Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)

I need this thread so I'm starting the November one!!!


  • TheNewJessieMae
    I've been really bad this weekend......

    I pride myself on being a person with zero drama in their life. But this weekend the drama was thrown upon me. I really need to find some better coping mechanisms than food and cigarettes.

    11/1 Goals
    1.) water water water
    2.) get out of this funk and if I do stay in because things continue to go wrong-don't eat about it.
    3.) clean the nasty house as soon as I get home.
    4.) go to bed early!!!!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning! Thanks for starting the new thread luvbnamom!

    Kinda failed yesterday at going to the gym. Again. But I did start my laundry, get some work done and drink a lot of water! So 3/4 isn't bad.

    1. Fruits and veggies!
    2. Log all food.
    3. Gym!
    4. Drop off this paperwork that's been in my bag for a month or so.

  • Zephyr36608
    New to this thread, but I'm guessing you are all posting goals for just a single day? Right now my goal is pretty simple--I just need to log my food every day! LOL

  • TheNewJessieMae
    New to this thread, but I'm guessing you are all posting goals for just a single day? Right now my goal is pretty simple--I just need to log my food every day! LOL


    Yep. we do our goals for the day and welcome!!!!!
  • Kristy1214
    Sounds good! I'm in.

    1. Leave month end stress at work.
    2. Finish the laundry at home.
    3. Get all my water in for today.
    4. Walk the puppy :)
  • frubjious

    I'm new to this thread as well but I love the idea of it.

    So here goes:

    1. Go to the gym after work
    2. Make tomorrow's lunch before i go to bed tonight
    3. Don't give in to left over halloween goodies
    4.Stay under the days calorie allowance.
  • rmeadows71
    My goals:
    1 - get my water in
    2 - get my excercise in
    3 - clean my kitchen
    4 - more protein than carbs
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/1 Goals
    1.) Drink 3 bottles of water before leaving work today.
    2.) Go to the grocery store and make some meals for the week
    3.) Laundry
    4.) In bed by 10 to make sure I get to the gym in the morning!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome to the Newbies to this thread:flowerforyou: We're pretty close on here but always ready to welcome new people into the fold.

    I will say that I failed over the weekend but that is because we just didn't have the money to get everything we need to do what I wanted to do. We did however go out on Sat and walk all over the place pricing it out and see what we could find out there for trim. The trim we have in our house is no longer a style that is made:angry: So we are going to a salvage place that only charges $1 a piece for trim no matter what length it is. :happy: They had some pretty nice stuff just none of ours.

    So goals for today
    1. Water
    2. Go to salvage and find some trim to replace all the trim in the house:grumble: don't really want to do it throughout the whole house but gotta do what we gotta do...:ohwell:
    3. Make a healthy choice since I'm going to be going to mcdonald's for lunch. Daughter got enough coupons last night trick or treating for a whole meal for free there. So really I can't argue about going there and she wants to go.

    Hope you all have a good day!! I'm gonna go check out what all went on over the weekend on the other thread:smile:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Welcome to the new peeps!!!!! This thread is very good for me.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Oooops! I messed up:

    Here are my REVISED day-by-day goals:
    1. Drink at least 8+ glasses of water.
    2. Positive attitude.
    3. Workout.
    4. Get at least 6 hours of sleep.


    1. 8+ glasses of water everyday (especially on the weekend)
    2. Positive attitude EVERYDAY (Lemonade can always be made out of lemons.)
    3. Workout 6 times a week
    4. Sleep 6+ hours per night

    Thanks for the challenge! :-)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    yay Monique, Happiness, Meadows!! Glad you came!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    yay Monique, Happiness, Meadows!! Glad you came!

    YAY! Anything I can do to help motivate me and my pals is definitely necessary :o)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hello to all the new lovelies. Thanks for checking us out. PSU originally started this process for herself and luv, ravyn, sim, nam and myself have been staying accountable to ourselves and each other for the past 2 months now. Welcome aboard. Feel free to tell us a little about yourselves. Don't beat yourself up if you can't come on everyday. Usually, esp for the weekend, we may post goals for the next 2 or 3 days. The important part is to make sure you stop back to tell us if you made your daily goal or not.

    Jess, thanks for starting the new board. I sent you a pm earlier. I hope you're doing better.

    Sorry Namita, I had to go back and edit my posts, forgot to shout you out as one of the original members of this board. How could I ever forget such a beautiful smile?

    I decided to move my goal over from the last month's board.

    Monday 11-1-10
    1. put the chili in the crock pot early so it will be ready by dinner.
    2. workout after my daughter gets off to school.
    3. do abs and push ups first thing in the excuses
    4. water, water and more water.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. working on the laundry now, finish it up by tomorrow if its not done tonight.
    2. mop the kitchen
    3. vacuum the floor
    4. take back just dance to the video store.

    So while I'm on I might as well do a quick review.
    1. I forgot all about the chili, going to start it right now. The other 3 fitness goals are done! woohoo
    The laundry is done, I took the video back to the store. I still need to mop and vacuum. I'm trying to stall around like luv and maybe hubby will give in and do No, I'll get it done today.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Evening all and welcome to the new additions!!

    Thanks Jess for getting us up and running for November. Hope you're doing ok after your tough time.

    Ravyn did you ever get the water back on?

    Nicole hope your exams went well. Will keep fingers crossed for you.

    Leela how's the water going?

    Can't quite remember my goals from the last thread - will have to go back and take a look. Was pretty well behaved this weekend. No training on Saturday but went to Body Attack and Total Body Workout yesterday but was rubbish on the water front.

    It's a bit late in the day to post today's goals. Went training this morning before work and generally been good on cals but again rubbish on water.

    Tuesdays goals...
    1. Water water water.
    2. Go training before work and to Body Combat after work.
    3. Working at home all day so don't turn the tv on and get through all the work I have brought home with me.

    Have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Ughhh I can't make my chili. I'm missing a key ingredient so I will have to make it tomorrow.
    Just giving us a little bump too! :)
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I didn't do well with my water today, but I'm on it tomorrow - I promise! :-)
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for today
    1. Water
    2. Go to salvage and find some trim to replace all the trim in the house:grumble: don't really want to do it throughout the whole house but gotta do what we gotta do...:ohwell:
    3. Make a healthy choice since I'm going to be going to mcdonald's for lunch. Daughter got enough coupons last night trick or treating for a whole meal for free there. So really I can't argue about going there and she wants to go.

    Did pretty good today:) Was rather thirsty this morning and finished off all the water I needed to drink for the day and then just kept right on with it. Haven't completely cut out soda but its my caffine for the day and I don't need the migraines that come with me not having it.

    Nam, Yes the water got turned back on same day. Was only out for an hour.

    Goals for tomorrow
    1. Water:)
    2. Walk the riverwalk or around the mall depending on how cold it is in the morning.
    3. Make healthy food choices all day:)
    4. VOTE!!

    Getting ready to go to bed for the night. I will talk to you all tomorrow. Night!
  • frubjious

    I'm new to this thread as well but I love the idea of it.

    So here goes:

    1. Go to the gym after work
    2. Make tomorrow's lunch before i go to bed tonight
    3. Don't give in to left over halloween goodies
    4.Stay under the days calorie allowance.


    I hadn't appreciated how close you all were. Thanks for making me feel so welcome.:smile:

    Yesterdays goals were half and half, I went the gym for Body balance then swimming. I did finish under my calorie goal but I did succumb to the Halloween goodies. :blushing: On the upside where as in the past (cough Sunday cough) I might have gone crazy, this time I just had one small piece of chocolate after dinner and after I had worked out all my calories. I also didn’t make lunch before I went to bed, but I did make it quickly before heading out this morning.

    A bit about myself before I set today goals. I’m 28 and I live in UK, & since I left university my weight has just been creeping up year after year. I work in admin job during the day while I try to write and illustrate my first picture book in my spare time. It means a lot of time spent sitting still and guilt when I’m not working on the book but guilt when I am because I’m not fixing the house or working out.:ohwell:

    My best friend is getting married next year (she uses the i-phone app for this site and recommended it to me), and it’s finally given me the deadline I always needed to get off my butt and actually do something.:happy:

    Today’s goals:
    1. Not to eat my lunch before 12
    2. Go to Body Combat tonight, even though it scares me a little
    3. Spend 30mins working on the house
    4. Drink more water
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! I'm working at home today so thought I would take a five min break and jump on here to say hi!

    Frub it looks like we do some of the same classes! Do you go to a David Lloyd club? The put on all the les mills classes like body combat and body attack and balance etc. I have to say I really love them and they give such a high calorie burn! Go to combat today if you can - you won't regret it and will want to go to every one your gym puts on!

    To all the newbies stick with us!! It's so good when you are accountable and can report back when you achieve your goals and on the days when you don't you get all the support from this thread you need!

    I went training this morning but was aching so badly from yesterday. My trainer had me doing a full on kettle bell work out and I am aching in muscles I didn't know existed! We did a lot of stretching and conditioning today so feel a bit better. Was really hoping to make it to the express body combat class tonight so fingers crossed I don't stiffen up too much in the day and can make it.

    Haven't turned the tv on...yet and am cracking on with my work so need to keep the momentum going!

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou: