Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for 11/09--

    1) Water--Drank a lot of it but lost count. It was around 10-8 oz. cups, though.
    2) STAY WITHIN MY CALORIES!!!--Closer but still needs work.
    3) Work on my Christmas projects.--Nope. Worked on a personal jewelry set instead.
    4) Water!--See above
    5) do the Day 9 workout from the Thanksgiving walking challenge.--Done plus some extra.

    Good morning, all!

    I did better yesterday. Made better choices for my foods. I don't think I slept too well last night, though--I just feel 'fuzzy-headed' this morning.

    Wed. goals (11/10)

    1) Water.
    2) Do day 10 of my challenge.
    3) Work on Christmas projects!
    4) Stay away from the snacks at tonight's meeting.

    We are having another rainy day--usual for this time of year. I have recently added Vitamin D to my day--I hope it helps with this 'not-really-depressed-but-just-kind-of down' feeling I've been struggling with! I've been told that it could be related to lack of sunlight and the Vitamin D we get from it.
    I'm usually okay once I get moving.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all and happy hump day! Today is my Friday because tomorrow is Veteran's Day so we have the day off and Friday is our designated Furlough day so no work then either. Today I completed the Shoulders and Arms dvd from the P90X program and the Fast Abs-workout 2 dvd from the Kettleworx series.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/09/10:

    1. Workout in the morning......................Check
    2. Drink all my water................................ Check (12 cups.....WooHoo)
    3. Organize the bathroom & master bedroom..................Check
    4. Begin researching family reunion keepsake................ Check

    Goals for 11/10/10

    1. Workout in the morning........................Check
    2. Drink all my water..................................
    3. Contact the travel agent re: girls only trip.........................
    4. Follow up w/phone company.............................................
    5. Follow up w/Thanksgiving preparations..........................
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for weds...
    1. Stay under cals and no excuses - DONE
    2. After evening meeting go straight home and get in the gym to do at least 30 mins cardio but hopefully 60. BIG FAIL
    3. More fruit and veg. DONE
    4. Must cook own evening meal and excuses of late meeting and gym not good enough. FAIL
    5. Speak to the specialist about my foot and make a decision finally on surgery. ATTEMPTED BUT FAIL

    Managed to keep to my food and water goals but just got home and I'm exhausted and foot is bad today so don't think I would be up to much in the gym. Tried to speak to the doc but he was in surgery so have been waiting for him to call back.

    So on to Thurs.....
    1. Workout before work.
    2. Big fancy work dinner thing in the evening - strictly no booze.
    3. Be confident in what I'm wearing tomorrow night.
    4. Loads of water.

    Well done to everyone on their goals. See you all at some stage tomorrow!
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Wednesday’s goals:
    1. Stay under calorie allowance – Check, but not healthy choices
    2. 30 minutes walk at lunch - Yes, did 40 minutes. I worry it’ll be the last nice day :cry:
    3. 30 minutes cardio – Yes
    4. Water - Yes
    5. Go to painting class in the evening, even if I’m tired. – Fail. My car is giving trouble. At least I’ll get plenty of walking in over the next couple of days!

    1. Healthy choices
    2. Eat slowly, sipping water while I eat.
    3. 30 minutes cardio
    4. Drop car off at garage
    5. Don’t weigh myself

    Hope your day treats you well. :flowerforyou:
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Hi to all I'm new to this thread but I love the idea of it.

    It's already 2pm here but I still have a good part of my day left so....

    So here goes:

    1. Work out after work
    2. Eat dinner by 7:30p (I eat dinner at 8:30p alot of the time:ohwell: )
    3. Go to bed by 10:30p so I can get up early to workout
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Get on my eliptical for as long as my legs will let me without over doing it.
    2. water
    3. Finish sweeping and mopping floors. had to start before putting a new rug down now have to finish the rest of them so it doesn't look so bad.
    4. Put together my new set of drawers and re-organize my clothes.
    5. Move all the smaller blankets out of the closet and into the storage ottoman.
    6. Dishes
    7. Laundry

    1. Doing this soon but haven't done it yet
    2. been pretty good but still got a few to go
    3. done:)
    4. Done:)
    5. done
    6. still gotta work on that.
    7. working on it so that's better than nothing. I'll finish it tomorrow.

    Goals for Thursday

    1. Walk with friend
    2. finish laundry
    3. finish dishes cause i know I won't finish them tonight
    4. water
    5. enjoy the japanese curry we are going to have for dinner. One of my new fave meals:) hehe

    I would chat more but I've got to get things done now. You all have been doing so well!! I'm proud of you! Keep it up!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    nelsaphine welcome!

    frubjious, I need to stay weighing often also!

    Wednesday's recap:
    1. zumba, zumba YES, YES
    2. eat a light snack before first and second zumba to keep hunger under control. YES
    3. keep drinking water 15 CUPS AND COUNTING
    4. clean out the refridgerator in case any left overs got pushed to the back and need to be trashed. NO LEFTOVERS
    1. recover from zumba!
    2. strength
    3. water
    4 abs, maybe push ups!
    5 don't eat after closing my food log for the day.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Welcome Nelsaphine!!!!

    Nam!! I had no idea ur foot was hurt, I'm so

    Lee, you and water junk are ROCKIN!!

    Looks like everyone has been doing a GREAT job!! I'm still alive and it's time I start acting like it!! 2lb gain and if I don't perk up, straighten up, get up, dust off and put my big girl Panties on it will become more.

    Well yesterday I survived.

    11/10/2010 Goals:
    1.) So much water I pee myself!!! lol (not really but you know what I mean) **** GREAT JOB!!!
    2.) get bills figured out. **YEP AND EVEN PAID THE GUY DOING MY KITCHEN HALF!!
    5.) clean my living room and do laundry instead of sitting on my behind!!! LIVING ROOM WAS CLEAN WHEN I GOT

    Today's goals:
    1. I'm off today so I want to find everyday that I can to MOVE!!
    2. Hard for me to drink water at home, but I'm going to keep reminding myself.
    3. Do an actual work out of some sort at naptime. And at night.
    4. Throw out the tub of cookie dough in the fridge.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Well. To show myself that the cookie dough is my enemy and not my friend. At 7am I ate my whole days worth of Cals of it. I will now have to work for everything I eat today. That is evil. But a good lesson for me. The tub of it is now in the trash.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    11/10 Goals:
    1) WATER -- FAIL (ONE bottle only!)
    2) Watch my food intake -- Do better at this as my weight was up this morning. -- EPIC FAIL, apparently binge eating was on the menu and I decided to make it a marathon! UGH! I don't know what I was doing, thinking, learning from this.
    3) Burn some calories! I haven't worked out since Monday! -- FAIL, I went to sleep at 9pm after my pity party

    11/11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Watch my calorie intake
    3) More exercise! (45 minutes down so far on the treadmill)

    BTW...I'm afraid of the treadmill. I have a fear of falling off of it in the middle of the gym and being completely mortified. BUT...I managed to run at a pace of 4.5 MPH for a few minutes here in there with some encouragement from my gym buddy.

    Also, I've decided to set a goal for myself of completing a half marathon. I'm choosing the Rock N' Roll Marathon in Las Vegas that is in Early December of 2011. One, it gives me a year to get where I need to be and Two, I will finally get to Vegas!

    Welcome to the group Nelsaphine!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! As I stated yesterday, I have the next two days off and I must admit it felt great being able to sleep in just a little later today. I got up w/a lot of energy and a desire to burns some calories so instead of heading to the gym I rocked it out with Chalean. I completed 47 minutes of the Burn Intervals dvd and 30 minutes of the Turbo Jam Fat Blaster dvd. Overall this was a great workout.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/10/10

    1. Workout in the morning........................Check
    2. Drink all my water..................................Check (12 cups)
    3. Contact the travel agent re: girls only trip.........................Check the ladies and I are heading to Jamaica
    4. Follow up w/phone company............................................. Check my bill will now be at $15-20 cheaper...Yippee
    5. Follow up w/Thanksgiving preparations..........................Check I'm volunteering w/a feed the hungry campaign on Thanksgiving

    Goals for 11/11/10

    1. Workout in the morning..........................Check
    2. Drink all my water....................................
    3. Wash/condition my hair.........................
    4. Schedule bill payments.........................
    5. Make grocery list....................................
    6. Fold AND put away clothes that are on the dryer................................
    7. Confirm business mtg for tomorrow...................................................

    I thought today was my day off, it sure feels like a work day w/all that's on my "to do"
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone! I missed yesterday since I spent most of the day sleeping. I don't know why I am so damn tired all the time. Excuse my language, but I"m frustrated. lol. Yesterday was 100 days till THON too so I spent a lot of time with that celebration!! And Khloe Kardashian tweeted about us! Yay!

    Welcome to the newbies!!

    luvbnamom... let's get back on track together!! I've been on and off ... back on back off. And I need to get back on, too!

    happinessblossoms... I was afraid of the treadmill too! We both overcame that fear recently. Pats on the back to us! And I'm trying to run a 5k by October of next year ... so we are kind of in the same boat... even though yours is bigger than mine. Maybe I'll find a marathon and we can work towards the goal together!

    Choco... Your thanksgiving plans sound fun! I wish I could do something like that... unfortunately when I'm home I have to go back to work at Hershey. :(

    Goals for today:

    1. Log all calories (doing good so far)
    2. Water (haven't drank any yet... will get on this)
    3. Rock my exam at 4:15 (should probably start studying soon)
    4. Make healthier choices.
    5. Clean up this room a little bit. It's gross.

    Have a good day everyone!!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/11/10

    1. Workout in the morning..........................Check
    2. Drink all my water....................................
    3. Wash/condition my hair......................... Check sitting under the hair dryer now
    4. Schedule bill payments......................... Check....completed while under the dryer.......I love paying bills online
    5. Make grocery list......................................Check....completed while under the dryer
    6. Fold AND put away clothes that are on the dryer................................
    7. Confirm business mtg for tomorrow.....................................................Check....completed while under the dryer

    You can really get a lot accomplished when being held captive under the hair dryer.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Well 2 out of 3 for wednesday...I didn't get to bed early at of course I didn't get up to exercise :(

    Goals for 11/11/10

    1. Workout after work at least 45 minutes
    2. Eat dinner by 7:30p
    3. Definately go to bed by 10:30p at the latest
    4. Catch up on my reading I have 'very important' stuff to read & I've been putting it off!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Today's goals:
    1. I'm off today so I want to find everyday that I can to MOVE!! ** EVEN AFTER MY COOKIE DOUGH FIASCO I AM UNDER MY CALS
    2. Hard for me to drink water at home, but I'm going to keep reminding myself. **18 GLASSES!!!!
    3. Do an actual work out of some sort at naptime. And at night. ** I'VE WORKED OUT FROM TIME TO TIME ALL DAY BUT STILL HAVE TAE BO TO DO WHEN THE KIDS GO TO BED. DONT WORRY,I'LL DO IT!!!
    4. Throw out the tub of cookie dough in the fridge.**AFTER EATING 1300 CALS OF IT, it's in the trash!!!

    Tomorrow 11/12
    1.) take my leftover dinner for lunch and walk on the treadmill at work
    2.) keep carbs and CALS on track.
    3.) water water water
    4.) work out before bed.

    Thanks to everyone who has been there for me!! I think the worst of my IUD removal is over. The FLOW has stopped and hormones seem to be balancing, but I'm getting headaches. Don't know if that's why or sinuses.
    All of you are amazing women and I am proud to call you my friends!
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome Nelsaphine, I’m pretty new here too, everyone really nice.

    Rav Japanese curry sounds amazing, what’s in it?

    Leela the scales are just compulsive, I’m trying for once a week but its all I can do to get on them only once a day.

    Jess I hope you’re having a better day today.

    Steph Half marathon in Vegas sounds so exciting! What a brilliant way to motivate yourself.

    Choco Well done on the work out sounds like you’re really going for it.

    Nicole, I’m glad you’re back this is an awesome thread you started. It’s helping a lot of people.

    1. Healthy choices – At times, maybe:embarassed:
    2. Eat slowly, sipping water while I eat. - No
    3. 30 minutes cardio – Yes, managed over an hour though fairly low intensity
    4. Drop car off at garage – Er, job for 1st thing tomorrow
    5. Don’t weigh myself – Fail

    I’m off work tomorrow and then the weekend is looking pretty busy staying over at friends, going to wedding dress shops in London. I may not get to check in so the goals for the weekend in general are:

    1. Get the car fixed
    2. Water, water, water
    3. No more then two cocktails on Saturday night (Shopping for your best friends wedding dress! Diet or no, if you can’t follow that with a cocktail then I don’t know what you can)
    4. At least an 30 mins of cardio a day
    5. Try and get some rest or next weeks going to be terrible.

    Have a great weekend everyone, I hope you have fun

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Goals for 11/11/10

    1. Workout in the morning..........................Check
    2. Drink all my water.................................... Check (12 cups)
    3. Wash/condition my hair......................... Check sitting under the hair dryer now
    4. Schedule bill payments......................... Check....completed while under the dryer.......I love paying bills online
    5. Make grocery list......................................Check....completed while under the dryer
    6. Fold AND put away clothes that are on the dryer................................ Check
    7. Confirm business mtg for tomorrow.....................................................Check....completed while under the dryer

    I accomplished all that I wanted today but really unsure what my goals for tomorrow will be other than workout in the morning and drink plenty of water.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Just wanted to say that I hope everyone has an excellent day!!!! I will!!!!
    I have been revived, and have the drive once again!!! That excites me. Everytime I lose that motivation the time span gets shorter and shorter between then and when I find it again. Thank you EVERYONE for your love and support!!! I couldn't do it with out you all!!