Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • TheNewJessieMae
    Goals for 11/5
    1.) water, water water -- YEAH
    2.) pack up my kitchen as soon as I get home and do laundry in between. Every peice of clothing in the house is dirty!! :( PACKED UP KITCHEN BUT NO LAUNDRY
    3.) do half of payroll today so I only have the other half on Monday!! NOPE
    4.)Keep a positive attitude RE weight loss. I'm gaining instead of losing (not much) but I need to get back on track with this exercising business. I am making every excuse in the book. And I'm getting burned out.. VERY POSITIVE YESTERDAY, BUT NO EXERCISE BESIDES CLEANING.

    11/6 goals: Now that it's almost already 6pm. lol
    1.) Laundry........ I have done 6 loads and still not finished but I will finish tonight.
    2.) get some more water in. again, it's already 6pm and I've basically just started on the water. I have a migrane...... ugh
    3.) Don't have anxiety about the kitchen being in shambles. It happens when you're remodeling.
    4.) Have a slumber party with my daughter (but I sooooooooo have to get rid of this headache!!!!)
    5.) put my son to bed extra early because he didn't have a nap since my friend in the kitchen was sawing and beating and banging.

    I'll go ahead an post my goals for tomorrow as well since it's already so late.

    11/7 Goals:
    1.) water-very important.
    2.) Clean the office and my bedroom so that I can get all of the kitchen stuff out of my daughters room and clean it. (I clean way too much and it seems like nothing is ever clean!!!)
    3.) AGAIN Not freak out about my kitchen being a wreck.

    I am so glad to see everyone doing such an excellent job!!! And choc, happy 1 year!!! That's amazingly crazy!!!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Now for goals for tomorrow.
    1. Water
    2. walk around mall with friend(weather is not going to be good for anything else!! dang snow!:grumble: )
    3. Sit down with a calender and work a schedule for me to do more workouts. I've got the motivation now and my hubby is rearranging the basement for me so I can work out without being interrupted.:smile:
    4. Pay bills :frown:

    1. did good there
    2. got that done:)
    3. yep not so much there....
    4. like I have a choice in that! hehe

    Ok well its rather late on a Sat night and my hubby and I are just sitting around in the quiet without the kids. We have nothing to do!!! No one to go see or invite over. No bar we go to regularly enough to to just show up at and find people to socialize with either. I've come to the conclusion the area we live in sucks for us on the social level. Oh well we'll live hehe:)

    Had a productive day today. Tried out a new Japanese place and the food was amazing!!!! Prices were really good too!! I will so be going there more often cause I can get better tasting food and healthier food then McD's has for about the same price I would spend at McD's. I am very happy about that:) Also got lots of shopping done today that was both needed and not needed. Then went to the in-laws to eat dinner and drop of my daughter.

    So goals for Sunday
    1. Clean living room to put down new area rug:)
    2. Laundry
    3. water
    4. work on a workout schedule.

    Hope you all are having a good weekend. I know I am even if its just me and the hubby:blushing: :heart:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Checking in!! Not doing so hot on the goals. :( But I am so busy I feel like I"m burning off a lot of the calories I"m eating. (I hope). 400 WINS FOR JOE PATERNO!!!!! Yay!! Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend!

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for the next few days are:

    1. Water water water. I always slack on this when I go home to my mum's so must make more of an effort. ***DONE***
    2. Make healthy food choices and don't get tempted by all of the sweets. On Diwali it's tradition to feed everyone Indian sweets which is going to be a killer on the calorie intake! Think before my hand picks up the naughty food! **DID FAIRLY WELL**
    3. Persuade the whole family to go for a walk on Saturday so at least I can get some exercise in. *FAIL*
    4. Where possible rest my foot so I don't do anymore damage. *DONE*
    5. Have lots of fun! *CHECK*
    6. Be positive for weigh in day on Monday. I desperately want to hit the 2 stone mark (which is 28lbs) and I'm within touching distance so I've been obsessing about this all week. Stressing about it will not help!

    Morning everyone! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend so far.

    So I had a lovely time at home with all the family. Friday was pretty disasterous on the calorie count but yesterday even though I went over my cals it was only by 300 cals so not bad at all considering what it could have been! Whilst everyone was chomping through the sweets I had a big glass of water everytime instead!! Felt quite proud of myself.

    Have been resting my foot all weekend and it is feeling better but still not completely on track so didn't make it to Body Attack this morning :sad: really wanted to go but know that I have to be sensible if I want to be able to train next week. If I pushed too hard today I would be out of action for ages. Consequently didn't make it for the walk with the family yesterday.

    So today's goals...
    1. I have a mountain of work to do so must get through as much of it as poss.
    2. Water water water.
    3. Go to the gym for a workout even if it's a light one.
    4. Stay within cals.

    Jess how's your kitchen coming along? How long is it going to take them to get it all done? And did hubby cook you dinner last night?!

    Leela congrats on your 170 days! You are a rockstar and I know I wouldn't still be here if not for your encouragement!

    Ravyn it's great when you can burn cals while shopping! Glad you found the Japanese place. That type of food tends to be great on cals. I can't believe it's snowing. Whereabouts do you live? It's sunny here but freezing cold today.

    Nicole I'm convinced I burn extra cals when running on nervous energy!! Hope it's all going well and well done on running. I'm not a runner either. You can definitely do the THON 5k so ease into the running and I know you'll make it!

    Frub did you go to any bonfire parties? I didn't get to any this year but the fireworks were going on until so late last night. Hope you're keeping away from those scales!!

    Happiness thanks for your encouragement about the sweets! I did quite well! Did you make it to a combat class? Great idea about putting the timetable on your wallpaper!! Great job on working out!

    Choc great job on doing the 360 min challenege. Maybe the change in your workouts from the shorter ones which help you shift the last couple of pounds. I've been looking into Chalean and Turbo Fire etc. Do you recommend them? What movie did you watch?

    Gosh I'm on rambling mode today so enough from me! I'm off to hit the work and then go to the gym so will check back later. Have a lovely day! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    So today's goals...
    1. I have a mountain of work to do so must get through as much of it as poss.
    2. Water water water.
    3. Go to the gym for a workout even if it's a light one.
    4. Stay within cals.

    Choc great job on doing the 360 min challenege. Maybe the change in your workouts from the shorter ones which help you shift the last couple of pounds. I've been looking into Chalean and Turbo Fire etc. Do you recommend them? What movie did you watch?

    Nam14uk: The 360 challenge has definitely pushed me to step up my workout game. As a result of that challenge I worked out a total of 421 minutes and burned 3,128 calories this week. I've not done Turbo Fire but always read excellent reviews here on MFP. Chalean Extreme takes some getting use to if you've done the P90X or Insanity programs b/c she lifts very slow. Her philosophy is to go slow so you're not lifting off momentum and it forces your muscles to do all the lifting. I do like the program b/c the workouts are slow. Next week I'm going to combine Chalean Extreme w/the Kettleworx program.

    Great goals for today. Good luck with reaching each and every one.

    By the way, my girlfriends and I went to see Tyler Perry's new movie....."For Colored Girls" . Very deep movie but the acting was awesome. I saw the play last year and Tyler did a great job w/trying to stay true to it.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Yesterday's Goals:

    1. Take kickboxing class @ gym................................CHECK
    2. Do not buy popcorn at the movies 2nite..............CHECK
    3. Check restaurant menu prior to going 2nite so I can make healthy choices..........CHECK

    Yesterday my girlfriends and I were going to the movies and dinner for ladies nite out. Since i knew the restaurant we were going to I did check out the online menu and decided I would just have a side of vegetables because we were going to be eating so late (movie started at 7:45 PM and was 2 hours long). Instead of purchasing popcorn I brought apple slices and snacked on them. I didn't have a chance to eat at the restaurant b/c there was a two hour wait and I decided I wasn't going to wait that long. I mean we got to the restaurant a little after 10 PM so waiting til midnight to eat was definately not an option. Since I was hungry I purchased a yogurt Parfait from McDonald's and made some whole wheat toast.

    I'm very proud of my choices yesterday.

    Today's goal:

    1. Workout prior to heading out w/the ladies to see a play..............................Check
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3. If the ladies eat after the play make healthy choices at the restaurant
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been reading this thread for a while and have decided that I really like the tone of it! I also like the daily goals idea as I have been having trouble sticking to longer term ones right now.

    So, here goes:
    Goals for today (11/7)--

    1) Drink my water! I have trouble with this when it is cooler!
    2) Stay away from the sweets! This has been very hard lately--I need to make some healthy alternatives.
    3) Vacuum the living room.
    4) Get at least a 1 mile walk in.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's recap:
    1. abs, no matter what I FOUND A GREAT AB WORKOUT ON EXERCISETV

    1. abs
    2. pushups
    3. water
    4 log everything!

    I got a lot done around the house. Laundry, organizing closets and drawers. Bathrooms are clean. Just things that were on my "mental list" that I never actually posted. Just wanted to stay conscious of getting those things done in addition to my fitness list.
    Everyone ready for a new week?
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    So today's goals...
    1. I have a mountain of work to do so must get through as much of it as poss.
    2. Water water water.
    3. Go to the gym for a workout even if it's a light one.
    4. Stay within cals.

    Managed to achieve all my goals today and got my house clean! Went to the gym this evening when there was something good on tv so it passed the time quickly!

    Choc thanks for the tips on the workouts! Hope you enjoy the play tonight.

    Pmjsmom welcome and glad you joined us!

    Leela well done on getting your jobs around the house done. I had a similar day today!

    Goals for Monday...
    1. Loads of water!
    2. Super busy day with lots of client and travelling all over the place so must try and keep stress levels in check and be productive.
    3. Get workout in before work.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for Sunday
    1. Clean living room to put down new area rug:)
    2. Laundry
    3. water
    4. work on a workout schedule.

    Well lets see yep major fail on all counts....But Tomorrow is a not only a new day but a new week:) I'll get back on it then.

    Goals for Monday
    1. Water
    2. Oil change in car
    3. Laundry mat to wash big blankets.

    Gonna relax a bit and watch some tv with the hubby.

    Nam, I live in Northern Indiana. We only had a little bit of snow but it stuck to the ground for about half a day. We live close enough to Lake Michigan for lake effect snow. It's starting to warm up now and looks like it will be getting into the upper 60s sometime this week. I love how the midwest weather works around here... hehe

    Well hope you all have a good evening. I'll talk with ya sometime again tomorrow.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for today (11/7)--

    1) Drink my water! I have trouble with this when it is cooler! Started off good but then...
    2) Stay away from the sweets! This has been very hard lately--I need to make some healthy alternatives. Fail
    3) Vacuum the living room. Took the grand baby for a long walk instead.
    4) Get at least a 1 mile walk in. Done.

    So, good thing tomorrow's a new day!


    2) Vacuum the living room.
    3) get some healthy, ow fat muffins baked.
    4) 4 mile walk with Leslie (Sansone--we've been walking together for so long I feel we are friends!)

    We had a good stretch of no rain, and even some sunshine, today. It's supposed to be raining tomorrow so I'll get the inside things done then.
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you all had a good weekend.

    Nam, well done on being so good at the weekend! I did make it to the local fireworks. They were amazing, a torchlight procession followed but the fireworks it was so atmospheric, it felt magical.

    Otherwise the weekend was not a success; there was pizza, wine and cigarettes (I quit a few years ago) followed by random hangover grazing the next day. I also really stupidly pulled a muscle in my leg. It will pass soon enough but puts me out of action for classes over the next couple of days. On the upside it hurts to walk to the fridge!

    Today’s goals:

    1. Water!
    2. Phone mechanic
    3. Start picture for Christmas show
    4. Don’t exceed 1200 calories!
    5. 30 minutes house work

    Hope you all have a good day. See you later!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    my goals for monday

    1. 1 Liter of water
    2. workout at gym
  • TheNewJessieMae
    nam.... no hubby did not cook me dinner, but he did tell me what he wanted so I cooked. lolol Kitchen is just about all torn out. we have to resheetrock walls and redo floors and everything and the guy who is doing it also has a fulltime job, so I don't know how long it's going to take. Hopefully only a couple of weeks. I don't know what I'm going to do with all this mess!!!

    11/6 goals: Now that it's almost already 6pm. lol
    1.) Laundry........ I have done 6 loads and still not finished but I will finish tonight. ***All laundry is finished
    2.) get some more water in. again, it's already 6pm and I've basically just started on the water. I have a migrane...... ugh ** got a good bit more in.
    3.) Don't have anxiety about the kitchen being in shambles. It happens when you're remodeling. **trying to stay positive
    4.) Have a slumber party with my daughter (but I sooooooooo have to get rid of this headache!!!!) ** we watched the neverending story and played board games and slept in my bed!!!
    5.) put my son to bed extra early because he didn't have a nap since my friend in the kitchen was sawing and beating and banging. **Yep

    I'll go ahead an post my goals for tomorrow as well since it's already so late.

    11/7 Goals:
    1.) water-very important. **not as good as I wanted it to be but it was ok.
    2.) Clean the office and my bedroom so that I can get all of the kitchen stuff out of my daughters room and clean it. (I clean way too much and it seems like nothing is ever clean!!!) ***I worked until my feet hit the floor at 8am until 8 pm. I logged 4 hours of cleaning but it was so much more!!!!
    3.) AGAIN Not freak out about my kitchen being a wreck. ***still trying but I can't find anything or barely cook or wash dishes!!! after today I'm going to have to wash dishes with the water hose outside and it's freezing out there!!!!

    10/8 Goals::::
    1.) Get off here and get payroll done!!!
    2.) water
    3.) vacuum when I get home and clean upstairs.

    My belly hurts today and I am having issues where I had my IUD removed-hormonal and feminine. UGH.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Feel better Jess!!

    Weighed in today with a 2.2lb loss! WhooHoo!!! :o)

    11/8 Goals:
    1) Water
    2) Laundry
    3) Vacuum the house
    4) Went to the gym this morning -- but if I can do the video tonight as well, I will be one happy girl :wink:
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well lets see yep major fail on all counts....But Tomorrow is a not only a new day but a new week:) I'll get back on it then.

    Goals for Monday
    1. Water
    2. Oil change in car
    3. Laundry mat to wash big blankets.

    Gonna relax a bit and watch some tv with the hubby.

    Nam, I live in Northern Indiana. We only had a little bit of snow but it stuck to the ground for about half a day. We live close enough to Lake Michigan for lake effect snow. It's starting to warm up now and looks like it will be getting into the upper 60s sometime this week. I love how the midwest weather works around here... hehe

    Well hope you all have a good evening. I'll talk with ya sometime again tomorrow.
    Well just needed to check in and change one of those goals... I will not be making it to the laundry mat to wash the big blankets today as we have spent almost all of our money and won't have anymore until later this week:( Oh well.. hehe I'll just have to save that for later then. Which means I'm gonna be home all day instead.

    So New goals for today..
    1. Water (working on this one day off and its like I can't get back on the wagon)
    2. oil change in car( which was way more important than washing the blankets) DONE hehe
    3. Clean my living room and put down the new rug.
    4. Laundry, just can't fit my big blankets in my washer or dryer.

    Jess, I feel the pain on remodeling. Kitchens are a pain cause you only have one in a house. Hope it doesn't take too long though. That is something we plan on doing soon to ours but it will have to wait at least another couple of years before we can afford to do it. I love how years are soon when you own a house hehe;)

    Well hope you all have a good day. I'm off to get started on everything and find something to eat. My doc kinda told me to wait at least 2 hrs after taking my pill in the moring before eating if I can do so. I've been up for just about 3 so food here I come!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1. abs
    2. pushups
    3. water
    4 log everything!

    I failed at all except water. Going to keep the same goals for today and add two more.
    5. try a work out on exercisetv.
    6. go for a walk outside (if weather permits)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program and the Core-week3 dvd from the Kettleworx series. My legs and back are very sore from last week's workout. I plan to push through the soreness even though I have to admit I procrastinated with today's workout. I really did not feel like working out today but managed to get up and push play on the dvd.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Thanks for wishing me luck and good health!!! You all are the GREATEST~
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Wow! Chocolickkyss, you are doing fantastic!