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Senior Golden Sneakers - November 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all of you seniors.,

    It was great hearing from Irene yesterday What a lift she gave me,

    sandy it would not be ife if we didn't have our ups and downs, Makes the ups so much sweeter.
    Gotts get my butt in gear, this is grocer shopping day.
    See you guys later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Cold here today and they are predicting snow flurries later in the week. :noway: I am not ready for cold weather yet!!!! :grumble:

    Irene, thank God for listening to our prayers. :heart: It is so amazing what He does for us if it is in His will. Your report is just wonderful and we are so grateful that you have come through this tragic time of your life. Take is easy, one day at a time with your exercise, we will be right here for you. Thank you for sharing with us. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Sandi, great to hear from you and your great sense of humor. We all HATE to exercise, but if we want to lose weight we have to do it, along with tracking our food and drinking lots of water. :drinker:

    Gayla, I pray that the doctors can help Neil recover his voice. :love: I don't know why I don't remember him having stitches after his last fall, did I miss that? Is he anxious to get back to his "new" home or is he content to stay with you?

    Loving my new car, will have to have someone take a picture of me in it to "brag" just a little. :laugh:

    I have been good about watching my calories and exercising (wow 2 hold days) but already I have lost the extra weight I have gained. I did stop taking the lyrica and although I am still in pain, when I ride the stationary bike it doesn't hurt as much. I am doing the floor exercises when I remember but I think it is just a matter of waiting it out. If it persists I will go back to the doctor to see if she will give me a MRI to make sure it isn't my disc.

    Tonight is bingo night but I might skip it this week since my friends won't be there, haven't decided yet.

    Have a great day,
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. Love, love, love this gorgeous fall weather. Now I need to get my butt out for a walk!! However, this morning we had the Pastor from Neil's home here and this afternoon we are off to another Dr. appt., this time Neil's neurologist. They are supposed to turn on his appliance (Vagal Nerve Stimulator). I am not sure if it should happen while he is still having side effects but they will know better than me (hopefully).

    Sandy -- The stitches and staples were both from his surgery, no stitches with the fall. His foot seems much better but we will keep him in the boot until Monday when we see the Orthopedic surgeon. I am quite certain he will say it can come off. It was only to keep things stable for walking. We also pray to get the voice back. I thought there was a little more voice yesterday but today he is back to whispering completely. He has voiced his objection to going back to his home but now that he is feeling better he says he is ready to go to 'my home'. I think he will return Monday or Tuesday. He can be so funny. He held up two fingers on each hand and said 'two and two make four, right?'. I confirmed that it did and then he said 'well, what's the point of leaving, it will be Christmas'. He oviously got the time line a little screwed but I got the point. Having the Pastor here really encouraged him to get back to his home so I was glad for that. AND, pat me on the back. I didn't fall apart into a sobbing mess which seems to be my reaction to anyone being sympathetic to me. I believe that I have restrained myself around Neil but what a mess I am. Be glad you don't have to talk to me in person!!!

    Marie -- Enjoy your outing! I know you will be getting some good healthy groceries. Thank you for your request for prayer. You are such a good friend.

    I must remember to use Word as my memory isn't working and I never remember what I want to say to the folks who no longer show up on my screen. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Hello everyone, just marking my spot, been so busy getting the house in order for the fall and me too. Made up a two month menu plan to help keep on track, now just to spend the time in the kitchen to get things ready. The scale is comming down very slowly, I hope I can catch my strength to get it slipping a bit faster.

    Hope all is well and I do think of all of you, and ask for help in my prayers to get you through another day. I'll catch you's again soon.

  • Good Evening!

    Cold day here today. I had a busy and good day at work. I love what I do, but this will not be my last stop. LOL Day is making about 12 skirts for Amanda's musical and it is just me and cats with the remote control! A good evening! I made beef and noodles for supper and they came out pretty good. I got a good rehab session in on the knee tonight. 5 miles at a little over 23 mph. I took the stitches out on Monday and it looks pretty good. I knocked the doc out of a co-pay! LOL I can not believe how much this knee is costing! We are closing in on about 15k. I am glad it was nothing serious!

    Not a lot else to report on today. I have done the dishes and packed Day's lunch. I will probably watch the news and aggravate the cats.

    Everyone have a great evening!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: this has been another beautiful day in paradise.......blue sky, fall colors on the trees, snow in the mountains, dry enough for Jake to cut the grass :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: the dogs and I had a great walk at the dog park followed by an hour of weed pulling in the yard and then cooking two big pots of applesauce and baking a sugar pie pumpkin

    :explode: tomorrow morning I go for my annual blood test that requires a 12 hour fast so I am looking forward to an evening with no snacks :cry:

    :flowerforyou: I guess, like everyone else, we were half happy with the election results and glad we didn't stay up too late last night listening to the news....we saw a lot of results mixed in with "Dancing With the Stars".....our favorites are still in the competition.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm glad to hear that your recovery from the knee surgery is going so well.....a good friend of mine who is about your age is having knee replacement surgery today and I'm hoping that her recovery will go as well as yours.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a little post - doc. update. ;o) Neil is now on fairly large dose of prednisone in am attempt to get the inflammation out of the nerve. He stays on the high dose for one week and then it is slowly tapered off over the next week. His Dr. thinks that is mostly what is causing his voice and swallowing problems. He is referring him to a throat specialist and has an appt. for Monday morning. I hope we are done in time for his orthopedic appt. at 1 pm. He is also referring Neil to speech therapy for swallow studies but we don't have that appt. yet. They decided to hold off on turning on his stimulator until some other issues are resolved. The last thing is the drug that was decreased and I think the drug that is causing him to be losing his balance has been discontinued. I hope we will get some good news soon.

    Barbie -- If you can't eat you may as well go to bed!! It sounds like you, like us, had a wonderful day today. The grass is still green but because of all the wind we have had there is not a leaf on the trees. It looks a bit odd but love the warm weather.

    Jeffrey -- You really are such a good husband. What a treat to have your lunch packed by someone else. I used to pack Dave's lunch but that got old really fast. So glad that you are seeing some improvment in the knee.

    Marilyn -- Awesome! A two week menu plan. I know that I always do best when I plan ahead which is not happening these days.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks for the report on Neil. poor guy. He has had one rough time of it.

    Jeffrey you seem to be getting around pretty good. Keep it up.

    Marilyn how is all of your animals.

    Wonder what happen to Buzz? Better get her a pm off. Will do that the first thing in the morning.

    Barbiecat We ar getting the rain now and cooler weather, Got an extra blanket out last night. Jerry turn the heater on this morning,
    Good night all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Things I am gratful for
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :heart: :flowerforyou: My loving husband
    :heart: :flowerforyou: My wonderful kids
    :heart: : :flowerforyou: Sammy for being Sammy
    :heart: :flowerforyou: : For this Seniors group who is always here for me

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Gayla, Thanks, I must do it now for as long as I can. It will discipline me again and make me slow down, get out of the rush of things.

    Marie, My kids are doing fine. Although they are all fixed, my sister's cat is having lonesome feelings... she is meowing at night a little off key, driving my sis up and over the wall.:laugh: Mine are loosing that bit of nature now they are getting older, although Henry sometimes does his thing on his blanket. :noway: Buttons is over her allergy and feeling more of herself. :smile:

    Sis is up and we are to get the kitchen organized:noway: I'm not too sure how that is going to turn out:laugh: Two cooks in the kitchen??? Okay I'll catch all tomorrow and hopes all goes well for everyone. :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • Good Evening All!

    It is supposed to snow here tonight! Crap! I HATE winter! I was real busy at work today and will be for the next few weeks. But that is a good thing! Day had a church meeting tonight so me and the cats are watching football! I have my dishes done and Day's lunch ready for tomorrow. I have some hand wash laundry to do and that is about it. Pretty quiet here. I took the evening off on working the knee. I walked a lot today and it is a little swollen again. I will get after it again tomorrow. I really miss working out but I should be able to do some things before too much longer.

    Barbie tell your friend that the surgery is nothing. I had a spinal block and just went to sleep. I never took one pill for pain. Not even an asprin. The rehab is a different topic. That hurts but it is doable. My thoughts are with her.

    Marie you are doing just fine, don't sweat it! Just do what you can and forget the rest! Keep the smile and the postitive attitude!

    Gayla I hope it all calms down for you. You need a cruise! LOL

    Everyone else take care!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey glad you are back at work. Do you go in to work or at home? I know you do a lot of the househole chores. Wish Jerry would. He does keep the floors mopped and vacum and do the bathroom.

    In the morning we take off to Okla. to the casino. Both of my girls are going with us. fif they don't change their minds.
    I went to my kidney doctor yesterday and my test came back good Don't have to go back for 6 months.And to stay on this portion control plan. and keep the portion down.

    Good morning to all

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just finished my morning prayer, meditation, and gratitude list......Jake is still asleep since he doesn't have any big reason for getting up early

    :flowerforyou: we have friends from California coming this afternoon....they'll be here for a few hours on their way to visit their daughter who lives north of Seattle.......we'll probably go out to lunch and take them to see the sights....rain is predicted but maybe it will wait until evening.

    :flowerforyou: I made it through the 12 hour fast and got my blood drawn yesterday morning.....now I wait until Tuesday when I see the doctor and get the results.....they usually mail me a copy of the results but the doctor will get them via the computer so I'm sure he'll get them before I do.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, my friend came through her knee surgery just fine.....the first pain meds made her nauseous but then they gave her something better.....she'd doing exercises lying down and today will get out of bed and do something standing up.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad you got good news from the kidney doctor and that he likes the eating plan you're using now

    :flowerforyou: I started a new project in the yard yesterday so I'm hoping for time without rain so I can work on it.

    :flowerforyou: I'll be dancing all morning, then the friends are coming and the sun goes down before 5:00 so there probably won't be time to do anything in the yard today, but tomorrow I'll try to do both applesauce and yardwork :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Hello everyone, I was a good girl today, up at 3am to do the gym, and had everything planned out for food. Sis did not go shopping today so that is a first thing tomorrow. Hope all is well.

    For anyone who struggles with diet or exercise, I am a pro at struggleing, my ears are open. catch you all tomorrow.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Dave went for lunch with former colleagues today so Neil and I have had a lazy day sitting in the family room, Neil watching TV while I read the paper and did the daily puzzle. So exhausting I will soon be ready for a nap!! If Neil goes to sleep I may slip outside for a little walk. It is cloudy outside but the temperature seems ok.

    Jeffrey -- A cruise sounds very nice indeed. It seems a long time ago. My bil and sil have asked us if we want to do a river cruise with them in the Belgium area. The cruise is always at tulip time, Yeah!! They just got back from a trip to Antarctica so they aren't planning to do this until 2012 which may work for us. They have done the cruise before and liked it so much they want to go again. For now it will stay on the bucket list. There may not be any travelling for us for awhile. One step at a time is the way we are living for now!

    Marilyn -- Every time you talk about getting up at 3 am I think that must even be early for a major morning person. I am just settling in to my REM sleep by that time! All of those people stopping in Tim's should give you a huge thank you!

    Barbie -- Having quiet time is so rejuvenating and a nice way to start the day. I need to revisit my gratitudes, thank you for the reminder! I hope the results of your blood work come back great.

    Marie -- Yahoo! Great news in the kidney department. You obviously are doing something right. Keep it up, my friend. Have fun at the casino.

    To everyone else, I hope you are having a fabulous Friday. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    HI Everyone,
    Busy day for me. I had to do some work on my step son's web site and that took me most of the morning. Then I picked up Bryanna and took her to her friends, then back again later to bring her here so I could take her to dance. I don't know what happened to this day but it is gone. I like keeping busy but I can't seem to get all I want done in one day. :grumble:

    Jeffrey, I see they are calling for snow in Indiana, we are just having the cold weather. It is however supposed to get up in the sixties again next week. :love: Am I to understand that you took your own stitches out? I really hope you know what your are doing so you don't get an infection young man. :blushing: If and when I do get a knee replacement you can bet they will be knocking me out. With my second caesarean they tried to give me a spinal but it didn't take and it was being electrocuted so I won't try that again. Put me to sleep or in twilight, I do not want to be awake for any surgery :laugh:

    Gayla, I love being alone with nothing to do, it just doesn't happen that often. If I could I would stay in my PJ's all day and just do what I want. :bigsmile: Neil's spirits sound good, I hope he is doing better each day. :love:

    Barbie, that is a perfect way to spend the beginning of a day. If I am not being too personal, have you worked a 12 step program, because you remind me of all that I am learning in Al Anon. :heart:

    Marie, so happy your tests came back good. Good luck at that casino, hope you win some big money. :flowerforyou:

    Marilyn, I am with Gayla, I am turning over at 3am, of course I don't go to bed until 1am, so that makes a difference. :tongue:

    Hope everyone else is having a good start to their weekend.

  • TGIF!

    Marie good luck!

    Barbie tell your friend no running for a bit.

    Sandy it did snow here a little. We may get more tonight. YUCK!

    Gayla have a peaceful weekend.

    Quiet here tonight. Cold and quiet. Day and I are cleaning tomorrow and going to the store. Not much going on. I am ready for a quiet weekend.

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Today I took my daughter to the train station in Bloomington, was so hard saying goodbye, I already miss her so much, had a terrible time coming back:sad: :sad: :sad: from the train station on my way to work. We had a great time last night after supper, we had Spa Night:love::love: :love: we did our nails, we massaged our hands with special formula, made us feel so very special but best of all was spending quality time together:heart::heart: :heart: She will be spending sometime with her friends in Chicago.

    Marie - So happy you got good news from the kitney doctor, Good luck at the Casino, hope you have a great time.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - Did you have a good time with your friends from California, was there enough time for lunch and see the sights.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Gayla - Glad to hear from you and Neil - Hope Monday's appoitment helps to get things going and resolved. my prayers are with both of you:love::love: :love:

    It's so cold in here tonight when we got out of the movie was 35F that is too cold. By the way we saw RED was Fantastic, if you get a change go and see it.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hope everyone had a great friday and had fun.:drinker: :drinker:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just a note to advise I have not dropped off face of the earth. Just a busy week. Doggies unhappy that I have spent long hours away, so at the moment, two of them are parked on my lap, which makes using laptop a challenge.

    Irene, Glad to hear your good report.

    Gayla, I am still thinking good thoughts for Neil.

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hi Barb,

    Just a quick note I went back to July when I became a member, you had a list of the birthdays, what a great idea,:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: here are the ones for November.
    Marie Nov 7 - Gayla Nov 20 - Gigi Nov 28.

    Hope to hear from you more often, you always have great ideas and information, have a great weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
