Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Glad to see everyone is so chatty.

    My Tuesday's goals:
    1. start drinking water first thing in the morning, every hour, until 6pm.
    2. abs and push ups.
    3. go to the gym after my daughter is off to school.
    4 eat balanced meals.

    I don't have much time to talk now, but I'll be on later.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    So I pretty much failed on my goals yesterday :o( I drank 1 bottle of water and went to the grocery store. Also, I did not make it to the gym this morning. Trying again today...

    11/2 Goals
    1.) Drink 3 bottles of water before leaving work today.
    2.) Make some meals for the week
    3.) Laundry
    4.) Exercise for at leaset 30 minutes today
  • Zephyr36608
    My goals today:
    1) Enter all my foods
    2) Attend dinner event this evening with friend, and order only the grilled fish with veggies, with water.

  • TheNewJessieMae
    I've been really bad this weekend......

    I pride myself on being a person with zero drama in their life. But this weekend the drama was thrown upon me. I really need to find some better coping mechanisms than food and cigarettes.

    11/1 Goals
    1.) water water water-*** did great on my water.
    2.) get out of this funk and if I do stay in because things continue to go wrong-don't eat about it.** didn't do great eating but I logged it all. I am finally out of the funk today!!!
    3.) clean the nasty house as soon as I get home.*** cleaned a little bit and realized that I was going to be off today, so I am finishing up today.
    4.) go to bed early!!!!!*** yay!!!

    Well I am so glad to have so many new people. And realized I should share-again.....
    My Name is Jess, I live in WV-and no it's not like the movie "deliverance" -I promise!! lolol
    I have 2 children, a 6 year old daughter and a son that will be 3 this month. They are my life. My husband is awesome. Supports me and spoils the crap out of me. Cooks, cleans, and is romantic. We've been married for almost 4 years. Love him.
    My weight is from 2 babies and laziness. Also an extreme love for food and self medication with it as well. I LOVE healthy food, and that's what we as a family have always eaten for meals. but in between we always ate junk or some dinners would be fried, everything. lol. Anyhow, we are all here to help each other everyday. To listen, to give advice and to cheer for one another. Welcome aboard!!

    Goals for 11/2:

    1.) water!!
    2.) House Clean
    3.) Cook a very healthy dinner- I am off of work today so it shouldn't be an issue.
    4.) stay in a positive mood. I cannot change what others do to me, but I can change the way I react to it.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    So I pretty much failed on my goals yesterday :o( I drank 1 bottle of water and went to the grocery store. Also, I did not make it to the gym this morning. Trying again today...

    Today is definately a new day!!! No better time to try again.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    @ luvbnamom -- Thanks girlie! :o)
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Hi I'm Stephanie (Steph, Stephie). Living in Virginia. No hubby, no kids...but I'm working on changing myself before adding all of that in the mix. Still...that is definitely the direction I want to go in. I have been overweight all of my life, and I would just like to be comfortable in my own skin. I really have no idea what weight would even look good and healthy on me. I'm on my way to finding that out and so love myfitnesspal. I am taking it one day at a pound at a time. I've joined a group to challenge myself to lose 10 lbs by Thanksgiving though. I hope I can acheive that. Especially since I will be visiting family and the holidays are always a tough time to lose weight. With all the temptations I'm hoping I can focus on doing for me and my goals.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    My goals today are to:

    1. Drink ALL of my water
    2. Do 100 squats before I go to sleep
    3. Walk for an hour
    4. Make it to my doctor's appointment on time
    5. Make it to my dentist appointment on time

    YAY! :-)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Fruits and veggies! Win!
    2. Log all food. Fail (Logged all my meals then not my snacking)
    3. Gym! WIN!!!! So proud of this! Haven't been to the gym in far too long.
    4. Drop off this paperwork that's been in my bag for a month or so. Fail!

    Hello everyone!!

    Welcome to all the newbies and thanks for sharing Steph. Luvbnamom I think it's a great idea for us to recap so here is some short info about me... I'm Nicole and I obviously go to Penn State. I've gained way too much weight since I started school here which is why I joined this board. I'm super involved on campus and love every minute of it and I work at Hersheypark which I love as well.

    O and thanks Namita! Some went well some not so much. But I should be able to make up for the ones that didn't go so well. Not sure about my hopes for a 4.0 though.

    Ok so... goals for today!

    1. Log my calories.
    2. Fruits, veggies, water!
    3. No late night snacking-- not only do I eat way too much but my stupid acid reflux is back and it makes me sick in the morning.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • frubjious
    Nice one on the kettle bell work out Nam, I hear that's a fantastic work out.
    Frub it looks like we do some of the same classes! Do you go to a David Lloyd club? The put on all the les mills classes like body combat and body attack and balance etc. I have to say I really love them and they give such a high calorie burn! Go to combat today if you can - you won't regret it and will want to go to every one your gym puts on!

    The local University just built itself a new sports complex that I've joined. I used to go to classes at a leisure centre where the whole pace of it was generally a little more relaxed. I tried their body combat classes and really enjoyed them but every one at the new place seems to be fit already. I love balance it’s a real treat and definitely helps keep you sane!

    Right, now off to body combat.... ...eek!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for tomorrow
    1. Water:)
    2. Walk the riverwalk or around the mall depending on how cold it is in the morning.
    3. Make healthy food choices all day:)
    4. VOTE!!

    Well the day is only a a little over half done and so far so good!! Got the walk in(at the mall) but it was a short one because my daughter started getting sick while we were walking around. SO she is taking a nap right now. Hope she gets to feeling better soon. I got my vote in this morning when I dropped my son off at school this morning. So far I've had pretty healthy food choices but I ate more than I should've. I haven't eaten lunch though because of the time I had breakfast. Don't know what's going to be going on for dinner tonight but I'll be sure to make healthy choices for that. I've been doing pretty good on the water. I finshed a bottle of it so far and will be working on the other one here soon which will put me just a little over.

    So here's a recap of myself for the newbies:happy: My name is Beth, though I don't mind if you call me Ravyn. Online I answer to both :laugh: I have 2 kids, my son who is 7(8 in Dec) and my daughter who is 4(5 in Dec). They are not the reason I have put on all of my weight. I have hypothyroidism and am still struggling to get that under control. I decided that I would get my lifestyle under control in the mean time. So I joined MFP because a friend of mine was using it. The connection to FB has kept the people who see me in everyday life involved and they have been giving me support too. I love our little group on this challenge. They have been very good about keeping me in check and for the first time since I've started in on this I feel great about what I'm doing. It doesn't feel so much like a chore. I know with the holiday's coming we will all have our difficulties gettting thru but I'm going to make a promise to myself that I will not deprive myself, I will have the things I love this holiday season and not go overboard on it. :bigsmile:

    Well i'm off to check on my daughter and make sure she is doing ok. Then off to get my son from school. I'll be back on later tonight to post goals for tomorrow. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    The chili is smelling good!

    Just a little about me. I'm Leela and I have been on mfp since May. I have been overweight for more than half my life. I have a wonderful husband and a wonderful daughter. They are both my inspiration. The company I worked for went under in August, so now I have all this free time to get my life back in order and getting in shape is one of the top priorities. So it's like a blessing in disguise. I am recovering from knee surgery from March, but now I have full clearance to workout (except for spinning, I'll have to wait until next March to spin again). I vow this to be the last year that my new year's resolutions including getting in shape.

    Nicole. glad you made it to the gym!

    Well I'll stop by later to set up tomorrow's goals. Just wanted to see what everyone else was up to.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    My goals today are to:

    1. Drink ALL of my water
    2. Do 100 squats before I go to sleep
    3. Walk for an hour
    4. Make it to my doctor's appointment on time
    5. Make it to my dentist appointment on time

    YAY! :-)

    1. Slacked on the water - but I'm all over it tomorrow...
    2. Squats - check!
    3. Walk - too late, too dark, and too cold - my long-winded dentist ruined this one for me.
    4. Doctor - check!
    5. Dentist - check!
    6. Vote - check!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for Wed.
    1. Daughter to Dentist
    2. Make daughter a Dr. Appt.
    3. find someone to watch daughter during my dr. appt this Thursday.
    4. water
    5. laundry
    6. clean floors

    Well that's it for me tomorrow. At least I think that's it. Who really knows what is going to go on all day. Just know that according to the forcast that tomorrow might be one of the last days I can get a walk in along the riverwalk but only if I go in the afternoon and I've got so much to get done that I don't know if I can get it all done and do that walk. But I'm gonna try to get at least one more walk in before the :grumble: :noway: *whispering* snow flies. :sad: It's in the forecast already so who knows but eww.

    Well enjoy your evening everyone and have a good day tomorrow! Remember drink that water!!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just a quick recap:
    My Tuesday's goals:
    1. start drinking water first thing in the morning, every hour, until 6pm. CHECK!
    2. abs and push ups. CHECK!
    3. go to the gym after my daughter is off to school. YEPPERS!
    4 eat balanced meals. DOUBLE CHECK!

    So goals for Wednesday:
    1. zumba, zumba
    2. abs, abs
    3. water, water
    4. push ups, push ups
    5. Remember that just because I burn over 1000 calories that I can't eat them all!!
  • frubjious
    Morning All,

    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Not to eat my lunch before 12 - I managed to hold off but it was a very close run thing.
    2. Go to Body Combat tonight, even though it scares me a little - Made it to body combat and loved it. I’ve been booking myself a place on it every week for a month and chickening out until yesterday so I’m really pleased
    3. Spend 30mins working on the house – Complete failure on this one.
    4. Drink more water- Done!

    Wednesday’s Goals:
    1. Swimming, add 100meters
    2. Laundry
    3. 1 hour drawing
    4. Stay in my calorie allowance
    5. Stop inhaling my food!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Goals for 11/2:

    1.) water!! *** YAY
    2.) House Clean **Yay-Most of it.
    3.) Cook a very healthy dinner- I am off of work today so it shouldn't be an issue. ** Got everyone's belly full
    4.) stay in a positive mood. I cannot change what others do to me, but I can change the way I react to it. ** I think I did this rather well.

    Goals for 11/3
    1. Get work done at work
    2. Water
    3. Take something Healthy for lunch or buy something healthy.
    4. At some point today I need to call my mother, or answer her call. She was the reason for my depression slump a few days ago and now I need to get it over with and talk to her and my dad.
    5. Walk at lunch indoors or outdoors!!!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    YAY finally found this

    goals for today
    1. get 30 min of exercise in somehow
    3. try to drink a lot of water and see if this helps
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Goals for 11/3:

    1. Water - ugh!
    2. Workout - Check!
    3. Class
    4. Keep sodium, carbs, and sugar in check...
    5. Eat at least 1,200 calories today...
  • TheNewJessieMae

    Are these just random things? Or familiar things?

    Sorry, that gutter mind!!! lol