Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Just one more work day before the weekend begins....Yippee.....Yippee. So I'm competing in another MFP fitness challenge were the goal is to either exercise for 360 minutes a week or burn between 2500-3500 calories per week using a HRM. Since my HRM is no longer working and I don't tend to burn a whole lot of calories I opted for the 360 minutes per week of exercise. This challenge has forced me to "up my game" and I'm hoping it will help take off these last 2-4 lbs. I'll admit the Chalean Extreme program and the Kettleworx series has gotten me very comfortable with working out for only 30 minutes so Ive really had to work at adding more exercise. I'm so happy that I've invested in a variety of dvds/programs b/c it really allows me to switch things up. I'm going to try this for the remainder of the year and then determine if another program is needed.

    Today I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program and the Core-week 2 dvd from the Kettleworx series for a total of 67 minutes.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/03/10:

    1. Iron work clothes for tomorrow .........................................................CHECK
    2. Do some online research re: best friend's wedding.....................CHECK
    3. Follow up w/event coordinator for cousin's b-day party.................CHECK
    4. Fold all the clothes on top of the dryer .............................................CHECK

    Goals for 11/04/10:

    1. Workout 1st thing in the a.m...............................................................CHECK
    2. Prepare healthy snacks before heading to unit meeting .............CHECK
    3. Do not eat any halloween candy during the unit meeting
    4. Need to contact the event coordinator again, have more questions
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Leela-- good to hear your headaches are gone. I will say you might be right about the caffeine. It happens to me when I don't drink it for awhile. Hopefully they stay gone!

    Luvbnamom-- it's nasty here, too. Makes walking to class no fun.

    happinessblossoms- thanks! I certainly hope so!

    ajkebluegirl- welcome!

    And... for some reason my computer doesn't like to let me view posts from too far back so I always forget what I want to tell other people! lol.

    Goals for today:

    1. Laundry! Even if it's just a load-- I'm out of socks.
    2. Some kind of workout. Two of my classes were cancelled so I have some extra time.
    3. Water! Water! Water! I haven't been doing this as well as I would like.

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So for tomorrow (Thusrday)
    1. Make that Appt.
    2. Go to my appt and make sure I show up early like I have to. New doc for me..
    3. Water
    4. Make a healthy choice for lunch. I'll be at my parents house and my mom and dad don't always make healthy choices. They kinda taught me my bad habits hehe. My hubby has been teaching me how to be healthy:)

    1. DONe
    2. Done
    3. almost done:)
    4. My mom made beef stew and it wasn't a thick gravy stew it was more like a beef and veggie soup. Had biscuits with it. It was yummy and filling. I'm quite happy she thought of doing something a little healthier this time around. She usually makes such unhealthy food that I feel bad for wanting to tell her that I would prefer to not eat what she made.

    Happiness, My daughter is feeling much better don't know what happened but she is feeling better now.

    Well its 3:30 and I'm pretty much done with my goals for today. Think I work on getting some cleaning done around here and catch up on my soap since the president interrupted it yesterday..
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Ok forgot to mention this on my last post and well it won't just let me edit right now:ohwell: But I lost 6.1 pounds in the last month!!!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :noway: I'm rather happy about this because I've been at my start weight for the last 5 years!! Its so nice to finally see the scale go lower than the 240 range. My doc today told me that while he's happy about the loss for me it might be contributed to the fact that the last test for my thyroid now has me having hyperthyroidism(over active) instead of hypothyroidism(under active). Which is why now we are on the path to try to figure out what is causing the issue itself. Which meant more blood work for me today. If we can't find anything there then we get to move on to me getting an ultrasound done on my thyroid to see if there is anything there.

    I'm just happy to see me losing the weight finally!! I've been working on this so hard over the last 2 months and had nothing happen and its suddenly doing something. I did joke with the doc about keeping on the over active side of things for awhile at least until I get done to my goal weight. But that was just a joke since I know it could cause all sorts of other things to happen to me if I did. But I'll take my body's assistance in this for the short term because I know that I will keep off whatever comes off. I've made the right changes already to my life to do so.

    Now for goals for tomorrow.
    1. Water
    2. walk around mall with friend(weather is not going to be good for anything else!! dang snow!:grumble: )
    3. Sit down with a calender and work a schedule for me to do more workouts. I've got the motivation now and my hubby is rearranging the basement for me so I can work out without being interrupted.:smile:
    4. Pay bills :frown:

    Well now that I'm so super happy and motivated I'm going to get me another glass of water and figure out what I'm going to get my kids for Christmas and their birthdays. I had both of them in Dec. I don't know what I was thinking when I did that!! hehe

    Enjoy your evening everyone! Sorry for the rambling.:blushing:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all!

    Ravyn fantastic job on your weight loss and well done on sticking with this even though you've had a tough time. Fingers crossed you get some answers after your blood work.

    So I'm off work today :drinker: It's Diwali so I'll soon be off to see my family and will be there most of the weekend. The aim is to come back either late Saturday night or really early Sunday morning so I can go to Body Attack at 9.30. Today and tomorrow are not going to be the best days with food so I tried to do some damage limitation this morning. I had training with my personal trainer who kicked my backside and then went straight to a Body Combat class and consequently I'm feeling a little tired! I broke my ankle in 5 places about 3 years ago and it is still not right. I have been trying to do everything possible to strengthen it to avoid surgery but that Body Combat class didn't help one bit today so I plan to sit with my feet up for the rest of the day today and most of tomorrow!! I've stocked up with all my presents for everyone so can't wait to see them all to give them!

    Will try and post on here at some point at the weekend to catch up with you all. In case I can't my goals for the next few days are:

    1. Water water water. I always slack on this when I go home to my mum's so must make more of an effort.
    2. Make healthy food choices and don't get tempted by all of the sweets. On Diwali it's tradition to feed everyone Indian sweets which is going to be a killer on the calorie intake! Think before my hand picks up the naughty food!
    3. Persuade the whole family to go for a walk on Saturday so at least I can get some exercise in.
    4. Where possible rest my foot so I don't do anymore damage.
    5. Have lots of fun!
    6. Be positive for weigh in day on Monday. I desperately want to hit the 2 stone mark (which is 28lbs) and I'm within touching distance so I've been obsessing about this all week. Stressing about it will not help!

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursdays recap:
    Thursday's goals:
    1. light cardio, if any. 20 MINUTES OF LIGHT AEROBICS, 35 MINUTES OF WII
    2. stay on the water bandwagon. DIDN'T QUITE MAKE IT TO 64 OZ
    3. abs in the morning. YEAH!
    4. eating under 1200 calories no matter how many workout calories I may have (probably wont be many, if any).

    1. abs
    2. water
    3 workout for atleast 45 minutes
    4. start laundry
    5. eat any leftovers before cooking something new.

    don't have time to really comment now, but I will this afternoon. I need to get my little one off to school.
  • frubjious

    First of

    Rav well done on losing 6lbs! I hope that the doctors are able to tell you something soon.

    Leela great work on the cardio. hoping to hit the Wii myself later

    Nam Hope you have a lovely time with your family.

    1.Don't weigh myself. – Fail, I’m compulsive about it at the moment.
    2. Swim an extra 100m – Also fail. There was an hour and half’s wait between the end of body balance and the pool opening, I managed and hour and suddenly had that moment where I realised I had that while I want to exercise more I don’t want to live at the gym. I still need to work out what’s going to work for me in terms of an exercised routine.
    3. Set up the Wii for a bit of Wii fit. – I can’t claim credit for this one, my lovely boyfriend set it up as a surprise for when I got home from the gym last night even though he was sick.
    4. Eat slowly/ drink water. – I’m getting better at this one. It’s going to be practice, but I’m making sure I always sit down to eat and don’t work while I have lunch.
    5. Get an early night. – No, but I did sleep very well for the first time in ages.

    1. Don’t weigh myself!
    2. Don’t use work stress as an excuse to eat junk or drink too much coffee
    3. Go grocery shopping
    4. Try and get half and hour of exercise in
    5. Water
  • TheNewJessieMae
    My Goals for today 11/4:
    1.) WATER *** good on the water
    2.) NO CHEATS ****yay me!
    3.) get to the doc on time and hopefully they will find out what is going on with my uterous!!! OUCH ***yep made it and they took out my IUD in hopes that it would help. I hope it does. Hubby had a vasectomy so I don't have to worry about birth control.
    4.) work out before bed. I'm thinking pilates. and some calisthenics. **didn't BUT i moved boxes and filed all day at work.
    5.) don't get discouraged if the guy who is coming to look at remodeling my kitchen wants too much money........... ***perfect amount of money!!!!! awesome-he starts saturday!!!

    Today is a nasty day where I live. Cold, rainy and no sunshine. it always gets me down. But--I'm not going to pay any attention to the weather and I'm going to get all of my work done. (i hope) lol. ****** I did and I was so productive it was amazing.

    Goals for 11/5
    1.) water, water water
    2.) pack up my kitchen as soon as I get home and do laundry in between. Every peice of clothing in the house is dirty!! :(
    3.) do half of payroll today so I only have the other half on Monday!!
    4.)Keep a positive attitude RE weight loss. I'm gaining instead of losing (not much) but I need to get back on track with this exercising business. I am making every excuse in the book. And I'm getting burned out..
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/4 Goals
    1) Water :drinker: -- CHECK
    2) Laundry -- moved to today
    3) GYM or video at home!!! -- YAY!!! Finally! Slim in 6!
    4) Stop making excuses -- work in progress :wink:

    Nam -- Have fun! Stay strong and avoid the sweets...You can do this!

    Beth -- Good news, I'm glad she's feeling better :smile:

    Chocolickkyss -- 360 mins. You definitely got that!

    ajkebluegirl -- Welcome! :happy:

    11/5 Goals
    1) Water
    2) Laundry
    3) gym or Slim in 6
    4) clean for the party on Saturday

    :happy: Happy Friday Everyone!!! :drinker:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Goals for today:

    1. Laundry! Even if it's just a load-- I'm out of socks. (Done! I did like 6 loads. It took forever!)
    2. Some kind of workout. Two of my classes were cancelled so I have some extra time. (Fail)
    3. Water! Water! Water! I haven't been doing this as well as I would like. (Epic fail ... and I went out to lunch and drank a bunch of soda)


    So goals for today/the weekend because it's going to be crazy busy:
    1. Water! Water! Water! I'm going to be out and moving around a lot... and moving heavy items in and out of a gym on Sunday for THON stuff so I need to be well hydrated.
    2. Get work done! Even though I'll be super busy.
    3. Eat semi-healthy (i have a formal tonight so I don't get to choose what I eat and I'll be at the game and tailgating tomorrow so I need to be careful!)

    That's it for now! Hopefully I'll be able to check in throughout but idk. Have fun this weekend Nam! Sounds like a fun holiday with family! And Congrats on the weight loss Ravyn!!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/03/10:

    1. Iron work clothes for tomorrow .........................................................CHECK
    2. Do some online research re: best friend's wedding.....................CHECK
    3. Follow up w/event coordinator for cousin's b-day party.................CHECK
    4. Fold all the clothes on top of the dryer .............................................CHECK

    Goals for 11/04/10:

    1. Workout 1st thing in the a.m...............................................................CHECK
    2. Prepare healthy snacks before heading to unit meeting .............CHECK
    3. Do not eat any halloween candy during the unit meeting.............CHECK
    4. Need to contact the event coordinator again, have more questions CHECK

    I accomplished all my goals yesterday but did not set any for today. I have exercised today and am currently working on my 8th glass of water. I'm on track w/my calories so pretty go thus far.

    I'll try to check back in later.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.

    :happy: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.

    Wow Choc! Congratulations what an achievement and a real inspiration!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/5 Goals
    1) Water -- Still working at it...on glass 6 now
    2) Laundry -- Haven't started yet, but it's only 9pm
    3) gym or Slim in 6 -- CHECK!!! Whoohoo!
    4) clean for the party on Saturday -- started

    :happy: Happy Friday Everyone!!! :drinker:

    update on today...

    so happy I followed through on working out :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    11/06/10 Goals:

    1. Take kickboxing class @ gym................................CHECK
    2. Do not buy popcorn at the movies 2nite
    3. Check restaurant menu prior to going 2nite so I can make healthy choices
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.

    Wow Choc! Congratulations what an achievement and a real inspiration!

    Thank you for the support. Everyone on MFP has really helped me achieve this goal b/c everyone has been so supportive and encouraging.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Sorry, double post!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's recap:
    1. abs NO
    2. water YES
    3 workout for atleast 45 minutes NO
    4. start laundry DONE
    5. eat any leftovers before cooking something new. YES

    1. abs, no matter what
    2. go to the gym
    3. plan next weeks menu and make a grocery list of things I need.