, didn't you. So I hope this is not gonna be the flu. Jerry and I both got the flu shots early this year. It is sudrpose to take care of 2 difference kind of flu. I Just didn't want to take a chance. I am still praying for a miracle for Neil. Hey you have already had a big snow. I bet it was pretty. you know I love snow. But one day is enought.

    I dont know much about hound dogs But I bet they are sweeties. My little Sammy is the love of my life. besides my hubby and kids.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Connie, Your "babies" are beautiful. My "three little pigs" send their regards--Woof!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gayla, Glad to hear that Neil is improving--keeping my fingers crossed for a full recovery of voice and swallowing function.

    I had 1/2 a baked chicken hanging around that I needed to turn in to something soon, or it would have started flying around the kitchen:noway: :noway:

    I decided to make some soup, so I took all the meat off of it that I could and then put the carcass in a pan with chicken broth, a little water, and some of the jelled drippings that I collected on the day it was baked and placed in the fridge--taking them out later--and then removing the fat, which congeals at the top of the container. I added some chopped onions, garlic, and celery, and fresh rosemary, parsley, thyme, and sliced baby carrots into the broth and let it simmer a while. Eventually, I removed the carcass and any bones still hiding in the pot and added pieces of the chicken that I had taken off the bone prior to boiling the carcass. After letting it cool, I have about a quart of soup in my fridge now, so I should get about 3-4 servings out of it. And if I decide I don't want to eat it all at once, I can freeze part of it.

    I still had a bunch of shredded chicken left, so I snooped online to get some ideas, and found a quick and easy way to make a chicken pot pie. I took onions, celery, and some Mrs. Dash herb and garlic seasoning, and some more parsley, sage and thyme, and after sauteing for a few minutes in a little Smart Balance spread, I added the other half of the jelled pan drippings mentioned above, about 3 tablespoons of half and half, and a touch of water. It made just enough liquid to toss carrots in and let everything cook for about another 5 minutes, then I put in the cooked chicken and let it go for about another 5, lowering the heat.

    Meanwhile, I mixed up a little baking mix with some unsweetened almond milk and a couple of tablespoons of half and half, to make a relatively dry mix. It still stuck to my fingers a bit, but was thick enough to spread out.

    At this point, I split up the chicken and veggie mixture into 2 soup bowl-size ramekins. Then I spooned the baking mix over the top of each and spread it out. In the oven it went at a preheated 360 F. Initially, I baked for about 15 minutes, but it had to go for about 20 minutes total to brown up the top the way I wanted.

    By the time it came out of the oven, I decided it was time for an early dinner tonight, so I ate one almost immediately--YUM!! The other will make a good quick dinner or lunch later in the week and can be easily warmed in the microwave, if I have it for lunch at my office.

    If I made anyone hungry, sorry about that, but believe it or not, I have never done a pot pie from scratch.:noway: I never considered making it because I always assumed the crust would make it too high in calories. However, this version really isn't too bad, calorie-wise, since the crust is only on the top, and you can make it a fairly thin layer if you choose. I am so glad I did some online searching as that is where I got the idea to just put a crust on the top.

    Have a good evening, everyone. It is rainy here still. Tomorrow we are supposed to dry out but remain overcast and in the low 50's for a high.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    Connie, your babies are beautiful. I understand about dogs that are so big that you have to walk them one at a time. My girls are like that, although Jake will walk them together in the daylight and good weather. I walk them first thing in the morning up a grassy hill near our house (one at a time) and Jake walks them the rest of the time. I take them almost every day to the local off leash dog park where they run and play together for 20-40 minutes. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Brandy (black, age 5) and Sasha (red, age 3a)

    :flowerforyou: I love Air Supply---their music is timeless......I listen to music on my MP3 player when I walk but watch TV while I ride the exercise bike.....your outdoor "garden puttering" sounds like pretty strenuous exercise :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! My husband and I are meeting my sister and her "boyfriend" for lunch today at Wildfire in Oak Brook. It is a great restaurant and they have what is known as a martini fleet. They serve four samples of different martini's on a little place mat in front of you. I know I will probably go over calories today, but it is for my sister's birthday so I don't mind. :love: I have actually reached my goal weight, thanks to all the encouragement from Barbie and Shariguymon but I am not changing my ticker until I see what today brings. I have managed to keep the goal for the last two days, but will give it another couple of days before posting. If that happens than I will reset my goal for another 4 pounds. I love all of you for supporting me so much through up and downs. :heart: :heart:

    Thank you
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy you are doing so good. Enjoy your day at that nice testurant Sounds really nice. One great meal will not hurt you. Just don't make a habit out of it. Thats what get us in trouble.

    Nothin going on around here. Jerry had a doctor appt clear across town at 7 15 this morning. So Sammy and I slept in and just been relaxing.

    Sandy I am diapointed in my power chair. Our drive way is slope up andd it is hard to get it out on the street. We had a guy to come by and see what we need to do. I took my sit down walker to the casino the other day. and it work out fine. Did a lot of walking going to the dinner

    Have a Happy Wednesday eveerybody.
  • Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I just finished my lunch and I am at Starbucks. I had nice turkey sandwich that I brought with me from home. The rehab on the knee is going pretty well. I am about 5 weeks ahead of where I am supposed to be. I am hoping that my surgeon will let me start to train again in 3-4 weeks. I have been able to keep my weight down quite well. I have actually lost a little but I am counting calories closely. I am still at my race weight.

    things have been fine at home just hectic. Sam will be home for thanksgiving and it will be just her plus Day and I. Amanda will be home for Christmas. I am so looking forward to having them all home together. Work is doing well but the local economy still stinks. I feel so bad for people in need of work especially at this time of year.

    With all that I will let you all go! I loved the pictures ladies! I have always like "hounds". :)

    Marie did you do well at the casino?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey good hearing from you. I broke even. I came home with what I went up there with. The same thing I did last time.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I am just posting a quick note for the Dr. update. Neil saw the ENT doc. today and he put a scope down to look at Neil's vocal chords. It went very easily through his nose and caused no distress whatsoever. Unfortunately, it showed the chords were completely paralyzed on the left side. He will repeat the test in 4 weeks and go from there I guess. However, there really is not a lot of place to go. He said that the speech therapist may be able to give some help with using what sound he has. He also said that perhaps a surgical revision could be done (not anxious to go there!!!). He also said that the vocal chords may just start functioning over time. So, bottom line, it is still a wait and see. Neil said last night that he was so scared that his voice wasn't going to come back. So am I but didn't share that with him. I really do think that the drinking is a bit better or he is learning to control it better which is really all he needs to do.

    We are taking Neil back to his home today and he says he is ready. I am just waiting on his clothes to dry and then we will go. Dave will drop me off at my sisters so we can plan our trip to Victoria in January (Canadian figure skating championships) and I am crossing my fingers that all will be well enough for me to go. It is good to have something to look forward to.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think that is a good ideal for Neil to go back to his home. Can he use the cell phone to commucate ro you somehow>
    I am glad you are planning on a trip with your sister. Will keep Neil in my prayers. PM his address so I can send him some mail. at his home. Or would you rather I just send it to you house. And what is his faverite sports?
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    He also said that the vocal chords may just start functioning over time. So, bottom line, it is still a wait and see. Neil said last night that he was so scared that his voice wasn't going to come back.

    Gayla, I've just finished going back and reading many of your posts so I would better understand what is going on with Neil. I didn't go back to "birth" but am assuming Neil is your son. It sounds like he (and you) have had more than your share of experiences with doctors and surgeons.

    Are you familiar with the experiences the singer and actress Julie Andrews has had the past few years? After undergoing surgery on her vocal cords she thought she would never be able to sing again. The headlines were full of stores about law suits against the doctors, the end of her career, and on and on. To make a long story short, she has just released a new album. I haven't heard any of it but guess it must be good enough for people to buy or it wouldn't have been released. Perhaps Neil can find some encouragement in her story.

    You mentioned that he is moving back into "his" home and in back-reading learned that it is a group home. This is an area where I do have some experience. My cousin, Barbara, has lived in a group home setting for many years. She was institutionalized for a long time; tried living back at home with her mother after her step-father passed away; and then found real happiness and wonderful friends in a four-resident group home. She was soon doing things for herself, assisting in decisions about herself, and developing a wonderful, if unique, personality. Out of love, my aunt had been doing so much for Barb that she never had to develop those skills.

    Knowing only what I've read in your posts, it looks like things are moving in the right direction for your son. Hope I haven't stepped over any lines in sharing the above. May God bless you all.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Freezing here today......68degrees burr.......stop laughing, I had to wear a jacket!

    My daughter had her interviews yesterday. She will not know anything until close to Thanksgiving. The whole family has mobilized... the boys are 18 and 21 and are busy STAGING their rooms for the house to go on the market. The youngest is youngest started work today at Walmart in hopes he will be able to transfer down here and the oldest is looking at best buy with the same idea! Sure hope that she gets the job and the house sells!

    Went to Curves again today, this makes 3 times this month...asked them, isn't that what you said...3 times a month? now i am done for the month.....doesn't seem right! lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: hi everybody---nothing new here today----not so windy but getting colder---I went for a walk with my regular Wednesday walking partner.......I recently zipped the quilted lining back into my winter coat so I was nice and warm.

    :flowerforyou: I saw the doctor yesterday and reviewed the results of my blood test......all is well......they'll be scheduling a colonoscopy sometime soon.

    :flowerforyou: with line dance in the morning and walking in the afternoon followed by taking the dogs to the dog park, there was no time for making applesauce, but I'll be back to it again tomorrow......I'm so glad we have a big upright freezer :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm so sorry that the news about Neil's voice is so discouraging......another surgery certainly doesn't sound like a good solution....it's good that he wants to go back to the place where he was living.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm sorry that the scooter chair isn't doing what you had hoped.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, my friend who had knee replacement surgery said "knee replacement is not for sissies".....I'm glad to hear that you are on the path to training again.....how great that you have continued to lose weight even during this time when you haven't been so active.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I think Marie is right that one restaurant meal won't hurt you if you go back to sensible eating right away the next day......i hope is was enjoyable for you and worth all the calories.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Thursday!! We changed our card game to today this week as one of our players was busy Tuesday. I did win $100 at bingo last night, so maybe my luck will continue. :bigsmile:

    Our luncheon date was great, good drinks, good food, great company. :heart: My weight stayed the same so I am very happy, if it stays until tomorrow I will change my ticker. :tongue:

    Gayla, hoping it is God's will that Neil get his voice and swallowing back to normal, continued prayers are being said for him. :heart: :heart:

    Sandi, good job on going to curves, keep up the good work. I bet you are really excited your family is moving near you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, whenever you talk about all your exercise I get tired, do you ever just sit and relax?? :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, you are such a nice person, always thinking of others. :love: :love: :love:

    Everyone have a wonderful day and let's remember to thank those Veterans for a job well done. Thank you guys and girls!!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :ohwell: Another quick read day; can't figure out where the time flies, but doctors, fitness centers, labs, ????? Anyway, enjoy reading all your posts, celebrating the good things and commiserating with others. Adore Connie's hounds, and Barbie's poodles, and you know which one of yours reminds me of my mini (14" at shoulder" ) Coco and her daughter Gamine. Always adored chocolates, and the standards are WOW!
    Gotta run,...and tomorrow is busy, too, but maybe Saturday will slow down and I'll have time to shmooze!: flowerforyou: :heart: :wink:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from cloudy Saskatchewan! I will take some snowy pictures for you, Marie, after the next big snowfall. I know you like the snow ---- from a distance! ;o) My dil has just started selling Mary Kay so I was at her home for her first ‘show’. It was a lot of fun and I hope I have found something for my terribly dry face. I have tried so many things that I ultimately find I am allergic to. These products are unscented and supposed to be non-allergenic. It is hard to tell right now as I am already having head cold symptoms and have been using antihistame for that. We are back to their house for dinner tonight. I always looks forward to a turkey dinner and of course spending time with them.
    I watched the end of the Remembrance Day Service on TV. My Mom’s brother was killed as a prisoner of war just after D-Day. This was always such a tough day for my Mom and I think of her and my grandparents as well as the uncle that I never had the privilege to know. What a sacrifice so many young men made for our freedom. Thinking, too, of Beth today and wondered if she has deployed. Has anyone heard from her?

    I think Neil is happy to be back to his home although frustrated with the difficulties in communication with people there and with me on the phone. I think it will get better as we all adjust. The staff don’t seem to communicate that well and the message that the day staff got was that all his liquids had to be thickened (which is correct) but she thought that meant he could only have liquids!! He called me, sad and hungry and I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. The staff person got on the phone and told me what he was trying to say. Once she got it straightened out she said she had just made an apple crisp and asked if he could have some. Of course! He called me later to say he loved the apple crisp, one of his favorite desserts. I can see this is a learning process and will not be easy BUT we will get there! It is so hard to let go. . .

    Marie – You are such a sweetheart, Neil loves getting mail. I did send you a PM but forgot to answer you about the sports. Being a Canadian his favorite sports to watch are hockey and curling. This year he has become more interested in football but like me he will watch almost any sport. He loves Rodeo and wrestling (if that is a sport) which is the only thing I will not watch with him. I am talking WWF not amateur wrestling.

    Connie – What a thoughtful and encouraging post. You have certainly not stepped over the line. I am more than open about our struggles with Neil’s health issues. He can be trying at times because of frustration and inability to express himself but he is a wonderful young man. He is the one in the community that everyone knows and loves. We are so fortunate for that. I knew about Julie Andrews vocal chord problems but I had not heard that she had her voice again. That truly is a wonderful thing that she is again able to share her wonderful voice. I will share that with Neil. Thank you, too, for sharing your personal story. You are a terrific addition to our little group here.

    Sandi – I am so hopeful that your daughter gets the job she wants. How wonderful for her, her children and you!! I had a good laugh about the Curves, reminds me that I need to get back there.

    Barbie – Walking with a friend sure makes the time go faster. Have you got all those apples turned in to sauce now?

    Sandy – Yeah for the win and yeah for the loss. Proud of you! Thanks, always, for the prayers.

    Buzz – You are such a busy gal. Hope the medical appts are all ok.

    I have written a book. Hope everyone else is great – Barb and Jeffrey, Ellie, are you out there? Take care all and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Gayla, I am heading out the door but in answer to your question, Beth has not deployed and might not have too. She is on facebook, make her your friend. :) Beth Marcotte Rice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I don't sit still too much but when I do, I read, knit, make beaded sun catchers, watch TV and play with my pets....I've been doing less on the computer lately because the wireless connection isn't working on the laptop and Jake uses the desktop a lot.

    :flowerforyou: I get up early every day because the dogs need to be walked and the cats walk on me to tell me that they want their breakfast and they want to go out. After I walk the dogs, feed the cats, etc, then I do yoga before I eat my breakfast.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I still have a box and a half of apples in the garage along with a pumpkin and a big squash to cook and freeze......I do a little every day.

    :flowerforyou: We're invited to have dinner with friends tonight and they requested that I bring roasted vegetables so I have tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, yellow squash, sweet onions, and red peppers

    :flowerforyou: I worked outside for over an hour because it was sunny and fairly warm.....an hour later when I took the dogs to the dog park, it had clouded over, the temperature had dropped, and it started to rain.....I'm so glad i wore my warm coat and gloves.

    Now I have a cat in my lap and dogs poking me with their noses......they all want all my attention.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Barbie sent me here to see the cats then left me alone and penniless so to speak, by not stopping what she was doing and showing me how to get to the cool stuff. Do you think it's because she knows that I will forget as soon as i get off this thing?
    Anyway it's getting cold in Northwest Washington. We're going to friends tonight and they historically keep their house approximately 30* cooler that the outside temps. so it's long-john time for us old folks.

    Just wanted to drop in and say hi to you all. So be safe and remember that water is your friend.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Barbie sent me here to see the cats then left me alone and penniless so to speak, by not stopping what she was doing and showing me how to get to the cool stuff. Do you think it's because she knows that I will forget as soon as i get off this thing?

    Just like a guy. You sound like my DH who, when faced with a new digital scale this morning (directions laying nearby) opted to use the old one that isn't always accurate and often doesn't tell the truth!

    Anyway, it's nice to meet Barbie's other half. It was interesting to read (in your profile) that you travel to different golf courses in your motorhome. There are some stuning places to golf here in the Ozarks, we're only a few hours from Branson, and while we can't offer a sewer hook up, we do have power and water available and lots of places to park. Come on down!