OK Ladies...Be HONEST!!



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You're in public and we are all human. If you wear sexy clothing or revealing clothing to the gym, you're not there to workout. I see women staring at men. You women are no different than men. Who cares really. I'm to busy working out to notice you, thats why I'm there. Go to the social gym across the street to workout.

    There was once a poster who was calling women on wearing sexy clothing to the gym. She felt that the yoga pants she wore were much more modest.

    Yoga pants.


    What is sexy to you may not be something that I identify as sexy. I might have chosen what I felt to be a modest choice to go work out, not to be stared at. You take care of you. Don't expect me to hand hold you by my clothing choices.
  • cathiggs
    cathiggs Posts: 21 Member
    I personally find it a complment as long as its not in a creepy way
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I don't really care. As long as they aren't being *kitten*, then it doesn't bother me.
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    Also, what men seem to forget sometimes is that we are at the gym to work without interruptions not there to be stared at all day.

    This is true when it's true and false when it's false. I'm guessing the girl at my gym who wears a sports bra and spandex shorts that creep up her crack wants to be noticed just a weeeeeeeee bit more than the girls in baggy shorts and a t-shirt. Also, because the phrase "I just dress this way to be comfortable" is bound to come up I'm going to throw the BS flag already. If I can be comfortable in a tshirt and basketball shorts so can a girl. Tight close are optional and you're wearing them for a reason beyond any sort of function or comfort. It's not even bad that you're showing off but it's silly not to admit it.

    I'm sorry, but this is completely dependent on the person. Opinions on what's comfortable are not universal.

    I just find it ironic that men don't seem to need skin tight clothes to be "comfortable." Could it be that maybe, just maybe, there's some other reason women's workout clothes are skin tight? And since when do women care about comfort? They prance around in 6 inch heels all day but wearing a pair of semi baggy shorts is uncomfortable? That's just silly.

    I wear tight clothing because I hate clothes. The way they move over my skin makes me want to rip my skin off, so having less things that brush up against me the better... I also dont prance or wear heels lol
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Here is the deal- I joined a ladies only gym because I didnt want men watching me sweat. Ladies only gyms suck!!!!

    I dont go there anymore. I would love to have been able to do some lifting but they only have cardio machines, a few resistence machines and some pathetic dumbbells. They cater to cardio bunnies. I went to another one of their locations and it was more of the same with twice the equipment. Curves is even less equipped than the gym I was a member at. If I joined again, I'd probably go to a mixed gym so I can actually try squats, bench presses and deadlifts!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't care if you look so much, just don't make it obvious.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I don't wear my glasses at the gym, so I can't honestly say I've noticed it happening to me. :wink:

    I think I'd be okay with it, as long as it wasn't an overly long stare or downright creepy.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I hate when they stare. I am not hot by any means, but the one day I was lifting on the machines and every time I looked up this one guy was staring at me. At first, whatever, but after the the 5th time, I was not liking it.

    FYI, I find I get stares in the when I am using the machines in the gym, but not when I am in the free weight section. I guess not being all that hot the serious exercise guys don't pay any attention to me.

    I get a kick out of watching the guys that stare at Zumba class. Its really funny. I take kickbox, no one really stares at the class, zumba you look out and they are just staring from their workout at the class. I see women do it too sometimes. It is amazing that this happens.
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Don't care... Blame the pheromones our bodies are emitting when exercising but I do plan on staring at anyone who is working out... *sigh* Why does Shaun T have to be gay??? :(((
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    If' I am at the gym, I'm not there to be stared at, I'm there to use the lifting equipment and tone. I hated the comments I'd get from the guys because I'm a woman. I'm sorry I can lift more weight than your muscles say you can. Also, there is no need to comment on my 120 pound lat pulls because I'm a woman. It's bloody disrespectful is what it is.

    And Curves has nothing I would want. I'll take a Gold's gym any day.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    If someone wants a quick, discreet glance at my *kitten*, I probably won't even notice (there's a lesson in there people), but outright ogling isn't okay no matter how good looking you are. It's gross (male and female).

    I wear v-neck shirts a lot. I've got nice boobs. People stare at them a lot - it's really fing annoying. I don't wear v-necks for the purpose of getting attention - I wear them because I feel good in them, and I like they way they elongate my neck. Just like if a dude was wearing a speedo - that doesn't give me permission to check out his junk.

    What a person is wearing is never "permission" to ogle them - ever. Instead of expecting people to dress modestly (a concept which varies person to person), we should show self control and respect.

    My 2c which is applicable to both men and women.
  • cakeribs
    cakeribs Posts: 22
    Staring is exceedingly rude. Casting a glance or whatever is fine, but I am not losing weight/working on my body to be ogled by strange men I don't find attractive.

    To be honest, I'm at a loss to even understand how it would be seen as a compliment. In my experience men stare at everything.

    I don't know why men insist that everything women do is to get their attention. I *do* think that men take the opinion of one or two dippy chicks going "oh yeah, I totally wear it for guys" and run with it.

    The reason most of us wear 'sexy' clothes to the gym is not for you, please believe it. I'm not going to wear oversized shirts and baggy sweatpants so you can better control your eyes.
  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member
    Its only creepy if they dont find you attractive.

    If they find you attractive, it becomes "bold" or "confident" or some other rationalization that they are ok with.

    If they find you creepy, sux2bU broski
    This is sadly true, except I would generally modify "bold" or "confident" to "irritating" or "embarrassing." Still a step up from creepy, but if I'm working out, I do not want that kind of attention.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I heard something on the radio this morning that got me thinking. Do good looking women really dislike it when guys check them out at the gym??? I'm starting to think that if they didn't there would be more Curves opening up. I'm sure it can be a pain when guys hit on you but do you really mind some looks??? I know if I was looking good I would be motivated and flattered by a woman checking me out. Let me know your true feelings. Hell , call me a perverted *kitten* if you want just tell the truth.


    Women who put themselves in the presence of men OBVIOUSLY do so because they enjoy being leered at. Or if they don't enjoy it, they should at least expect it, because *hey* they're women.

    And women who don't enjoy that type of behavior should exile themselves to a women's only facility geared more towards their more delicate constitutions.

    **face palm**

    Here's the truth - you are misogynistic. Now keep your eyes on your own rack and off of mine.

    Women Everywhere

    YES!!! THIS!!!
    have you seen this article? It's long, but SOOOOO worth the read!
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Depends on he woman and if the guy is more leering. Most guys from my experience give innocent waves, smiles or a word or two. Nothing to be embarrassed over. Just compliments rather than judging anyone.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    The only way I am going clock you looking is if I'm checking you out, otherwise you are not on my radar and I could care less.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Reminds me of my kids. Dad, he is looking at me! How do you know he is? Because I looked at him.

    How do you know the guys in the gym are looking at you?

    Women are more discreet about it. The men don't really try to hide that they are looking.

    There is no difference. There are creepy women at the gym too.
  • cakeribs
    cakeribs Posts: 22
    I wear v-neck shirts a lot. I've got nice boobs. People stare at them a lot - it's really fing annoying. I don't wear v-necks for the purpose of getting attention

    Totally agree. I wear v-necks because they don't make me look top-heavy/tugboat-ish---in my opinion. And since I'm buying my clothes, no one else should have a say in the matter.

    I have heard sooooo many comments about how I'm "showing them off" and considering what a prude I am, I find it laughable. I take great pains to not dress in a 'come hither' look, but tbh it really doesn't matter. Men think what they want to think. I say "good morning" and some of them are like OMG SHE WANTS ME.

  • cakeribs
    cakeribs Posts: 22
    Reminds me of my kids. Dad, he is looking at me! How do you know he is? Because I looked at him.

    How do you know the guys in the gym are looking at you?

    You're right. Men never look at anyone.

    Silly women, just making up things!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I heard something on the radio this morning that got me thinking. Do good looking women really dislike it when guys check them out at the gym??? I'm starting to think that if they didn't there would be more Curves opening up. I'm sure it can be a pain when guys hit on you but do you really mind some looks??? I know if I was looking good I would be motivated and flattered by a woman checking me out. Let me know your true feelings. Hell , call me a perverted *kitten* if you want just tell the truth.


    Women who put themselves in the presence of men OBVIOUSLY do so because they enjoy being leered at. Or if they don't enjoy it, they should at least expect it, because *hey* they're women.

    And women who don't enjoy that type of behavior should exile themselves to a women's only facility geared more towards their more delicate constitutions.

    **face palm**

    Here's the truth - you are misogynistic. Now keep your eyes on your own rack and off of mine.

    Women Everywhere

    yup pretty much exactly what I was going to say