

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Day 3 finished, abx, shoulders/arms...I used 15#'s on most...except deltoid work and on the second sets of the tris I dropped to 11#. I had the grandkids today and it was a challenge but I got it finished...just hit pause and came back . I also did 500 step-ups on my 8" step box. I had been wanting to do that since I seen the biggest loser contestants try...it was a good little extra burn at the end.
    My stats..
    217.4 #
    Bust at band line 38" High bust 45 3/4"
    Natural waist 37 3/4"
    Belly button 41 3/4"
    Hip 45 3/8"
    Thighs 22 1/2" both
    biceps 14 1/8"
    calf 16"
    Still haven't taken photos...but I do have some that I took in September...I haven't lost that much the past month...so if I don't get them taken soon...I'll use those.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Shoulders and arms done this morning. I did lighter weights with high reps and it was easy breezy - so next time I am going to increase the weights slightly. My goal is not to get buff - I prefer more of the long lean muscle type so I am not going to increase that much.

    ABX was a challenge today. I could feel it in my lower deep core -- but I loved it nonetheless. Anything worth having is worth the effort. It is hard to keep up with them but I am happy with what I did for the first week.

    Im doing my beloved Arc Trainer for 45 minutes today on my lunch break to keep the cardio going.

    I downloaded the P90X excel spreadsheet and I love it. It took me a few minutes to figure out the recording for the nutrition but it was suprisingly pretty close to what I ate in the calorie count that I monitor the actual food on here vs the category of food on the spreadsheet. I also like all the measurements and graphs. It also monitors and charts your progress on all of the exercises too. I am a data geek so it all really appeals to me.

    With respect to HRM questions asked, I have a Sportline HRM/pedometer and other tricks wrist watch. I check my HR after the warm-up then on the breaks (immediately after the exercises) and make notes of that with my reps. I then average it out and check the calories burned here (using the VO2 of 35 as recommended).


    Thank you to all for participating I really enjoy reading everyone's info. Keep up the good work!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I went out at lunch and bought a heavy band to do assisted pull ups with and I got new weight gloves ... because they were pink :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    With respect to HRM questions asked, I have a Sportline HRM/pedometer and other tricks wrist watch. I check my HR after the warm-up then on the breaks (immediately after the exercises) and make notes of that with my reps. I then average it out and check the calories burned here (using the VO2 of 35 as recommended).


    Thank you to all for participating I really enjoy reading everyone's info. Keep up the good work!

    I use the Timex Ironman Men's Race Trainer Heart Rate Monitor with Data Xchanger Watch that I bought from Amazon. It allows you to upload the data to a website that graphs the BPM over time and other things. Here's a link to my Day 2 workout BPM graph.


    I use a similar site as you do for calculating calories, different place but they both give same numbers.

    I take my avg BPM for the workout, subtract my resting BPM and use that number in the calculator. Then I round down to the nearest 50's. So 672 would be 650 and 637 would be 600, and so on. Just my way of making sure I am not over estimating the calorie burn.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I went out at lunch and bought a heavy band to do assisted pull ups with and I got new weight gloves ... because they were pink :)

    They would match my water bottle, HRM watch, the accent color on my Asics cross country shoes, and yoga mat! I have no idea how I ended up with so much pink workout stuff since my favorite color is green... I think it was going to be an accent color for me and then I went overboard... as either the Herb-N Kitchen Fairy or my inner preppie kid...
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    I went out at lunch and bought a heavy band to do assisted pull ups with and I got new weight gloves ... because they were pink :)

    They would match my water bottle, HRM watch, the accent color on my Asics cross country shoes, and yoga mat! I have no idea how I ended up with so much pink workout stuff since my favorite color is green... I think it was going to be an accent color for me and then I went overboard... as either the Herb-N Kitchen Fairy or my inner preppie kid...

    I definitely buy new workout things based on how pink they are :) I had to restrain myself from buying a new pink yoga mat the other day, since I was buying for the boyfriend! LOL

    I'm off to do arms 'n' abs. Hope it goes smoothly!

    OH! I just got my body fat caliper in the mail, and it said 29%. But it also said not to measure if you're overheated, and I had just come in from a drive in an un-air-conditioned car on a 95 degree day... so I may do it again. Sara or Karen, what sites are you using for different statistics?
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi, can I join you guys? I am on day 3, did shoulders and arms and abs today. I also went for a 3 mile run after, I was feeling pretty good. I have been doing ab ripper for the past couple weeks so it was not as hard as it was when I first started. I didn't think shoulders and arms was too bad, but I am sure I will be saying something different when I wake up sore tomorrow! I am going to try to run 2-3 times a week as well, I am still out on maternity leave so I have more time.. when I go back to work in a few weeks, though, that might be harder.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    OH! I just got my body fat caliper in the mail, and it said 29%. But it also said not to measure if you're overheated, and I had just come in from a drive in an un-air-conditioned car on a 95 degree day... so I may do it again. Sara or Karen, what sites are you using for different statistics?

    Initially, I used this site: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/body-fat-percentage-calculator and it gives the US Navy and the YMCA methods (USN usually shows at a higher body fat). I have one of those hand held ones that I measure and compare as well.

    I just discovered that the P90X excel spreadsheet on the BB page (free to download) has the measurements and the capliper (3 point and 7 point) and will calculate it for you.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I used the chart that came with the caliper and I also entered my info into the tool on the beach body website. But I just discovered that the waist measurement I was doing (across the belly button) isn't the one they want. They want the higher point so I have to do that measurement again tomorrow morning in order to get the right body fat %. Man I hate math LOL
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi guys!
    Did I miss something in the P90X books that has the worksheets they are recording their numbers on in the DVD? Just wondering. I'd love to have that since while I'm working out there is NO WAY I can write down the names of the moves. Is this the spreadsheet you are all talking about?

    So, I didn't do p90x today because I had my weekly slide class. Well, this morning the coach must have been able to smell the soreness in my legs because she made us do every squat imaginable! Oh, the pain! Ha ha! It was good though!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    shoulders and arms went pretty well, I probably should've used heavier weights. But ab ripper did me DIRTY today! It felt about 100x harder than Monday! Yeesh. Ah well, no pain, no gain.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Karincakes - the book with the DVDS says to visit the beachbody website and download the files that have the charts. I did this and it was easy to record the workout.

    Arms/shoulders and ABX done - day 3 complete!! YEAH!!!

    Overall my body is sore but I loved today's workout!!!
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Let me just say one thing. Ab Ripper X... I love it... But I hate it....
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Let me just say one thing. Ab Ripper X... I love it... But I hate it....

    word ...

    Okay DAY 1 is DONE. I did chair assisted pull ups and most of the push ups were girly but the diamond, wide, dive bombers and incline (forgot what they are called and my work sheets are way over there ~~~~~>) Ab Ripper X kicked my *kitten* and I thought I had it wired but NOOOOOOOOOOO lol.

    Day 2 Plyo is going to kick my *kitten* I know it is but man this feels really good! I already had my whey protein drink. I also think my calories were kinda low because yet again my chest strap disconnected. It was kinda loose since I had taken it to bed with me the other day LOL. anyway ONWARD AND BRING IT (I am no longer suffering from P90X envy LOL).

    edit: i am going to return the resistance band ... as the chair pull ups are challenging. I am KEEPING the gloves though and I may get a better padded workout mat.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I went out at lunch and bought a heavy band to do assisted pull ups with and I got new weight gloves ... because they were pink :)

    They would match my water bottle, HRM watch, the accent color on my Asics cross country shoes, and yoga mat! I have no idea how I ended up with so much pink workout stuff since my favorite color is green... I think it was going to be an accent color for me and then I went overboard... as either the Herb-N Kitchen Fairy or my inner preppie kid...

    OMG I WANT A PINK YOGA MAT WHERE WHERE WHERE?! lol my PURPLE yoga blocks came in today :D
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    oh, another question; are you guys using a thick yoga mat or a thin one?
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I got my pink yoga mat at Target. Shoulders and arms is a good workout. I'm stronger than I thought, need heavier weights. The side tri-raises are killer. Ab ripper was a little better today. Still killer though.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I got my pink yoga mat at Target. Shoulders and arms is a good workout. I'm stronger than I thought, need heavier weights. The side tri-raises are killer. Ab ripper was a little better today. Still killer though.

    Looks like I am going to Target ;)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90x Lean Day 4: Yoga X

    It felt like I was training to be the pretzel in an M&M commercial. 20 minutes into it I wasn't sure I was going to make it the whole 90 minutes, but I made it :) Had to modify many of the poses, but I did my best.