Pregnancy 2010 - November



  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hey everyone! Was doing great at the slow gain until Thanksgiving. Now I'm up 1.2 lbs. Must make sure I get in plenty of exercise this week. Otherwise, I'm not that worried. This past week was def. a vacation from healthy eating, but not the start of a habit. I still fit in my fruits and veggies, though.

    As far as morning sickness goes, I haven't had any outright vomiting. I do get really nauseous every once in awhile. I have come to realize that a lot of it came from my prenatal. I have stopped taking it with breakfast and started taking it with lunch. That seems to help.

    I have had to deal with being famished at night lately. The other night I woke up at 2am feeling like I could eat an entire meal. I made myself go back to sleep and ended up waking up every hour feeling miserable. It started again last night and I decided to get up and have a handful of cereal. I went back to bed and slept like a baby! Up until now I've been having major issues getting a restful night of sleep. I don't know how bad it is for me to be eating in the middle of the night like that (every healthy non-pregnancy related thing I have read on the issue says NOT to eat before bedtime). If it's going to let me get a good night's sleep, though, I'm just going to make sure there is something healthy and small on hand to grab.
  • AmandaR910
    16 days until baby!

    Unfortunately I gained like 6lbs over this week. I know I didn't overeat THAT bad, but I skipped the gym 4 days in a row AND overdid it on the salt while out shopping.

    So back on track (lost 1.4lbs of the 6lbs so far lol) with my water, normal calories and sodium, and gym time. Burned 1027 at the gym yesterday and hoping for a similar trip today, but alas...all the laundry and housework and baby prep I skipped this week (we had company) is priority number one. So waiting until this afternoon for the gym. :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hi all! I was in a group for TTC and we just found out this weekend that I am pregnant! This is my first and I can use all of the support I can get. Can I join you ladies?
  • Mamatoabunch
    Hi all! I was in a group for TTC and we just found out this weekend that I am pregnant! This is my first and I can use all of the support I can get. Can I join you ladies?

  • Mamatoabunch
    I weighed Friday and have not gained in a few weeks. I feel good about that. So up about 6lbs from pre-pregnancy. I will take that, since last pregnancy I had to eat very, very often to keep nausea in check and had gained around 18lbs by 12 weeks. Eeeek! Starting to feel slightly better. I can't wait until I hit second tri, more energy, ceasing of nausea.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    since last pregnancy I had to eat very, very often to keep nausea in check and had gained around 18lbs by 12 weeks. Eeeek!

    I think I am very happy that this time I came into preg at a deficit! Last time I ate more because I was hungrier and so I gained more than I should have. This time bumping up from 1500 to 2000 a day plus all my exercise calories and even eating literally every 2 hours and several times getting up and eating at night I actually have not gained anything yet - I think I actually lost about a lb. I think 2000 cals just seems like so much food after being at 1200 for a while and then 1500 for a while. I can't imagine if I was eating at maintenance or (more likely) slightly over already and then had to eat more (or at least feel like I had to!) to stay from getting sick. I bet actually exercising this time has made the huge difference! Those extra 500 cals 4 days a week go a long way for me!

    Side note - ironically, on day 1 of week 13 and more tired than I have been in a long time! Just exhausted for no real reason. I think I'm probably just a bit anemic, so I see some red meat or spinach pizza in my near future! Yummy!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I weighed Friday and have not gained in a few weeks. I feel good about that. So up about 6lbs from pre-pregnancy. I will take that, since last pregnancy I had to eat very, very often to keep nausea in check and had gained around 18lbs by 12 weeks. Eeeek! Starting to feel slightly better. I can't wait until I hit second tri, more energy, ceasing of nausea.

    That's great I know you were concerned about rapid weight gain.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Hi all! I was in a group for TTC and we just found out this weekend that I am pregnant! This is my first and I can use all of the support I can get. Can I join you ladies?

    Congrats and welcome!!! I'm new to this board too. I just found out a week before you that a baby was in our future!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks :D I am calling the doctor today. When did you guys go in for your first appt.?
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks :D I am calling the doctor today. When did you guys go in for your first appt.?

    I first went in and got a blood test to check my HCG levels and than another one 3 days later to check them again and make sure they were going up accordingly. We are going in on Wed. for our 1st ultrasound though and talk to the doc. We had been ttc for over 2 years and had lots of problems so the doc is wanting to keep seeing us. Normally I thought it was around 8 weeks though (at least it was with my other kids) I think it depends a lot on the circumstances and who your Doc is too.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    So, just curious, and I'm trying really hard not to get concerned over this, but I keep having menstrual like cramps. It has been going on for over a week now. I seriously feel like I'm going to start my period! I have had absolutely no spotting, so that puts my mind at ease a bit, but I never felt this with my other pregnancies. Did any one else experience this early on???
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    mamarandall - If you aren't having any spotting, you should be ok. I have had menstrual like cramps every day since I got prego, and I am at 18 weeks now. My doctor said it is completely normal, and that I shouldn't worry.

    AnneElise - Welcome to the group, I am so happy you got a BFP!!!!!!!

    I am up a total of 4 lbs at 18w3d. My only concern is that I have gained it all in 2 weeks. I think I am going to try to track my food this week and see if I can keep it a bit more in check.

    My ultrasound is scheduled for December 7. I have to wait 1 more week!!! We are going to have them put the gender in an envolope, and open it at Christmas with our whole family. I think it is going to be super hard to wait another 3 weeks after we go in for the ultrasound to actually find out. Did anyone else do something like this where they waited to find out the gender, even though it was sitting in an envolope on your counter?!?!

    I hope you all had a very happy thanksgiving!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    mamarandall - If you aren't having any spotting, you should be ok. I have had menstrual like cramps every day since I got prego, and I am at 18 weeks now. My doctor said it is completely normal, and that I shouldn't worry.

    AnneElise - Welcome to the group, I am so happy you got a BFP!!!!!!!

    I am up a total of 4 lbs at 18w3d. My only concern is that I have gained it all in 2 weeks. I think I am going to try to track my food this week and see if I can keep it a bit more in check.

    My ultrasound is scheduled for December 7. I have to wait 1 more week!!! We are going to have them put the gender in an envolope, and open it at Christmas with our whole family. I think it is going to be super hard to wait another 3 weeks after we go in for the ultrasound to actually find out. Did anyone else do something like this where they waited to find out the gender, even though it was sitting in an envolope on your counter?!?!

    I hope you all had a very happy thanksgiving!

    That is the sweetest idea! I think it would be very very very tough not to peek though! BUT I think it would be rewarding when you do get to open in!
  • AmandaR910
    So, just curious, and I'm trying really hard not to get concerned over this, but I keep having menstrual like cramps. It has been going on for over a week now. I seriously feel like I'm going to start my period! I have had absolutely no spotting, so that puts my mind at ease a bit, but I never felt this with my other pregnancies. Did any one else experience this early on???

    I had the WORST cramping with my first pregnancy, for seriously the first 14 weeks. It was nothing but it was super scary. My DR said it's pretty common, but to not worry about it unless it has bleeding with it (and in response to that, I actually bled the most with my current pregnancy, FAR more than either of my losses, but also bled fairly often in my second pregnancy, so bleeding also isn't the end for sure). Feel better!

    Cannot believe 2 weeks from tomorrow at this time I'll be holding my second son. :smile: I am SO excited. I wish DH was going to be here though.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    My ultrasound is scheduled for December 7. I have to wait 1 more week!!! We are going to have them put the gender in an envolope, and open it at Christmas with our whole family. I think it is going to be super hard to wait another 3 weeks after we go in for the ultrasound to actually find out. Did anyone else do something like this where they waited to find out the gender, even though it was sitting in an envolope on your counter?!?!

    I hope you all had a very happy thanksgiving!

    That is such a cute idea! If we could know the sex by then, I would definitely be stealing it! My husband and I are scrambling to pay bills before the baby comes and have a pretty low limit on gifts for each other this year. That would make Christmas morning so special. Who needs presents when you get to find out whether you are having a boy or a girl!

    So I had my first dream about the baby last night. It was a little girl with blonde ringlets and my husband's bright blue eyes. So precious! It was a really odd dream, though. I've been concerned about getting enough calcium and protein lately. In the dream I was worried that the baby wasn't getting enough calcium and was considering dissolving some tums in her bottle. WEIRD!

    Weighed in this morning and am up 0.4 lbs. Not too shabby considering my holiday food binge.

    Hope everyone has a nice day!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, just curious, and I'm trying really hard not to get concerned over this, but I keep having menstrual like cramps. It has been going on for over a week now. I seriously feel like I'm going to start my period! I have had absolutely no spotting, so that puts my mind at ease a bit, but I never felt this with my other pregnancies. Did any one else experience this early on???

    Yes, I've definitely had cramping and it was worse early on than it is now. One pain that kind of scared me was an occasional shooting/twingy type pain that lasted for like 2 seconds but nearly doubled me over. I pretty much determined that was round ligament pain. I don't think I've felt it in a couple of weeks but read it may occur more often in the 2nd trimester. (right?)

    I still have mild cramps occasionally and for the last couple of days I've been feeling extremely bloated along with the mild cramps. Honestly, it's pretty uncomfortable when paired with this stupid neverending nausea. I wasn't aware early pregnancy would be so very magical. :tongue:

    Ladies, I reached a a pregnancy milestone this morning -- my first m/s-related gag occurred while brushing my teeth. It took several seconds of closed-eye focus not to throw up after that. I have such a strong will to not puke. :laugh:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So, just curious, and I'm trying really hard not to get concerned over this, but I keep having menstrual like cramps. It has been going on for over a week now. I seriously feel like I'm going to start my period! I have had absolutely no spotting, so that puts my mind at ease a bit, but I never felt this with my other pregnancies. Did any one else experience this early on???

    Yes, I've definitely had cramping and it was worse early on than it is now. One pain that kind of scared me was an occasional shooting/twingy type pain that lasted for like 2 seconds but nearly doubled me over. I pretty much determined that was round ligament pain. I don't think I've felt it in a couple of weeks but read it may occur more often in the 2nd trimester. (right?)

    I still have mild cramps occasionally and for the last couple of days I've been feeling extremely bloated along with the mild cramps. Honestly, it's pretty uncomfortable when paired with this stupid neverending nausea. I wasn't aware early pregnancy would be so very magical. :tongue:

    Ladies, I reached a a pregnancy milestone this morning -- my first m/s-related gag occurred while brushing my teeth. It took several seconds of closed-eye focus not to throw up after that. I have such a strong will to not puke. :laugh:

    Yeah mine was mostly nausea up until about 7-8 weeks and then I was super sick up until about 13-14 weeks. Cramps seems to come on and off as the baby grows or something because I will be okay for a while and then have a few days of it. Probably the uterus stretching to fit the growing baby. Did not like what the scale said on Saturday so I will weigh in a week late.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Tomorrow I have my first prenatal visit, and I'm wondering what to expect.

    I have to be honest, I REALLY want to get an ultrasound. Did any of you have an US on your first visit?
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Tomorrow I have my first prenatal visit, and I'm wondering what to expect.

    I have to be honest, I REALLY want to get an ultrasound. Did any of you have an US on your first visit?

    I went in at 8 weeks and had an ultrasound. I didn't know I was going to though - so it was a great surprise! However, the other doctor I was thinking about going to only did one at 18 weeks. I guess it just depends on your doctor and their office. I've actually had one every visit, which makes 3, and I'll be oging again on Friday. Makes it awesome so see their development in just 4 weeks!

    I had cramping too at the beginning of my pregnancy. I read that it wasn't serious as long as their wasn't bleeding, just like others have mentioned.

    Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving! Now on to the countdown for Christmas!! :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Tomorrow I have my first prenatal visit, and I'm wondering what to expect.

    I have to be honest, I REALLY want to get an ultrasound. Did any of you have an US on your first visit?

    Expect to pee in a cup every time your there. The first time a full breast and pelvic exam and a PAP if you have not had one in the last year, some blood work, poke and measure your belly, and depending on how far along a dopplar for a heartbeat. Some do internal sonograms where they stick a little Bob-barker microphone type camear thing up your hoo-ha for an inside image of position / size etc, but not all will do this. I think they may do this more if you are high risk or have confusion as to your conception date. An ultrasound is unlikely if you are not high risk. I had only 1 ever at 21 weeks to make sure all the parts were there.